
Rating: E

Title Rating Status Author
The service can read your private emails APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
You have the right to leave this service at any time APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service provides a complaint mechanism for the handling of personal data APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service reviews its privacy policy on a regular basis APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service provides details about what kinds of personal information they collect APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Partial archives of their terms are available APPROVED import script Bot
You can opt out of targeted advertising APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service allows you to retrieve an archive of your data APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Blocking cookies may limit your ability to use the service APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Users agree not to use the service for illegal purposes APPROVED import script Bot
You can choose with whom you share content APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Your identity is used in ads that are shown to other users APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service receives your location through GPS coordinates APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
App required for this service requires broad device permissions APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service provides two factor authentification for your account APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Your personal data is aggregated into statistics APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service collects your IP address for location use APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Third parties may be involved in operating the service APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The terms for this service are easy to read APPROVED arlo Staff
This service tracks which web page referred you to it APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service can view your browser history APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service uses your personal data to employ targeted third-party advertising APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service uses your personal data for advertising APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service provides information about how they intend to use your personal data APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service tracks you on other websites APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
They store data on you even if you did not interact with the service APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Your data may be processed and stored anywhere in the world APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service may keep personal data after a request for erasure for business interests or legal obligations APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service employs separate policies for different parts of the service APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Users agree not to submit libelous, harassing or threatening content APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service prohibits users sending chain letters, junk mail, spam or any unsolicited messages APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Users should revisit the terms periodically, although in case of material changes, the service will notify APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service prohibits users from attempting to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Failure to enforce any provision of the Terms of Service does not constitute a waiver of such provision APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
If you are the target of a copyright claim, your content may be removed APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service provides a free help desk APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
If you offer suggestions to the service, they may use that without your approval or compensation, but they do not become the owner APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service has non-exclusive use of your content APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Third parties used by the service are bound by confidentiality obligations APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and for the activities on your account APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
You maintain ownership of your data APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Invalidity of any portion of the Terms of Service does not entail invalidity of its remainder APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service will only respond to government requests that are reasonable APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service uses third-party cookies for statistics APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Many third parties are involved in operating the service APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service can license user content to third parties APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This services gives no guarantee regarding quality APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service can suspend your account for several reasons APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Provides instructions on how to submit a copyright claim APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service can delete your account without prior notice and without a reason APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
This service can share your personal information with third parties APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
This service assumes no liability for any losses or damages resulting from any matter relating to the service APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Any liability on behalf of the service is only limited to the fees you paid as a user or $500 APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
They may stop providing the service at any time APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
This service does not guarantee that it or the products obtained through it meet the users' expectations or requirements APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
There is a date of the last update of the agreements APPROVED sxs7000
The service may keep a secure, anonymized record of your data for analytical purposes even after the data retention period APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
This service may collect, use, and share location data APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
This service uses your personal information for many different purposes APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
You can request access and deletion of personal data APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
The service may use tracking pixels, web beacons, browser fingerprinting, and/or device fingerprinting on users. APPROVED michielbdejong Staff
Your biometric data is collected APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Your profile is combined across various products APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
This service gathers information about you through third parties APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service holds onto content that you've deleted APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service informs users that its privacy policy does not apply to third party websites APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service throttles your use APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Users cannot scrape the website of the service APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Your personal data is given to third parties APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service assumes no responsibility and liability for the contents of links to other websites APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Per the service's terms, users may not express negative opinions about them APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
You are solely responsible for claims made against the service and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the service. APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
There is a date of the last update of the terms APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended

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update No changes recorded 2024-07-16 10:47:15 UTC shadowwwind (28460)
update No changes recorded 2023-11-10 09:53:32 UTC erik (32634)
update Analysis change: This has been an automatic update by an official ToS;DR bot. The rating for this service changed from D to E. 2023-07-10 22:02:57 UTC System (21311)
update No changes recorded 2023-07-10 22:02:57 UTC Deleted
update Analysis change: This has been an automatic update by an official ToS;DR bot. The rating for this service changed from E to D. 2023-07-04 14:59:03 UTC System (21311)
update No changes recorded 2023-07-04 14:59:03 UTC Deleted
update Analysis change: This has been an automatic update by an official ToS;DR bot. The rating for this service changed from D to E. 2023-07-03 22:02:58 UTC System (21311)
update No changes recorded 2023-07-03 22:02:58 UTC Deleted
update Analysis change: This has been an automatic update by an official ToS;DR bot. The rating for this service changed from E to D. 2023-06-05 22:02:29 UTC System (21311)
update No changes recorded 2023-06-05 22:02:29 UTC Deleted
update No changes recorded 2022-11-29 01:12:54 UTC pederdm000 (2130)
update No changes recorded 2022-10-31 18:30:11 UTC pederdm000 (2130)
update No changes recorded 2022-09-09 23:27:23 UTC pederdm000 (2130)
update No changes recorded 2022-08-24 22:01:24 UTC pederdm000 (2130)
update No changes recorded 2022-05-24 23:51:55 UTC pederdm000 (2130)
update No changes recorded 2021-11-13 23:47:07 UTC pederdm000 (2130)
update No changes recorded 2021-08-07 15:10:25 UTC private prawn (22961)
update No changes recorded 2021-08-05 08:39:27 UTC AgnesDeLion (20760)
update No changes recorded 2021-06-19 09:38:19 UTC AgnesDeLion (20760)
update No changes recorded 2021-03-25 03:19:58 UTC System (21311)
update No changes recorded 2021-03-25 03:19:58 UTC Deleted
update No changes recorded 2021-03-18 21:44:52 UTC AgnesDeLion (20760)
update No changes recorded 2021-03-18 20:13:42 UTC AgnesDeLion (20760)
update Analysis change: This has been an automatic update by an official ToS;DR bot. The rating for this service changed from D to E. 2021-01-24 00:01:30 UTC System (21311)
update No changes recorded 2021-01-24 00:01:30 UTC Deleted
update Analysis change: This has been an automatic update by an official ToS;DR bot. The rating for this service changed from E to D. 2021-01-22 00:02:13 UTC System (21311)
update No changes recorded 2021-01-22 00:02:13 UTC Deleted
update No changes recorded 2021-01-08 02:45:42 UTC Dr_Jeff (20149)
update Analysis change: This has been an automatic update by an official ToS;DR bot. The rating for this service changed from D to E. 2021-01-06 00:02:18 UTC System (21311)
update No changes recorded 2021-01-06 00:02:18 UTC Deleted
update No changes recorded 2020-12-19 00:02:48 UTC Deleted
update No changes recorded 2020-12-15 00:02:10 UTC Deleted
update No changes recorded 2020-12-14 21:56:49 UTC Dr_Jeff (20149)
update No changes recorded 2020-04-05 10:26:34 UTC Deleted
update No changes recorded 2019-05-12 12:52:33 UTC pierreozoux (2564)
update No changes recorded 2019-04-10 21:29:49 UTC ps (1036)
update No changes recorded 2019-02-18 12:29:10 UTC ps (1036)
update No changes recorded 2019-01-12 20:10:46 UTC michielbdejong (6)
update No changes recorded 2019-01-02 18:36:14 UTC 1190
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update No changes recorded 2018-05-15 09:22:01 UTC Deleted
update No changes recorded 2018-05-09 08:04:26 UTC michielbdejong (6)
update No changes recorded 2018-05-04 13:55:43 UTC michielbdejong (6)
update No changes recorded 2018-02-25 10:07:21 UTC Deleted