You must provide your identifiable information

The Service requires users to provide their identifiable information, including phone number, iD number or other information, even though this data collection isn’t essential for the purposes of the service. They may still allow pseudonyms in the foreground.

Classification: bad

Weight: 80

Service Title Rating Status Author
Clockify "User must provide accurate and up-to-date information. The User has to use accurate contact information. Using false identity is strongly prohibited" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Walmart "Personal identifiers, such as name and address</li> <li>Device" APPROVED welda Curator
Chinese Software Developer Network "注册信息 用户注册时应提供详尽、准确的用户资料(包括但不限于姓名或名称、身份证号码、邮箱、联系方式等),并应不断更新注册资料,以符合及时、详尽、准确的要求。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Bilibili "<strong>您注册并登录哔哩哔哩账号时,需要按照我们的指引完成一系列注册程序,在此过程中,您需要向我们提供以下信息:账号昵称、手机号码或电子邮箱(个人敏感信息,用于接受验证码匹配个人身份)。您只有提供真实准确的上述信息,才能成功注册哔哩哔哩账号并使用产品和/或服务的核心功能。如果您选择不提供上述为实现哔哩哔哩核心产品功能的必备信息,或将导致我们无法为您提供该核心产品功能。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Douban "你在注册豆瓣账号时提供的信息<br> 注册并登录豆瓣账号时,需要你提供手机号码、电子邮箱或第三方账号(微信、QQ、微博 )的信息,我们将通过发送短信验证码或邮件的方式来验证你的账号是否有效。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Dailymotion "For instance, when you register to use the Dailymotion Service, we may collect your name, email address, birth date, gender, and other similar information." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Steam China "根据国家法律的要求,您还需要向完美世界提供您最新、完整、真实且有效的个人身份信息,例如您的真实姓名和身份证号码,以进行实名认证。您的姓名及身份证号码一经提供并经认证,即不得随意变更;其他个人信息若发生变更,您应当及时在平台上进行更新。如果您提交的个人身份信息是伪造的或错误的,完美世界有权拒绝您的注册申请或终止为您提供服务。您知晓并同意您提供的个人信息是认定您与帐户的关联性以及认定您的用户身份的唯一依据。如果您向平台提出请求时提供的个人信息与平台记录的信息不符,我们有权不受理您的请求。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Orange "Orange may be required to process your personal data which we collect directly via the online form. It includes identity data, such as your name, surname, email address and sometimes your telephone number and postal address if necessary." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
OpenStreetMap "<p>The full personal name and residential address of members of the organisation according to the companies act are, by law, required to be added to the OSMF register of members." DECLINED welda Curator
Lofter "为便于我们为您提供持续稳定的服务,并保障您使用网易LOFTER的安全性,我们需要您提供基本注册或登录信息,包括手机号码、验证码匹配结果(个人敏感信息)、电子邮箱地址,并创建您的账号、用户名和密码。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Baidu Tieba "注册百度通用帐号时,您至少需向我们提供手机号" APPROVED reikousami Curator
CollegeBoard "zip code, gender, date of birth, high school, email address, mailing address, and mobile phone number." APPROVED welda Curator
Asus "3.1 <p> YOU are required to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about YOURSELF if prompted and requested by a registration process of ASUS Account. YOU may access and correct YOUR personal information through this SERVICE at any time." DECLINED welda Curator
vinted "<li>Full name;</li> <li>Gender;</li> <li>Date of birth;</li> <li>Profile photo;</li> <li>Whether you have enabled the Holiday Mode;</li> <li>Your favorite items;</li> <li>Information that you choose to provide in the “About You” field.</li> </ol> <p>Your profile photo, information on whether you have enabled the Holiday Mode and the information you provide in the "About You" field are visible to other visitors of the Platform, but the remainder of the data entered by you is not visible." DECLINED welda Curator
Foursquare "We collect data that you provide to us when you create an account, such as full name, email address, phone number, birthday, gender, the city in which you created your account, and, where applicable, your social media username and other data if you create an account using third party log-in credentials (please see “Data Received From Third Parties” below).</p>" DECLINED welda Curator
Picclick "Personally identifiable information that we may collect in such instances may include your IP address, full user name, password, email address, city, time zone, telephone number, and other information that you decide to provide us with, or that you decide to include in your public profile" APPROVED welda Curator
vinted "Most of your personal data are required to perform a contract (GTC) with you. In case you do not provide us with this personal data, we will not be able to conclude and execute a contract (GTC) with you. " DECLINED welda Curator
CNED "L'utilisateur doit fournir des informations vraies, exactes, à jour, et complètes sur son identité et son âge. Il s'engage notamment à ne pas créer une fausse identité de nature à induire le CNED ou les tiers en erreur et à ne pas usurper l'identité d'une autre personne." APPROVED welda Curator
Follow My Health "Your name and contact information, such as your address, phone number, or email address </li> <li> Your medical history, conditions, treatments, and medications </li> <li> Your healthcare claims, health plan account numbers, bills, and insurance information </li> <li> Demographic information, such as your age, birthdate, gender, ethnicity, and occupation </li> <li> Computer information, such as your IP address and "cookie" preferences" APPROVED welda Curator
Watson "L'utilisateur doit être identifiable sur la base des informations fournies lors de l'inscription . " APPROVED welda Curator
Revolut "✓ Identification documents (for example, your passport or driving licence), copies of any documents you have provided for identification purposes, and any other information you provide to prove you are eligible to use our services." APPROVED welda Curator
Однокла́ссники ( You must provide your identifiable information APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
12306 (discontinued?) "如果您注册成为我们的用户,您需要创建用户名和密码,便于我们为您提供购票等服务,并提供<strong>姓名、性别、国家/地区、证件类型、证件号码、证件有效期、出生日期,以及与身份信息对应的且可通话联络的唯一手机号码、短信息验证码、电子邮箱、旅客类型。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Zhihu "在您注册知乎帐号时,我们依据法律规定需要您提供有效的中国大陆手机号码进行实名制核验,如您拒绝提供手机号码将无法注册并使用信息发布等功能。但是您可以退出注册页面后以游客模式进行浏览。</strong> </p> <p>如果您没有有效的中国大陆手机号,可以通过我们提供的其他实名制核验方式进行注册核验,我们将根据法律规定收集您的姓名、身份证号或护照号等身份资料以完成帐号实名的法律要求。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Pexgle "To help create and maintain a trusted environment, we collect identity verification information (such as images of your passport, national ID card) or other authentication information.</li>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
BudgetBakers "We process identification personal data that you provide to us when you create an account and fill in forms during the registration process." DECLINED welda Curator
SocialPass "When using SocialPass for the first time, you will be asked to enter the language of use, telephone number, your name, first name, address of the place of residence and date of birth." APPROVED welda Curator
Goose VPN "The user guarantees the provision of correct personal data to GOOSE, including the address, place of residence, telephone and account numbers." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
webmail You must provide your identifiable information APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
GoDaddy "<p>You agree that for each domain name registered by you, the following contact data is required: postal address, email address, telephone number, and if available, a facsimile number for the Registered Name Holder and, if different from the Registered Name Holder, the same contact information for, a technical contact, an administrative contact and a billing contact.<br> <br>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Yandex "<p>(i) information provided by you when you register (create) a user account, such as your name, mobile phone number, address and age;</p> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Simply Earth "To register, you can simply provide information about yourself, your shipping information including your address and billing information, and your valid email address and password to create your login profile." APPROVED welda Curator
PureVPN "You are responsible for:</p> <ul> <li>Providing current, and accurate information , at the time of registration of your PureVPN account, to the best of your knowledge;</li> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Wise "What this means for you when you use our Service we will require you to provide your name, address, date of birth, taxpayer ID, phone number, email address, and other information that will allow us to identify you. " APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Alibaba "including name, address, phone number, email address, job title and department" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Line Corporation "Users must register true, accurate and complete information, and must revise the same to keep such information up-to-date at all times." APPROVED Aayan
Movistar "Datos obtenidos del Cliente o usuario</b>: son los datos facilitados por el Cliente o usuario de forma inicial para gestionar la contratación, o posteriormente durante el transcurso de la misma. Entre estos datos se encuentran los datos de contacto (DNI, dirección postal, dirección de instalación, teléfonos fijo y móvil)" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Speedtest by Ookla "Additionally, you must provide true, accurate and complete registration information to become a member of the Services" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Doctolib You must provide your identifiable information APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Getty Images "Registration Data and Account Security <p>In consideration of your use of the Site, you agree to: (a) provide accurate, current and complete information about you as may be prompted by any registration forms on the Site ("Registration Data")." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
PILI "在您註冊霹靂網帳號、使用霹靂網客戶服務、瀏覽霹靂網網頁、參加霹靂網相關宣傳活動或網路調查時,霹靂網會收集您的個人識別資料。</li> <li>當您註冊成為霹靂網會員時,我們會問及您的姓名、性別、出生年月日、身分證號碼、電子郵件地址、住址、職位、行業別以及學歷等資料。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Brilliant "User agrees to maintain current, complete and accurate information for User's billing account." APPROVED private prawn Curator
Porton Private Cloudstorage You must provide your identifiable information APPROVED Hekkerman
Kuaikan "当您使用注册及会员功能时,我们会收集您的手机号码、手机验证码匹配结果,用于为您创建快看平台账号、密码。" APPROVED reikousami Curator "在首次查閱該服務時,用戶須在網上或新城不時指定的其他方式進行登記,並須表示接納使用該服務有關的所有條款及細則,並須提供新城為識別用戶身份而合理要求的資料。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
CodeSandbox "When you create an Account with us, you must provide us information that is true, accurate, complete and current at all times. Please update your information if anything changes." DECLINED private prawn Curator
Canva "When you create a Canva account, you have to provide us with accurate information." APPROVED JoshAtticus
NGA "用户在申请使用NGA玩家社区网络服务时,必须向NGA玩家社区提供准确的个人资料,如个人资料有任何变动,必须及时更新。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Notion "When you create an account or otherwise use the Services, we collect information such as your name, email address, password, role within your team or enterprise, and an optional profile photo." APPROVED francopan You must provide your identifiable information APPROVED MoeTsundere Suspended
CNED "Les informations demandées à l'utilisateur lors de la création du compte sont :&nbsp;<b>Nom d’utilisateur, Mot de passe, Prénom, Nom, Profil utilisateur, Académie, Département, Date de naissance et Courriel.</b> </p> <p>" DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff
Sina Weibo "为了确保账号安全和落实网络实名制,在您使用其他方式关联登录、使用微博的某些功能时,您可能仍然需要绑定有效的手机号码。收集这些信息是为了帮您创建微博账号和对您进行实名验证,如果您拒绝提供这些信息,将影响您注册使用微博。" APPROVED reikousami Curator
PayPal "Also, some personal data is required for our services to function at all.</p>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Bio.Link "To access or use our service, you must create an account with us." DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Bereal "When creating your User Account we will ask you to provide the following information: </p> <ul> <li>your phone number . </li> <li>your name or first name;</li> <li>your age. </li> <li>a User name;</li> <li>a password." APPROVED bend1010
Geneanet "<em>Your first name and surname</em> <br> <em>Your title</em> <br> <em>An email address</em> <br> <em>A username</em> <br> <em>A password that you provide to us when you create a Geneanet account</em> <br> <em>A telephone number that you may provide if you wish so that you can be contacted by Geneanet’s customer services</em> <br> <em>A postal address, a date of birth</em> <em>that you may provide to us if you wish</em> " DECLINED welda Curator
Campfire Writing "You may not use a false e-mail address, pretend to be someone other than yourself, or otherwise mislead us or third-parties as to the origin of any comments." DECLINED PurpleDawn
Tubi "It is important that you provide us with accurate, complete and up-to-date information for your Account and you agree to update such information to keep it accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you do not, we may suspend or terminate your Account." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Duolingo "In connection with registering for and using the Service, you agree (i) to provide accurate, current and complete information about you and/or your organization as requested by Duolingo." DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Wolt You must provide your identifiable information APPROVED lr19_
Crunchyroll "When you register with Ellation and set up your Crunchyroll account, you must provide Ellation with accurate and complete information. You agree to promptly update your Crunchyroll account information with any new information." DECLINED lr19_
DoorDash "You must provide accurate, current, and complete information during the registration process and at all other times when you use the Services, and to update the information to keep it accurate, current, and complete." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
HBO "you may be asked to provide registration details including without limitation a valid e-mail address, date of birth and your full name. It is a condition of use of this Service that all the details you provide will be correct, current, and complete. If HBO believes the details are not correct, current, or complete, we have the right to refuse you access to the Service or any of its resources" APPROVED levijneuwirth
HP | Hewlett-Packard "You agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information for so long as You use This Website." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
NerdWallet "You also agree not to impersonate anyone, misrepresent any affiliation with anyone else, use false information, or otherwise conceal your identity from NerdWallet for any purpose." APPROVED levijneuwirth
MuseScore "You agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the Service registration process (such information being the "Registration Data"). You further agree that, in providing such Registration Data, you will not knowingly omit or misrepresent any material facts or information and that you will promptly enter corrected or updated Registration Data via the Service, or otherwise advise us promptly in writing of any such changes or updates." DECLINED levijneuwirth A phone number is required for registration APPROVED FinalFusionisherebro
Incogni "<p>To fully use our Service, you will need to provide your full name and address information (country, state, city, ZIP code, address) and their entry date, as well as your authorization for us to act on your behalf when submitting data erasure requests" APPROVED welda Curator
TWINT "When you use our services in the TWINT app, we process the following personal data:</p> <ul> <li>Last name, first name</li> <li>Address</li> <li>Date of birth</li> <li>Telephone number</li> <li>Bank account details</li> <li>Proof of identity</li> <li>E-mail address</li> <li>Location data (if consent has been given)</li>" DECLINED welda Curator
Skatedeluxe "In this context, we process the data required for the <strong>execution, conclusion, or termination of a contract</strong> with you. Which includes:</p> <ul> <li>First Name, Last Name</li> <li>Billing and Delivery Address</li> <li>Email Address</li> <li>Billing and payment data</li> <li>Date of Birth, if applicable</li> <li>Telephone Number, if necessary</li> </ul> <p>The legal basis for this is Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR, i.e. You provide us with the data based on the contractual relationship between us. To process your email address, we are also obligated to send an electronic order confirmation due to a requirement in the Civil Code (BGB) (see Article 6 (1) (c) GDPR)." APPROVED welda Curator "When you open a Privacy Account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth and other information that will allow us to identify you." APPROVED private prawn Curator
Samsung " Möglicherweise müssen Sie, um einige unserer Dienste zu nutzen, einen Account erstellen („Samsung Account“). Durch die Erstellung eines Samsung Accounts erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass:<br> <br> <ul> <ol> <li>1. Sie, wenn Sie Ihren Account erstellen, genaue und vollständige Informationen angeben." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Netease Cloud Music "为了体验更丰富完整的网易云音乐服务,您可以注册并登录网易云音乐账号。您需要提供基本注册或登录信息,包括<strong>手机号码、验证码匹配结果(个人敏感信息)</strong>,并创建您的账号、用户名和密码。如果您仅需使用搜索、浏览、试听部分歌曲等基础功能,您不需要注册或登录及提供上述信息。</p> <p>您也可以使用我们支持的第三方平台账号进行登录。如您使用第三方平台的账号登录,我们将根据您的授权获取该第三方账号下的相关信息(包括:用户名、昵称、头像、地区、性别,具体以您的授权内容为准)以及身份验证信息(手机号码、验证码匹配结果)。我们收集这些信息是用于为您提供账号登录服务以及保障您的账号安全。如您拒绝授权此类信息的,您将无法使用第三方平台的账号登录我们平台,但不影响我们为您提供的其他功能的正常使用。</p> <p>在注册过程中,如果您提供以下额外信息,将有助于我们给您提供个性化的推荐和更优的服务体验:例如<strong>您的昵称、简介、头像、性别、所在地区、生日、学校。</strong> <strong>如果您不提供这些信息,并不会影响您使用</strong> <strong>网易云音乐</strong> <strong>基本功能。</strong> </p> <p> <strong>但是,依照相关法律法规的要求,或为满足用户身份真实核验、保障系统和服务安全需要,您在使用特定功能及服务前,可能需要进行实名认证。我们将收集您的身份认证信息。如:当您申请成为网易云音乐入驻音乐人、电台主播、视频达人,我们需要收集您的手机号码、身份证号码、真实姓名、面部识别特征(静态或动态),并进行人脸识别认证;当您通过网易云音乐购买票务或申请免流服务,您需要提供您的手机号码、身份证号码、真实姓名; 当您使用网易云音乐账号注册和登陆游戏推荐中心的游戏,您需要提供您的身份证号码、真实姓名。如果您不提供身份认证信息,我们将不能向您提供相关的功能及服务。为实现身份认证的目的,您同意并授权我们可以自行或委托第三方向有关身份认证机构(如个人征信机构、政府部门等)提供、查询、核对您的前述身份信息。</strong> </p> <p> <strong>请注意,您的手机号码、验证码匹配结果、身份证号码、真实姓名、面部特征识别信息等属于个人敏感信息,请您谨慎提供,如果拒绝提供您可能无法获得相关服务,但不影响其他功能与服务的正常使用" APPROVED reikousami Curator
Parler "When you sign up for an account, we may collect ,information such as your name, email address, displayname, and profile photo." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
vinted "2.1.3. To enable you to set up your profile information <p>If you decide to add profile details to the account you create on the Platform, we collect and use the following data when you choose to provide it:</p> <ol> <li>Full name;</li> <li>Gender;</li> <li>Date of birth;</li> <li>Profile photo;</li> <li>Whether you have enabled the Holiday Mode;</li> <li>Your favorite items;</li> <li>Information that you choose to provide in the “About You” field.</li> </ol> <p>Your profile photo, information on whether you have enabled the Holiday Mode and the information you provide in the "About You" field are visible to other visitors of the Platform, but the remainder of the data entered by you is not visible.</p> <p>Legal basis for such collection and use is your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).</p> <p>Personal data collected and used for this purpose are kept for as long as we keep your Vinted account – for 3 months from the date of deletion of your Vinted account or for 5 years and 3 months of inactivity on your account." APPROVED welda Curator
Foursquare "If you register for an account with Foursquare, you shall provide Foursquare with accurate and complete registration information (including, but not limited to your email address and/or mobile telephone number (optional) and a password you will use to access the Service)." APPROVED welda Curator
vinted "Most of your personal data are required to perform a contract (GTC) with you. In case you do not provide us with this personal data, we will not be able to conclude and execute a contract (GTC) with you. Part of your data are required to fulfill our legal obligations when you are a member of our Platform. In case you do not provide us with this personal data, we will not be able to comply with legal requirements and provide our services.</p> <p>This data is also used for improvement of the Platform in order to make it a better experience for our members (see 2.2.12).</p> <p>Vinted collects your personal data to allow you to use our Platform, to provide our services and to perform a contract (GTC) with you and keeps it for as long as we keep your Vinted account - for 3 months from the date of deletion of your Vinted account or for 5 years and 3 months of inactivity on your account.</p>" APPROVED welda Curator
Kick You must provide your identifiable information DECLINED lr19_
SpikeApp "<p>By signing up to use Spike, you agree to provide accurate information at all times" DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Discord "You’ll also need to provide your birthday. In some cases, you may be required to verify your account or provide additional information" DECLINED avsto "we require certain information such as your first and last name, e-mail address, username, and password" APPROVED welda Curator
AdaptedMind "Any personal information that you provide, such as your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, subject areas of interest, etc." CHANGES REQUESTED blemdhe
AdaptedMind "may ask users to give us contact information, unique personal identifiers, financial information, subject areas of interest and/or demographic information." DECLINED blemdhe
FACEIT "Upon registration and/or during the processing of account upgrades, you are required to provide the following information:</p> <p>An alias that will be your username<br> A password<br> Your e-mail address<br> Birth-date<br> Full-name<br> Permanent residential address<br> Phone number<br> Your game related information, such as nicknames<br> Credit card or other payment information<br> The information you provide must be a true representation of your credentials." PENDING colonthree
Salad "When creating or updating an Account, you are required to provide certain personal information (“Account Information”) as prompted by the registration form. You agree to provide accurate, current and complete information in connection with your registration and use of the Platform and agree to maintain and promptly update your Account Information as necessary to maintain its accuracy." PENDING Vukky Suspended
Wappalyzer "You must provide accurate and complete information in response to our questions, and you must keep that information current" PENDING 2pc

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