There is a date of the last update of the agreements

The given text has a date that allows to know when it was last updated.

Classification: neutral

Weight: 50

Service Title Rating Status Author
Ecosia "Data protection declaration version date" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Dominion Energy "last updated on August 8, 2020.</em>" APPROVED Zakronia
FaceApp "<p>Last Updated: December 03, 2019</p>" APPROVED reikousami Curator
QuickBooks "Last Revised August 2020." APPROVED reikousami Curator
StoreMoreStore "This policy was last modified on August 6, 2003" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Jitsi "<em>Last updated:</em>&nbsp;<em>March 30, 2020</em>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Google "We always indicate the date the last changes were published" APPROVED Photon Curator
edX "Effective Date:<p>October 28, 2019" APPROVED nolawyer
Wesfarmers "Last updated: March 2014" APPROVED Aayan
Bitcoin Project "This Privacy Policy was last updated: 5th July, 2016" APPROVED welda Curator
Vodafone Ghana "Changes to this Policy<p>This Statement takes effect from 1 July 2018." APPROVED welda Curator
Swiss Government "14.04.2021" APPROVED welda Curator
ISODME "Last Revised: 2019-03-20 20:48 EDT" APPROVED SchoolBusesC2
ISODME "Last Revised: 2019-06-15 18:03 EDT" APPROVED jonathanlei
LastPass "Last Updated: March, 2020 <em>(2020.v1)</em>" APPROVED Sempai
DEPRECATED #69 "<p>Last updated: June 06, 2019" DECLINED Nickwasused Curator
MobyGames "Last updated on Mar 30, 2014<br>" DECLINED Aayan
MobyGames "Effective date: August 2, 2019" APPROVED Aayan
ThisNew "<p>Last updated [AUG 1, 2019]</p>" APPROVED reikousami Curator "Effective Date: January 13, 2005<br>Last Updated: May 25, 2018" DECLINED alison Curator
Roblox "These Terms will identify the date of last update." DECLINED mathfreak231 Curator
Artspace "Effective date: February 12, 2014.</p>" APPROVED Peepo Staff "Last Updated: July 20, 2018" DECLINED alison Curator
Algolia " Previous Versions:<ul> <li> </li> <li> " APPROVED arthurlutz Curator
VirusTotal "Last Updated Dec 11, 2018</strong>" DECLINED mikkkael Curator
HEAnet "Effective Date: 08 May 2018" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Wikimedia "May 24, 2018" DECLINED welda Curator
Inrupt Inc "Terms of Use</b> </p> <p>Last Updated: [November 24, 2020]</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Ancestry & services "Effective Date of our Revised Terms and Conditions:</strong> 25 Jul 2019" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Vimeo "<p>Last Updated: December 15, 2020</p>" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Medtinker "1. Privacy Policy Last updated: 01.06.2018" DECLINED Medtinker Curator There is a date of the last update of the terms DECLINED NN
Open Collective "Last Updated: 16 August 2019" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
The Verge "Updated and Effective as of July 2, 2020" APPROVED reikousami Curator
NewsGuard "<em>Last updated: April 8, 2020" APPROVED Aayan
SpigotMC There is a date of the last update of the terms APPROVED Photon Curator
vudu "</p>Terms of Service<p> </p> <p>Last update: 11/13/2017" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Disqus "Updated June 10, 2020</p>" APPROVED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Roblox "Last Updated:</strong> July 6, 2018" DECLINED Noxiz
Humble Bundle "Last modified on August 6, 2018 and effective on August 6, 2018." DECLINED RadioSignal "Stand: Karlsruhe" APPROVED mikkkael Curator (DEPRECATED) "Effective 12 October 2018*" APPROVED mikkkael Curator
Internet Archive "31 Dec 2014" APPROVED mikkkael Curator
Roblox "<strong>Last Updated:</strong> July 6, 2018" DECLINED Noxiz
Spark for Appraisers "End User License Agreement <i>Revised: 7/21/2020 New details on privacy/use/terms that existed but were not explicitly stated</i>" APPROVED bjreich7
Observable "Effective date: March 12, 2019" APPROVED Jed Fox Curator
ResearchGate "Last updated: July 8, 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
NordVPN "the date of the most current wording of the Terms is indicated at the top of the web page." DECLINED kkylemr Curator
Airbnb "Last Updated: April 16, 2018" DECLINED chris Staff
Tweakers "Het privacybeleid is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 24 november 2020." DECLINED ExtendedCaesar
Spinonline "Last updated on" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
MyAnimeList "LAST UPDATED: October 9, 2020</p" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Electronic Frontier Foundation " <em>Updated on June 2, 2014 to reflect the possible collection of information for research datasets.</em> </p> <p> <em>Updated on February 4, 2015 to correct typographical errors.</em> </p> <p>Previous Privacy Policies for Software and Technology Projects:</p> <ul> <li>Apr 21, 2014 - Jun 2, 2014</li> <li>Jun 3, 2014 - May 24, 2018</li> </ul>" APPROVED CRD716
Sudomemo "<p>Last updated: July 07, 2020" DECLINED Aayan
Mojeek "Updated 8<sup>th</sup> December 2020. (view archived versions)" APPROVED MoJosh
Discord "Last modified: October 16, 2018." DECLINED eilidhmax
Fandom "Date of Last Revision: January 29, 2020" DECLINED Peepo Staff
TikTok "We will also update the “Last Updated” date at the top of this policy" DECLINED spylee Curator
Chilliapps - Abandonment Protector "Version Date: May 28, 2018" APPROVED ToS;DRemuedu Curator "<strong>Last Updated:</strong> June 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Kahoot! "<p>Last updated: November 6, 2018" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Microspot "Version: 05/2020</strong> " APPROVED welda Curator
Rovio "Last updated: January 30, 2020" APPROVED Aayan
Savvas Learning Company "Last Update to Terms of Use: June 30, 2020</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
New York Times There is a date of the last update of the terms APPROVED user 125
Duolingo "</ol>Last revised on December 11th, 2017" DECLINED SeanColombo Curator
BBC "BBC Privacy and Cookies Policy <p> Page updated: August 2019" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Sudomemo "Last Updated January 1st, 2021</p>" APPROVED Aayan
Tripadvisor "Last updated 1 October, 2018.</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ICS / Masjid Tucson "Last updated Jan 2019</em>" APPROVED usi Curator
Rovio "Effective Date: May 19, 2018." DECLINED Aayan
Royal Society of Chemistry "//" DECLINED alansmith
Bible Gateway "Effective September 9, 2010" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Patook "When we post changes to this Privacy Policy, we will revise the "last updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy" APPROVED jxr2272 Curator
Orchid VPN "This Privacy Policy was last updated on: Monday, December 9th, 2019." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff "Version history <ul> <li>August 1, 2016: First version posted</li> </ul>" APPROVED arlo Staff
Discord "Last modified: JUNE 14, 2018.</li> <li> <p>Effective: MAY 25, 2018.</p>" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
QuickBooks " <strong>Last Revised September 2019." DECLINED JusBer
Strava "Effective Date: October 15, 2018" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Tellonym "Effective Date: March, 14 2019." DECLINED Nickwasused Curator
Nelink "Last Updated: August, 2020</small>" APPROVED Zakronia
OpenWrt "It was last updated be OpenWrt, August 30, 2016." APPROVED mikkkael Curator
New York Times "Last Updated on May 24, 2018" DECLINED Sandova
Search Encrypt "<p>Last Updated: March 2019</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff "Stand" APPROVED mikkkael Curator
Patreon "Effective immediately for users on Patreon from" APPROVED unshippedozone Curator
Evernote "Effective Date: August 28, 2017" APPROVED Peepo Staff (discontinued?) "Last updated" DECLINED metacoz Curator
Plex "<p>Revised January 1, 2020" APPROVED isiahw1
WebMD "Last updated on April 15, 2019" DECLINED Peepo Staff
ICS / Masjid Tucson " <p>Last updated Jan 2019" DECLINED usi Curator
Custom Ink "<i>Last updated on: 6/10/2016</" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Blender Market There is a date of the last update of the terms DECLINED Nit_Pick
ICS / Masjid Tucson There is a date of the last update of the terms DECLINED usi Curator
DEPRECATED #8 "Date of Last Revision: December 6, 2018" DECLINED LuneSirius Curator
Herbalife "Terms of Use<p> Last Revised: February 2, 2017.</p>" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Malwarebytes "Last Updated: January 19, 2017" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Brainly "<em>Last modified May 24, 2018" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Fotocommunity "Stand: 1. Mai 2004</b> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Slack "Effective: January 31, 2018" APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Google "<p>Last modified: October 25, 2017" DECLINED LuneSirius Curator
BitChute "This document was last updated on April 23rd, 2018." DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
IMDb "Last Updated, February 8, 2018</b>" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Wish There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ShapeShift "Last Modified: February 13, 2019" DECLINED barelyaware Curator
Imgur "Your Privacy Rights – Effective July 9, 2018 </p> <p>" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Houzz "p>Effective 1st January" APPROVED greatlakes
weebly "Last updated November 6, 2017</strong> " DECLINED Peepo Staff
Surfshark "When was this policy last updated? <p>Keep in mind that we can update this Policy in the future &amp. check it regularly. </p> <p>May 4, 2020.</p>" APPROVED donno Curator
Attendify "Last Updated:" APPROVED KnossosDomovoi Curator
Houzz "p> <p>Effective 1st January" APPROVED greatlakes
1Muslim "Latest update: December 29, 2019" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Reddit "Last Revised March 21, 2018" DECLINED Peepo Staff
1Muslim "Latest update: September 18, 2018 </p>" DECLINED pederdm000 Staff
Ripe NCC "Created: 31 Jan 2011 - Last updated: 03 Jan 2020" DECLINED pederdm000 Staff
Ripe NCC "Created: 27 Jun 2017 " DECLINED pederdm000 Staff
Fivestars "Effective Date: January 1, 2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
HideMe VPN "Last update 25 August 2019" APPROVED reikousami Curator
RightsStatements "<p>This page was last updated 4 June 2019." APPROVED arlo Staff
Metacafe "Last updated: October 3, 2012" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
ADT "Last revised: January 10, 2018" APPROVED reikousami Curator "Stand: Karlsruhe" APPROVED mikkkael Curator
Gab "<em>Last updated: January 2nd, 2017" DECLINED Therapy Snek Curator
Kitsu "Version 1.0, December 1, 2016" APPROVED megumin
DEPRECATED #69 "Last updated: June 07, 2019" DECLINED Nickwasused Curator
MySudo "Terms of Service <p>Last updated: July 3, 2018</" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended "May 25, 2018</p>" DECLINED denishdk Curator
DiscourseHosting "This document was last updated on October 18, 2013" DECLINED user 104 Curator
Yandex "Privacy Policy <p>Effective Date: 19.10.2020</p>" DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff
Minecraft "Last Updated: June 24, 2015</p> <br>" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Yahoo! " <em>Last updated: October&nbsp;2020</em> </p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
StrongVPN "Effective for new signups as of March 19, 2021." APPROVED reikousami Curator
Apple Services "The Apple Privacy Policy was updated on May 22, 2018." DECLINED XP64 Curator
iCloud "Last revised: September 19, 2017" DECLINED XP64 Curator "<p>Last updated May 15, 2021" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Zappos "Terms of Use<p>Last Updated: September 14, 2015" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Digital Advertising Platform | ReklamStore "Last Update: May 2018</strong> </p>" APPROVED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
directly - CX Automation; Experts at the heart of AI "<p>Effective Date: Last Updated as of March 18, 2019." DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Asus "Updated March 04, 2015 by ASUS Legal Affairs Center " APPROVED welda Curator
MuseScore ">Last updated September 17, 2019" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
directly - CX Automation; Experts at the heart of AI "<p>Effective Date: Last Updated as of March 18, 2019." DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
VKontakte "</li> <li>Date of Last Revision: May 21, 2018 </li> </ul>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Presearch "Changelog <p>Version 1.0 - November 9th, 2017</p> <p>Initial terms &amp. conditions for beta release</p>" DECLINED Tsuser Curator
WaniKani "<br>Last updated: August 29, 2014</p>" APPROVED lucasdpr
Fur Affinity "Terms of Service <strong>Updated</strong" APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
TechSmith (Subsidiaries) "This Privacy Notice is effective as of June 29, 2018.</strong>" DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
MyHomeworkApp "Last changed on May 14th, 2018" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Amazon AWS "Last Updated: February 4, 2019" DECLINED LuneSirius Curator
Pexgle "Last updated: January" APPROVED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Meetup "Privacy Policy Notice <p> <em>Effective:</em> June 12, 2020<br> (<em>view previous versions:</em> 5/25/18, 3/28/17, 3/29/16, 5/23/10)</p" APPROVED arthurlutz Curator
CouchSurfing "Terms of Use <p>Last updated: June 30, 2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Ripe NCC "Created: 23 Dec 2010 - Last updated: 30 Jun 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Pornhub "Last modified date: May 18, 2018" DECLINED alison Curator (discontinued?) "Last updated" DECLINED metacoz Curator
Shopify "Last updated on: February 5, 2019" DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
WhatsApp "Terms Of ServiceLast modified: August 25, 2016" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Mailchimp "Updated November 23, 2020.</em> </p" APPROVED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Presearch "Changelog <p>Version 1.0 - November 9th, 2017</p> <p>Initial terms &amp. conditions for beta release</p>" DECLINED Tsuser Curator
Akamai There is a date of the last update of the terms APPROVED arthurlutz Curator
tinyurl "<b>Effective May 8, 2012" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
OpenWeatherMap "CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY NOTICE AND YOUR DUTY TO INFORM US OF CHANGES&nbsp. <p>This version was last updated on 23 May 2018 and historic versions are archived here OR can be obtained by contacting us." DECLINED arthurlutz Curator
Thumbzilla "Last Modified: May 19, 2018" APPROVED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
HideMe VPN "<p> <i>Effective date 24th July 2019" APPROVED welda Curator
Mailfence "Last updated on June 21, 2017." APPROVED TheoDutch
Pixabay "Terms of Service <p>Date of Last Revision: January 09, 2019</p>" DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
ISODME "Last Revised: 2019-06-15 18:03 EDT" APPROVED SchoolBusesC2
Lichess ".</" DECLINED Mandi
Genshin Impact "Privacy Policy <p> <strong>Effective Date: June 12th, 2020" DECLINED Kesune
Anki "UPDATED October 5, 2018" DECLINED arthurlutz Curator
Bitly "Effective Date: March 12, 2019" DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Speedtest by Ookla "Ookla® Terms Of Use <p>Effective February 21, 2019" DECLINED Peepo Staff
eBuddy "Last update: May 20th, 2019" APPROVED Zakronia
HERE Technologies "Service Terms Effective date:&nbsp;04/12/2015" APPROVED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Sync "This file was last modified on October 30, 2018." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Speedtest by Ookla "<p>Effective May 14, 2019</p> " DECLINED Peepo Staff
Fandango "These Terms of Use (these “Terms”) were last updated on: July 1, 2020." APPROVED Peepo Staff
NBC News "Effective date August 18, 2017<p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Yandex " Terms of Service <p>Effective Date: December 8, 2020</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Goodreads "Terms of Use <p> This Agreement was last revised on Dec 6, 2017." APPROVED Peepo Staff
Wikimedia "This page was last edited on 7 June 2019, at" APPROVED Bananos
MCProHosting "Effective date: March 14, 2019" APPROVED Chew Suspended
Parler "Terms of Service,11/27/2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Sayches There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED gajisaf455 Suspended
Discord "Last modified: October 19, 2018." DECLINED id523a
Sonic Drive-in "<em> Last Updated: February 6, 2019" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Wishlist "Last Updated June &nbsp;15, 2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
yelp "<strong>Last Updated on November 27, 2012</strong>." DECLINED okfifi
Instructure "<p>Last Updated: October 28, 2019" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Crowdin "Last update: November 1, 2018" DECLINED unshippedozone Curator
Shmoop "As of April" APPROVED jessew Curator
Labirint "b" APPROVED unshippedozone Curator " <p>Last Updated: 01/23/2020</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Project Gutenberg "Terms of use for the Project Gutenberg website as of January 1, 2014 (updated April 17, 2016)." DECLINED unshippedozone Curator
Meredith "Terms of Service AgreementEffective Date: March 16, 2017" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Backloggd "Updated: 4/13/2019</p" APPROVED donno Curator
HQ "<strong>Effective Date of Terms of Use</strong>: July&nbsp;6, 2017</p>" APPROVED Chew Suspended
GOG "Last updated: 26th February, 2019</p> <p>(in effect from 26th March, 2019. to view currently applicable Privacy Policy click here)" DECLINED Sandova
StartMail "October 1st, 2020</p>" APPROVED welda Curator
Meredith "Terms of Service AgreementEffective Date: March 16, 2017<p>" APPROVED Peepo Staff
SourceHut There is a date of the last update of the terms DECLINED ddevault
Tactical Tech "Policy last updated</strong>: 30 May 2018</p" DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
vinted "<strong>Date of last revision: 19&nbsp;JANUARY, 2018" DECLINED LuneSirius Curator
OpenWrt "It was last updated May 31, 2013." DECLINED mikkkael Curator
ShapeShift "may" APPROVED barelyaware Curator
Fox News "Effective as of May 19, 2020</p>" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Vox "<i>Updated and Effective as of December 11, 2018" DECLINED Peepo Staff "Updated: February 11, 2019" APPROVED Aayan
Rampow "<p>This policy is effective as of 18 May 2018." DECLINED mikkkael Curator
Rampow "This policy is effective as of 18 May 2018." APPROVED mikkkael Curator
VirusTotal "<strong>Last Updated May 9, 2019" DECLINED mikkkael Curator
Roblox "<strong>Last Updated</strong>: May 30, 2018</p>" DECLINED Noxiz
Abine Blur There is a date of the last update of the terms DECLINED tigery
Adafruit "This document was last updated on December 5, 2019." APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Burger King "<p>March 31, 2019</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Disney+ "Updated: April 2, 2020<br> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
SmartThings "<strong>Effective date: April 21, 2017" APPROVED welda Curator
SpielAffe "Diese Datenschutzerklärung wurde zuletzt am 01.12.2020 aktualisiert" APPROVED mikkkael Curator
Roblox "Last Updated:</strong> May 23, 2018" DECLINED Noxiz
Flight Rising "This Privacy Policy was last updated on October 3, 2018.</p>" APPROVED Novelyst
Dropbox "Posted: April 17, 2018</p> <p>Effective: May 25, 2018" DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Shmoop "As of July 17, 2015" DECLINED jessew Curator
HP-67 There is a date of the last update of the terms DECLINED sir_bruce
HP-67 There is a date of the last update of the terms DECLINED sir_bruce
TunnelBear "July 16, 2018" DECLINED cherryblossom
AliExpress There is a date of the last update of the terms APPROVED ProjectELP
TunnelBear "July 16, 2018" DECLINED cherryblossom
XING "<li>Last updated: 24 July 2020" DECLINED welda Curator
Riot Games (League of Legends) "Last Modified: January 15, 2020</em>" APPROVED LadyStonda
The Atlas Society "Last Updated: May 18, 2020" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Lucidia Learning There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED Lucidialearning
TWINT "July 2020 / Version 4.0</p>" APPROVED welda Curator
AnkiWeb "Last updated 2018-09-02." APPROVED unshippedozone Curator
AnkiWeb "Last updated 2018-10-17.</i> " APPROVED unshippedozone Curator
Wizards of the Coast "Privacy Policy <p>Last Updated: June 30, 2018" DECLINED Novelyst
Flight Rising "Last Updated" APPROVED Novelyst
APPS112 "Effective date: May 22, 2018</p>" APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
WeMod "The effective date of this Privacy Policy is May 25, 2018. " APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Roll20 "Document History <p>2018, September 11th: GDPR Compliance and Clarificaton." DECLINED GV-280
Meetup "Terms of Service <em>Last Updated: </em> March 28, 2017" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Alovoa "Updated on 2021-09-22</p>1. " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Todoist "Terms of Service <p>Last modified September 20, 2020 with an effective date of November 9, 2020" APPROVED TyTaYmuQQ8otrm
NortonLifeLock "Last updated on June 3, 2019" DECLINED Quited255
Monarch Money There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
National Geographic "The Terms were last updated on 16 July 2019." APPROVED Peepo Staff
Ko-fi "These terms were last updated in November 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Todoist "Effective Date: September 27th, 2018" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Overleaf "p> </p> <p>Last Modified: 5th November 2020</p> <p" APPROVED AlexhasaHorn "Last updated July 4, 2019" DECLINED
Cash App "General Terms of Service</strong> <p>Last updated: April 21, 2020" APPROVED oczkoisse
Stack Overflow "Last update: May" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
IFTTT "Terms of Use <p>As of September 8, 2020</p" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Forbes "FORBES<sup>®</sup> Website Terms of Service <p> <i>Revised and posted as of: November 5, 2015" DECLINED Peepo Staff
THE GOOGLE CEMETERY There is a date of the last update of the agreements PENDING Aayan
Pocket "Terms of Service <em>Posted February 12, 2018" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Discovery "Last updated February 10, 2015.<" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Honey "Last updated September 5, 2019" DECLINED JusBer
Whirlpool "Terms Of Use <p>Last updated: March 26, 2019</p>" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Atlassian "These Cloud Terms of Service will go into effect on November 1, 2018 at which time they will replace the Atlassian Customer Agreement and Trello Terms of Service." DECLINED Peepo Staff
JetBrains "<strong>Website Terms of Use</strong> <strong>Version 2.0, last updated: May 18th, 2018" DECLINED Peepo Staff
PlayStation Network Services "<p>2018-09-20</p> TERMS OF SERVICE AND USER AGREEMENT" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Myspace "<strong>Effective Date:</strong> This Agreement was last revised on May 24, 2018." DECLINED Peepo Staff
World Vision "These Terms of Use are effective as of July 15, 2013." DECLINED Peepo Staff
Urban Dictionary "<p>Updated: October 2017" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Etsy "This policy was published on June 25, 2019. It will take effect on July 25, 2019." DECLINED Peepo Staff
Among Us "Effective Date: January 24, 2019" APPROVED Aayan
Healthline "Terms of Use <p>Last updated: 02/3/2020</p" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Spotify "Effective as of February 7, 2019" DECLINED Nexus
InfoSec Handbook (discontinued?) "We updated this page on November 5, 2019." DECLINED komo Suspended
Blizzard "This Privacy Policy was last updated on June 19, 2018</p> <p>" DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff " Inc.’s Terms of Use<p>(Updated May 1, 2018)" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Mega " <p>Last updated 18 December 2020, effective 18 January 2021.</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
McDonald's "Terms and Conditions for McDonald’s Online Services (USA) <p>Last updated: March 13, 2017<br> (McDonald’s address update: January 18, 2019. non-substantive update for accessibility: May 15, 2019)</p>" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Pinterest "Effective Date&nbsp;May 1, 2018<br> Last updated June 28, 2019</p> </li> " DECLINED unshippedozone Curator
Khan Academy "<p>Last Updated: August 1, 2019" APPROVED retrocraft
Red Pocket "Last Updated: April 21, 2020" APPROVED serph Curator
Adobe Services "Last updated: December 1, 2019" DECLINED JustinBack Staff
Byte "Last updated: January 23, 2020" APPROVED donno Curator
Omegle " <strong>Effective date:</strong> 2014-06-03</p>" APPROVED welda Curator
Zapier "Date of Last Revision: March 03, 2020" APPROVED JusBer
Minecraft "Last Updated: January 2021" APPROVED Aayan
Pepper&Carrot " in May 2018 " DECLINED arlo Staff
DR (Danmarks Radio) "DR’s privatlivspolitik <p> </p>23. maj 2018" DECLINED TtBbSs
Netgear "Revision Effective: May 13, 2020</p> <p> </p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Huawei "Statement was updated on<br>April 15, 2018" DECLINED mikkkael Curator
Symplicity "Effective May 1, 2019." APPROVED Aayan
Hulu "Effective Date: September 13, 2018<br> " DECLINED parent5446
Jagex (including RuneScape) "Date July 24<sup>th</sup>, 2018.</p>" DECLINED stefvanschie Curator
Cloze "Effective: April 26, 2018" DECLINED JusBer
Salesmate "This Privacy Policy was last updated on April 10, 2019." DECLINED JusBer
Hacker Wars "Last Updated: 10/12/2019" DECLINED CRD716
Amino "Effective date: May 25, 2018</p> " APPROVED welda Curator
Politics & War "<p>This Agreement was last modified on April 15, 2014." DECLINED cooldreamer
YouTube Kids "Dated: August 7, 2019" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Gravatar "This is our current policy, last updated on October 12, 2020.</em>" APPROVED Aayan
SurveyMonkey "Versions: February 27, 2019 (current) January 2, 2019 April 11, 2018 June 2, 2016 July 8, 2015 (International) January 1, 2015 (International) June 25, 2013 March 28, 2012 (International) December 12, 2011 (U.S.) July 21, 2010 (International) June 23, 2010 (U.S.) May 28, 2008 (U.S.) Wufoo Terms of Service (archived) <p>LAST UPDATED: FEBRUARY 27TH, 2019</p> <p>These Terms of Use are effective upon acceptance for new users, and from January 18, 2019 for existing users.</p> <p>Highlighted text represents any recent changes to our Terms of Use.</p>" DECLINED CRD716
Jagex (including RuneScape) "Privacy Policy <p>Version 0.1</p> <p>Date May 25<sup>th</sup>, 2018.</p> " DECLINED CRD716
Jagex (including RuneScape) "Privacy Policy <p>Version 0.1</p> <p>Date May 25<sup>th</sup>, 2018.</p>" DECLINED CRD716
Classlink "Privacy Statement<br> <p> <em>Updated August 8, 2019</em> <br> </p>" DECLINED CRD716
Scratch "The Scratch Terms of Use was last updated: April 2016" DECLINED lisa_wolfgang
Code Combat " <em>Last Edited on 2018-05-22" APPROVED CRD716
JetBrains "JetBrains Privacy Policy</strong> <strong>Version 2.4, last updated: August 20, 2020" APPROVED tosreader
craigslist "Privacy Policy <small>(updated July 9, 2015)</small>" DECLINED Peepo Staff
craigslist "Terms of Use ("TOU") (last updated August 16, 2019)." APPROVED Peepo Staff
Bandcamp "Bandcamp Terms of Use <p>Effective Date: November 17, 2017</p>" APPROVED Peepo Staff "Terms of Service &amp. Privacy Policy <p> <strong> Last Updated on: May 25, 2018" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Pixel8Earth "This Privacy Policy was last updated: September 24th 2019</p> <p>This Privacy Policy is effective as of: September 24th 2019" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
moovweb "<strong>Last Update: December 1, 2017</strong>" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Auttaja "Last updated August 20, 2018</strong>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
The Button Box "<em>Updated November, 2019" DECLINED bboxjon
Netflix "<strong>Last updated:</strong> 11 May 2018" DECLINED mrseeker
FOK! "31-08-2019" APPROVED Breuls
Join Run "This policy is effective as of 1 January 2020.</p>" APPROVED miharekar
Slack "Last Updated: November 10, 2016" DECLINED Isikyus
e621/e926 "Last Updated" APPROVED TermsOfMe
Dendreo "<strong>Version 1.6 datée du 6 Novembre 2019" APPROVED
Tutanota "Status: May 25, 2018" APPROVED Aayan
Career Fair Plus "last updated on 23 July 2020" APPROVED serph Curator
Dribbble "Updated October 4, 2019" APPROVED donno Curator "<p>These terms and conditions are effective as of 2022-08-14" DECLINED Dwindling
NordVPN "<p>Last updated: October 27, 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
SparkNotes "These terms were last revised on August 6, 2010." APPROVED cherryblossom
Yubico "Updated December 13nd, 2019" DECLINED JusBer
Brave "Terms of Use Effective Date:</strong> <br> July 14, 2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Fur Affinity There is a date of the last update of the terms APPROVED donno Curator
Crowdin "Last revised on November 1, 2018" APPROVED Eiim
DeepL "Last updated: October 2019" DECLINED donno Curator
Planio "Latest update: October 12, 2020" APPROVED jansh
Letterboxd "<em>This policy was last updated in November 2020" APPROVED donno Curator
Pocket Casts "the new Privacy Policy.</p> <p> <strong>Effective Date: 18 September 2019" APPROVED donno Curator
OpenStreetMap "OpenStreetMap Foundation Services Terms of Use <p> <i>Adopted by the OSMF board on September the 20th 2018.</i>" APPROVED donno Curator
Orange "Dernière mise à jour le 08/01/2019</p> <p> </p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
BetterHelp "The last update date of this Agreement is posted at the bottom of the Agreement." DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Jumbo Privacy "This policy was last updated on August, 2nd, 2019.<" DECLINED donno Curator
Alibaba "New version - updated on October 4th, 2019 and effective as of October 9, 2019" DECLINED unshippedozone Curator
Stitcher "Last updated: October 16, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Wigwam Design "Effective Date: 16/10/2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Reuters "Updated on January 24, 2013" APPROVED signed
Feedly "Last Updated: September 21st, 2016" APPROVED JusBer
EBSCO "<p>LAST UPDATED: January 1, 2020" DECLINED penguintamer There is a date of the last update of the terms APPROVED Dew
Bumble "Effective date <p>The Terms were last updated on" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Waze "<strong>Last modified: 17 May 2018</strong> " APPROVED PhilZara
CryptoKitties "Last Updated: Nov 15, 2018" APPROVED Zakronia
HideMyAss! "Revised October 1, 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Pirate Party Australia "strong>Last updated:</strong> 10 December, 2020</p> All Pirate Party websites and services" APPROVED GV-280
Douban "自2019年7月7日公布。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Pocket "em>Posted October 27, 2020</em" APPROVED Sandova
XVideos "If we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will post the revised Privacy Policy on the Website and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of this Privacy Policy." APPROVED GV-280
Lulu "REVISED: </i> </b> <i>April 5, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Pinterest "Last updated September 2, 2020" APPROVED Alexander Curator
ICANN "strong>Last Updated: 12 June 2020</strong" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Adventurer's Codex "Conditions <p>Last Revised July 1, 2017. Effective July 1, 2017.</p> " APPROVED GV-280
New Relic "Last updated March 14, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Adventurer's Codex "Privacy Policy Last modified on May 27th, 2018. Effective May 27th, 2018." DECLINED GV-280
CNet "Effective Date November 15, 2017" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Public Broadcasting Service "Last modified: May 12, 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Spotify "Spotify Terms and Conditions of Use <p>Effective as of February 7, 2019" QUOTE NOT FOUND Dr_Jeff Staff
AnonAddy "Last Updated: 4th September 2019</p>" APPROVED TOS_editor_02
Handshake "Last updated August 6, 2020</p> <p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
IPVanish "Our Privacy Policy was lasted updated as of the date indicated at the beginning of the policy.</p>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Guidefox "This document was last updated on June 26, 2020</p>" DECLINED jono1234
TikTok "Last updated: February 2019</em>" APPROVED lutein678
RUNALYZE "Version: 1.1, 22.03.2018" APPROVED TOS_editor_02
Media Markt "p> <p>Stand: November 2020, Version" APPROVED mikkkael Curator
Forecast7 "Last updated: October 18, 2016</i>" APPROVED Alexander Curator "erms Last update The policy has been last updated on 2020-04-20 " APPROVED boldair
Doxy "<p>Last revised March 2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
WeTransfer "Note that WeTransfer may revise this Privacy &amp. Cookie Statement from time to time. Each revised version shall be dated and posted on the website. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
BlackBoard "This Statement was last updated on April 7, 2020." DECLINED arthurlutz Curator
HubSpot "p>Last Modified: April 21, 2021</p" APPROVED JusBer
soundtrap "Terms of Use</p> <p>Effective 1 July, 2023" APPROVED Alexander Curator
Venmo "July" APPROVED 1ethanhansen "Terms of Use <p> <strong>Updated on:</strong> Tuesday 2 June 2015" APPROVED donno Curator
Keybase "Last updated: 4/4/15" DECLINED jurius
Parsec "Last revised on: March 30, 2018" DECLINED user 104 Curator
Ubisoft "Last Updated: May 12, 2020</b> </p>" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Zapier "Date of Last Revision: December 18, 2019" DECLINED JusBer
Gab "August 18th, 2016</em>" DECLINED cooldreamer
Turnitin "Last Updated: 29th August 2018" APPROVED AD59
Gab "<em>Last updated: August 18th, 2016" DECLINED cooldreamer
Pornhub "p>Last Modified: December 8, 2020</p" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Selfie2Anime "PRIVACY POLICY <small>Effective Date: 22 August 2019</small> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Dailymotion "Last Updated: May 23rd 2018" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
The Walt Disney Company "<strong>Last Updated:&nbsp. June 9, 2020</strong>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Xfire "[3]</sup> The last of Xfire's services were shut down on April 30, 2016." DECLINED welda Curator
PayPal "User Agreement for PayPal Service <p>Effective date: May 31, 2018</p> Print Download PDF <p> <strong>Please note: The version of this Agreement marked “Current User Agreement for PayPal Service” set out immediately below is effective until Aug 31, 2018.  The version of this Agreement marked “Updated User Agreement for PayPal Service” further below will take effect and supersede the Current User Agreement for PayPal Service on Aug 31, 2018." DECLINED CRD716
Quake Live "This Privacy Policy was last updated November 22, 2010.</p>" DECLINED stefvanschie Curator
Innersloth (Among Us) "<p>Effective: November 13, 2020</p>" APPROVED Aayan
Netease Cloud Music "更新日期:2020年6月17日</p> <p>生效日期:2020年6月17日" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Adobe Services "Published March 16, 2020" APPROVED JustinBack Staff
Hacker Wars "Last Updated: October 19th, 2019" APPROVED napen123 " Terms of Service<blockquote> <p> <strong>Updated June 8 2018" APPROVED donno Curator
Kalunga "Última atualização: 18 de novembro de 2020." APPROVED KnossosDomovoi Curator
Airbnb "Last Updated: November 1, 2019</p>" DECLINED JusBer
Airbnb "Last Updated: November 1, 2019</p>" DECLINED JusBer
Uncrowned Empire "Last Updated" APPROVED Uncrowned
Dailymotion "Last Update: May 23rd, 2018" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Creative Commons "<strong>Last Updated: May 2, 2019" DECLINED arlo Staff
edX "October 28, 2019" DECLINED nolawyer
edX "On May 15, 2018, edX adopted an amended Privacy Policy," DECLINED nolawyer
ShoutWiki "This page was last edited on 20 March 2019, at 18:37." APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Coinbase "Last updated: January 31, 2019" DECLINED 1ethanhansen
Listudy "Last edited: 2020-06-24" APPROVED ravenclaw900
Xfinity "Revised and Effective: October 21, 2019" APPROVED napen123
EVE Online "REVISED: 9 September, 2013" APPROVED napen123
X "<b>Effective:</b>&nbsp;June 18, 2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff "Disclaimer Last Updated: 01/18/2021 " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
HuffPost "Last updated: October&nbsp;2020" APPROVED napen123
Hacking with Swift "Our privacy policy was last updated June 27th 2020" APPROVED JustinBack Staff
AP NEWS "Last Updated: August 6, 2020" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
wix "Termos de uso Wix.comÚltima revisão: 10 de fevereiro de 2020<p>" DECLINED Aayan
Jagex (including RuneScape) "We may change these terms and conditions to reflect: (a) changes in applicable laws. (b) regulatory or security requirements. (c) relevant guidance or codes of practice. (d) technical alterations to Jagex Products. and (e) to improve clarity and consistency.</p> <p>Please check the terms and conditions whenever you use a Jagex Product. If you are not a Subscriber, we will treat your continued use of a Jagex Product as acceptance of these changes from their effective date (as shown above)." DECLINED sansmaeda4life
Amazon Prime Video "Last Updated: September 15, 2020</p>" DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff "Status: 07.09.2023" APPROVED welda Curator
YouVisit "<em>Last updated on March 18, 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Oceanhero There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Explosion
likee "Last updated: February 2020</p> " APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
FreeTube "Last Updated: March 2019" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
TikTok Downloader "Last updated: April 8th, 2023" APPROVED DJJ05
Pinterest "<p>Effective May 1, 2018</p>" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Roblox "Last Updated:</strong> April 06, 2018" DECLINED Noxiz
Enpass " Privacy Notice <p>Effective Date: Nov 01, 2020" DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff
osu! "<p>L" DECLINED Coppertine
Kaspersky "<p>Last updated: 04/28/2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Arch Linux "Version <p>This is version 1.0. Last updated on 10 March, 2019." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
tinyurl "Effective May 8, 2012" DECLINED napen123
Affinity "Last Updated: 22 July 2020</small>" APPROVED donno Curator
Pixiv "These Individual Terms of Use shall take effect on October 25, 2017. </li> <li>These Individual Terms of Use shall also retroactively apply to conduct undertaken by User before these Individual Terms of Use came into effect. </li> </ul> Revision <ul> <li>September 24, 2020" DECLINED arlo Staff
Pixiv "These Individual Terms will come into effect on July 18, 2019. </li> <li>The Individual Terms will also apply to acts committed by Users before said Individual Terms came into effect. </li> </ul> Revision <ul> <li>March 30, 2020: Terms revised in entirety as individual terms associated with the pixiv Inc. Service Master Terms of Use. </li> <li>July 18, 2019 " APPROVED arlo Staff
OwnCube "[v2 04/2017]" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Ponder Source There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED michielbdejong Staff
Microsoft Store "<p>Last Updated: June 24, 2015</p>" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Strava "This policy is effective December 15, 2020. The previous Privacy Policy can be found here." APPROVED arlo Staff
Steam "This Agreement was last updated on August 28th, 2020 ("Revision Date")." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
SoundCloud "Last Amended:&lt;/strong&gt. 25 May 2018&lt;/p" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Quora "Last Updated: December 11, 2020</i>" APPROVED Peepo Staff
iFunny "Last Updated: 24 March 2020<p>" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Neopets "Last updated:</em> <em>&nbsp;2023-07-19" APPROVED Aayan
LBRY "Terms of Service <p> <strong>Last Updated: February 2020</strong>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
WikiTree "<i>Updated: 25 May 2018</i>" APPROVED Reblyn
Reuters "Last Updated: January 1, 2020</i>" DECLINED signed
EthanMcBloxxer "</p>Last revised on 19th January, 2021" APPROVED EthanMcBloxxer
BBVA "</p> <p>Last update: August 2020.</p> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
JSTOR "Last updated on July 2, 2020" APPROVED arlo Staff
The Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe "Last Update: May 29, 2018" APPROVED Reblyn
Archive of Our Own "Approved: 23 May 2018" APPROVED Holonium
Gfycat "Last Modified: May 12, 2020</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Miraheze "This policy was last revised on 2019-12-30." DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Avast "This Privacy Policy was last updated on May 13, 2020." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Valour "Terms and Conditions <p>Last updated: January 14, 2021" APPROVED Mezzie Curator
Netflix "Last Updated:</strong> December 31, 2019</p>" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
AstrillVPN "Last Updated: May 2018" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Twitch "last modified on 10/14/2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Enpass "Effective Date: May 28, 2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Free Code Camp "The company last updated these terms on May 25, 2018, and may update these terms again." APPROVED earnes2
DEPRECATED #11 "Published: August 1, 2020Effective: October 1, 2020" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Women Also Know Stuff "<b>Last updated: August 04, 2019" APPROVED signed
Patook There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
MOBY Group "These Terms of Use were last updated on November 22, 2017.</p>" APPROVED Aayan
Goodreads " Last updated: June 30, 2020" DECLINED Zakronia
Bold Type Tickets "Last Updated: May 24, 2018</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Diasporg "Last Updated: 26th January, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Waze "Last modified: 9 September 2020</strong>" DECLINED Zakronia
Prezi "<p>Effective September 1, 2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Medium "You can see our previous Privacy Policy </em> </strong> <strong> <em>here</em> </strong> <strong> <em>." DECLINED lerichardson
CodeSandbox "Terms of UseVersion 0.9.0 (03/01/2021)" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Consumer Reports "Last modified: December 7, 2020" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Schoology "Last Updated Date: 1/7/19" APPROVED Zakronia "This policy may be amended from time to time and was last updated on May 23rd, 2018." APPROVED welda Curator
Crain's Chicago Business "Updated:&nbsp. December 31, 2019</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Gamepedia "Date of Last Revision: October 14, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Royal Society of Chemistry "<p>Last updated on 27 April 2020</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
MyData "<p>Last updated 6 March 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Pastebin "Last updated: April 18, 2018<br>" APPROVED Zakronia
STiBaRC "<i>Last updated 03/25/2019</i>" APPROVED Eiim
Vox Media "Updated and Effective as of July 2, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Brave "LAST UPDATED: FEB 11, 2019" DECLINED denishdk Curator
Uber "October 15, 2020" APPROVED welda Curator
Authy (Twilio) "these Terms of Service will be effective October 1, 2020." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff (deprecated?) "<p>Last updated: April 12, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Merriam-Webster "June 2020</em> <br> <em>Effective: June 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
hCaptcha "Master Terms of Service<br> <p> <em>Last Updated: August 16, 2020" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Trader Joe's "Commitments <p> <strong>12/31/19" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Cisco "These terms were last updated on 09/07/2018 and are effective immediately.</p>" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Piazza "<small>Last Updated: January 1, 2020" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Free Software Foundation "Updated August 25th, 2016</em> " APPROVED welda Curator
TrustX "<br>Effective Date: January 1, 2020" DECLINED Aayan
TrustX "<em>Effective Date: January 1, 2020" APPROVED Aayan
Mozilla Thunderbird "March 16, 2021 <p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
EvoWise "<p>Effective Date and Changes<br>This privacy policy is effective as of February 7, 2016." APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Groupon "Effective Date: August 31, 2020" APPROVED Holonium
Hypster "This Terms of Use Agreement was last updated on January 30, 2012.<br>" APPROVED Zakronia
LanguageTool "Last modified: September 19th, 2022" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
BOTLABS.GG LLC "Effective date: June 19, 2020" APPROVED Holonium
NewsGuard "<em>Last Updated: October 17, 2019</em>" DECLINED Aayan
WizeBot "These Terms of Use are effective as of 04/30/2012" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
HBO "Last updated: July 1, 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
BeWelcome "This policy was last updated on 4 April 2020." APPROVED Zakronia
Red Shield VPN "<strong>Updated on February 18, 2023" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
MuseScore "Last updated May 5, 2021<" APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Okta "<p>Effective Date: January 1, 2021</p> <strong>" APPROVED dayxhtrtbv
Buffalo 7 "This policy is effective from 1st January 2017.</p>" APPROVED Aayan
BlackBoard "This Statement was last updated on December&nbsp;11, 2020." APPROVED eric
Bilibili "上次版本更新时间:2020年4月8日</p> <p>本次版本更新时间:2020年9月1日</p>" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Ring LLC "<u>Last updated on December 8, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Web of Trust "Last modified: August, 2020<p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Deezer "Last Updated: December 7, 2017" APPROVED Zakronia
Future PLC "<p>(Updated November 2020)" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Tweakers There is a date of the last update of the General Terms and Conditions DECLINED vdelau
Le Parisien "Conditions générales de vente et d’utilisation Applicables au 24 novembre 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
~Vern "<b>Version 1, November 10th 2022" APPROVED railwhale
HP-67 There is a date of the last update of the terms DECLINED sir_bruce
iNaturalist "Last Modified on October 23, 2020</i>" APPROVED Zakronia
TP-Link "Effective: 25th of November 2020" DECLINED Aayan
Le Monde " <strong>Applicables au 24 novembre 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
xda-developers "Last Updated: February 28th, 2020</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Zones "Last updated: May 18, 2020" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Modern Collab "Last updated 05 March 2021" APPROVED Zakronia
DrugBank "Updated: June 1, 2017" APPROVED 281587887a Curator
Sony "<b>Last Updated and Effective: May 12, 2020" DECLINED Aayan
Outfit7 "last updated January 28, 2020" DECLINED Aayan
Outfit7 "last update September 2019</p>" DECLINED Aayan
Sony "<b>Effective Date: June 2004" APPROVED Aayan
Le Bon Coin There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Nslookup "Last updated: 2021-03-25</i> " APPROVED ruurtjan
wix " &nbsp; Privacy Policy<p>Effective from August 26, 2020" APPROVED Aayan
Google Chrome "Last modified: January 15, 2021" APPROVED lerichardson
IVPN " Last updated: 21 January 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff "It was last updated March 7, 2018." APPROVED welda Curator
MOBY Group "<p>Effective Date: June 2017" DECLINED Aayan
PacoGames "Last Edited on 2017-03-28" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Huawei "Updated on Nov. 27, 2019" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Zoho "25th May 2018" APPROVED welda Curator
iCloud "Last revised: September 19, 2019" APPROVED MrElvey
Metager "<br>This version of our Privacy Policy is dated 2018-05-24." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff " <p>V1.5 Updated Jan, 2021</p>" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Tribune Publishing "<p>Effective February 1, 2021." APPROVED Aayan
Veygo "<p>This privacy policy was last updated on 1st January 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Encyclopedia Britannica "Effective as of December 12, 2017</p> <p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
OpenWeatherMap "07 August 2020" APPROVED welda Curator
NewsGuard "Last Updated On May 26, 2020" DECLINED Aayan "<br>This document was last updated on Feb 1, 2020</p> " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Wizards of the Coast "Last Updated: October 22, 2020" APPROVED Aayan
NewsBlur "November 28, 2017: First published.</li>" APPROVED NylaTheWolf "<b>UPDATE: 16.06.2020</b> " APPROVED impartial just
Apple Media Services (DEPRECATED) "Last Updated: September 16, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Bullet VPN "Last updated: November 10, 2017</strong> </p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
McGraw-Hill Education " <em>Last updated: December 1, 2020</em> " APPROVED Zakronia
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation "Last revised: June 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Ocado "The Privacy Policy and these Terms of Use were last updated on 5 August 2019." APPROVED Zakronia "This European Online Privacy Policy was last reviewed on May 25, 2018. </p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
VPN.AC "Latest policy update: 25/05/2018" APPROVED welda Curator
Myspace "Effective Date:</strong> This Agreement was last revised on May 24, 2018." APPROVED reikousami Curator
XING "<p>Last updated: January 6, 2020</p>" APPROVED welda Curator
Follow My Health "Date last modified: November 13, 2019 </p>" APPROVED welda Curator
Dashlane "LAST UPDATED: December 1, 2019 (effective January 1, 2020)" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Apple Services "Last Updated: September 16, 2020" APPROVED Aayan
Pixelfed "It was last updated Jun 12, 2018." APPROVED donno Curator
Однокла́ссники ( There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Dark Reader "Updated: February 11, 2020 " APPROVED welda Curator
CoinGecko "<i>Latest Version: 14 July 2020</i>" APPROVED Aayan
TechWiser "Privacy Policy by Mrinal Saha October 27, 2012" APPROVED Aayan
Tumblr "Last Modified: 2019-09-25" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Wikimedia There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED Berrely
AzireVPN "Last updated: 22th November, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Mobvista " <p>December 26, 2019" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Meredith "Terms of Service AgreementEffective Date: March 16, 2017<p>" DECLINED Peepo Staff
toodledo "Last Updated: October 25, 2018" APPROVED Aayan
Fakespot "<strong>Updated: May 22, 2020</strong>" APPROVED welda Curator
Unity "Last updated: April 27, 2021</strong>" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Techlore "Last Updated: This Privacy Policy was last updated on Sat Mar 06 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Smart Survey Work "terms and conditions updated on 30 December 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
BudgetBakers " <p>These Terms of Services come into force and effect on September 1, 2019." APPROVED welda Curator
REDARM "Last updated: May 13, 2021</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Qualtrics "Revised June 24, 2020 " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Formative "Last Updated: April 19, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
fivesquid "<strong>Last updated: October 2020</strong> </p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
SocialPass "17.4.21</p>" APPROVED welda Curator
Glympse "Date of Last Revision: May 25, 2018" APPROVED welda Curator
LinkedIn "<p> <em>Effective on August 11, 2020</em> " QUOTE NOT FOUND AgnesDeLion Staff
Moodle "Privacy NoticeChrisApril 4, 2019October 4, 2021Privacy Notice" DECLINED alaprea Curator
KDE "This page was last edited on 17 January 2020, at 12:44." APPROVED welda Curator
Dropbox "Effective: September 24, 2019" APPROVED welda Curator
Spark Mail " <p>Spark Terms of Use (“Agreement") is effective as of May 22nd, 2018 (the "Effective Date")," APPROVED welda Curator
Codeberg There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED donno Curator
Threema Work "March 8, 2018" APPROVED welda Curator
BlueMail "<p>Last Modified: May 17th, 2018" APPROVED welda Curator
Clue "Updated 1 December 2020</em>" APPROVED welda Curator
Undertheboard "<strong>Last updated October 09, 2021</strong> <br> <br> <br> <strong>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Neurococi "Decembrie 2018</strong> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Genius "<b>Last Updated: June 24, 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
GoDaddy "Last Revised: 10/21/2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
YouTube "<b>Terms of Service</b> <p>Dated: November 18, 2020</p>" DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
Rooster Teeth "Last updated: July 1, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Paradox Interactive "<p>Last update April 5, 2019</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
HubSpot "Last Modified: January 3, 2020</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
JojoYou (PriEco) "Last update </strong>Dec.25.2023</p> <p> <strong>2" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Consumer News & Business Channel " <strong>Effective date April 24, 2014, Updated August 30, 2016</strong> " APPROVED Zakronia
Smith Brothers Farms "<em> Last updated: 6/11/2020 </em>" APPROVED Zakronia
UTunnel VPN "Last updated November 18, 2019</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
Comparitech "This Policy was last changed on 24 May 2018." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
wix There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Washington Post "<p>Published: July 1, 2014. " APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Burger King "<strong>Effective as of November 27, 2020" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Clario "Effective date: 26.02.2021" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
weebly "Effective Date: December 13, 2018" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Skatedeluxe "Last updated: 22.05.2020</strong>" APPROVED welda Curator
Unity "Last Updated: October 18, 2020</strong> </p> <p>Last Edit/Review:&nbsp. April 27, 2021</p>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
10minutemail "Last updated: March 23, 2020</p> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Monzo "Terms and Conditions<p>Current Account v2.1 23rd March 2021" APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Thingiverse "LAST DATE UPDATED</strong>: August 18, 2020" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
BillPay "<p>(updated on: April 28th 2021)" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
neeva "Updated: January 18th, 2022</p>" APPROVED PurpleDawn
TrafficWave "last updated on May 24, 2018" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
The Information "Last updated on May 23, 2018." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
wix There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Guiding Tech "<p>Last Updated: 5 December 2020<br>" APPROVED Aayan
Wise "Last Updated: 16 April 2020" APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Wise "<p>Last Updated: July 28, 2020" DECLINED CyanoTex Curator "Last modified May 31, 2021</p> <p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
CNN "Updated: August 14, 2020" APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Forge Of Empires "Last update: 23 May 2018 <br> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
AirVPN "last update: 12/09/2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Hero "Effective date: March 18, 2021" APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
BookBub "Last Updated: January 1, 2021" APPROVED Zakronia
Hey "Last updated: March 4, 2021" APPROVED puiterwijk
OsmAnd "Last updated: February 05, 2019 " APPROVED dcaf
Softonic "Last version 3rd March 2021." APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Alibaba "Updated as of&nbsp;July&nbsp;15th, 2020" APPROVED private prawn Curator
USA TODAY "Last Updated: October 5, 2020</i>" APPROVED louisd
APK Pure There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED JoshAtticus
Visible " </p> <p>December 20, 2018</p> " APPROVED louisd
MySudo "Last updated: February 19, 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Tunefind "Last Updated, September 15, 2020." APPROVED Aayan
Disroot "Last update of this Privacy Statement: <ul> <li>March 1th, 2020</li>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
YogaDNS "Privacy Policy 4 September 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ProtonVPN "Last modified: December 30, 2019</em>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Data Secrets There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
Guilded "<strong>Effective date: March 15, 2021</strong>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff "Date of Last Revision: March 9, 2021</" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Nabble "This document was last updated on April 03, 2015." APPROVED Aayan
FAKKU "Last Modified: May 24th, 2018</p> <p>" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
TugOfWar "UPDATE: 22.10.2021" APPROVED Aayan
Wickr Me "<p> <em>Last Modified: March 19, 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Stingle Photos " <p>Effective date: January 1, 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff "Effective Date: June 30, 2020" APPROVED Aayan
Project HOPE. "This Privacy Policy is Effective as of May 24, 2018</p>" APPROVED Aayan
ReviewMeta "April 28th, 2016" DECLINED Aayan
The Social Dilemma "Policy published 11 September 2020.</p>" APPROVED Aayan
Stool Analyzer "Last modified: 2016. 12. 01." APPROVED Aayan
YouGov "<p> <b>Effective: May 26th 2021</b> </p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ReviewMeta "April 28th, 2016" APPROVED Aayan
IKEA "<em>Effective Date: September 2020</em> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Grameenphone "This Privacy Policy is effective upon acceptance for new users and is otherwise effective from January 01, 2011." APPROVED Aayan
Weblate "These Terms of Service shall come into force and effect on 1st September 2017.</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
TOLOnews "These Terms of Use were last updated on November 22, 2017.</p>" APPROVED Aayan
APK Pure There is a date of the last update of the agreements (Terms: April 2016) APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
blue-archive (discontinued?) "<p>Last updated: February 26, 2021</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
MIT App Inventor " <em>These Terms were modified on July 1, 2020." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
EDRi "[Last updated on 15 September 2020]</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Lichess "Last updated: March 07, 2021" APPROVED donno Curator
ClassDojo "Last Updated: January 1, 2020" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Danbooru There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED dcaf
Miraheze "The last change was made on April 2, 2020." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Minecraft.Buzz "This document was last updated on <b>October 16, 2021</b> </p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Just Eat "Last Updated 14 June 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Waterfox "November 11, 2019" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
SpanishDict "Last Updated: June 3, 2021</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Splice "Last Updated: <strong>April 1, 2021" APPROVED Aayan
Speedtest by Ookla "Effective May 14, 2019" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Fitbit "Effective</b>: October 8, 2020" APPROVED Holonium
Wattpad "Last Revised: May 25, 2018" APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
BlaBlaCar "<p>Applicable as of 15 June 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Mozilla VPN "effective April 28, 2021" APPROVED welda Curator
Getty Images "<p>Last Updated: April 2021</p> <p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Neocities "The last update to our Terms of Service was posted on September 5, 2014.</p>" APPROVED Umbreon
Neocities "Our Privacy Policy was last updated and posted on June 3, 2013." DECLINED Umbreon
Mental Floss There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
Top GG "Updated on: May 25, 2018" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
ExploreLearning "Last Updated: February 26<sup>th</sup>, 2020</em>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
TechByte Net There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ePlus Technology "Effective Date:&nbsp. May 25, 2018</em>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
TubeBuddy "Effective Date: 06/15/2021 " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Truebill "Date Last Revised: May 3, 2021</p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Prisma Media "mise à jour au 1er avril 2021 " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff " <p>2021-07-04" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Linguee "<br> <br> <p>Last updated: September 2020</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Audacity "Last updated: 2 July 2021" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Gettr "Effective Date and Last Updated: June 30, 2021" APPROVED private prawn Curator
JMServices There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED MaximKing
Brilliant "<em>Effective Date: Jan 1, 2020" APPROVED private prawn Curator "Last updated: 02. May 2021</em> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Heaven HR "Stand: 11/2016</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Calendly "Effective January 1, 2020</p> <p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff "These terms and conditions were updated on <b>Saturday 28 September 2020.</b>" APPROVED Aayan
SpaceHey "Terms Of Service Last updated: 23.12.2020" DECLINED H3
Curve "08 July 2021" APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
SpaceHey " Last updated: 24.11.2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Dave Redfern "Updated on Mar 02, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Wikimedia "his version was approved by Katherine Maher on May 17, 2018, pursuant to the Delegation of policy-making authority by the Board, and went into effect on May 24, 2018. Previous versions can be found below:</b> </p> <ul> <li> <b>Privacy policy (June 2014 - May 2018): effective from June 6, 2014 until May 24, 2018</b> </li> <li> <b>Privacy policy (November 2008 - June 2014): effective from November 25, 2008 until June 6, 2014</b> </li> <li> <b>Privacy policy (August 2008 - November 2008): effective from August 19, 2008 until November 25, 2008.</b> </li> <li> <b>Privacy policy (June 2006 - August 2008): effective from June 21, 2006 until August 19, 2008.</b> </li> <li> <b>Privacy policy (April 2005 to June 2006): effective from April 2005 until June 21, 2006</b>" DECLINED Berrely "Status: 10.05.2017" DECLINED welda Curator
Medium "Effective: September 1, 2020" APPROVED lerichardson
Buycott "Last Updated: Dec 01, 2015" APPROVED JCorter
SaferVPN "Effective for new signups as of April 8, 2020." APPROVED welda Curator
Marmiton "</p> <p>Date de dernière mise à jour : 24/06/2021</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Free "<p> <i>Dernière mise à jour en avril 2021</i> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Sirius XM Radio Inc "Effective: January 19, 2018" APPROVED Alexander Curator
Translate "Review Date: November 11, 2019" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Samsung "<strong>Last Updated: January 1, 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Electronic Arts "Last Updated: April 27, 2021" APPROVED serph Curator
Mega "Last updated 18 December 2020, effective 18 January 2021.</p>" DECLINED mrmarc
Weatheralex1 Hub "Last updated: 2/5/21" DECLINED Alexander Curator
Weatheralex1 Hub "Last updated: 2/5/21" DECLINED Alexander Curator
Weatheralex1 Hub "Last updated: 2/5/21" APPROVED Alexander Curator
4721 "<p> <strong>Privacy Policy for INUBOOK, Inc.</strong> </p> <p>Last updated: 09 JULY 2021</p>" APPROVED DevAdvik
VPNArea "This policy has been modified on 28 Jan 2021 to reflect the replacement of BitPay with Coinbase as payment method for cryptocurrencies." APPROVED Alexander Curator
Vonage "Last updated June 24, 2020 (modified to reflect Privacy Shield Certification)." APPROVED Alexander Curator
Media Math "January 29, 2021" APPROVED Alexander Curator
BECU "From time to time, we may update this Privacy Notice. If we do, we will note the date that any changes are made and/or when they become effective (which you can find at the top of this page)" DECLINED PopeRigby
Filen There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED evacuee
Vorwerk Thermomix "Effective Date: August 1st 2019" APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Flickr "Conditions of Use <p>Date of Last Revision: April 30, 2020</p>" APPROVED JusBer There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
IObit "Last Updated: February 6 , 2018" APPROVED JoshAtticus
greenisbetter "Date Last Modified: November 1st , 2014</p> <p>" APPROVED thedocruby
ArchWiki "Last updated on 10 March, 2019" APPROVED dcaf
iHeartRadio "Privacy Policy</p> <p>Updated: June 28, 2021" APPROVED Sempai
CraftBru "At the time of the last update of this policy (5 July 2021)" APPROVED craftbru
Vivaldi "Last modified and effective: March 26, 2019.</p>" DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff
Vivaldi "Last modified and effective: December 9, 2020.</p>" APPROVED Sempai
Invisv "Last Updated</em>: [2022.05.15]</p>" APPROVED Aayan
MathFlare "his policy is effective as of 20 April 2021 and was last updated on 20 July 2021.</p> " APPROVED Aayan
linuxbuz "Last updated: August 20, 2020" APPROVED Aayan
Tenor "Last Updated: March 3, 2021" APPROVED Aayan There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Online Tech Tips "Posted on: September 4th, 2008" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff "<i>Last updated: May 24, 2018" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Venmo "LAST UPDATED</p> <p>July 16, 2021</p>" APPROVED Aayan
Varsity Tutors "<p>EFFECTIVE: December 7th, 2022</p>" APPROVED Aayan
Chrome Webstore "We updated our Terms of Service on 1 July 2020." APPROVED Zakronia
NOMOROBO "Last modified: 9/10/2016" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Astronomer "LAST UPDATED: January 2019" APPROVED KnossosDomovoi Curator
Technote "<p>Last Updated: October 22, 2020" APPROVED Aayan
Universal Music Group There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
Anchor "Date of Last Revision: October 7, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Copyleaks "Last revised April 6, 2016" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff "Last updated on February 5, 2020" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Sword and Shield Cybersecurity "Last updated August 28, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Manticore Games "Effective: &nbsp;January 1, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
TLS Inspector "<strong>Last Updated:</strong> March 3rd 2021.<br>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
CashCamel "Last updated August 31, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
33Across "Last Updated: Dec 07, 2018" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
FreshBooks "<strong>Last Updated: May 21, </strong>2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Ferdi "<strong>Last update: June 7th, 2019" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Digiex "<br>Last modified: 30th December 2016" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Syphon app "This policy is effective as of 2020-06-28" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
VR Distribution "<p>Effective date: June 14, 2018</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Team SDS "Last updated August 16, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Sessions Live "Terms of Service</strong> </p> <p>UPDATED: MAY 17, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Career Fair Plus "EFFECTIVE AS OF 07/01/2017" APPROVED serph Curator
Yello "Effective Date: August 20, 2021" APPROVED serph Curator
American Red Cross "Revised July 2018" APPROVED serph Curator
Number Empire "These Terms of Use are effective as of October 07, 2011." APPROVED reikousami Curator
Universal Minecraft Converter "Last updated June 18, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Wolfram Alpha "Revised September 29, 2020" APPROVED automateit Staff
Skooler "Last Updated: April 1st, 2020</i> " APPROVED Zakronia
Huge Miniatures "Last updated:</strong> November 20, 2020</em> </p>" APPROVED Zakronia
McGraw Hill "(Last updated: January 2020)</i>" APPROVED Zakronia
Photofeeler "Our privacy policy was last updated on: September 28, 2019.</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
Flipgrid "Last Updated: August 5, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia "<p>This document was last updated on January 9, 2019</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Google Pay "Last modified 11 December 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Immunet "The Cisco Privacy Statement was revised and effective as of May 1, 2020." APPROVED Zakronia
Roadtrip Nation "Updated March 3, 2021" DECLINED serph Curator
Roadtrip Nation "Updated April 10, 2017</" APPROVED serph Curator "Effective date: January 11, 2021</i>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
SHOPX There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Entrust "Last Updated November 19, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Nautilus Nonprofit Assoc. "<p>Last updated: June 26, 2021</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
Cyren "<small>Last Updated: September 2019</small>" APPROVED Zakronia
CITI Program "Last updated: 1 March 2021" APPROVED serph Curator
Login Lockdown "Last updated January 14, 2021" APPROVED Zakronia
Gruppo Guarino "<p>La presente Cookie Policy è stata aggiornata il 01/11/2020" APPROVED guarinolab
Le Soir There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Canvas "<strong>Last Updated: May 25, 2021" APPROVED serph Curator
GDLauncher "Latest commit c06faf4 on Aug 19" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
FAIRWINDS "Rev. 11/14" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
PrivateMail "Updated January 1, 2020 </p> " APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Simitless There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED fafournier
Charity Miles "The Effective Date of these Terms is June 1, 2020." APPROVED pederdm000 Staff "Last updated 20 October 2020, effective 20 October 2020." APPROVED bsoyka
Paul Schroer - Photographer "This Privacy statement was last changed on 6 Oktober 2021" APPROVED Paul Schroer
ActivityTracker "Terms of Service was last updated on July 15, 2020. " APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
SplashLearn "Terms of Use <br> <strong>Effective date: </strong> July 9th, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Turbowarp "<i>Updated September 29th, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Pacer "<p>This policy was last updated on 03/24/2021.</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Credit Karma "Effective date: May 21, 2021</em>" APPROVED Overtlycovert
Interesting If True "This privacy policy is effective February 2015." APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
BitBoy Crypto "This policy is effective as of 20 August 2018.</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
SpigotMC "Last Modified: August 24, 2019" APPROVED MrElvey
iCloud "Last revised: September 19, 2019" APPROVED MrElvey
iCloud "Published Date:&nbsp;April 09, 2020" APPROVED MrElvey
iCloud "Apple Privacy Policy Updated December 14, 2020" APPROVED MrElvey
Common Application "Date of Last Update: October 1,&nbsp;2020</strong> </em>" APPROVED viking
Overwolf "Cookies Last updated: August, 2019" APPROVED ishi_sama
yelp "<strong>Last Updated on December 13, 2019" APPROVED viking
craigslist "(updated September 15, 2020)</small>" APPROVED viking
iCloud "Last revised: September 19, 2019" APPROVED MrElvey
LOJ World There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED Oscarz0511
Reddit "Reddit User Agreement Effective October 15, 2020. Last Revised September 15, 2020" APPROVED MrElvey
YNAB. (You Need a Budget) "It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the top." APPROVED yoharnu
The Movie Database (TMDb) "Privacy Policy <p>Effective Date: December 31, 2019" APPROVED yoharnu
ITV "This notice was last updated on 24 February 2021." APPROVED maxkoehler
Neurodiversity in Albertopolis "Published February 26, 2021, updated May 3, 2021 " APPROVED maxkoehler
Waste Management "Last updated on November 18, 2019." APPROVED Zakronia
Max Kohler Visual Communication "November 18, 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
AdGuard Software Limited "Website &amp. Cookies August 20, 2020" APPROVED ToS;DR user
Trivie "Last Updated: February 11, 2018" APPROVED Zakronia
Cinemax "st updated: December 19, 2019</p> <p> </p> <p>" APPROVED Zakronia
Storyfire "<p>Effective Date: &nbsp;March 28, 2017" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Accepted "Cookie declaration last updated on 3/28/21" APPROVED Zakronia
Notion There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED fabien-jrt "Effective Date: November 12, 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Symbaloo "This policy was most recently updated on <strong>January 10th 2018" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
PrivacySpy "Updated June 21st, 2020" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff "<p>Last updated November 12, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Larson Texts "effective September 17, 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff "Our Website Privacy Policy was most recently updated 25th May 2018" APPROVED Zakronia
Security Trails "Last Updated: February 20, 2018" APPROVED Zakronia
Extreme Reach "Last updated: July 1, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Nearlyfreespeach "last updated on May 3, 2021" APPROVED Zakronia
VIZ There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Zakronia
Gojek There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Zakronia
Movie Finder "<p>Last updated: October 22, 2020</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
StreamingSearch "[Last Revised: May, 2018]</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
Do Good Points "Last Revision: November 30, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Sierra Club "Privacy Policy last revised March 1, 2016.</em>" APPROVED Zakronia "This Agreement was last modified on January 1, 2016.</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
Yidio "Last Updated:April 16, 2014" APPROVED Zakronia
Firefox Monitor "Terms of Service <p>Last Updated September 10, 2019</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
Represent "Last updated on Dec 30, 2019</em>" APPROVED Zakronia "These Terms were last updated on March 15, 2021.</p>" APPROVED Zakronia "Privacy Policy <p>Last updated Aug 5, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Morning Brew "Last updated on April 1, 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Nextcloud "Last Edited on 2020-07-23</p>" APPROVED NylaTheWolf
Webflow " <em>Effective date: April 8, 2019" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended "This document was last updated on November 11, 2021</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Blooket "We may occasionally update this Privacy Policy. You can see when the last update was by looking at the “Last Updated” date at the top of this page." APPROVED rahulwavare
Castbox "Modified Date: June 29th 2018" APPROVED Aayan
Amino "<p>Last Updated May 15, 2019" APPROVED NylaTheWolf
G/O Media "LAST UPDATED: February 24, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
life123 "Last Updated On: August 9, 2019" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
How-To Geek "Last Updated: October 16, 2017" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Arcinfo "Édition novembre 2016" APPROVED welda Curator
Nilly There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Nilly
PillPack "Last updated: <strong>January 1, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Rambox "<p> <strong>Last updated May 24, 2018" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Wombo "Last updated: August 1st, 2021" APPROVED Zakronia
Anedot "Last Updated:&nbsp;June 21, 2021" APPROVED Zakronia
System1 "<p>Last updated: February 26, 2021" APPROVED Zakronia
Gather Town "Effective date: 1/27/2021" DECLINED terelikt "Last Updated on June 13, 2012" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
JustAnswer "<p> <strong>Effective Date: January 1, 2020" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Codecademy There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Danbooru There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Sweep
United HealthCare Services "<p>The Effective Date of these Terms is September 9, 2020.</p>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Qubes OS "Terms of Use <p>Revised: 2018-07-18</p>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
F5 and Nginx "Effective Date: 1 December 2020</b>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
TeraBox "Terms of Service</p> <p>Posted: April 28, 2020</p> <p>Effective: April 28, 2020" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Financial Times Pro "Effective Date: June 5, 2018" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
xapo "<p>Last Updated: &nbsp;February 10th, 2021" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended "As we keep improving our services, we may make changes to our Terms of Service in the future if needed. We will notify you of any changes made to our Privacy Policy by specifying the date.</p>" DECLINED bonkmaykr
Hacker Wars "Last Updated: 10/12/2019" DECLINED Vukky Suspended
WeTransfer "18 August 2020" DECLINED Vukky Suspended
Zendesk "Privacy Policy <p>Effective as of December 1, 2020" APPROVED impartial just
Tenable "Last Updated: October 11, 2021" APPROVED Aayan
WeTransfer "Version: March 1, 2020" DECLINED Vukky Suspended
WhatsApp "and update the “Last Modified” date" DECLINED eliotwl Curator
Browserling "<p>Last updated: Apr 13, 2017" APPROVED Vukky Suspended "นโยบายเกี่ยวกับข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล<p>นโยบายข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล ฉบับนี้ ลงวันที่ 12 พฤษภาคม 2563</p>" APPROVED MoeTsundere Suspended
Anime Music Quiz "<b>Last Updated: October 15, 2017</b>" APPROVED MoeTsundere Suspended
Wikimedia "This page was last edited on 8 October 2020, at 00:45." DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
c-span There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
MyHeritage "Last modified: October 10, 2018" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Pianomarvel "This policy was last modified on August 3rd, 2014.</i>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
RblxTrade "<p>Last Modified August 3rd, 2021</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Panasonic "Last modified: May 20, 2020" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Opera "<p> <em>Last updated: September 1, 2022</em> " APPROVED ELP_JAPIS Curator
Cronometer "Last Revised: February 4th, 2018" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Panasonic "<p>Last modified: May 20, 2020</p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
FanFiction "Last Updated Feb 12, 2019</b> <" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Quick Thoughts App "Last updated: September 19, 2019 " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Skillshare "This Privacy Policy was last modified as of April 25, 2019.</p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Qualtrics "This Privacy Statement was updated on September 25, 2020.<p> </p> " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Similar Worlds "Date of Last Revision: February 5, 2022<br> <br> " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Similar Worlds "Date of Last Revision: September 1, 2021<br> <br> " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
GetUpside "<p>Last updated: November 12, 2021" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
BrainFacts "This policy was last updated on January 31, 2020.</strong> </p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
GetUpside "Last updated: November 12, 2021" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Arista Networks "This cookie policy was last updated in March 2021." DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Similar Worlds "Date of Last Revision: January 29, 2022<br> <br> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Arista Networks "This privacy policy was last updated in June 2021.</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
TidyHQ "Latest update: March 27, 2019 </p> <p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Disco Elysium "Last Updated: 21 April 2020" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
The School District of Philadelphia "Last modified: July 12, 2018</p> <ul> <li>" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Disco Elysium "Last updated 21 April 2020<p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Obsidian "Last updated: December 11, 2020</i> </p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Podium "Last Updated: June 2, 2021 <p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
The School District of Philadelphia "Last modified: July 12, 2018</p> <ul> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Thomas Liquet's Website "Last updated: June 25, 2020</p> <" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Airbnb "<p>Last Updated: October 30, 2020</p>" APPROVED eliotwl Curator
Pennsylvania State University "<em>Last updated: September 2019</em> </p" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Digital Ocean "Last updated: September 27, 2021<p> " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Arizona State University Online "Revised: 11.5.2019</p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
USA TODAY "<i>Last Updated: October 5, 2020</i> <p>" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
USA TODAY "<p>Last Updated: January 3rd, 2013</p> <br> <p>" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Hyperbeam "Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Hyperbeam "Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 <p>" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Hyperbeam "Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 <p> <u>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Minerva University "Last Updated Date: September 12, 2013</small> </p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
401Gold Inc "last updated on 3 March 2021.</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Digital Ocean "<p>Last updated: December 20, 2019</p> " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Digital Ocean "Last updated October 14, 2020</p> <p>" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Alovoa "This privacy policy was last updated on 2021-06-16." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Digital Ocean "Last updated: July 31, 2020</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
PRIVATORIA "This Terms of use was last modified on May 8, 2017.</p> <strong>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
FingerprintJS "This European Data Annex was last updated on May 7th, 2021.</p> <strong>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Polywork "Last Modified: January 28th, 2020 " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Holy Cow "Document updated date: November 27, 2019</strong> </p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute "Last Updated: 06 September 2018 <p>" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Least Authority "<strong>Version 2.0 – December 18, 2019</strong> <br> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Polywork "Last Updated: January 28th, 2020 " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Polywork "Last Updated: January 28th, 2020 " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute "Last Updated: 16 May 2019 <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Forbes "<i>Revised and posted as of: November 5, 2015</i>" APPROVED sxs7000
OpenStreetMap "Adopted by the OSMF board on September the 20th 2018.</i>" APPROVED Berrely
Cakey Bot "Last updated on 25th of May 2019" APPROVED MrCakeSlayer
Toggl Track "<p>Last revised: April 19th 2021" APPROVED A Fellow Human
Undertheboard "Last updated 10/9/2021<br> </strong> " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
AirDroid "<p>This Privacy Policy was last changed on 10 September 2020.</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Voicemod "v01.00 18.03.2020</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Burning Man Project "[revised April 2015]</em>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Bentley Motors "This version was last updated on 2nd January 2019. " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Posteo "Current as of January 2013</p> <p>Changes:</p> <p>01.01.2013: Name changed to Posteo e.K.</p>" APPROVED Jack
Project Z "<em>Last updated: September 27th, 2020</em> </p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Booru Project "Revision date: 05-07-2010<br> <br> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
HomeProjectPros "Last Update: March 13, 2019</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
HomeProjectPros "Last Update: March 13, 2019</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Enphase "effective January 1, 2023" APPROVED arthurlutz Curator
Instagram "These terms will be updated effective December 20, 2020." APPROVED sxs7000
iFixit "<em>Last updated 10-May-2019.</em> </p> <i> </i>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Gap Creek Media "Last Updated March 17, 2022" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
GlobaliD "<em>Last modified: 27 November 2020" APPROVED Laffel
Gap Creek Media "Last Updated March 17, 2022, 8:59 AM (Eastern)</strong> <br> <strong> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Flatiron Media "<strong>Last Updated: September, 2, 2021</strong> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Flatiron Media "Last Updated: September 2, 2021 " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Common Sense Media "Last Updated: </em>November 16, 2021</p> <p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
SciStarter "Our Terms of Use and Consent was last updated on June 14, 2018." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
#TeamSeas "Terms of Use: last updated October 27, 2021</p>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Texoma Council of Governments "<small>This Privacy Policy was last updated and became effective October 01, 2017</small> </p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Bartell Assessments "Last Updated: January 21, 2019 " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
MIT Technology Review "<p>Updated May 8, 2018</p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Toyota "Last Updated Date: January 1, 2021</i> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
FOCUS HOME INTERACTIVE "</p> <p>This General Personal Data Protection Policy was last updated on November 18th 2021.</p>" APPROVED blackmine57
Honeyfund "<i>Last Updated January&nbsp;24,&nbsp;2022" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Sticker Ninja "Last updated: July 19, 2021</p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
QWERTY.DEV "Last Update — 25 November 2019</p> <p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Privnote "<i>Last modified: May 25th, 2018</i> </p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Honeyfund "Last Updated Nov 23, 2020</em> </p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
SenbilCloud "<p>Last updated: February 27, 2022</p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Retrospring "This Privacy Policy was last updated on <strong>December 26nd, 2021</strong> </p> <p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Clickio "This Policy was last updated on 27<sup>th</sup> September 2021. " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Sticker Ninja "Last updated: July 19, 2021</p> <p>" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
RackNerd "Last Revised 9.18.2019</strong> </p> <ul> <li>" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
sharemylesson "Last updated: February 26, 2016 <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
FAKKU "Last Modified: August 14th, 2020</p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Utreon "<p>Last revised: September 6th, 2020</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
RackNerd "Last Revised 1.19.2021</strong> </p> <p> <br> </p> <ul> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
U.S. News & World Report There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Zakronia
Myspace "This Privacy Policy was last revised on May 06, 2020.</p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator "This document was last updated on May 21, 2018</p" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Trumba "Last Revised: June 19, 2019 <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Instacart "Last updated: December 22, 2020 <p" DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Uplay "<b>Last Updated: May 12, 2020</b> </p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Trumba "Last Revised: June 19, 2019 <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Lichess "Last Modified: Thursday 10th March 2022.</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Instacart "Last Updated: June 19, 2020 " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Starlink "<i>Last updated December 22, 2020</i>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
DesignCrowd "Last Updated 25 May 2018 </p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
mint "<strong>Date Last Revised: December 1, 2020</strong> </p> <ul> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Fast Quick Search "<strong>Last Updated On: August 9, 2019</strong> </p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
DeepL "Last update: November 2020" APPROVED DodoLeDev "Last updated: 20. April, 2021" DECLINED Frolleks "<em>Last updated: 20. April 2021" DECLINED Frolleks
Unstoppable Domains "We will alert you about any changes by updating the “Last updated” date of these Terms of Use, and you waive any right to receive specific notice of each such change" DECLINED DevAdvik
INKR "<p>Last Updated: April 17, 2019</p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
FamilySearch "(Updated 2019-12-10)" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Google "Google Terms of Service<p>Effective March 31, 2020" APPROVED sxs7000
Eggactyl "Last updated July 16, 2021</strong> <br> <br> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Glassdoor "Revised September 3, 2020.</strong> </p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Neocities "<p>Our Privacy Policy was last updated and posted on June 3, 2013." DECLINED H3
TimePerformance "Dernière mise à jour du 24 octobre 2018" APPROVED Cyanic76
Wolt There is a date of the last update of the User Terms of Service APPROVED lr19_
SoloLearn "Last revised: May 24, 2018</p>" APPROVED sameta "Last modified March 1, 2021 (effective date: March 1, 2021):</strong>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Xandr "Last modified: April 14, 2022" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Zoho "Updated on: 19th March 2015." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
MalCare "<b>This Privacy Policy was last updated on Feb 01, 2021" APPROVED Zakronia
Bing "Published: April 1, 2021Effective: June 15, 2021" DECLINED JusBer
Bing "Published: April 1, 2021Effective: June 15, 2021" DECLINED JusBer
Bing "Published: April 1, 2021Effective: June 15, 2021" DECLINED JusBer
DigitalOcean There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED staler_0wept
fivesquid "Last updated: May 2018</strong> </p> " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Uplay "Last revised: May 12, 2020</p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Gather Town "Last updated May 12, 2021" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Leetify "Privacy Policy<p>Last modified: June 3, 2019" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Jsbin "Last updated 12-Jun, 2014" APPROVED Rionnane
Vercel "Last update: May 6th, 2022" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
AlfaCloud "<p>This document was last updated on July 30, 2020</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Try Hack Me "Last updated: 2020/12/02" APPROVED blackmine57
Youthumb "<strong>Last updated September 14, 2021</strong> <br> <br> <br>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
GlassWire "Last Updated: September 19, 2018 " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Transit "When we post changes to this Privacy Policy, we will revise the "last updated" date at the end of this Privacy Policy." APPROVED sierra
Gage Crib "Last updated March 09, 2021" APPROVED Aayan
ArvanCloud "Last Update: January 2022 </" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Dank Memer "Last updated: July 7th, 2019" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Odysee " <strong>Last Updated: October 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Busuu "<p>Last updated: October 2018</p>" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
iMenuPro "Last updated June 21, 2022</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
F-List "These Terms of Use are effective as of October 2017." APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Spotify "Spotify Terms and Conditions of Use <p>Effective as of 2019-02-07" DECLINED sxs7000
Flipboard "ffective Date: June 26, 2020</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
IDrive "Terms of Service <p> Last Updated:&nbsp;04/24/2015" APPROVED mrmarc
Pepsi "Effective Date: July 1, 2014. Last Updated: June 28, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Pluto TV "Last Modified: January 01, 2020</strong>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Eclipse Foundation "Notification of Changes <p>This privacy statement was last updated on May 24, 2018." APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
SecuriSend (discontinued?) "Last updated: 11/4/2020" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
SecuriSend (discontinued?) " Last updated: 11/4/2020" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Deleted Service 2317 by user 1764 "<small>Last updated 8/15/2020" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Encyclopaedia Metallum "Last update: 21 May 2018" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Replika "Last updated: December 23, 2019" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Glifico "Latest update: 2 May 2022" APPROVED eagle_eagle
The Trade Desk "Last updated: March 29, 2021" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
unsplash "This Privacy Policy was last updated on March 15th, 2019.</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Buycott "Last Updated: Dec 02, 2015" DECLINED JCorter
IsoLabs "This Agreement was last modified on 4th November 2021<br>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
miHoYo "Effective Date: December 23rd, 2020" DECLINED AZ
miHoYo "Effective Date: December 23rd, 2020" APPROVED AZ
Moodle "Cookies PolicyChrisApril 4, 2019October 4, 2021 Cookies Policy <p>Effective: 6 June 2018" DECLINED alaprea Curator
sharemylesson "Last updated: February 26, 2016 " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
The Filipino Channel "Updated on: January 1, 2021.</i>" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda "Last Updated: 2022-07-23" APPROVED tecc
WeConnectU AG "Last modified: (10.08.2022)" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Wallapop "The Terms and conditions are applicable as of the 24th of October 2016 and replace the previous Terms and Conditions that were applied from 2nd of May 2016" APPROVED TIS2022-ELP-1 Curator
JukeHost "Last updated: 11th November 2018 <br> <br>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Temp Mail "This policy is effective as of 1 Jul 2020" APPROVED sameta
Opera "Last updated: February 16, 2021</em>" DECLINED ELP_JAPIS Curator
Threema "Privacy Policy <p> <em>May 26, 2021</em>" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Intel "Last Revised: November 19, 2021<br>" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Dashlane "LAST UPDATED: August 1, 2020" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Huawei "Last updated: September 30, 2019" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
LastPass "Last Updated on April 28, 2020" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Digiarty Software "Last Updated: Nov. 26, 2019 <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
4ocean "Privacy Policy <p>Updated: July 20, 2018</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Matthew J Harmon There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED VandalPlanter
Ruby Shore Software "Last updated&nbsp;December 12, 2018</strong> <strong> <br> </strong> <strong>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Cakey Bot "Last updated on 8th September 2022" DECLINED MrCakeSlayer
MapQuest "Terms of Use <p>Last Updated: January 1, 2018" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
do not pay "LAST UPDATED: July 6, 2021" APPROVED Sylv1_Durif
FastestVPN "The Privacy Policy was last updated on: August 19, 2019" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Viber "Viber Privacy Policy <p> <b>(Last Updated: November 2019" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Cakey Bot "We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page and update the "Last updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy." DECLINED MrCakeSlayer
Cakey Bot "Last updated on 14th September 2022</em>" APPROVED MrCakeSlayer
OMDb "This Agreement was last updated on: March 12, 2015. " APPROVED Alexander Curator
Talentprise "These Terms and Conditions were last updated on February 10, 2021." APPROVED Alexander Curator
Safebase "DemoContactTerms of Service<p> <strong>Date of Last Revision: March 21, 2022" APPROVED Alexander Curator
GamerHash There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
The MUGEN Archive There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Zoom Video Communications "Last updated: August 2020" APPROVED sxs7000
visiting angels "<em>Effective/Revised November 20, 2019</em>" APPROVED Alexander Curator
Android වැඩකාරයෝ "<em>This policy was last updated on January 16, 2022.</em>" APPROVED Alexander Curator
CloudConvert "December 4, 2020</p> " APPROVED one23four56
Center for Responsive Politics "API Terms of Service <p> <i>Last Modified: April 7, 2009</i>" DECLINED wolfgang8741
Center for Responsive Politics "Privacy Policy <p>Last Modified: April 7, 2009" DECLINED wolfgang8741
Center for Responsive Politics "This privacy policy was last updated on July 10, 2014." DECLINED wolfgang8741
Center for Responsive Politics "Bulk Data Terms of Service <p>Last Modified: April 7, 2009" APPROVED wolfgang8741
Pokétwo "Effective Date: May 23, 2022" APPROVED Sylv1_Durif
Photomath "Latest update: 19th October 2021" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
MRichard333 There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED MRichard333
Meower There is a date of the last update of the agreements (13 November 2022) APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Geneanet " This update will be effective as of October 1, 2021. " APPROVED welda Curator
Wikipedia "This version was approved by Katherine Maher on May 17, 2018, pursuant to the Delegation of policy-making authority by the Board, and went into effect on May 24, 2018. " DECLINED Asotyheaty
Wikipedia "These Terms of Use went into effect on June 16, 2014." APPROVED Asotyheaty
RethinkDNS "Revision: 21 Oct 2020<ul>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Cakey Bot "Last updated on 22th January 2023</em> </p>" DECLINED MrCakeSlayer
Cakey Bot "Last updated on 8th September 2022" DECLINED MrCakeSlayer
JMServices There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED MaximKing
The Wall Street Journal "THE DOW JONES COOKIE NOTICE</b> <p> <b>Effective Date: January 8, 2021" DECLINED beans
The Wall Street Journal "THE DOW JONES PRIVACY NOTICE</b> <p> <b>Effective Date: January 23, 2020" DECLINED beans
The Wall Street Journal "Additional Terms and ConditionsUPDATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2008" DECLINED beans
Waldo Vision "<p>Last updated January 11, 2023</p>" DECLINED shadowwwind Staff "Privacy Policy last updated: 26/3/23 (Sunday, 26th March 2023" DECLINED Deveroonie Curator
Plausible "<p>Last updated: March 21, 2022</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Australia Post "December 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Waldo Vision "<p>Last updated January 11, 2023</p>" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Auth0 "Last updated: December 31, 2020<p>We last updated this Privacy Policy on December 31, 2020" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Waldo Vision " <p>Last updated January 11, 2023</p>" DECLINED shadowwwind Staff
Auth0 "Last updated: December 31, 2020<p>We last updated this Privacy Policy on December 31, 2020" DECLINED Deveroonie Curator
Auth0 "Last Update: May 31, 2018" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Next Admit "The date of the last modification will also be posted at the beginning of these Terms." APPROVED maxer137 Curator
WeatherBug "Effective Date: May 23, 2018<" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
FACEIT "<small>Last Updated: October 2019" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Restream "Privacy policyLast modified on 12/02/18<p> " APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
The Hershey Company "Effective Date (last updated 1/22/21)</strong> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Restream "RESTREAM Terms of ServiceLast modified on 11/25/2020" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Restream "GDPR ComplianceLast modified on 20/10/20" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator "Privacy Policy last updated: 1/4/23 (Saturday, 1st April 2023)</p> <br>" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Discourse "This version of CDCK’s privacy questions and answers took effect November 3, 2022.</p> <p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Ad Lightning "<b>Last Updated: April 26, 2021</b>" APPROVED Aayan
Aidlab "Last modified: June 8, 2022" APPROVED Aayan
COS.TV "Last Updated: June 2019" APPROVED Aayan
Gemini "<p>Last updated: March 16, 2023" APPROVED Aayan
Inkscape "This document was last updated on June 28, 2016</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
AutismDate "This Privacy Policy was last updated on 25th of december 2020." APPROVED Aayan
Condé Nast "<p>Last Updated: January 1, 2021" APPROVED Aayan
I Love PDF "Latest update: April 04, 2022" APPROVED Aayan
jsDelivr "Effective date: February 17, 2022</em>" APPROVED Aayan
Home Title Lock "Last Updated: October 14, 2020" APPROVED Aayan "Last update: March 28, 2018" APPROVED Aayan
The Poster Database There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
statically "Effective date: October 5, 2020" APPROVED Aayan
WinZip "Last Updated: July 2020</p>" APPROVED shiftydino
WinZip "Last Updated on:&nbsp;May 18, 2018" DECLINED shiftydino
kik-messenger "Updated: August 25, 2020</p>" APPROVED shiftydino
Tubi "Effective as of</strong> August 1, 2020</p>" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Headspace "<p>Last update: 01/22/2021" APPROVED shiftydino
Fedora "This Privacy Statement was last amended on May 25, 2018." APPROVED shiftydino
Rockstar Games "Terms of Service<p> Revised: July 11, 2019" APPROVED Zakronia
Adblock There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED Eugenio400
arXiv "The privacy notice was last revised on 2019-02-08" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Nerdist "<strong>LAST UPDATED: JANUARY 1, 2023</strong> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Beeper "Last updated: 2023/01/25" APPROVED narvey
U.S. Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
Ramsey Solutions "APRIL 14, 2022" APPROVED Aayan
Reclaim The Net "Updated September 10, 2019.</p>" APPROVED Aayan
Crunchyroll "Last Modified: 3/14/2019" APPROVED lr19_
Crunchyroll "This Privacy and Cookies Policy is effective as of 08/11/2021</p>" APPROVED lr19_
Zenly "<p>Last modified: January 17th, 2022" APPROVED Zakronia
National Center on Improving Literacy "<p>Last updated: 5/2/17" APPROVED Zakronia
Amper Music "<p>Last Updated July 15, 2019</p>" APPROVED Zakronia
Servers Guru "Last Modified – 21/07/2021" APPROVED Aayan
KartaView (formerly OpenStreetCam and OpenStreetView) "Date of last update: June 18th 2021" APPROVED Zakronia
Mint Mobile "Last Updated: October 7, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Mimo "This privacy policy was last modified on Apr 20, 2020." APPROVED Zakronia
Poll Everywhere "Privacy policy Updated July 15, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
GT Booster "Last updated: 27 July 2022" APPROVED Zakronia
Iket's website "Privacy policy last updated on 31 october, 2022" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Watermark Insights "Last Updated: November 30, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
Flourish "<em>Last updated: 13 February 2023</em>" APPROVED Zakronia
Yleisradio "This privacy statement was updated on September 2nd 2020." APPROVED lr19_
Yleisradio "We have updated our cookies policy on 24 March 2021." APPROVED lr19_
HTTP Injector "Last modified: November 3, 2022</p>" APPROVED Aayan
Yleisradio "We revised the terms of use for the Yle ID on 25 May 2018</em>" APPROVED lr19_
Q Care Plus "LastUpdated: May 6, 2022" APPROVED Aayan
MercadoLibre "<p>Versión vigente: 8 de agosto, 2022" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Eaze There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
Blender "Latest update: May 22, 2018</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Loop Homes There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan "Last updated&nbsp;October 27, 2022" APPROVED Mandi
iCivics "This Privacy Policy was last updated on July 27, 2015</p>" APPROVED Aayan
Operation Smile "DATE OF LAST REVISION: March 31, 2019" APPROVED Aayan
supabase "Last modified: 27 March 2021" APPROVED Cyanic76
Buddy "Last updated: November 30, 2022</p>" APPROVED Aayan
supabase "Last Modified: 15 April 2021" DECLINED Cyanic76
BFM TV "Date dernière mise à jour : Septembre 2021</i>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
DoorDash "Agreement</b> <p>Effective: December 22, 2020" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Cryptomator " <em>Effective date: March 2022</em>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ptgms Industries ">Last updated: 15. May, 2023" APPROVED erik Staff
Manscaped "Effective January 29, 2021</p>" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Linux Hint There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
Pobox "Effective: May 25, 2018" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Raspberry Pi "Issued April 2017</strong>" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
SolarWinds There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Aayan
Webtoon (Naver/Line) There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Autodesk There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Anydesk "Last updated:September 1, 2022" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Anydesk "Last updated:September 1, 2022" DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Ornikar There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
tempmail "Last updated September 11, 2018</em> </p> <br> <p>" APPROVED sameta "This is the current version of these terms, dated 24 Feb 2020." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
KineMaster "Effective Date: January 27, 2021" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Lenovo "<p>Last updated October 20, 2020" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Unilever "Effective Date: January 1, 2020" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
BitPay "TERMS UPDATED ON MAY 13, 2021</p>" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Valid Number "Last update: March 24, 2016</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Rakuten "<p>Updated: November 23, 2020</p>" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
AVG Security "(Revised October 1, 2020)</p>" DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda "<em>Last updated: November 8th, 2020" APPROVED lr19_
Never Install "July 24, 2021" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda "<em>Last updated: November 7th, 2020" APPROVED lr19_
Epic Games "Last&nbsp;Updated: March 14, 2023." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
OsmAnd "Last updated: 16 September 2022" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
WordArt "Terms and Conditions were last updated on 8th November 2019" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Fedora Email "Last updated: January 1, 2021</p>" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Blackle There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Fandom "Date of Last Revision: October 14, 2020</p>" QUOTE NOT FOUND EarldridgeJazzedPineda
TermsFeed "last updated on 12 Sep 2021" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Paradox Interactive "LATEST UPDATES, APRIL 08, 2019" APPROVED levijneuwirth
scribe "This privacy policy was last modified August 5, 2022.</p>‍" APPROVED levijneuwirth
Figma "Last Updated: August 19, 2021." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
GeeksforGeeks There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Hantalyte
FairTec "Last update of this policy:</em> 20 of may of 2021</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Monero "Last revised: June 22nd, 2017" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Conjuguemos "Last updated" APPROVED Hantalyte
Product Report Card "Last Updated: December 31, 2019" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Amethyst Craft "It was last updated 10/5/23.</p>" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Scopely "Effective Date: July 1, 2019</strong>" APPROVED narvey
MIT Technology Review "</p> <p>Last updated: August 12, 2013<" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator "Updated: May 25, 2023" APPROVED welda Curator
Skiff World, Inc "Last Updated June 6, 2022" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
backblaze "Last updated: February 12, 2020" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Build Royale "Last modification: 10/14/2018" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Web Hosting Secret Revealed "</i>Last updated on 01 December 2020" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Recipe Realm "Last updated: 29/6/23<br> Effective date: 29/6/23" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
FlorisBoard "y <p>Last modified: Aug 25, 2022" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
AniList "Latest update: August 30, 2018" APPROVED shiruvaaa
Facebook "Revision: October" QUOTE NOT FOUND Dr_Jeff Staff "This document was last updated on Feb 1, 2020" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
MonoPrice "Last Update:</strong> This is the official Privacy Policy as of Sept 17, 2020" APPROVED Zakronia
New York Times "Last updated on January 3rd, 2019" APPROVED Sandova
ViacomCBS "<strong>EFFECTIVE DATE:</strong> FEBRUARY 18, 2021</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
DEPRECATED # 71 There is a date of the last update of the agreements DECLINED logisticmonkey
Infomaniak "This privacy policy was amended on 1 May 2018." APPROVED donno Curator
OpenCritic "Effective September 25th, 2020" APPROVED Cyanic76
MyAnimeList "<b>Update to our Privacy Policy</b> <br> We have recently updated our privacy policy, which will be implemented from March 19, 2021 onwards.<br>" APPROVED Creature101
PayPal "This user agreement will be effective for all users as of September 14, 2020." APPROVED Creature101
Convertr "<p>Last updated: August 2021" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Gigaom "Effective July 22, 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Grayjay "<p>Last updated: August 18 2023</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Firefox Cloud Services "To make your review more convenient, we will post an effective date at the top of this page.</p> " APPROVED hook
Binance.US "Last Updated: January 20, 2023" APPROVED Alexander Curator
Skillshare "These Terms of Service were last modified as of March 19, 2021" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Gusto Last updated September 26, 2017 APPROVED narvey
Yik Yak "Effective as of March 30, 2023" APPROVED Alexander Curator "Updated 20 February 2020</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
FastMail "Terms of Service <p>These Terms of Service came into effect on <strong>May 25th, 2020</strong" APPROVED Peepo Staff
XML Sitemaps "Updated: <i>May 5th, 2018" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Tweakers "Deze Algemene Voorwaarden zijn voor het laatst gewijzigd op 24 maart 2020.</em> </p>" APPROVED vdelau
Scratch "p> <i>The Scratch Privacy Policy was last updated: February 14, 2019</i" APPROVED 120thduck
Nabu Casa "Change log <ul> <li>September 16, 2018: Initial version</li> " APPROVED arthurlutz Curator
Twitch "please take a look at the “last modified” legend at the top of this page to see when this Cookie Policy was last revised." APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Kongregate "Effective as of November 1, 2018.</em> </p> 1." APPROVED Esmooth Curator "December 30, 2019" APPROVED donno Curator
Grammarly "Terms of&nbsp;Service and License AgreementEffective as of October 2, 2020<p" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Agoda "Last updated January 2022" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Houseparty "<p>Last Updated: June 11, 2018</p>" APPROVED Sandova
Awesomesauce Software "<p>Last updated: 30. July, 2023" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
EteSync "Last modified: 27/03/2017" APPROVED donno Curator "This policy is effective as of 2021-12-28</p>" APPROVED Dwindling
Surface Owl "Effective: February 27, 2017</p> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
FanFiction "Last Updated Feb 12, 2019" APPROVED Holonium
Owl Mail "Privacy PolicyEffective date: July 1, 2020" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Built In "<p>Last Updated: 2/2/20" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Penske Media Corporation "<p>Last updated: April 17, 2020</p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Cookiebot "<p>1.2. These Terms were last updated on March 16, 2018 and are effective between you and Cybot as of the date when you place an order or set up an account at " APPROVED welda Curator
GoPro "<p>Last Updated Date: February 8, 2022" APPROVED wolfgang8741
Swipefy "<p>These terms and conditions are effective as of 2023-06-01" APPROVED Dwindling
Swipefy "This policy is effective as of 2023-06-01" DECLINED Dwindling
Virginia Cyber Range "Reviewed/Updated: October 1st, 2019</p>" APPROVED lee
ups There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED DaDarkWizard
Storypark "yLast updated: 1 December 2020" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Veracity "Last update: 25th September 2018" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda "Last updated Oct 07, 2022" APPROVED BuckyRiverBeaver
Kaggle "</p> <p>Effective Date: December 28, 2021</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Airtable "Last Modified: December 1, 2022." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Speedwrite "Privacy Policy</p> <p>Version Date: March 23, 2021" APPROVED Alexander Curator
Teen Counseling "Last Updated: October 18, 2021" APPROVED Alexander Curator
Teen Counseling "Last Updated and Effective: October 18, 2021" APPROVED Alexander Curator
Speedwrite "Terms of Service and License Agreement</p> <p>Effective as of March 20, 2021" APPROVED Alexander Curator
BUFF "<p>Last Date Updated: December 20, 2021.</" APPROVED Alexander Curator "Last revised on: October 24, 2013" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Yik Yak "Last Updated: March 30, 2023</strong>" APPROVED Alexander Curator
Clever "Effective Date: June 30, 2022</p>" APPROVED Alexander Curator
AdGuard DNS "AdGuard DNS Privacy Policy February 1, 2023" APPROVED Alexander Curator
LingoJam "The last update to our Terms and Conditions was posted on August 11, 2013." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Temu "Last updated: July 27, 2023" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Miniclip "<i>These Terms were last updated on 29th July 2019" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Sport Newscast "Last updated February 17, 2023" APPROVED Aayan
Habbo "Updated</strong>: 14.6.2018" APPROVED erik Staff
Science Sparks There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED acedyler "Last Revised: 10/18/2021</strong>" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
AliExpress "<strong>effective as of October 17, 2020" DECLINED shadowwwind Staff "Last updated 24 November 2020, effective 24 November 2020" DECLINED nolawyer
WiFi Map "Updated: Jan 12, 2023" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Ars Technica "Updated: January 1, 2021" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Nike "Date of last revision: September 2021" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
AdLock Media "Last Updated: October 1st, 2016" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Voices "<p>Last Updated: October 21, 2022" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Anthology "<p>This Privacy Policy was last updated on <strong>December 28, 2020</strong> and shall be updated at least annually.</p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Tinkercad "Last Updated:&nbsp;December 2019" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
DomainTools "Last Revision: May 22, 2017" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Open Culture "This Agreement was last revised on January 2, 2012</p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
The Game Awards "Last updated: November 02, 2019" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
DeviantArt "Policy last updated: January 12, 2021" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Rockstar Energy "Last Updated: February 13, 2020" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
ClarityEnglish "This Privacy Policy was last updated on 15 March 2023.</i>" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator "Last updated: February 14, 2022</strong>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Meower There is a date of the last update of the agreements (8 December 2023) APPROVED mdwalters
Vouchley "<p>Last updated: 22/05/2023" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Royal Road "Last Changed: 26/02/2017" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Pico "Last updated: 20 May 2022" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Pico "<p>Last updated:&nbsp;May 20, 2022" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Pico "Last Updated: 24/5/2022" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Pico "<em>Last Updated: [ May] 2022" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Yahoo! "Terms below apply to those products and services effective May 25, 2018." DECLINED Alexander Curator
Y Combinator There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED ThePainofTOS There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED Dimalsing
Sanoma Media Finland "Tämä tietosuojalauseke on voimassa: 31.10.2023 lähtien." APPROVED lr19_
OpenCritic "Effective September 2, 2021</em>" APPROVED Cyanic76
Vouchley "<p>Last updated: 02/06/2023</p>" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
PrivacyMate "<b>LAST UPDATED MAY 25, 2018</b>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Yahoo! "<em>Last updated: August 2020</em>" APPROVED Alexander Curator
Minecraft "Published: August 1, 2020Effective: October 1, 2020" DECLINED DJJ05
Marcus "If we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will update the “Last updated on” date at the top of this page." APPROVED DJJ05
SpigotMC "Last Modified: August 1, 2018" DECLINED DJJ05
Xiaomi "updated on December 9, 2019" APPROVED DJJ05
Northwest Communications Cooperative "Effective November 1, 2019" APPROVED Alexander Curator
Netlify "Last Updated September 8th, 2020</p>" APPROVED DJJ05
Layers of London "Reviewed February 2019</p>" APPROVED DJJ05
Layers of London "Reviewed February 2019</p>" APPROVED DJJ05
English Grammar 101 "<i>Last Updated: July 7, 2021" APPROVED DJJ05 "Updated on February 15, 2023" APPROVED DJJ05
SimpleX Chat "Updated August 17, 2023" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Red Shield VPN "Updated on February 18, 2023" DECLINED DJJ05
Red Shield VPN "Updated June 7, 2023" DECLINED DJJ05
MEE6 "Latest update: September 08, 2020" PENDING DJJ05
Weird Gloop Limited There is a date of the last update of the agreements PENDING EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Securly "Website Terms <p>Effective Date: March 2020" PENDING Alexander Curator
Aurora Store "Aurora Store Privacy Policy Last Updated: **01.03.2021**" APPROVED Alexander Curator
ShortPixel "Last updated: <strong>December 26th, 2022</strong>" APPROVED DJJ05
Schibsted "Senast uppdaterad: 30 september 2021" PENDING Johand
University of Colorado Colorado Springs "Effective Date: 11/09/2023</em>" PENDING Aayan
Aura "Aura will post updates to this page and update the “Last updated” date above." PENDING Zenphia
Ouest-France There is a date of the last update of the agreements PENDING AgnesDeLion Staff
globalcomix There is a date of the last update of the agreements PENDING Aayan
Life360 There is a date of the last update of the agreements PENDING tosdidread
Dollar General Corporation "Terms &amp. Conditions <p> <b>LAST UPDATED: June 19, 2023</b>" PENDING pederdm000 Staff
Sprouts Farmers Market "Terms <p>Last Updated: December 23, 2021." PENDING pederdm000 Staff
Hasbro "(Last Updated: November, 27, 2017)" PENDING Aayan
A Mighty Girl There is a date of the last update of the agreements PENDING Aayan
MacPaw "Privacy Policy Updated Sep 04, 2020" PENDING JusBer
Imgur "Effective May 6, 2021" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
VKontakte There is a date of the last update of the terms DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
US Department of Education "Last Modified: 05/01/2017" APPROVED DJJ05
Ponder Source "© 2022 All Rights Reserved Ponder Source</p>" PENDING michielbdejong Staff
Walmart "July 17, 2020 10:36 AM" QUOTE NOT FOUND welda Curator
Bing "Published: April 1, 2021Effective: June 15, 2021" QUOTE NOT FOUND MrElvey
DuckDuckGo " <li>Last updated on 04/11/12." QUOTE NOT FOUND LuneSirius Curator
Discord "Last modified: May 7, 2020.</p>" QUOTE NOT FOUND Dr_Jeff Staff
MEE6 "Latest update: September 22, 2021" APPROVED DJJ05
Proton AG "Last modified: June 8<sup>th</sup>, 2021" QUOTE NOT FOUND AgnesDeLion Staff
BC.GAME There is a date of the last update of the agreements PENDING MyMilestoneCardc

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