There is a date of the last update of the agreements
Changes: 2
Author: MRichard333 (3877)
The last times that the terms have been updated are shown (Last Time edited: 02/12/2022) in this case and will always be updated, the cookies agreement will as well state that the user agrees to the new TOS and privacy policy for 2 weeks and will also be posted on Discord and on
We track editorial changes to analyses and updates to a point's status and display the previous versions here as part of an effort to promote transparency regarding our curation process.
Version 2: 2023-03-12 17:31:44 UTC by AgnesDeLion (20760)
Previous Title: No changes recorded
Updated Title: No changes recorded
Previous Analysis: No changes recorded
Updated Analysis: No changes recorded
Previous Status: PENDING
Updated Status: APPROVED
Version 1: 2023-02-21 18:03:09 UTC by MRichard333 (3877)
Previous Title:
Updated Title: There is a date of the last update of the agreements
Previous Analysis:
Updated Analysis: The last times that the terms have been updated are shown (Last Time edited: 02/12/2022) in this case and will always be updated, the cookies agreement will as well state that the user agrees to the new TOS and privacy policy for 2 weeks and will also be posted on Discord and on
Previous Status:
Updated Status: PENDING