User accounts can be terminated after having been in breach of the terms of service repeatedly

User accounts can be terminated for having been in breach of the terms of service repeatedly, meaning they cannot be terminated without a reason, but only for a limited number of reasons. Additionally, user accounts will not be deleted after a first infringement.

Classification: good

Weight: 50

Service Title Rating Status Author
Musik-Sammler "<li>Solltest du wiederholt gegen die Nutzungsbedingungen verstoßen, kann deine Mitgliedschaft bei durch uns beendet werden.</li> </ol> " APPROVED Michael Curator
Fiverr (delete) DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
TikTok "terminate accounts or limit access to the Services" DECLINED spylee Curator
Reddit "It is reddit's policy to close the accounts of users we identify as repeat infringers. We apply this policy at our discretion and in appropriate circumstances, such as when a user has repeatedly been charged with infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others." DECLINED Peepo Staff
Blogspot "We respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement and terminate accounts of repeat infringers according to the process set out in the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act.</p>" DECLINED LuneSirius Curator
NordVPN " Therefore, NordVPN reserves the right to suspend or terminate an account in case any violation of the Terms of Service becomes apparent." DECLINED kkylemr Curator
NordVPN "We reserve the right, at any time, in our sole discretion, with or without notice, to terminate the accounts of, and block access to the NordVPN Services to any users who infringe any applicable laws or these Terms" DECLINED kkylemr Curator
Stack Overflow "To prevent bad actors from creating a negative community experience, we have outlined what we believe to be common sense rules for community participation and reserve the right to pause or terminate your account if you engage in disruptive, abusive, or nefarious behavior outside of Stack Overflow’s Acceptable Use Policy, which is hereby incorporated into these Public Network Terms.</li>" APPROVED omhqit Curator
Roblox "we reserve the right to take action against all of your accounts for any single or multiple violations" QUOTE NOT FOUND lotushomerun Curator "Those that violate our internal repeat infringer policy will have their accounts terminated. " APPROVED tosreader
Dailymotion "Dailymotion reserves the right also to terminate a User's account, if they are determined to be a repeat infringer" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
edX "It is edX's policy to terminate in appropriate circumstances the accounts of users of the edX Site who are repeat copyright infringers." DECLINED nolawyer
Scratch "After three (3) strikes have been received, accounts belonging to the person will be blocked and standard measures will be taken to block their access to Scratch." APPROVED ravenclaw900
Redbubble "REPEAT INFRINGER POLICY</strong>: It is Redbubble’s policy, in appropriate circumstances, to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights, trademark rights, other intellectual property rights or publicity rights of others." APPROVED Peepo Staff
SoundCloud "Repeat infringers <p>SoundCloud will suspend or terminate your access to the Platform if SoundCloud determines, in its reasonable discretion, that you have repeatedly breached these Terms of Use or our Community Guidelines.</p>" DECLINED Peepo Staff
SoundCloud "Repeat infringers Users who repeatedly infringe third party rights or breach our Terms of Use or Community Guidelines risk having their SoundCloud® accounts suspended or terminated, as explained in this section.</p>" DECLINED Peepo Staff
Steam "Valve may cancel your Account or any particular Subscription(s) at any time in the event that (a) Valve ceases providing such Subscriptions to similarly situated Subscribers generally, or (b) you breach any terms of this Agreement (including any Subscription Terms or Rules of Use)." QUOTE NOT FOUND Dr_Jeff Staff
Enpass "Your rights under these Terms of Use will terminate without our notice if you fail to comply with any term of these Terms of Use. Upon termination, you will stop representing yourself as a registered Member." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Element "It is our policy in appropriate circumstances to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who are repeat infringers.<br> </p> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Medscape "We may terminate the account of any user who we determine is a repeat infringer." APPROVED 281587887a Curator
Roblox "Roblox’s intellectual property policy is to: (i) remove or disable access to material that Roblox believes in good faith, upon notice from an intellectual property rights owner or his or her agent, is infringing the intellectual property rights of a third party by being made available through the Service. and (ii) terminate the Accounts of and suspend access to the Service by "repeat infringers." Roblox considers a "repeat infringer" to be any user that has three times Provided UGC that Roblox has removed or disabled access to (each, a "strike"). However, Roblox has the discretion to terminate the Account of or suspend access to the Service by any user even after Roblox has assessed a single strike. Roblox will assess a strike on a particular user’s Account any time Roblox takes the action in (i) above. Roblox may also assess a strike on a particular user’s Account if Roblox believes upon its own determination that UGC Provided by such user is infringing, and Roblox may remove or disable access to such UGC in its sole discretion.</li>" DECLINED BTDFanatic07
Instructure "We reserve the right to delete or disable content alleged to be infringing and terminate accounts of repeat infringers." APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Indiegogo "We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to delete or disable User Content that has been alleged to be infringing, as well as to terminate User accounts associated with infringers." APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Vivaldi "We agree to: <p>If you violate any of the above, your account will be suspended or terminated, and you may be exposed to civil and criminal sanctions.</p> <p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Rumble "Please also be advised that we enforce a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of subscribers who are repeat infringers.</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
V.H. Hess "<br> A breach or violation of any of the Terms will result in an immediate termination of your Services. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
iFunny " iFunny will also terminate a User's access to the Services, if they are determined to be a repeat infringer." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Avast "This Agreement will immediately terminate upon your breach of any of your obligations in this Agreement" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
xda-developers "<p>In our sole discretion, we may disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others.</p> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Vimeo "We will, in appropriate circumstances, terminate the accounts of persons who repeatedly infringe.</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Authy (Twilio) "If you significantly breach these terms, and don’t fix the breach within five (5) days of us telling you about the breach, then we may terminate these terms and close your Twilio account(s). " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Zoom Video Communications "If you repeatedly transmit or post content that infringes someone else’s intellectual property rights, such as copyrights or trademarks,&nbsp. Zoom may terminate your use of our services." APPROVED private prawn Curator
Wish User accounts can be terminated after having been in breach of the terms of service repeatedly APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Schoology "We may terminate the use privileges of users who are repeat infringers of intellectual property rights." APPROVED HunterTheProto
Free Software Foundation "If we do not receive such notification, generally we will reinstate the material.</p> <p>Please also be advised that we may terminate the accounts of repeat infringers.</p> <p> <e" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Parler "Copyright infringement is not allowed on the Services, and Parler will, in ,appropriate circumstances, terminate the account of any repeat infringer. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Tumblr "In particular, Tumblr may immediately terminate or suspend Accounts that have been flagged for repeat copyright infringement. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
BlueMail "We reserve the right to suspend your account, delete or disable content alleged to be infringing and/or terminate the account of a repeat infringer.</p>" APPROVED welda Curator
webmail " will terminate a User's access to its Website if, under appropriate circumstances, they are determined to be a repeat infringer." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
VPN Hamster User accounts can be terminated after having been in breach of the terms of service repeatedly APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
BitChute "It is BitChute's policy to suspend and/or terminate Accounts that repeatedly infringe or are believed to be repeatedly infringing the rights of copyright holders." DECLINED lotushomerun Curator
Khan Academy "As discussed herein, Khan Academy does not permit copyright, trademarks, or other intellectual property infringing activities on the Services, and will terminate access to the Services, and remove all User Content or other content submitted, by any Users who are found to be repeat infringers." APPROVED Peepo Staff
KidzSearch "KidzSearch has adopted a policy of terminating, in appropriate circumstances and at KidzSearch's sole discretion, subscribers or account holders who are deemed to be repeat infringers." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Hero "we reserve the right to delete or disable Content alleged to be infringing, and to terminate the accounts of repeat alleged infringers.</p> " APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
FaceApp "We have a policy of limiting access to our Services and terminating the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe the intellectual property copyright rights of others upon prompt notification to us by the copyright owner or the copyright owner’s legal agent. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Wickr Me "(b) Wickr’s determination that you repeatedly infringe or have infringed the copyrights of others" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
SmartNews "It is SmartNews’s policy, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Open Source Initiative "OSI may, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, disable and/or terminate the access of users who may be repeat infringers." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ClassDojo "ClassDojo will promptly terminate without notice any User’s access to the Service where the User is a “repeat infringer” of copyrights." APPROVED private prawn Curator
SC Johnson "terminating a user’s access to the Website and removing all Submissions submitted by any persons who we determine to be infringers or repeat infringers" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
SpanishDict "It is SpanishDict’s policy to terminate membership privileges of any User who repeatedly infringes copyright upon prompt notification to SpanishDict by the copyright owner or the copyright owner’s legal agent. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Brilliant "remove and discontinue service to repeat offenders." APPROVED private prawn Curator
Calendly "We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to terminate the account or access of any Calendly User or Invitee who is the subject of repeated DMCA or other infringement notifications. </p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Medium "<p>Medium reserves the right to delete or disable content alleged to be infringing the intellectual property rights of others, and to terminate accounts of repeat infringers." APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Canvas "terminate your access to the Services with notice to you if:</p> <ul> <li>You are in breach of these Terms" APPROVED serph Curator
Pacer "We may also terminate your access to the Services, if you are determined to be a repeat infringer." APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Mega "we will also terminate your account if we consider you to be a repeat infringer" APPROVED yoharnu
Kjo Biztonsági Szerver User accounts can be terminated after having been in breach of the terms of service repeatedly DECLINED kjokmjnoi
Icedrive "Repeated policy violations may result in account termination." APPROVED francopan
The VG Resource "<br>Failure to comply with these rules may result in the termination of your account, account suspension, or permanent ban of access to the site." DECLINED zappy_zipper "PANTIP.COM ขอสงวนสิทธิยกเลิกการให้บริการแก่สมาชิกซึ่งไม่ให้ความร่วมมือในการรักษากฎ กติกาและมารยาทของเว็บไซต์ เพื่อรักษาบรรยากาศการสนทนาที่ดีโดยรวม" APPROVED MoeTsundere Suspended
MGA Entertainment "We reserve the right to terminate your use of the Site or App for violating any of the prohibited uses.</p> <p>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Lichess "You further agree that if, at our sole discretion, we determine your content to have breached these Terms you may have your content partially or fully removed, hidden, deleted or otherwise made inaccessible, either to yourself and/or others." APPROVED Koala
SCP Wiki "<li>We can terminate any account and block any site if there is any improper activity.</li>" DECLINED someone "9.2. We reserve the right to delete or disable any User Generated Content alleged to be infringing, and to terminate User Accounts for repeat infringers at our reasonable discretion.</p>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
HideIPVPN "It is HideIPVPN’s policy to terminate the privileges of customers who commit repeat violations of&nbsp;HideIPVPN policy and service agreements" APPROVED signed
Busuu "Busuu may suspend or terminate your access to and/or use of any one or more Paid Services immediately and without liability if: <br> 9.1. Busuu has reason to believe that you are in breach of or have acted inconsistently with these Paid Services Terms. or <br> 9.2. Busuu is entitled to suspend or terminate your account, or your use of the Service generally, under clause 9 below." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Wallapop "Wallapop reserves the right to deny the use of the Service temporarily or permanently to any User that breaches the rules as set out in the Terms and conditions as well as legal and moral regulations. Wallapop may also prohibit the use of a User or restrict access to Users on the grounds of the ensuring the best use of the Service and/or the Users experience of such." APPROVED TIS2022-ELP-2 Curator
Buy me a coffee "If you don’t follow these rules, we may cancel your account.</p>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Ziff Davis "In appropriate circumstances, Ziff Davis will also terminate your account if you are determined to be a repeat infringer.</p> <p> <strong> <i>Any person who knowingly misrepresents that material is infringing or that material was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification may be subject to liability.</i>" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Inkscape "Repeated breaches of the code may result in temporary or permanent expulsion (banning)" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
LambdaGeneration Community "Please read Our Privacy Policy carefully before using Our Service.</p> User Accounts <p>When You create an account with Us, You must provide Us information that is accurate, complete, and current at all times. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of Your account on Our Service.</p>" APPROVED sploop
Tubi "If Tubi determines in its sole discretion that you are violating any of these Terms of Use, we may (i) notify you, (ii) use technical measures to block or restrict your access or use of the Tubi Services, (iii) suspend or terminate your Account or access to the Tubi Services and Content, and/or (iv) use any other available legal or equitable remedy." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
CounterMail "If you violate our terms, we can cancel your account at any time, without notice." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
SoloLearn "A violation of any of the foregoing is grounds for termination of your right to use or access the Services.</p>" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Yleisradio "Yle may cancel your Yle ID or restrict your access to the Services if you are in breach of the terms of use." APPROVED lr19_
Webtoon (Naver/Line) "In cases where the content is found to be excessively inappropriate or a user has multiple violations, we may suspend or terminate the user’s account and access to the platform" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Rakuten "Any violation of this Agreement or the rules and conditions of the Program may result in the termination of your Account and forfeiture of pending or prior Cash Back and other rewards." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
MX Player "We retain the right at any time to deny or suspend access to all or part of the Services to anyone who we believe will violate or has violated any of the terms of the User Agreement." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Never Install "In case of non-compliance with any applicable laws, rules or regulations, or the Terms and Conditions (including the Privacy Policy) by a User, we shall have the right to immediately terminate your access or usage rights to the Platform and Services" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
WordArt "You agree that we may, in our sole discretion, terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the site with or without notice and for any reason, including, without limitation, breach of these Terms of Use." DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
SoundCloud "Users who repeatedly infringe third party rights or breach our Terms of Use or Community Guidelines risk having their SoundCloud® accounts suspended or terminated, as explained in this section.</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Project Z " We have a policy that includes the removal of any infringing materials from the Services and for the termination, in appropriate circumstances, of users of our Services who are repeat infringers." APPROVED SecretOperations
Conjuguemos "If your account has been involved in serious rule-breaking, the account will be either suspended or banned indefinitely depending on the severity of the offense." APPROVED Hantalyte
Mojeek "<li>We reserve the right to deny access to the Services to any user who does not respect these Terms.</li>" APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
tldrlegal "Your account and registration will terminate immediately upon your breach of any of the Terms." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
PureVPN " <p>In appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, we may disable and/or terminate the Accounts of members who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Kodi "In the event of any breach of these Terms and Conditions, laws and/or any other regulations, the Foundation is entitled to exclude Users temporarily or permanently from using the Kodi website and the services provided without prior notice and to issue a house ban." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Netsyms Technologies "If you are misusing, abusing, or putting a large amount of strain on our systems, we will ask you to stop or to pay a small usage fee. If you disregard our requests, we reserve the right to terminate your account or otherwise block your access" APPROVED skylarmt Curator
Wattpad "In appropriate circumstances, we will also terminate a user’s account if the user is determined to be a repeat infringer." APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
Le Monde "<p>Le Monde se réserve le droit de suspendre de plein droit, sans préavis ni indemnité, de manière temporaire ou définitive, le Compte de l’Utilisateur et/ou du Client dans les cas suivants : Non-respect grave et/ou répété des Conditions Générales, " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Roll20 "Breach of Terms <p>If you breach any of the terms and conditions in this document, your authorization to access or use Roll20 automatically terminates." APPROVED GV-280
HideMyAss! "This Agreement will immediately terminate upon your breach of any of your obligations in this Agreement (including any breach of your obligations in Sections <u>2</u>, <u>5</u> or <u>10</u>)," APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Swipefy "<p>Swipefy LLC will have the right to "ban" (permanently disable login access) any user from the platform at any time without prior notice.</p>" DECLINED Dwindling
LingoJam "LingoJam reserves the right to investigate complaints or reported violations of our Legal Terms and to take any action we deem appropriate, including but not limited to canceling your Member account," APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
FastMail "Fastmail may terminate your access to any part or all of the Service and any related service(s) effective immediately if you fail to comply with these Terms, or where required to by law.</p" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Nexon "Your license is automatically rescinded and terminated if you breach any provision of the Terms.</p>" APPROVED Waves
POEditor "CODE WHALE may terminate, at any time, its legal agreement with you if: <br> A. You have breached any provision of the Terms (or have acted in manner which clearly shows that you do not intend to, or are unable to comply with the provisions of the Terms)." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Discord "If you violate these Terms, the Company reserves the right to issue you a warning regarding the violation or immediately terminate or suspend any or all Accounts you have created using the Service. You agree that the Company need not provide you notice before terminating or suspending your Account(s), but it may do so.</p>" DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff " will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the Website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of or others" APPROVED DJJ05
Warner Bros "we have a repeat infringer policy and reserve the right to terminate your Account for submitting infringing User Content in violation of these Terms once or on a repeated basis.</p> </li>" APPROVED DJJ05
Makerbot (Thingiverse) "We will terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe intellectual property" PENDING plentify
Discadia "Users who fail to adhere to the policy guidelines outlined by this document will be asked to discontinue using our site. If this is not agreed to, we reserve the right to ban any user from," PENDING EarldridgeJazzedPineda
WatZatSong "WatZatSong will also terminate a User's access to its Website, if they are determined to be a repeat infringer." PENDING 20210
Tuta "A cause for Tutao is particularly given if at least one of the following situations occur:" PENDING shadowwwind Staff

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