JCS Enterprises LLC

Service: ToS;DR Phoenix
Changes: 2
Source: link
Author: jcsenterprisesllc (24620)

the privacy policy and license terms and use of the listed entity "JCS Enterprises LLC" is solely to identifier the namespace "Patrick R Guerrero" who is lifensed and governed to operate this LLC and any offsets falsely taking credit or ownership in behalf of "JCS Enterprises LLC" is in legal breach of licenseing terminology and shall be fined the MAX royalty FEE for false identity and Copyright Enfrightment, if the Royalties have not met the standards to CEO (ownership) legal court lidigations may be filed . copyright license (c) 2020-03-31 JCS Enterprises LLC,.

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We track editorial changes to analyses and updates to a point's status and display the previous versions here as part of an effort to promote transparency regarding our curation process.

Version 2: 2021-09-17 16:52:42 UTC by AgnesDeLion (20760)

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded

Previous Status: PENDING

Updated Status: DECLINED

Version 1: 2021-09-13 09:10:07 UTC by jcsenterprisesllc (24620)

Previous Title:

Updated Title: JCS Enterprises LLC

Previous Analysis:

Updated Analysis: the privacy policy and license terms and use of the listed entity "JCS Enterprises LLC" is solely to identifier the namespace "Patrick R Guerrero" who is lifensed and governed to operate this LLC and any offsets falsely taking credit or ownership in behalf of "JCS Enterprises LLC" is in legal breach of licenseing terminology and shall be fined the MAX royalty FEE for false identity and Copyright Enfrightment, if the Royalties have not met the standards to CEO (ownership) legal court lidigations may be filed . copyright license (c) 2020-03-31 JCS Enterprises LLC,.

Previous Status:

Updated Status: PENDING