The service informs users about the risk of publishing personal info online

Service: Waze
Changes: 3
Source: link
Author: mrseeker (6175)

However any content that you choose to share and submit for posting is neither private nor confidential and you should expect that it may be made public and known to others.</strong> Information you choose to upload will be posted along with your user name and other information including personal information you attached to your publicly available user profile. For example, your reports (map and road updates, traffic congestion updates, road accidents, etc.) will be posted on the Waze map along with your username. You should note that certain road incidents you report may include your driving path within the vicinity of those incidents. Therefore, you must exercise caution and common sense when submitting information. At the very least you should demonstrate the same degree of caution as when publishing personal information by means other than the Internet and cellular services.</p> <p>In any event (but except as detailed below with respect to information shared from your social network accounts according to your privacy settings for such social network accounts), your email address will not be visible to others through any reports or user posts that you share or upload.</p> <p>if you choose to either record your own voice onto the Service, or to use the voice command features, Waze will collect the voice information related to such use, including voice files. If, after recording your own voice, you chose to share your voice recordings, other Waze users and other people will be able to download and use your voice recordings. Once downloaded, Waze may not have any control over the voice files, so you should only share content that you are comfortable being made public.</p>

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Version 3: 2023-07-11 10:08:36 UTC by Deleted

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Version 2: 2020-11-26 05:49:53 UTC by Dr_Jeff (20149)

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Version 1: 2020-01-02 12:52:48 UTC by mrseeker (6175)

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Updated Title: The service informs users about the risk of publishing personal info online

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Updated Status: PENDING