You are informed about the risk of publishing personal info online

Classification: good

Weight: 40

Service Title Rating Status Author
FWG 1240 info given about risk of publishing your info online DECLINED apple-cia Curator
Google "Google’s safety center offers advice for staying safe &amp. secure</li>" DECLINED import script Bot
ExpoBeds "However, Internet-based data transmissions, even encrypted, may in principle have security gaps, so absolute protection may not be guaranteed" DECLINED oxeno
Malwarebytes "You should be aware that any information you provide in these areas may be read, collected, and used by others who access them." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Fivestars "Please exercise caution when disclosing personal information in these public areas of the Service.</li> <li>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Open Humans "Even if you use a pseudonym for Open Humans, your data could be connected to your identity. The risk of this varies depending on the type of data, but it is often surprisingly easy to identify people." APPROVED arlo Staff
La Girafe Extraordinaire (DEPRECATED Expired or Suspended) "Toutefois, comme aucun mécanisme n’offre une sécurité maximale, une part de risque est toujours présente lorsque l’on utilise Internet pour transmettre des renseignements personnels.</p>" DECLINED Frankie
Open Humans "Even if you use a pseudonym for Open Humans, your data could be connected to your identity. The risk of this varies depending on the type of data, but it is often surprisingly easy to identify people." DECLINED arlo Staff
Patook "Please note that information you post publicly (such as your user profile information, your public posts) can be visible to everyone. So NEVER publically post any personal information unless you are fine with everyone knowing about it." APPROVED jxr2272 Curator
NordVPN "We ask you to be careful when using and storing personal data containing files on your devices, as well as the devices itself." DECLINED kkylemr Curator
La Girafe Extraordinaire (DEPRECATED Expired or Suspended) "Toutefois, comme aucun mécanisme n’offre une sécurité maximale, une part de risque est toujours présente lorsque l’on utilise Internet pour transmettre des renseignements personnels.</p>" DECLINED Frankie
Uiiverse "Never fully trust anyone on the internet. It's dangerous out here.</p> <p>Don't <b>ever</b> share your last name, city, state, home address, phone number, or any other personally identifiable information.</p> <p>This is to prevent leakage of personal info like doxxing, as it's unfortunately common on the internet, and particularly, Miiverse clones.</p>" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
AliExpress "We recommend that you do not divulge your password to anyone.&nbsp;Our personnel will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call&nbsp;or in an unsolicited email." DECLINED ProjectELP
Uiiverse "information includes but is not limited to your e-mail address, home address, work or school name, and phone number. Never use our service as a means of setting up real-world meet-ups. Never write or ask in public for account information or IDs for other services, or any information that would allow people to be contacted directly.</p>" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended "<p>Assume any data you post to this server will be publicly visible and remain forever.</p>" APPROVED tosreader
Python Tutor "Do not use it to share confidential information." APPROVED ravenclaw900
La Girafe Extraordinaire (DEPRECATED Expired or Suspended) "Toutefois, comme aucun mécanisme n’offre une sécurité maximale, une part de risque est toujours présente lorsque l’on utilise Internet pour transmettre des renseignements personnels." DECLINED Frankie
X "<p>You are responsible for your Tweets and other information you provide through our services, and you should think carefully about what you make public, especially if it is sensitive information." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Enpass "We request you to not send any sensitive information like Credit Card details or any other information on Contact us page." DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff
Arch Linux "<p>Arch makes this very wiki, IRC chat rooms, bulletin boards, mailing lists, and a bugtracker available to its users. Please remember that <i>any information</i> that is disclosed in these areas becomes <b>public information</b>. Exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal data." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Netflix "To maintain control over the account and to prevent anyone from accessing the account (which would include information on viewing history for the account), the Account Owner should maintain control over the Netflix ready devices that are used to access the service and not reveal the password or details of the Payment Method associated with the account to anyone." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff "Nahlašování v případě narušení/úniku osobních údajů: <p>Dojde-li k narušení zabezpečení osobních údajů a bude pravděpodobné, že povaha a rozsah narušení bude mít za následek vysoké riziko pro práva a svobody fyzických osob, ihned vám to oznámíme. V oznámení vám jasně a srozumitelně popíšeme samotnou povahu porušení zabezpečení osobních údajů a zároveň vám poskytneme přinejmenším následující informace:</p> <ul> <li>jméno a kontaktní údaje pověřence pro ochranu osobních údajů.</li> <li>popis pravděpodobných důsledků narušení ochrany osobních údajů.</li> <li>popis přijatých či navržených opatření k řešení vzniklé situace" DECLINED LOL123
Dell "</ul>We encourage you to keep any passwords you use confidential and to be careful to avoid “phishing” scams where someone may send you an email that appears to be from Dell asking for your personal information.&nbsp. Dell will not request your ID or password through email." APPROVED signed
Steam "The Steam community includes message boards, forums and/or chat areas, where users can exchange ideas and communicate with each other. When posting a message to a board, forum or chat area, please be aware that the information is being made publicly available online. therefore, you are doing so at your own risk." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Adobe Services "Please be careful when you share your personal information. Do not share anything you wouldn’t want publicly known unless you are sure you are posting it within an app or website that allows you to control who sees what you post. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Khan Academy "Certain features and functions of the Service shares or makes your information accessible to others. As with most online services, once you make your Personal Information available to others online, it may be collected and used by the recipients or any other website visitor without restriction. You may wish to use a nickname or alias in your profile if you do not want your personal information shared with others in this way." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Merriam-Webster "<p>Please be aware that once you post UGC, there is the potential for the general public to read your words, even years from now. Merriam-Webster suggests that you exercise caution when posting UGC on the Services and that you not disclose personal identifiable information like your location, medical record number, financial information, etc.</p> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Rumble "Providing additional Personal Information is voluntary and should correlate with the degree of interaction you want to have with Rumble Users. We recommend that you guard and refrain from disclosing any information you consider sensitive and confidential." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Snapchat " Keep in mind that the users who view your Snaps, Chats, and any other content can always save that content or copy it outside the app. So, the same common sense that applies to the internet at large applies to Snapchat as well: Don’t send messages or share content that you wouldn’t want someone to save or share." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
NewPipe "Due to the amount of bug reports we receive every day (varies from a few hundred to a few thousand e-mails every week), we can not check every report for personal data by hand. We ask you to ensure you don't send us any personal data you don't want to share with us. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Ecosia "There are only a few search engines with their own web index - for example Google, Bing, Yandex and Baidu. Most other general web search engines cooperate and share data with these companies in some form. We currently work with Bing and are very transparent about what we share with them.</p> <p>Beyond that, no search engine can ever provide perfect protection of your search data, because other parties – like your network provider or browser for example – might still be able to access some of your data. If you think somebody might be after you, we would recommend checking out security tools like VPNs and services like TOR.</p> Want to dive into the fine print? <p>See the in-depth legal version of our privacy policy, with detailed information on how we handle your data.</p>" DECLINED CapoFantasma97
Encyclopedia Britannica "Please be aware that once you post UGC, there is the potential for the general public to read your words, even years from now. Britannica suggests that you exercise caution when posting UGC on the Services and that you not disclose personal identifiable information like your location, medical record number, financial information, etc.</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Wish The service informs users about the risk of publishing personal info online APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Chapril "Vous comprenez que la mise en ligne du service ainsi que de votre contenu implique une transmission (en clair ou chiffrée, suivant les services) sur divers réseaux." DECLINED welda Curator
Chapril "Vous comprenez que la mise en ligne du service ainsi que de votre contenu implique une transmission (en clair ou chiffrée, suivant les services) sur divers réseaux. Vous comprenez que la mise en ligne de contenu sur certains services implique une publication accessible à toutes et tous.</li>" APPROVED welda Curator
Однокла́ссники ( The service informs users about the risk of publishing personal info online APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Tumblr "One thing you should consider before posting: When you make something publicly available on the Internet, it becomes practically impossible to take down all copies of it. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Tinder "lease be careful with your information and make sure that the content you share is stuff that you’re comfortable being publically viewable since neither you nor we can control what others do with your information once you share it.</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Starbase 118 "While Starbase 118 adheres to strict legal, physical, and technological guidelines to protect your information, please keep in mind that no method of online information transmission is completely safe" DECLINED whitechocmocha
SecuriSend (discontinued?) "But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and we cannot guarantee it's absolute security" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Alibaba "You should exercise caution when deciding what information you submit to us for publication" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Firefox Cloud Services "Please minimize the personal information you choose to share on these forums because your comments may be accessible to the public.</p>" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Prisma Media ". LE GROUPE PRISMA MEDIA recommande aux Visiteurs de rester prudents lorsqu’ils décident d’indiquer leur adresse email, afin d’éviter d’être « spammés » notamment par des cybermarchands ou des internautes indélicats. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Gettr "We encourage you to not include any personally identifiable information in any UGC you submit to GETTR and to exercise caution when making decisions about what you disclose when using our Service in general.</li>" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Venmo "Therefore, we urge you to take adequate precautions to protect your personal data as well, including never sharing your Venmo password with anyone.</p>" APPROVED cwg1231
Facebook "To learn more, visit the Facebook Security Help Center and Instagram Security Tips." APPROVED import script Bot
Open Broadcaster Software "Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.</p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Symbaloo " Please keep in consideration that any information that you may disclose in any such social spaces will be viewable according to the nature of that social space, and as such may be viewable by other registered end-users, subsets of registered end-users, or non-registered end-users. Caution should be exercised when personal information is disclosed by end-users within these spaces.</p> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
GlobaliD "hile you may add, edit, and/or delete data you have made public, you acknowledge that once data has been made public, any and every one may have had access to, and made use of, your public data. We, and other third parties, may have made copies and preserved any public data that you have added, edited, and/or deleted.</li> </ul> <p>For Personal Data that you have not designated public:</p> " APPROVED Laffel
Team SDS "Use caution and good judgment before sharing personal information in public areas of the Services." APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Bereal "More generally, you acknowledge that the Internet, and any telematic network used for data transmission may involve risks related to the lack of protection of certain data against possible misuse and risks of contamination by viruses." APPROVED bend1010
miHoYo "miHoYo encourages parents to instruct their children to never give out personal information when online." APPROVED AZ
Bumble "We want our Users to be careful about posting information that may eventually be made public.</p> <p>Please be careful about posting sensitive details about yourself on your profile such as your religious denomination and health details." APPROVED maxer137 Curator
Dotdash "Please be aware that information you post may be viewed or captured by anyone who visits the Sites, therefore you should avoid posting sensitive or personal information that you would not want to be available to the public.</p>" APPROVED private prawn Curator
kik-messenger "Please keep in mind that if your username contains your real name or is the same as how you identify yourself on other online services, people who see it may determine your identity." APPROVED shiftydino
Fedora "Fedora often makes chat rooms, forums, mailing lists, message boards, and/or news groups available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information. Exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal data." APPROVED shiftydino
Collins Dictionary You are informed about the risk of publishing personal info online APPROVED Hantalyte
supabase "We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any site or service before providing any personal information." APPROVED Cyanic76
YTS "we strongly recommend the following minimum general privacy and security measures (among others) which are not specific to this website, if and to the extent that you wish to maintain your privacy: (1) use a proxy server that hides your actual IP address so that it does not appear in server log files. (2) if you enable cookies which many websites require to operate properly (but which we do not currently and never have used, but which are used by third parties), you should erase them at least daily. (3) use a browser that withholds the referring URL if you prefer this option. (4) use a hardware stealth firewall. (5) regularly use up-to-date virus checking, backup, and disk repair software. (6) use security software that attempts to detect and prevent surreptitious capture and transmission of personal identifiers such as names, user-id's or numbers, e-mail addresses, unique machine specific identifiers such as your computer's permanent ethernet MAC (Media Access Control) address or cookie stored GUID (Globally Unique Identifier), or your actual IP address, (7) use high grade encryption for all private, if not all communications. (8) never send confidential information or information not intended for publication using any e-mail link on this website. (9) be aware that e-mail addresses appearing on websites are subject to abuse by spammers. and, extremely important, (10) block all hosts that do not conform to your expectations of proper conduct." APPROVED YTS
Autodesk You are informed about the risk of publishing personal info online APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Redbubble "please be aware that this environment and all personal data posted there is publicly accessible. We cannot control how other visitors of the Marketplace will use this information. In particular, we are unable to prevent you from receiving unsolicited messages from third parties." APPROVED private prawn Curator
Profilic "We do not pre-moderate or have any ,control over what you include in forum data, so we ask that you carefully consider ,your own privacy in deciding what to post, especially since forum posts are public ,and visible to anyone browsing the forum." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Apple Services "When you use some Apple products, services, or applications or post on an Apple forum, chat room, or social networking service, the personal information and content you share is visible to other users and can be read, collected, or used by them. You are responsible for the personal information you choose to share or submit in these instances. For example, if you list your name and email address in a forum posting, that information is public. Please take care when using these features." APPROVED JoshAtticus
Photopea " <b>Posting Your Content.</b> By sharing, publishing (e.g. through Imgur), distributing or allowing others to access Your Content through the Service You are solely responsible for the consequences of doing so and you acknowledge and agree that Your Content may be viewed worldwide. If you choose to make your personal information publicly available through the Service, you do so at your own risk." APPROVED Markines16
Twitch "Given the social nature of some of the Twitch Services, that information may be collected, used, or disclosed by others who are part of that social interaction. In addition, some features of the Twitch Services are designed to provide others with information about user activity, such as identifying the user who created a particular Clip or the subscription status of users for a given channel. We encourage you to be mindful of this when considering your activity on the Twitch Services." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Prezi "Please exercise discretion concerning those you share your private content with.</b>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
BitDefender "Access to certain sections of Bitdefender websites is protected by a username and password. We recommend not to reveal this password. Bitdefender will never ask for your account's password via any kind of messages or phone calls. We advise not to disclose your password to anyone asking you to do so. If possible, we also recommend to log out of your online services account after each session. We also advice to close the browser window after navigating or using Bitdefender services.</p> <p>Unfortunately, transferring data over the Internet cannot be 100% secure." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Reddit "Although some parts of the Services may be private or quarantined, they may become public (e.g., at the moderator’s option in the case of private communities) and you should take that into consideration before posting to the Services.</p>" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
ASKfm "In general, please be careful and responsible whenever you are online. Should you choose to voluntarily disclose information through the Services, such as by submitting a question to another user or by answering a question to be posted on your profile, that information can be viewed publicly and people can copy content that is posted on the Internet. It could also be collected and used by third parties without our or your knowledge, which may result in unsolicited messages from other individuals or third parties. You should not share personal information that might allow others to contact or locate you or other users, and you should think before you post." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Instagram "You should consider who you choose to share with, because people who can see your activity on our Products can choose to share it with others on and off our Products, including people and businesses outside the audience you shared with. For example, when you share a post or send a message to specific friends or accounts, they can download, screenshot, or reshare that content to others across or off our Products, in person or in virtual reality experiences such as Facebook Spaces. Also, when you comment on someone else's post or react to their content, your comment or reaction is visible to anyone who can see the other person's content, and that person can change the audience later." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Waze "However any content that you choose to share and submit for posting is neither private nor confidential and you should expect that it may be made public and known to others.</strong> Information you choose to upload will be posted along with your user name and other information including personal information you attached to your publicly available user profile. For example, your reports (map and road updates, traffic congestion updates, road accidents, etc.) will be posted on the Waze map along with your username. You should note that certain road incidents you report may include your driving path within the vicinity of those incidents. Therefore, you must exercise caution and common sense when submitting information. At the very least you should demonstrate the same degree of caution as when publishing personal information by means other than the Internet and cellular services.</p> <p>In any event (but except as detailed below with respect to information shared from your social network accounts according to your privacy settings for such social network accounts), your email address will not be visible to others through any reports or user posts that you share or upload.</p> <p>if you choose to either record your own voice onto the Service, or to use the voice command features, Waze will collect the voice information related to such use, including voice files. If, after recording your own voice, you chose to share your voice recordings, other Waze users and other people will be able to download and use your voice recordings. Once downloaded, Waze may not have any control over the voice files, so you should only share content that you are comfortable being made public.</p>" APPROVED mrseeker
GitHub "Other third parties, such as data brokers, have been known to scrape GitHub and compile data as well.</p> <p>Your User Personal Information associated with your content could be gathered by third parties in these compilations of GitHub data. If you do not want your User Personal Information to appear in third parties’ compilations of GitHub data, please do not make your User Personal Information publicly available and be sure to configure your email address to be private in your user profile and in your git commit settings. We currently set Users' email address to private by default, but legacy GitHub Users may need to update their settings.</p>" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Crain's Chicago Business "Our websites may offer&nbsp;publicly accessible comment areas and blogs.&nbsp;You should be aware that any information you provide on these websites - including profile information associated with the account you use to post the information - may be read, collected, and used by any member of the public who accesses these websites.&nbsp. Your posts and certain profile information may remain even after you terminate your account.&nbsp;We urge you to consider the sensitivity of any information you input into these Products." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Free Software Foundation "You are creating a permanent, public record of information added, removed, and/or altered by you, including information which may identify you. For example, emails to public discussion lists are publicly available in their entirety, including your email address. Please think carefully about your desired level of anonymity before you disclose personal information." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Tinkercad "If you choose to make your personal information publicly available through the Service (for example, in a blog or forum), you do so at your own risk." DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator
Makerbot (Thingiverse) "You are solely responsible for your User Content, and you assume all risks associated with use of your User Content, including any reliance on its accuracy, completeness, or usefulness by others, or any disclosure of your User Content by you that makes you or any third party personally identifiable." PENDING plentify
Spotify "Remember that shared or publicly available information may be used and re-shared by other users on Spotify or across the web, so please use Spotify carefully and be mindful of your account settings. Spotify has no responsibility for your choices to post material on the Service." QUOTE NOT FOUND import script Bot
SpigotMC "<li>Any release of private or personal information is not permitted under any circumstances. This includes addresses, locations, or IP addresses." DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Snapchat The service informs users about the risk of publishing personal info online DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Tinder The service informs users about the risk of publishing personal info online DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended

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