You maintain ownership of your content

This service does not claim ownership over user-generated content or materials, and the user doesn't need to waive any moral rights by posting owned content.

Classification: good

Weight: 50

Service Title Rating Status Author
BitPay You maintain ownership of your data DECLINED FairlySober
Tumblr "You retain ownership you have of any intellectual property you post to Tumblr." APPROVED import script Bot
Discord "YOUR CONTENTAny data, text, graphics, photographs and their selection and arrangement, and any other materials uploaded to the Service by you is “Your Content.”" DECLINED Ghostly
Qwant "" DECLINED Vincent (Mr. 404) Staff
City of Reading "<strong>Access</strong>   Any personally identifiable information you enter in a user profile will be open and accessible to you for review and modification. If you have any questions or comments about the information presented in this Privacy Policy, you can contact the" DECLINED day Curator
Tartle "TARTLE does not sell, rent or lease its customer lists to third parties, ever" DECLINED Geographyisdestiny
EteSync "We will not sell your email address to anyone." DECLINED tester
Quora "You are responsible for the content that you post. </b>This includes ensuring that you have the rights needed for you to post that content and that your content does not violate the legal rights of another party (for example, defamation) or any applicable laws.</li>" DECLINED Maverick153
idka (DEPRECATED) You maintain ownership of your data DECLINED benji_bacchus Curator You maintain ownership of your data DECLINED Drae
Apple Services You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
Todoist You maintain ownership of your data DECLINED Nacho
Apple Services You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
Apple Services You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
DeviantArt "DeviantArt does not claim ownership rights in your works or other materials posted by you to DeviantArt (Your Content)." APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Crain's Chicago Business "You retain all rights and responsibility for the User Content you post." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Microsoft Store "Microsoft does not claim ownership of the materials you provide to Microsoft (including feedback, ratings, reviews and suggestions) or post, upload, input or submit to the Store or associated Microsoft services for review by others (each a "Submission" and collectively "Submissions"). " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
PythonAnywhere "As between you and us, you or your licensors own all right, title, and interest in and to Your Content. Except as provided in this clause, we obtain no rights under this agreement from you or your licensors to Your Content, including any related intellectual property rights." APPROVED mathfreak231 Curator
Observable "You retain ownership of and responsibility for Your Content." APPROVED Jed Fox Curator
Medium "You own the rights to the content you create and post on Medium." DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
NaNoWriMo "NaNoWriMo claims no copyright on projects created or shared on our website, and will not be held liable for any content therein.</p>" DECLINED michielbdejong Staff
Airbnb "Unless you provide specific consent, Airbnb does not claim any ownership rights in any Member Content and nothing in these Terms will be deemed to restrict any rights that you may have to use or exploit your Member Content.</p> " DECLINED Michael Curator
Facebook "You own the content you create and share on Facebook and the other Facebook Products you use, and nothing in these Terms takes away the rights you have to your own content." DECLINED import script Bot
TikTok "You or the owner of your User Content still own the copyright in User Content sent to us" APPROVED spylee Curator
LibreOffice Privacy Policy of LibreOffice (English) DECLINED aryan_l
HP-67 You maintain ownership of your data DECLINED sir_bruce
Famileo You maintain ownership of your data DECLINED user 169
Netsyms Technologies "We will never sell your information to anybody. It belongs to you and you own it." DECLINED skylarmt Curator
yelp "As between you and Yelp, you own Your Content." DECLINED okfifi
Ryver "You retain full ownership to your Content." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Slack "Customer will own all Customer Data. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract," APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Pixelcat Productions JBAuth "Any content you upload is yours and must be yours." DECLINED JustinBack Staff
MySudo "We built our apps with a single intent: Give the user control." DECLINED anonyomelabs
Wattpad "<p>You own all the rights to the content you create and post on the Wattpad Services." APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Meetup "Your Content is also subject to our&nbsp;Intellectual Property Dispute Policies.</li> <li>We do not own the Content that you post. However, we do require that&nbsp;you provide us a license&nbsp;to use this Content in order for us to operate, improve, promote, and protect Meetup and our Platform for the benefit of you and others.</li> <li" APPROVED Peepo Staff
Apple Services You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
MeWe " <li>You own your personal information &amp. content. It is explicitly not ours." DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Dribbble "<p>All Content uploaded are copyright © their respective owners.</p>" APPROVED donno Curator
Minds You maintain ownership of your data DECLINED Therapy Snek Curator
Rumble "You retain full control and all rights to your video. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
SourceHut You maintain ownership of your data DECLINED ddevault
Fur Affinity "These permissions do not transfer the rights of your content or allow us to create any deviations of that content outside the aforementioned purposes.</p> <p> <i>In other words...</i> <br>By uploading your content to the site you give us permission to host and share it. You retain the copyright to your content.</p>" DECLINED LuneSirius Curator
BitChute "You own and are responsible for all of the content and information you post on BitChute. However, before sharing content on BitChute, please be sure you have the right to do so. We ask that you respect copyrights, trademarks, and other legal rights. You should make reference to fair use laws appropriately where applicable." DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Strava "<li>You own your content, but give us a right to use it.</li>" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Open Culture "You retain ownership of your User Content." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
PriceCharting "When you submit content to the Site you retain full ownership of the content" APPROVED jjgames
TikTok You maintain ownership of your data DECLINED mullens359
SecuriSend (discontinued?) "You retain any ownership rights you have in your content.</strong> " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Creative Commons "We do not take any ownership of your content when you post it on our sites." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Todoist "You retain any copyright and other proprietary rights that you may hold in the User Content that you post to the Service.</li> <li> <strong>" APPROVED TyTaYmuQQ8otrm
SpigotMC "You retain copyright over the Content.</li> " DECLINED Photon Curator
WaniKani "You retain ownership of and responsibility for Content you create or own (“Your Content”)." APPROVED HootOwl18
ISODME "If you have a website or other content hosted by ISODME, you shall retain all of your ownership or licensed rights in User Content.<" APPROVED jonathanlei
Etsy "By posting Your Content through our Services, you grant Etsy a license to use it. We don’t claim any ownership to Your Content, but we have your permission to use it to help Etsy function and grow." APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Cloudflare "You will retain ownership of your Content, however, any use of your Content by Cloudflare may be without any compensation paid to you." APPROVED Esmooth Curator
Prezi "<b>Regardless of whether you designate content public or private, Prezi makes no claim of ownership to your User Content and obtains no rights to your content other than as provided for herein." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
GitHub "You own content you create, but you allow us certain rights to it, so that we can display and share the content you post." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Patreon "To summarize: You keep complete ownership of all creations, but you give us permission to use them on Patreon. Make sure you have permission to use creations that you offer on Patreon.<p> </p> <p>You keep full ownership of all creations that you offer on Patreon, but we need licenses from you to operate Patreon effectively." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
MeWe "You own your content. We don’t. All your content belongs to you. We don’t share your content and we don’t spy on you or your content. Illegal activity is not permitted. If we are made aware of illegal activity, we will take appropriate action. We ask that you not post any unlawful, harmful, obscene, or pornographic content. Please see our Terms of Service for the list of activities that are not permitted at MeWe.</p>" DECLINED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Mailfence "We claim no intellectual property rights over the material you upload to the Service. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Todoist "You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that Content." DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Mega "You own, or undertake that you are authorised to use, any intellectual property in any data you store on, use, download, upload, share, access, transmit or otherwise make available to or from, our systems or using our services." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Roll20 "<p>Content that you upload to the Roll20 Marketplace remains the IP of the original creator, and becomes subject to the additional terms found in the Marketplace End User Licese Agreement (EULA)." APPROVED GV-280
Tapas "Licensing <p>Tapas Media does not claim ownership rights of your Content. Your Content belongs to you and Tapas Media does not restrict you from using your Content for any purpose unless stated in additional terms for other programs or offerings Tapas Media may provide.</p>" APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Turnitin "You or the person who has authorized You to submit a paper for review as part of the Services will, subject to the license granted hereunder to Turnitin and its affiliates, vendors, service providers and licensors, retain Your ownership of the submitted paper." DECLINED cherryblossom
Overleaf "These Terms do not grant us any rights to your stuff or intellectual property except for the limited rights that are needed to run the Services, as explained below.</p> <p>We may need your permission to do things you ask us to do with your stuff, for example, hosting your files, or sharing them at your direction. This includes product features visible to you, for example, image thumbnails or project previews. It also includes design choices we make to technically administer our Services, for example, how we redundantly backup data to keep it safe. You give us the permissions we need to do those things solely to provide the Services." APPROVED AlexhasaHorn
Guidefox "User content <p>We do not own any data, information or material ("Content") that you submit on the Website in the course of using the Service" DECLINED jono1234
Tricare Barfields DECLINED tg1672gb20
Reddit "<p>You retain any ownership rights you have in Your Content" APPROVED LoreMazza004
idka (DEPRECATED) "<p>The intellectual property rights to any shared digital resources remain with the User that created or uploaded the material. Any intellectual property rights to any digital resources such as posts, chats, texts, photos, videos, files, etc. created on or uploaded to the Service remain unchanged and rest with the person that uploaded or created the digital resource as it is, provided however that Idka and the Service are given the rights necessary to manipulate and manage the digital resources in order to provide the Service and provide functionality such as, but not limited to, encryption and “in-service” content search.</p> <p>We do not acquire any other rights to information that you have uploaded, stored or created on the Service, and such digital assets are not part of the Content.</p>" APPROVED benji_bacchus Curator
Dailymotion "Despite this allowance, Your Content shall always remain Your property" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
MRichard333 You maintain ownership of your data APPROVED MRichard333
Archive of Our Own "The <abbr>OTW</abbr> does not claim any ownership or copyright in your Content." APPROVED Holonium
e621/e926 "We strive to make sure that this site has a wide variety of content for users to enjoy, but we also place great importance on ensuring that the content we host does not infringe upon artists' or character owners' copyrights. In addition to that we also respect the commissioner' wishes on art they have paid for.</p" APPROVED TermsOfMe
Planio "It is made clear that the Customer remains the data owner, generally in the contractual relationship as well as in the sense of data privacy (§&nbsp;11 BDSG)." APPROVED jansh
Letterboxd "Other than this right, we claim no intellectual property rights in relation to the information or content that you upload onto the Service." APPROVED donno Curator
SeenThis " <strong>Les messages publiés sur Seenthis restent la propriété des contributeurs respectifs." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
WeTransfer "WeTransfer does not claim ownership of your Content.</p>" APPROVED AlexhasaHorn
GitLab "We do not claim any ownership rights to the information that you submit to the GitLab application itself, your code is yours." DECLINED KnossosDomovoi Curator
Citationsy You maintain ownership of your data DECLINED JosephCW
XVideos "and</li> <li>your Submission is compliant with all laws, including, but not limited to, 18 U.S.C. § 2257 and 28 C.F.R 751. and</li> <li>you retain all of your ownership rights in your Submissions" APPROVED GV-280 "You retain ownership of and responsibility for content you create even if it does not belong to you." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
iStudiez "<li>We do not own or pretend for the ownership of your information. Everything you put in iStudiez Pro is yours. By using iStudiez Pro Cloud Sync service, you give us the permission to do certain things with your data so that we can run our service." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Adventurer's Codex "Your Content <p>You retain the rights to your copyrighted content or information that you submit to Adventurer’s Codex (“user content”)" APPROVED GV-280
Upcloud "Aside from the rights specifically granted herein, Customer retains ownership of all rights, including intellectual property rights, in the Customer Data.</p> <p> <small> <strong>tl;dr</strong> Any data uploaded to or generated on your cloud servers are yours and yours only" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
TikTok "You or the owner of your User Content still own the copyright in User Content sent to us, but by submitting User Content via the Services, you hereby grant us an unconditional irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully transferable, perpetual worldwide licence to use, modify, adapt, reproduce, make derivative works of, publish and/or transmit, and/or distribute and to authorise other users of the Services and other third-parties to view, access, use, download, modify, adapt, reproduce, make derivative works of, publish and/or transmit your User Content in any format and on any platform, either now known or hereinafter invented.</p> <p>You further grant us a royalty-free license to use your user name, image, voice, and likeness to identify you as the source of any of your User Content. provided," DECLINED lutein678
pCloud "You retain full ownership to your files, folders, directories, including their metadata (file names, thumbnails, etc.) and any information you submit to pCloud for encryption purposes." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Phone2Action "The Company does not claim any ownership rights in any of Your Materials and nothing in this Agreement will be deemed to restrict any rights that you may have to use and exploit any of Your Materials." APPROVED dylankuhn
ByGabyArdigo "Your rights</strong> <br> If you are a European resident, you have the right to access personal information we hold about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted." DECLINED Xilor
Pinterest "You retain all rights in, and are solely responsible for, the User Content you post to Pinterest.</p>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
FastMail "Content uploaded by members <p>Fastmail does not claim ownership of content you submit or make available for inclusion on the Service" APPROVED lemmings
Tresorit "This Agreement does not grant Tresorit any ownership over the contents of Customer Files or over Customer's intellectual property," APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Spotify "Aside from the rights specifically granted herein, you retain ownership of all rights, including intellectual property rights, in the User Content." DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
Guerrilla Mail "<p>You retain all copyrights to your data all times." APPROVED jurius
Malwarebytes "Malwarebytes does not claim any ownership rights in your User Content and nothing in these Terms will be deemed to restrict any rights that you may have to use and exploit your User Content. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Listudy "You retain your rights to any content you submit, post or create through the services including chess games." APPROVED ravenclaw900
Weasyl "Weasyl does not claim ownership rights in your works or other materials posted by you to Weasyl, hence forth known as Your Content. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Hacking with Swift "You maintain full ownership of your data" APPROVED JustinBack Staff
SurveyMonkey " <p>3.1. You Retain Ownership of Your Content.</p> <p>You retain ownership of all of your intellectual property rights in your Content. SurveyMonkey does not claim ownership over any of your Content. These Terms do not grant us any licenses or rights to your Content except for the limited rights needed for us to provide the Services, and as otherwise described in these Terms.</p> <p>3.2. Limited License to Your Content.</p> <p>You grant SurveyMonkey a worldwide, royalty free license to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, adapt, create derivative works, make publicly available, and otherwise exploit your Content, but only for the limited purposes of providing the Services to you and as otherwise permitted by the SurveyMonkey privacy policies. This license for such limited purposes continues even after you stop using our Services, with respect to aggregate and de-identified data derived from your Content and any residual backup copies of your Content made in the ordinary course of SurveyMonkey’s business. This license also extends to any trusted third parties we work with to the extent necessary to provide the Services to you. If you provide SurveyMonkey with feedback about the Services, we may use your feedback without any obligation to you.</p> <p>" DECLINED CRD716
Urban Dictionary "To the extent you own rights in any Content you publish on the Website, such rights shall remain yours solely and exclusively.</p>" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
BlueSky "You keep your ownership of User Content" PENDING asterisk
iCloud "Except for material we may license to you, Apple does not claim ownership of the materials and/or Content you submit or make available on the Service." APPROVED omhqit Curator
likee "Likee respects the intellectual property of others and follows the requirements set forth in the relevant applicable laws." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
SharkLasers " <p>You retain all copyrights to your data all times. " DECLINED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Virtual World Computing Cocoon MyData Rewards "You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold to content you submit, post or display through the Software. Furthermore, you understand that all content (without limitation, text, data files, web pages, software, extensions, audio and video files, and images) which you may have access to through the Software is the responsibility of the person or entity from which the content originated and not the responsibility of Cocoon. You understand that the Software may allow you to access content that is offensive or objectionable to you and that in this respect you use the Software at your own risk</p>" APPROVED penguintamer
Pure Dating You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Jah'smine101
Signal "Signal messages and calls cannot be accessed by us or other third parties because they are always end-to-end encrypted, private, and secure." APPROVED user 17 Curator
URL Decoder You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Johely
Waze "Waze receives no ownership rights in and to the Content that you submit." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Reddit "<p>You retain any ownership rights you have in Your Content, but you grant Reddit the following license to use that Content:" DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
OpenAI You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
Python Tutor You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
NewPipe You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
Free Code Camp "You have full control over your data, and can set any of these details to private, or delete them at any time." DECLINED earnes2
Chrome Webstore You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
Google "Your content remains yours, which means that you retain any intellectual property rights that you have in your content. For example, you have intellectual property rights in the creative content you make, such as reviews you write." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Jitsi "You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that You hold in Your Content." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Instructure "When you use our Service, you provide us with things like your files, content, messages, etc. (“Your Content”). Your Content is yours." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Authy (Twilio) "Ownership and Confidentiality <p> <em>What’s ours is ours, and what’s yours is yours." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
BitChute "BitChute does not claim any ownership rights to any Content posted to the Service. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Royal Society of Chemistry "Although you will still own the copyright in your Contribution," APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Bandcamp "For clarity, the foregoing license grant to Company does not affect your other ownership or license rights in your User Submission(s), including the right to grant additional licenses to the material in your User Submission(s), unless otherwise agreed in writing;</li>" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Cisco "We do not claim any ownership rights in any text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, software, works of authorship, or other materials that you upload or otherwise provide to our Site (collectively, "User Content")." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The Walt Disney Company "<p>In most instances, we do not claim ownership of your User Generated Content. " DECLINED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Heroku "As between the parties, each party retains all ownership rights in and to its Confidential Information. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Element "<p>Unless stated otherwise in direct agreements between the Authorised Users and the Customer (e.g. an employment contract), the Homeserver Owner can not claim intellectual property rights over rooms, message content or files Authorised Users uploaded to the Homeserver, directly or over federation or bridging.</p> <p>" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Avast "You retain any and all intellectual property rights you already hold under applicable law in User Content you publish or share through the Solution" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Zoom Video Communications "You retain copyright and any other rights You already hold in Content which You submit, post or display on or through, the Services.</li> <li> <strong>Recordings" APPROVED eric
Guilded "This is a license only – your ownership in User Submissions is not affected." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
BlackBoard "You retain your rights to any Content you submit, post, or display on or through the Products." APPROVED eric
Yahoo! "Except as otherwise provided in the specific&nbsp;product terms or guidelines for&nbsp;one of our Services, when you upload, share with or submit content to the Services you retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Selfie2Anime "Except for the license you grant below, you retain all rights in and to your User Content, as between you and Selfie2Anime.</p> " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
FanFiction "For clarity, you retain all of your ownership rights in your User Submissions." APPROVED Holonium
Medtinker "3.5.1. You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address or contact form given on our website:</p> <ul> <li>See what data we have about you, if any.</li> <li>Change/correct any data we have about you.</li> <li>Have us delete any data we have about you.</li> <li>Express any concern you have about our use of your data.</li>" DECLINED Medtinker Curator
Microsoft Services "The articles, text, photos, maps, videos, video players, and third-party material available on Bing and MSN, including through Microsoft bots, applications and programs, are for your noncommercial, personal use only. Other uses, including downloading, copying, or redistributing these materials, or using these materials or products to build your own products, are permitted only to the extent specifically authorized by Microsoft or rights holders, or allowed by applicable copyright law. Microsoft or other rights holders reserve all rights to the material not expressly granted by Microsoft under the license terms, whether by implication, estoppel, or otherwise." DECLINED Photon Curator
Shopify "You retain ownership over all Materials that you upload to the Store." APPROVED private prawn Curator
Chapril "Nous ne revendiquons aucun droit sur vos données&nbsp;: textes, images, sons, vidéos, ou tout autre élément, que vous téléchargez ou transmettez depuis votre compte.</li>" APPROVED welda Curator
LightyearVPN "We do not assert any ownership over your Contributions. You retain full ownership of all of your Contributions and any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights associated with your Contributions." APPROVED BlueMantis
Parler "The licenses ,granted by you hereunder do not include any moral rights or right of attribution." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Smart Survey Work "We acknowledge your IP rights over your configuration and transactional data held in SSW and agree not to share this data with others without prior written agreement from you." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
RTS (Radio Télévision Suisse) "L’utilisateur est seul et unique responsable, sur le plan civil, administratif et pénal, des propos et/ou contenus (textes, images, sons, etc.) qu’il communique dans les forums, blogs, chats et autres rubriques similaires des sites de la RTS.</p>" DECLINED welda Curator
Meredith "Meredith does not claim ownership of any User Content you make available on the Services ("<strong>Your Content</strong>"). " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Similar Worlds "You own all of the content and information you post on Similar Worlds. " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator "No obstante lo anterior, se compromete a respetar y nombrar, cuando así sea posible, la autoría del Uusario respecto a los contenidos facilitados a, y el Usuario podrá en todo momento revocar el consentimiento otorgado para el uso de dichos contenidos por parte de, con los límites establecidos en la normativa aplicable." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
LinkedIn ">You own all of the content" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
webmail "For clarity, you retain all of your ownership rights in your User Submissions. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Apple Services "Apple does not claim ownership of the materials and/or Content you submit or make available on the Service." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
PayPal "PayPal does not claim ownership of the content that you provide, upload, submit or send to PayPal. &nbsp;Nor does PayPal claim ownership of the content you host on third-party websites or applications that use PayPal services to provide payments services related to your content." APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
PayPal You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED d066hie
Line Corporation You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED 20redlightord39
Vox Media "We do not claim ownership of any information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages, tags or other materials you submit for display or distribution to others through the Services" APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Redbubble "You keep the copyright in any content you submit or upload to the website." APPROVED private prawn Curator
WhatsApp "WhatsApp does not claim ownership of the information that you submit for your WhatsApp account or through our Services. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Notion "We do not claim any ownership rights in any User Content</strong> and nothing in these Terms will be deemed to restrict any rights that you may have to use and exploit your User Content" APPROVED francopan
FaceApp "Subject to this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, you retain all rights in and to your User Content, as between you and FaceApp. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Rofkin You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
MyData You maintain ownership of your content no matter nor material I Thomas Stec am free . DECLINED 369phoenix
Open Source Initiative " OSI does not claim ownership of Content you submit or make available for inclusion via the OSI Service." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
MIT App Inventor "MIT has no proprietary rights in the apps you create with MIT App Inventor. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
ClassDojo " you (or your school as applicable) retain all ownership rights you have in any User Content" APPROVED private prawn Curator
SpanishDict "SpanishDict claims no ownership or control over any Content submitted, posted or displayed by you on or through SpanishDict services. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
SpiderOak "The files and other materials you upload to the SpiderOak Services are yours and yours alone" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
LibraryThing "We do NOT assert copyright over the things you post to LibraryThing. The phrase "non-exclusive" above means you can post your content elsewhere.</b> By posting something to LibraryThing you let us use it, but you do not restrict what you can do with it." APPROVED arlo Staff
Free Code Camp "Nothing in these terms gives the company any ownership rights in intellectual property that you share with the website, such as your account information or other content you submit to the website." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
YTMP3.CC "We claim no ownership or control over User Submissions or Third Party Content. You or a third-party licensor, as appropriate, retain all copyrights to User Submissions and you are responsible for protecting those rights as appropriate." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
BlaBlaCar "This right notably includes the option to make modifications to the formatting of your Member Content, with respect for your moral right, for the purposes of respecting the graphics charter of the Platform and/or making it technically compatible with a view to its publication via the Platform.</li> </ul>" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Remind " You retain ownership of all of your User Submissions." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Index Education "Les autorisations n'ont aucun préjudice sur les droits de propriété intellectuelle de ces contenus, qui appartiennent à leurs ayants-droit respectifs." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff " does not own or endorse the photos/images that are uploaded." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Notesnook "We do not sell, collect, use, disclose, read, edit, modify or distribute any data that you create in our Service. All your data is encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption algorithms (XChaCha20-Poly1305-IETF &amp. Argon2) on your device before any transmission over the Internet." DECLINED thecodrr
Gettr "you retain whatever legally cognizable right, title, and interest that you have in your UGC." DECLINED private prawn Curator
Brilliant "For clarity, the foregoing license grant to Brilliant does not affect User's other ownership or license rights in your User Submission(s)" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Audacity "Audacity does not claim any ownership rights in User Generated Content that you transmit, submit, display or publish (“post”) on, through or in connection with the Service." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
DEPRECATED #24 You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED WodahshadoW " <p>You retain all of your ownership rights in your Contributions." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Brax.Me "<br> You own all of the content and information you post on Brax.Me" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Samsung "Wenn Sie Inhalte teilen, besitzen Sie weiterhin die geistigen Eigentumsrechte an Ihren Inhalten" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Facebook You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED d066hie
Savvas Learning Company "<li>We will NEVER claim ownership of your Student Data.</li>" APPROVED Creature101 You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Nixdo
ToS;DR Phoenix JCS Enterprises LLC DECLINED jcsenterprisesllc
The MOD Archive "You continue to own the Content after it is posted to the Website.<br>" DECLINED H3
The MOD Archive "You continue to own the Content after it is posted to the Website.<br>" APPROVED H3
Roadtrip Nation "copyright and any other rights therein, is owned solely and exclusively by the creator of such conten" APPROVED serph Curator
Pillowfort "Pillowfort shall not lay claim to ownership of any content submitted by any member or user." APPROVED asbestosbill
Simitless You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED fafournier
LOJ World You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Oscarz0511
The Movie Database (TMDb) " <p>We do not claim any ownership right in the Contributions that you post on or through this Site. After posting your Contributions on this Site, you continue to retain any rights you may have in your Contributions, including any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights associated with your Contributions, subject to the license you grant to us below.</p> <p>" APPROVED yoharnu
ADHD Boss "ADHD Boss&nbsp;does not claim ownership and/or authorship of any of the content you post and ADHD Boss&nbsp;does not create and/or develop the content you post." APPROVED BlueMantis
Craft You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED fabien-jrt
Vivaldi "The content and material you publish on our forums and blogs is yours only, and Vivaldi does not claim ownership to any of your uploads. We only use, copy, display, distribute and adapt your content for the purpose of running the forums and blog services." APPROVED NylaTheWolf (DEPRECATED) "Any intellectual property rights that you have in your files are still yours.</li> " APPROVED cyka
ProWritingAid "You retain ownership of all content you post, upload to, or otherwise share on the site." APPROVED NylaTheWolf
BrainFacts "</em> bloggers retain the rights to the material they post. " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
backblaze "The materials you upload to Backblaze are yours and yours alone." APPROVED Holonium
BandLab "You retain ownership of all Content that you Submit through use of the Services (“Your Content”). We do not claim any ownership rights over&nbsp;Your Content." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Archive of Our Own "<p>The <abbr>OTW</abbr> does not claim any ownership or copyright in your Content. <strong>Repeat: we do not own your Content</strong>. Nothing in this agreement changes that in any way." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Khan Academy "With respect to School Accounts, consistent with Applicable Privacy Law, as between Khan Academy and you, you (or your school, as applicable) retain all ownership rights you have in any User Content to the extent such content is an education record." APPROVED sxs7000
GetUpside "With respect to the content or other materials you upload through the Service or share with other users or recipients (collectively, “User Content”), you represent and warrant that you own all right, title and interest in and to such User Content, including, without limitation, all copyrights and rights of publicity contained therein." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
McGraw Hill "You own the rights to anything you post to the Sites or the Services, including text and photographs. " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Spotify "Aside from the rights specifically granted herein, you retain ownership of all rights, including intellectual property rights, in the User Content." APPROVED sxs7000
Instagram "We do not claim ownership of your content that you post on or through the Service." APPROVED sxs7000
Dropbox "You have control over your personal data and how it’s collected, used, and shared." DECLINED sxs7000
Project Z "You retain any ownership rights you have in Your Content, " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
badoo "Once I have uploaded Content on Badoo, do I still own it? <p>Yes (provided you are the rightful owner in the first place - please see our other rules regarding posting Content that doesn’t belong to you).</p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Bio.Link "You retain any and all of your rights to any Content you submit, post, or display on or through Bio Link and you are responsible for protecting those rights." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Zoho "You own the content created or stored by you. " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Utreon "You retain ownership of your User Content. " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
OP.GG "you retain full ownership of all of your User Content and any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights associated with your User Content.</p> <p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
4ocean "<p>You retain all ownership rights in your Content. " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Instagram You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Spirited Away
Audiotool You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED kurp
Scientific American "You will retain any ownership rights you may have in the materials you submit,&nbsp;subject to the licenses granted to Scientific American in these Terms of Use</u>. " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
NamesMaker " <p>We are committed to resolve any complaints about our collection or use of your personal data. If you would like to make a complaint regarding this Policy or our practices in relation to your personal data, please contact us through the information listed on our website. We will reply to your complaint as soon as we can and in any event, within 30 days." DECLINED NamesMaker
TimePerformance "Les parties conviennent que les données traitées, exploitées, hébergées, sauvegardées ou encore stockées par le Prestataire pour le compte du Client ou à l'initiative de celui-ci sont et demeurent la propriété du Client, à l’exception des données fournies par le Prestataire.</p>" APPROVED Cyanic76
HideIPVPN You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED tigermonkey
Human Rights Foundation You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED tigermonkey
DigitalOcean You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED staler_0wept
Freedom "You retain ownership of information you personally author and collect through the sites provided." APPROVED signed
Bing "We don’t claim ownership of Your Content. Your Content remains Your Content and you are responsible for it.</p>" APPROVED JusBer
Zoho "<p>You own your service data." APPROVED DavidPrivy
SciStarter "We will not have any ownership rights in your content, " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Jsbin "You are responsible for the content in your Bins" DECLINED Rionnane
Fitbit "<p>Fitbit may enable you to post, upload, store, share, send, or display photos, images, video, data, text, music, exercise regimens, food logs, recipes, comments, and other information and content (“Your Content”) to and via the Fitbit Service. You retain all rights to Your Content that you post to the Fitbit Service. " APPROVED bryzinga
DEPRECATED #62 Endless strap-on action in milf anal threesome Tiger benson.. DECLINED Sucipto saiyyeb
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation "You keep the copyright in your submission." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
NovelAI You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED ArrangedNoiseFan
Vivaldi "The content and material you publish on our forums and blogs is yours only, and Vivaldi does not claim ownership to any of your uploads." DECLINED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Flipboard "You can post your own content on Flipboard, including articles, photos, comments and other content. You—and you alone—own the rights to the content you create and publish through Flipboard." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Instagram "We do not claim ownership of your content" DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
Khan Academy "<li>5.1 User Content and Ownership. Khan Academy may permit (a) the posting and/or publishing by you and other Users of notes, questions, comments, ratings, reviews, images, videos and other audio-visual materials and communications (collectively, "<b>User Postings</b>") and (b) the posting, creation, or modification by you and other users of computer code (including source code and object code) ("<b>User Code</b>") (User Postings and User Code, collectively, "<b>User Content</b>"). You understand that whether or not such User Content is published, Khan Academy does not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to any submissions. Consistent with Applicable Law, as between Khan Academy and you, you retain all ownership rights you have in any User Content you post or publish to the Services, and Khan Academy does not claim any ownership rights in or to such User Content. You acknowledge that are solely responsible for your User Content and the consequences of posting, creating, or publishing such User Content.</li>" DECLINED retrocraft
Texoma Council of Governments "You retain ownership of any copyrights or other intellectual property rights applicable to any information you submit to TCOG.</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Ezoic You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED @TIKTOKeldelotoel8
Encyclopedia Dramatica "<p>We take no responsibility for any of this. It's a wiki. That means that anyone with internet access can create, change, modify or delete any of the pages herein." DECLINED boibob
Rec Room You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED user 110 Curator
Instagram You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED AAQE44
Filen You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED KajanLan16
Opera You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED ELP_JAPIS Curator
Opera "Opera does not claim ownership of any User Generated Content." APPROVED ELP_JAPIS Curator
Airbnb Special requirements DECLINED JWalkersb7
Apple Services You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
Photomath "You are solely responsible for your User Content, including complying with all laws applicable to your User Content." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Chrome Webstore You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
Facebook You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED Gomezbrie307
Audiotool "1.4 The arrangements and files created with the audiotool are wholly owned by the artists and users that generated the arrangement. The user and artist is kept liable under any circumstance for maintaining all rights on material he used from other sources than provided by the audiotool." APPROVED maxer137 Curator
NovelAI "You, whether a legal or physical entity, retain all rights and ownership of your Content. We do not claim any ownership rights to your Content. Unless you agree and Anlatan agrees specifically to transfer your ownership to Anlatan.</p>" APPROVED HeaderOvershoot
JMServices You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED MaximKing
StartMail You maintain ownership of your content. APPROVED narvey
Spotify You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED BekabooOnline
Toddle "6.3. It follows from the Service Provider’s Terms and conditions of Use that Subscriber and/or its Users shall become the owner of any content that they create on the Toddle portals. The content created on journals and portfolios shall belong to the parents and children (wherever they are above the legal age).</p>" APPROVED Aperaine
Top GG "Posting content Dbots allows you to submit your bot, including it's profile picture, username and discriminator, ID and avatar hash. Anything you submit or otherwise make available on our Products is referred to as "User Content." You retain all rights in, and are solely responsible for, the User Content you submit to Dbots" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Filen "We do not assert any ownership over your Contributions. You retain full ownership of all of your Contributions and any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights associated with your Contributions." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
neeva "Our Services may collect or allow users to submit, transmit or store information, data, content, and other materials. Anything, (other than Feedback), that you post or otherwise make available through the Services is referred to as “<strong>User Data</strong>”. Neeva does not claim any ownership rights in any User Data, and nothing in these Terms will be deemed to restrict any rights that you may have to your User Data.</p>" APPROVED PurpleDawn
Campfire Writing "Our Service may allow you to upload, submit, store, send or receive content. You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content. In short, what belongs to you stays yours." APPROVED PurpleDawn
JMServices "We do not assert any ownership over your Contributions. You retain full ownership of all of your Contributions and any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights associated with your Contributions." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
The Hershey Company " You continue to retain all ownership rights in your User Content" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Tubi "Tubi is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any information contained in a Post, and shall not be responsible for any decisions made based on such information." DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Headspace "We do not claim any ownership rights in User Material." APPROVED shiftydino
Duolingo "Any translation of an existing Duolingo course you submit or have submitted and any new language course you submit or have submitted as a Course Contributor (collectively, “Course Contributor Materials”) are owned by you (subject of course to us retaining ownership of the existing Duolingo course you translated)." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda "We do not claim intellectual property rights over rooms, message content or files uploaded to the Service.</p>" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Crunchyroll "You retain all rights in your User Submissions." APPROVED lr19_
Matthew J Harmon You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED VandalPlanter
supabase "You have full control of the information included in the User Content." DECLINED Cyanic76
VRchat You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED mika
DoorDash "You represent and warrant that you are the owner of, or otherwise have the right to provide, all User Content that you submit, post and/or otherwise transmit through the Services." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
SoloLearn "This is a license only - your ownership in User Submissions is not affected.<" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Webtoon (Naver/Line) " You will own all of your intellectual property, and you can continue to promote your work on social media or other publishing platforms, while utilizing the tools we offer on CANVAS.</p> <p>" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff "<p>We do not claim ownership in your User Content." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
KineMaster "you reserve the rights and obligations over the content you have created." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
LingQ You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED levijneuwirth
HP | Hewlett-Packard "You own all rights in Your User Submissions (including, without limitation, all rights to the audio, video, or digital recording and the performance contained in your User Submissions)" DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
MyFitnessPal "You own the Content that you create, and we own the Content that we create.<" APPROVED levijneuwirth
BrainPop "You shall retain all ownership rights to and shall be solely responsible for your own User Content and the consequences of submitting and publishing such User Content" APPROVED levijneuwirth
SaferVPN "You retain your (or your licensors') rights to any Comments you post on the Site." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
TermsFeed "You retain any and all of Your rights to any Content" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Sentry "you own all right, title and interest in and to your Content." APPROVED levijneuwirth You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED Hantalyte
Figma "you own all right, title, and interest in any application(s) and/or material(s) that are developed by you on the Services or uploaded to the Services by you." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda "We do not claim intellectual property rights over rooms, message content or files uploaded to the Service.</p>" APPROVED lr19_
SoundCloud "SoundCloud does not claim any ownership rights in Your Content," APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Flourish "All intellectual property rights belonging to you that you upload on to the Site (e.g. data, text, template code created by you) remains your intellectual property." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
tldrlegal "The owner of any Contribution retains copyright rights to such Content." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Facebook "You own the intellectual property rights (things like copyright or trademarks) in any such content that you create and share on Facebook and the other Facebook Company Products you use. Nothing in these Terms takes away the rights you have to your own content. You are free to share your content with anyone else, wherever you want. " APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Codeberg "For all data you contribute (for example code, content, repositories, account details and settings), you have full responsibility and control to add, modify, create this data." APPROVED donno Curator
Symbaloo "You retain any rights you may have in such Content." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
CodeSandbox "Content that you create remains Your Content. This means that by using our platform no intellectual property rights are transferred from you to us." APPROVED private prawn Curator
Photopea "Your content <p> These Terms don’t grant us (and we don’t claim) any ownership rights in Your Content." APPROVED adrireal
Dropbox "These Terms don’t give us any rights to Your Stuff except for the limited rights that enable us to offer the Services." APPROVED Photon Curator
WikiHow "We claim no ownership rights over User Content created by you. The User Content you create remains yours. however, by sharing User Content through the Service, you agree to allow others to view, edit, and/or share your User Content in accordance with this Agreement (see “User Content License Grants” below)." APPROVED ExE7
Hacker News "With respect to the content or other materials you upload through the Site or share with other users or recipients (collectively, “User Content”), you represent and warrant that you own all right, title and interest in and to such User Content, including, without limitation, all copyrights and rights of publicity contained therein." APPROVED Vincent
npm ">Nothing in this Agreement gives npm any ownership rights in intellectual property that you share with npm Services, such as your Account information or any Packages you share with npm Services (<em>Your Content</em>)." APPROVED Jed Fox Curator
Wanderlog "You retain any and all of your rights to any Content you submit, post or display on or through Service and you are responsible for protecting those rights." APPROVED crebwyllion
DIY Tube Video Community "The entire compilation of the content found on this website is the exclusive property of DIY TUBE <strong>and</strong> content creators, with copyright authorship for this compilation held <strong>by their respective owners</strong>. Simply stated, all content belongs to the original content creator.</p> <p>Content creators retain all rights and ownership to their content at all times. This includes copyright protection.</p>" APPROVED ToS;DRemuedu Curator
Session "You own the information you submit through our Services. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Ufile (DEPRECATED moved to service 5291) "Content – It’s Yours <p>When you upload text, software, scripts, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, audiovisual combinations, interactive features and other materials that may be viewed on, or accessed through the Services, we refer to it as “Content”. You affirm, represent, and warrant that you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to store, share or distribute the Content.</p> <p>You retain all of your ownership rights in your Content. We don’t claim any ownership in or to any of your Content.</p> <p> <em>Which means: If you created it, it’s yours. If any piece of it was created by someone else, you swear you have their permission to store it for your own use or share it. We don’t claim we own any of it.</em> </p>" APPROVED ljome12
Crowdmark "You retain your ownership in and to Content you submit, post or upload to the Services, and your use of the Services does not transfer any ownership from you to Crowdmark." APPROVED user 843 Curator
Dendreo "des données à caractère personnel qui sont propriété du client." APPROVED "We do not claim ownership of your User Content." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
HideMyAss! "You retain any and all intellectual property rights you already hold under applicable law in User Content you publish or share through the Solution, subject to the rights, licenses, and other terms of this Agreement, including any underlying rights of others in any User Content that you may use or modify. " APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
SpikeApp "you retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in the User Data." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Airtable "You own all Content you upload provided you have lawful title thereto." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Beeper "You retain any and all of your rights to any Content you submit, post or display on or through Service" APPROVED SolarSciencePup
MySudo You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED williamblake
My Live Signature You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED williamblake "You are solely responsible for your User Content." DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
TeraBox "These Terms do not give the Company any right to User Data," DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Unity "<p>Your User Content is yours. Except as expressly granted to Unity under these Terms, you retain your ownership rights to User Content until you decide to transfer those rights." APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
Nextdoor Neighborhoods "You retain all ownership rights to the text, photos, video, responses and other content you submit to Nextdoor (collectively, your “Content”)" DECLINED narvey
Blooket "BLOOKET takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content Posted by you or any third party." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Scrap.TF You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED acedyler
DMG Media "You retain any copyright you may have in Your Content." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
PicoCTF "CMU does not claim ownership of User Content that you submit to and/or make available for inclusion on the Services." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Instructables You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Tidal "We do not claim any intellectual property ownership rights in any User content. After directly sending (“submitting”) your User content to the Services, you continue to retain any intellectual property ownership rights that you may have in your User content, subject to the license below." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Tinkercad "These Terms don’t grant us (and we don’t claim) any ownership rights in Your Content." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator "<p>You retain all ownership rights in your User Content." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
PrivacyTools "Content you submit to the service belongs to you, and you decide what permission to give others for it." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Girls Who Code "You retain all of your ownership rights in and to your User Submissions." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Splice "Splice does not claim ownership of Your Content." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Meower You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED melt2002
ArtStation You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Omnivore "<p>Nothing in these terms gives the operator any ownership rights in content or intellectual property that you share with the website, such as your account information and content you submit to the website." APPROVED soup
Royal Road "<p>Anything you write is automatically copyrighted by you, but that does not mean it would be registered in your country copyright office.</p> <p>You may use or other avilable resources for such.</p> <p>Note that once posted at Royal Road, your content would be marked as your own, with a date on the post that verifies when the content was published, we would also save your content in our database with any edit you make, to back any third party investigation with accurate information and avoid erroneous copyright claims.</p>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
000webhost You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED DOS...yep
Y Combinator You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED ThePainofTOS
AllSides "You retain any and all of Your rights to any Content You submit, post or display on or through the Service" APPROVED Hantalyte You maintain ownership of your content APPROVED Dimalsing You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED val
AliExpress Xoso66 Trang Chủ - Link Xoso 66 Mới Nhất Không Chặn 2024 DECLINED xoso66lol
BMO Harris Bank N.A You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED micosmm
Layers of London "You can retain the right to be identified as the creator of the material" PENDING DJJ05
Thingiverse "Company does not claim ownership in any User Content." PENDING plentify
Weird Gloop Limited You maintain ownership of your content PENDING EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Patients Know Best "ou can stop using the Patient Access Service at any time and you own the copy of the data in your record.</p>" DECLINED PKBIG
Patients Know Best "The materials you store on your Account are yours." APPROVED PKBIG
Poki You maintain ownership of your content PENDING jasonmroi455
CurseForge (DEPRECATED) "App developers own, choose, control and manage their creations. They can offer them free of charge, place ads or ask for a monthly subscription. It’s up to them." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended You maintain ownership of your content DRAFT cliqueequivocate
TrueCaller You maintain ownership of your content PENDING Dew

On 2024-09-04 05:46:18 UTC, Shared65offices (37876) wrote:

The Rise of Coworking Spaces: A Revolution in the Modern Workplace

Experience the future of work with <b><a href="">Coworking Spaces</a></b> . Discover the benefits of flexible terms, community culture, and networking opportunities that these innovative spaces offer. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of coworking spaces, from their design and amenities to their impact on startups and local economies. Join us as we delve into the world of coworking and its transformative effects on the way we work.

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents
Definition and Benefits of Coworking Spaces
Types of Spaces and Amenities
Community Culture and Networking
Productivity Benefits and Comparison with Traditional Offices
Global Trends and Impact on Startups
Sustainability and Design
Security and Technological Infrastructure
Membership Plans and Spaces for Freelancers and Corporations
Hybrid Work Models and Impact on Local Economies
Legal Considerations and Space Management
Definition and Benefits of Coworking Spaces
Coworking spaces are shared work environments where individuals, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses rent out dedicated desks or private offices. These spaces offer numerous benefits, including cost savings, flexibility, and a collaborative atmosphere. According to a study by Deskmag, 74% of coworkers reported increased productivity and 86% claimed a higher level of work satisfaction compared to traditional offices.

Research Basis: For more insights on the definition and benefits of coworking spaces, refer to the following articles: [Insert links to relevant articles here].

Types of Spaces and Amenities
Coworking spaces come in various types and sizes to cater to different needs. From open-plan areas to private offices, these spaces offer flexibility for individuals and teams. Additionally, coworking spaces provide a range of amenities such as high-speed internet, conference rooms, printing facilities, and communal areas. These amenities enhance productivity and create a conducive work environment.

Research Basis: To learn more about the types of spaces and amenities offered by coworking spaces, refer to the following resources: [Insert links to relevant resources here].

Community Culture and Networking
One of the key advantages of coworking spaces is the sense of community they foster. These spaces bring together professionals from diverse backgrounds, creating opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking. Regular events, workshops, and social activities organized by coworking spaces facilitate meaningful connections and professional growth.

Research Basis: Explore the importance of community culture and networking in coworking spaces by referring to the following studies: [Insert links to relevant studies here].

Productivity Benefits and Comparison with Traditional Offices
Coworking spaces have been proven to boost productivity due to their dynamic and collaborative environment. The absence of traditional office hierarchies and the presence of like-minded individuals foster creativity and innovation. In comparison to traditional offices, coworking spaces offer greater flexibility in terms of working hours, location, and office setup.

Research Basis: Gain insights into the productivity benefits of coworking spaces and their comparison with traditional offices through the following research articles: [Insert links to relevant research articles here].

Global Trends and Impact on Startups
Coworking spaces have gained immense popularity worldwide, with their number steadily increasing. Startups, in particular, have greatly benefited from the supportive environment and cost-effective solutions offered by coworking spaces. These spaces provide startups with access to resources, mentorship, and a network of professionals that can contribute to their success.

Research Basis: Stay updated on the global trends in coworking spaces and their impact on startups by referring to the following reports: [Insert links to relevant reports here].

Sustainability and Design
Coworking spaces are often designed with sustainability in mind, incorporating eco-friendly practices and materials. These spaces aim to create a healthy work environment while minimizing their carbon footprint. By implementing sustainable design elements, such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and green spaces, coworking spaces contribute to a more sustainable future.

Research Basis: Explore the sustainable design practices and benefits of coworking spaces through the following resources: [Insert links to relevant resources here].

Security and Technological Infrastructure
Ensuring the security of personal and professional belongings is a top priority in coworking spaces. These spaces invest in state-of-the-art security systems, including access control, surveillance cameras, and secure storage options. Additionally, coworking spaces provide robust technological infrastructure, such as high-speed internet, advanced IT support, and video conferencing facilities.

Research Basis: To learn more about the security features and technological infrastructure of coworking spaces, refer to the following sources: [Insert links to relevant sources here].

Membership Plans and Spaces for Freelancers and Corporations
Coworking spaces offer various membership plans to cater to different needs and budgets. Freelancers and individuals can opt for flexible plans, allowing them to choose the number of days or hours they want to use the space. Corporations and larger teams can benefit from dedicated private offices or customized coworking solutions that provide privacy and exclusivity.

Research Basis: Explore the different membership plans and spaces available for freelancers and corporations in coworking spaces through the following articles: [Insert links to relevant articles here].

Hybrid Work Models and Impact on Local Economies
The rise of remote work and hybrid work models has further increased the demand for coworking spaces. These spaces provide a flexible solution for individuals and companies looking to balance remote work with occasional in-person collaboration. The growth of coworking spaces has also had a significant impact on local economies, attracting professionals, businesses, and investments to the area.

Research Basis: To understand the impact of hybrid work models on the demand for coworking spaces and their contribution to local economies, refer to the following studies: [Insert links to relevant studies here].

Legal Considerations and Space Management
Like any business, coworking spaces have legal considerations that need to be addressed. These include lease agreements, insurance, liability, and compliance with local regulations. Effective space management is also crucial to ensure the smooth operation of coworking spaces, including maintaining a balance between open areas and private offices, managing resources, and creating a harmonious work environment.

Research Basis: Gain insights into the legal considerations and space management practices in coworking spaces by referring to the following resources: [Insert links to relevant resources here].

In conclusion, coworking spaces have revolutionized the modern workplace by providing flexible, collaborative, and cost-effective solutions for individuals and businesses. With their diverse range of spaces, amenities, and networking opportunities, coworking spaces have become a hub for innovation, productivity, and community. As the future of work continues to evolve, coworking spaces will play a pivotal role in shaping the way we work and connect with others.

Q: How much does it cost to rent a coworking space?

A: The cost of renting a coworking space varies depending on factors such as location, amenities, and membership plans. Prices can range from a few hundred dollars per month for a shared desk to several thousand dollars for a private office.

Q: Are coworking spaces suitable for all industries?

A: Yes, coworking spaces cater to a wide range of industries, including tech, creative, finance, and more. These spaces provide a collaborative environment that fosters innovation and cross-industry collaboration.

Q: How do coworking spaces contribute to work-life balance?

A: Coworking spaces offer individuals the flexibility to choose their working hours and location, allowing them to create a better work-life balance. Additionally, the community culture and various amenities in coworking spaces promote well-being and reduce stress.

Q: Can I host events or workshops in a coworking space?

A: Many <b><a href="">Coworking Spaces</a></b> have dedicated event spaces and offer event management services. You can host workshops, seminars, networking events, and more in these spaces, creating opportunities for knowledge sharing and industry-specific gatherings.