
Privacy Policy

Symbaloo’s Privacy Policy <p>Symbaloo cares deeply about privacy, and we recognize that it is important to the educators, students, and parents we serve. Symbaloo is committed to following both its legal obligations and the best practices with regard to the gathering, usage, sharing, and storage of information in support of your institution.</p> <p>The following privacy policy applies to personal data collected at or other Symbaloo websites, and data collected through the provision of Symbaloo’s products or services. Because Symbaloo gathers certain types of information from its users, it is important to us that you fully understand the terms and conditions regarding the information that we gather, store, and use.</p> <p>Symbaloo collects personal data to operate, provide, and maintain Symbaloo’s products and services. Collection of personal data allows Symbaloo to, for example, communicate with, support, and engage with its end-users, to provide customer support and service, to manage, improve, and develop existing and new products and services, and to inform end-users of new or improved products, services, or features. Such informing may include informing end-users via promotional e-mail. End-users may opt out of being informed via promotional e-mail in the future by following the unsubscribed procedure indicated in the e-mail.</p> Privacy and your Institution <p>Symbaloo offers many products and services that are provided to end users in connection with educational, corporate, or government institutions, which may have its own privacy guidelines. If you are and end user using a Symbaloo product or service in connecting with your institution, Symbaloo recommends that you consult with your institution first in order to address any questions or concerns you may have. In many cases, Symbaloo’s products or services are provided to the end user in a manner that is customized or customizable by your institution in order to permit your institution to best meet its needs and to best implement and comply with its own privacy guidelines.</p> <p>If you are using Symbaloo’s services through your institution, please note that this policy does not supersede the terms of any agreement Symbaloo’s may have with your institution, nor does it affect the terms of any agreement between your institution and yourself or with any other third party. Please make sure that you read the terms of any privacy policy or any other agreement that you enter into with any party, including with your institution, as that policy or agreement may explain how your personal information will be collected, stored, and used. If you have any questions about any agreement between yourself and your institution, or between your institution and a party other than Symbaloo, those questions should be directed to your institution.</p> Information Symbaloo Collects <p>You are free to use many of Symbaloo’s products or services without providing personal information. However, in order to use certain Symbaloo products or services, or would like to customize certain aspects of Symbaloo’s products or services, you may be required to register with Symbaloo. When you register with Symbaloo, you will be asked to provide certain personal information, including but not limited to your name, your e-mail address, your country, and your language. This information will better enable us to provide Symbaloo’s products and services to you and other users, and will help us improve Symbaloo’s products and services.</p> <p>Symbaloo’s products and services may also provide the option for end users to voluntarily provide other personal information, generally for the purpose of enabling or enhancing a collective end-user experience. For example, registered users may voluntarily add certain personal information to their user profile, including but not limited to a personal biography, a city or state, a date of birth, a gender, and a profession or category of profession. Symbaloo offers users the ability to change this information at any time and as often as necessary by choosing the “edit personal information” option or other similar functionality associated with a registered user’s profile. In addition, registered users of certain Symbaloo products or services used in connection with schools or other educational institutions may be asked to, but will not be required to provide other types of information, among which may include, without limitation, a name of an institution, a city, a state, province, or other administrative subdivision, an educational system, a type of institution, a grade level or other level of education, a subject of teaching or education, a name of a teacher, professor, or other educator, classes, courses, quizzes, or lessons previously or presently taught or enrolled in, such as Symbaloo Learning Paths, questions or answers in any such classes, courses, or lessons, and grades or scores given or received in any such classes, courses, quizzes, or lessons. </p> <p>Symbaloo also gathers data about the activities of its end-users in relation to the end-user’s use of Symbaloo’s products and services, both individually and collectively. This data includes, but is not limited to, the features of Symbaloo products or services that its end users are presently or have in the past accessed, the identity of non-Symbaloo products or services that are or have been identified, accessed or made accessible through Symbaloo’s products or services, and website visitor statistics, such as IP addresses, sessions sources, and other data which tracks end-user access to Symbaloo’s products or services. Such data may be sent by your browser or mobile device, and may also include the identity of your browser, mobile device, or operating system. We may analyze this data for the trends and preferences they reveal about our end-users and how our end-users use Symbaloo products or services, such as traffic, usage trends, and demographics. Such analysis may be performed with third-party analytics tools. We do not supply any of this data to third parties, except to the extent necessary to perform analysis of such data with third-party analytics tools.</p> <p>When you access Symbaloo’s products or services using a mobile device, including through a Symbaloo mobile application, Symbaloo may also have transmitted to it certain unique identification numbers or other identifiers associated with your device or Symbaloo’s mobile application. This may include, for example, a Unique Device Identifier (“UDID”), a Google Ad ID, a Windows Advertising ID, A Unique ID for Advertisers (“IDFA”), a mobile carrier, a device type, model, and manufacturer, a mobile device operating system and version, a phone number, and depending on your mobile device settings, geographic location data such as GPS coordinates. Your mobile operating system may let you opt-out from having certain device identifiers used. You should refer to the instructions provided by your mobile device’s manufacturer. this information is typically available under the “settings” function of your mobile device.</p> Social Spaces <p>Certain Symbaloo products and services may make social spaces available to end-users wherein end-users may publish or communicate information to, or otherwise interact with, other end-users. These may include chat rooms, message boards, forums, newsgroups, or other social spaces. Please keep in consideration that any information that you may disclose in any such social spaces will be viewable according to the nature of that social space, and as such may be viewable by other registered end-users, subsets of registered end-users, or non-registered end-users. Caution should be exercised when personal information is disclosed by end-users within these spaces.</p> <p>Certain Symbaloo products or services which make social spaces available to end-users may also include the ability for certain end-users and/or those end user’s institutions to determine the appropriate privacy settings for those social spaces. All end-users of any social spaces are solely responsible for monitoring the privacy settings of the social spaces they decide to use and updating their privacy settings in order to protect their end-user data in accordance with their personal preferences. </p> Symbaloo’s Use of Collected Information <p>Other than as specifically stated herein, the personal information that you supply to Symbaloo will not be given, rented, sold, loaned, or otherwise disclosed to any third party outside of Symbaloo or its agents unless (1) we have your express permission to do so, or (2) Symbaloo has a good faith belief that special circumstances make it reasonably necessary for Symbaloo to disclose such information. Such special circumstances include (i) to enforce the Symbaloo Terms of Use, (ii) to comply with a subpoena, summons, or other writ or court order in a legal proceeding, (iii) to respond to claims that the rights of third parties are violated by content appearing on Symbaloo’s products or services, and (iv) to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Symbaloo, any of its employees or users, or the public.</p> <p>Symbaloo may use aggregated personal information in order to determine the demographics of our end-users and to distribute statistics or other information about Symbaloo and/or its products and services. This aggregate information does not identify specific end-users. </p> <p>The internet servers that may host Symbaloo’s products and/or services may also record certain non-personal information regarding the users that access those products and/or services as part of their standard operation. Such aggregated non-personal information may be used from time to time by Symbaloo for lawful purposes, such as to describe Symbaloo and/or its products and services to third parties.</p> <p>Certain of Symbaloo’s products, services, or features thereof may be offered in connection with a third party partner. In order to provide these products, services, or features thereof, it may be necessary for either you or Symbaloo to share your personal information with this third party. If you do not want your information to be shared with that third party, you can choose not to permit such sharing by not using those particular products, services, or features thereof.</p> <p>Symbaloo may also partner with third parties to provide certain limited services, such as customer support, event coordination and management, mailing, and web analytics. These third parties are only permitted access only to information that reasonably necessary for them to provide such limited services, are prohibited from using such information for any purpose other than those limited services, and are required to maintain the confidentiality of any such information which may be personal information.</p> <p>Please also be aware that third party websites may be accessed or accessible through Symbaloo products and services, and that those third party websites may have their own information collection practices and policies that are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Symbaloo is not responsible for information collection practices and policies of any such third party websites.</p> Security <p>Symbaloo maintains reasonable administrative, technical and physical procedures to protect any information that may be stored in our servers, which are located in the United States and in other jurisdictions in which Symbaloo, its subsidiaries and affiliates maintain facilities. Security safeguards may include, without limitation, data encryption, firewalls, data use and access limitations, and physical access controls. If you have any questions about security, feel free to contact Symbaloo at the address listed below.</p> Cookies and Similar Technologies <p>A cookie is a small file placed onto your device that enables certain features and functionality. Like most providers of online services, Symbaloo uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure its end-users the best possible experience, such as to allow us to recognize you and/or your device on, off, and across Symbaloo’s products and/or services, and to keep any user account you may have safe. The cookies and similar technologies used by Symbaloo will generally fall into one of the following categories:</p> Category Why we use these Cookies Preferences We may use these cookies to remember your settings and preferences. For example, we may use these cookies to remember your preferred language. Security We may use these cookies to help identify and prevent security risks. For example, we may use these cookies to store your session information to prevent others from changing your password Performance We may use these cookies to collect information about how you interact with our services and to help us improve them. For example, we may use these cookies to determine if you have interacted with a certain page. Analytics We may use these cookies to help us improve our services. For example, we can use these cookies to learn more about which features are the most popular with our users. Advertising We may use these cookies to deliver advertisements, to make them more relevant and meaningful to our end-users, and to track the efficiency of our advertising campaigns <p>Your browser may provide you with the option to refuse some or all cookies. You may also be able to remove cookies from your browser. For more information about how to manage browser cookies, please follow the instructions provided by your browser.</p> Student Educational Records <p>Certain of Symbaloo’s products or services may be offered to its end-users in connection with an agreement between Symbaloo and an educational institution. As such, certain information collected by Symbaloo in connection with those products or services may be “educational records” as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), 20 U.S.C. §1232(g), and other applicable state laws. Symbaloo will not use any such educational records other than as authorized by that educational institution. Symbaloo will also consider such educational records to be confidential, and will not share it with any third party unless authorized by the terms or conditions of an applicable written agreement you or your institution have entered into with Symbaloo. If you have any question about reviewing, modifying, or deleting any such educational records, please contact your institution directly.</p> Children’s Personal Information <p>Symbaloo does not knowingly collect any “personal information” of an individual under the age of 13 as defined by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”), 15 U.S.C. §6501, and other applicable state laws. If Symbaloo receives such personal information, it will assume that (1) the provider of such personal information has provided such information following having obtained the consent of a parent and/or guardian of that individual to provide such personal information, and (2) that the provider of such personal information has taken reasonable precautions to prevent individuals under the age of 13 from falsifying such consent. Symbaloo will not use any such personal information other than as authorized by an agreement entered into between the provider of that personal information, or that provider’s institution, and Symbaloo. Symbaloo will also consider such personal to be confidential, and will not share it with any third party unless authorized by the terms or conditions of an agreement entered into between the provider of that personal information, or that provider’s institution, and Symbaloo.</p> <p>If you believe that Symbaloo has inadvertently collected personal information from an individual under the age of 13 without proper consent, or if you are a parent or guardian of an individual under the age of 13 and wish to review or delete any personal information Symbaloo may have collected about or from that individual, please contact Symbaloo at the address below.</p> Common ID Cookie <p> This site uses cookies and similar tracking technologies such as the Common ID cookie to provide its services. Cookies are important devices for measuring advertising effectiveness and ensuring a robust online advertising industry. The Common ID cookie stores a unique user id in the first party domain and is accessible to our ad partners. This simple ID that can be utilized to improve user matching, especially for delivering ads to iOS and MacOS browsers. Users can opt out of the Common ID tracking cookie by clicking here. </p> Advertising Privacy Settings <p> FOR EU USERS ONLY: When you use our site, pre-selected companies may access and use certain information on your device and about your interests to serve ads or personalized content. You may revisit or change consent-choices at any time by clicking here. </p> Changes to the Symbaloo Privacy Policy <p>If Symbaloo changes this Privacy Policy, it will post those changes at, so that you always know what information Symbaloo gathers, how Symbaloo uses that information, and under what conditions, if any, and to who Symbaloo will disclose such information. By using and any other Symbaloo products or services, you agree and assent to the the Symbaloo Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the Symbaloo Privacy Policy, or any changes made thereto, then please do not use or any other Symbaloo products or services. Your continued usage of or any other Symbaloo products or services following the posting of changes to the Symbaloo Privacy Policy will mean that you accept and agree to those changes.</p> Contact Symbaloo <p>Symbaloo takes all concerns about privacy and data usage very seriously. If you have any questions or concerns about the Symbaloo Privacy Policy, please contact us at one of the addresses listed below, and we will do our best to provide a prompt response to your question or concern.</p> <p>If you believe that Symbaloo has inadvertently collected personal information from an individual under the age of 13 without proper consent, or if you are a parent or guardian of an individual under the age of 13 and wish to review or delete any personal information Symbaloo may have collected about or from that individual, please contact Symbaloo at one of the addresses listed below and we will do our best to promptly investigate and reply to your request. </p> <p>Email us at:</p> <strong>violations [at]</strong> <p>Write to us at:</p> <strong>Symbaloo HQ Netherlands</strong> <br> Symbaloo BV <br> Burgwal 47 <br> 2611 GG <br> Delft <br> Netherlands <br> 015-2129006 <strong>Symbaloo office United States</strong> <br>PO Box 6798 <br>Incline village, NV 89450 <br>United States <p>This policy was most recently updated on <strong>January 10th 2018.</strong> </p>

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