
Document type: Terms of Service

Attention! Points are missing from the latest crawled text of this document. Total number of missing points: 5. Please review the text and create a new annotation if the point still exists, but has changed in exact wording or content. These points have a status of QUOTE NOT FOUND.

Point Title Rating Status Author
You maintain ownership of your content DECLINED import script Bot
Your content can be licensed to third parties DECLINED chris Staff
Your personal data is not sold DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service does not condone any ideas contained in its user-generated contents DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service does not guarantee that it or the products obtained through it meet your expectations or requirements DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
Usernames can be rejected or changed for any reason APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Your information is only shared with third parties when given specific consent DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service is provided 'as is' and to be used at your sole risk DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
The service provider makes no warranty regarding uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free service DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
Any liability on behalf of the service is only limited to the fees you paid as a user DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
Invalidity of any portion of the Terms of Service does not entail invalidity of its remainder DECLINED Peepo Staff
Users who have been permanently banned from this service are not allowed to re-register under a new account DECLINED Peepo Staff
This service holds onto content that you've deleted DECLINED Peepo Staff
If you offer suggestions to the service, they may use that without your approval or compensation, but they do not become the owner DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
Other applicable rules, terms, conditions or guidelines DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
Your content can be licensed to third parties DECLINED import script Bot
The court of law governing the terms is in location X DECLINED Peepo Staff
Your data may be processed and stored anywhere in the world DECLINED Peepo Staff
This service assumes no liability for any losses or damages resulting from any matter relating to the service DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
The terms may be changed at any time, but you will receive notification of the changes DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
This service is only available to users over a certain age APPROVED Peepo Staff
Invalidity of any portion of the Terms of Service does not entail invalidity of its remainder APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Failure to enforce any provision of the Terms of Service does not constitute a waiver of such provision APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Your personal data is not sold APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Your personal data is used to employ targeted third-party advertising APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
You must provide your legal name, pseudonyms are not allowed APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Spidering, crawling, or accessing the site through any automated means is not allowed APPROVED Peepo Staff
Failure to enforce any provision of the Terms of Service does not constitute a waiver of such provision APPROVED Peepo Staff
You cannot distribute or disclose your account to third parties APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Alternative accounts are not allowed APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
There is a date of the last update of the agreements QUOTE NOT FOUND Dr_Jeff Staff
Users who have been permanently banned from this service are not allowed to re-register under a new account QUOTE NOT FOUND Dr_Jeff Staff
Defend, indemnify, hold harmless; survives termination APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
You shall not interfere with another person's enjoyment of the service APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
You maintain ownership of your content QUOTE NOT FOUND Dr_Jeff Staff
Your personal data is used for advertising APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Your identity is used in ads that are shown to other users QUOTE NOT FOUND import script Bot
Your account can be suspended for several reasons QUOTE NOT FOUND Dr_Jeff Staff
When the service wants to make a material change to its terms, you are notified at least 30 days in advance PENDING docbot Bot
You are not allowed to use pseudonyms, as trust and transparency between users regarding their identities is relevant to the service. APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Third-party cookies are used for advertising PENDING docbot Bot
This service tracks you on other websites PENDING docbot Bot
Your content can be licensed to third parties PENDING docbot Bot

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