Marca |
En ningún caso se permitirá la publicación de contenidos que de forma manifiesta fomenten el odio, el desprecio o la discriminación por motivos de nacimiento, raza, sexo, religión, nacionalidad, opinión o cualquier otra circunstancia personal o social." |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Musik-Sammler |
"das Posten von Bildern politisch/religiös extremistischen, gewaltverherrlichenden " |
Michael Curator |
Musik-Sammler |
"das Bewerben faschistischer/rassistischer Künstler durch Nennung oder Posten von Videos o.ä.</li>
" |
Michael Curator |
Отзовик |
Запрещает публикацию призывов к насилию и пропаганды дискриминации людей по различным признакам |
unshippedozone Curator |
Search Encrypt |
"or any hate speech (e.g.
racist/discriminatory speech)" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
MeWe |
"incites violence.
or contains graphic or gratuitous violence." |
Peepo Staff |
YouTube |
"Content intended to praise, promote, or aid violent criminal organizations is not allowed on YouTube.
These organizations are not allowed to use YouTube for any purpose, including recruitment.</p>" |
Therapy Snek Curator |
Adobe Services |
"<p>(I) Share any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, obscene, violent, abusive, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, lewd, profane, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or otherwise objectionable;" |
r-ex |
"hate materials or materials urging acts of terrorism or violence" |
Peepo Staff |
Quizlet |
"<li>is patently offensive and promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any class or individual" |
Peepo Staff |
Uiiverse |
"This kind of content includes anything that depicts violence, promotes suicide, or endorses acts of cruelty or violence." |
(deactivated) Suspended |
SourceForge |
"your SourceForge Content does not endorse or promote racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of any kind against another group or individual, and does not discriminate, incite harassment or advocate harassment of any group or individual;</li>
" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
TV Tropes |
Prohibits the posting of content which promotes or glorifies violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
Mixer |
Crain's Chicago Business |
<p>You agree to not post material that: </p>
<li>contains vulgar, profane, abusive or hateful language, inflammatory attacks of a personal, racial or religious nature, or expressions of bigotry, racism, discrimination or hate;" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Politics & War |
"Vulgar language, mean comments, Nazism or Nazi related names and titles, Terrorist organizations related names and titles etc.
are not allowed and will result in your nation receiving a strike.
<p>" |
cooldreamer |
Politics & War |
"Vulgar language, mean comments, Nazism or Nazi related names and titles, Terrorist organizations related names and titles etc.
are not allowed and will result in your nation receiving a strike.
" |
cooldreamer |
Politics & War |
"Vulgar language, mean comments, Nazism or Nazi related names and titles, Terrorist organizations related names and titles etc.
are not allowed and will result in your nation receiving a strike.
" |
cooldreamer |
Instagram |
"<p>Instagram is not a place to support or praise terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups." |
Dr_Jeff Staff |
Artspace |
"harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate;<br> " |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Pixiv |
<li>Users shall not make public posts falling under any of the following.<ol>
<li>Violent or atrocious material which will cause strong disgust or distress;</li>
<li>Material extolling or promoting extremist views or antisocial acts;</li>
<li>Material extolling or promoting discrimination on the basis of race, creed, occupation, sex, religion, or the like;</li>
<li>Material extolling or promoting religious cult activity or overbearing political activity" |
arlo Staff |
Pixiv |
"Creators may not publish posts that fall under any of the following.
If the Company determines that a post falls under any one of the following, the Company is entitled to request that the registered Creator revise the post or make the post private in whole or in part, and depending on the circumstances, the Company may cancel the Creator registration of the relevant Creator.
<li>Obscene or excessively deviant sexual expression.
<li>Violent or cruel expression that causes strong feelings of disgust or discomfort.
<li>Expression that glorifies or promotes extreme ideas or anti-social behavior.
<li>Expression that glorifies or promotes discrimination on the basis of race, belief, occupation, sex, religion, and so on.
<li>Expression that glorifies or promotes cult-like religious behavior or extreme political behavior." |
arlo Staff |
VKontakte |
"propagandizes and/or contributes to racial, religious, ethnic hatred or hostility, propagandizes fascism or racial superiority." |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
"advocates violent behavior.</li>
<li>poses a reasonable threat to personal or public safety.</li>
<li>contains violent images of killing or physical abuse that appear to have been captured solely, or principally, for exploitive, prurient, or gratuitous purposes." |
user 235 Curator |
Enpass |
"Harms, threatens, defames, promotes violence or illegal activities, " |
Dr_Jeff Staff |
Prezi |
"harmful, threatening, violent," |
Dr_Jeff Staff |
Instructure |
"racist, sexual, hateful, unlawful, tortious or otherwise objectionable content (except as necessary for legitimate instructional purposes, but in all cases in compliance with applicable laws and regulations);" |
Dr_Jeff Staff |
"Offensive content in any way" |
Eiim |
The Walt Disney Company |
"bigoted, hateful, violent, vulgar," |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
iFunny |
"or User Engagement that encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate." |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Avast |
"(D) have the potential to incite or produce conduct that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, religiously or sexually discriminatory or otherwise objectionable." |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Vimeo |
<li>Promotes or supports terror or hate groups;</li>" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Le Bon Coin |
Prohibits the posting of content which promotes or glorifies violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
El Mundo (El Salvador) |
No hacer uso de este portal para atentar contra la decencia, hacer declaraciones racistas, que inciten a la violencia, propaganda de carácter xenofóbica" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Chapril |
"Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer, télécharger, publier, distribuer, diffuser tout contenu illégal, diffamatoire, harcelant, abusif, frauduleux, contrefait, obscène ou autrement répréhensible." |
welda Curator |
Однокла́ссники ( |
Prohibits the posting of content which promotes or glorifies violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
RTS (Radio Télévision Suisse) |
"incitant à la discrimination, à la haine, à la violence, ou à commettre un crime ou un délit ou à consommer des substances illicites;" |
welda Curator |
MeWe |
"<li>Post content that is hateful, threatening, harmful, incites violence.
or contains graphic or gratuitous violence.</li>" |
welda Curator |
France Université Numérique |
"of such a nature as to incite violence, suicide, terrorism, or the
use, manufacture or distribution of unlawful substances;</li>
<li>likely to incite crimes or offenses, and particularly crimes against
humanity;" |
welda Curator |
El País |
"(ii) difundir contenidos o propaganda de carácter racista, xenófobo, pornográfico-ilegal, de apología del terrorismo o atentatorio contra los derechos humanos.
" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Rofkin |
You are prohibited from posting content which promotes violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
"Content that encourages, glorifies, or incites violence against or abuse of people or animals<br>" |
Aayan |
Just Eat |
promote violence or discrimination;</p>" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Brilliant |
"hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, excessively violent" |
private prawn Curator |
The MOD Archive |
"offensive (whether in relation to sex, race, religion or otherwise" |
H3 |
4721 |
You can share images/videos/gifs but they should not spread hatred or be NSFW by any means, in case of not following this rule, your account maybe temporary disabled or permanently terminated.</li>" |
DevAdvik |
CodeSandbox |
"promotes racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of
any kind against any group or individual" |
private prawn Curator |
American Red Cross |
"Materials that encourage criminal conduct or that would give rise to civil liability" |
serph Curator |
YNAB. (You Need a Budget) |
"violence, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age" |
yoharnu |
The Movie Database (TMDb) |
that promote racism, bigotry, sexism, religious intolerance or harm
against any group or individual." |
yoharnu | |
"ห้ามเสนอข้อความอันเป็นการท้าทาย ชักชวน โดยมีเจตนาก่อให้เกิดการทะเลาะวิวาท หรือก่อให้เกิดความวุ่นวายขึ้น โดยมูลแห่งความขัดแย้งดังกล่าว ไม่ใช่การแสดงความคิดเห็นโดยเสรีเช่นวิญญูชน พึงกระทำ</li>
" |
MoeTsundere Suspended |
Zoho |
"offends religious sentiments, promotes racism, contains viruses or malicious code, or that which infringes or may infringe intellectual property or other rights of another" |
DavidPrivy |
Bereal |
"calling for hatred, terrorism, violence in general or against a group of people in particular" |
bend1010 |
Deleted Service 2317 by user 1764 |
"Content that promotes terrorism;" |
(deactivated) Suspended | |
"propagation of totalitarian regimes, hate speech" |
tecc |
Photomath |
"The following types of User Content are examples of User Content that is prohibited in the Service:</p>
<li>User Content that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;" |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
SoundCloud |
"that promotes or incites violence, terrorism, illegal acts, or hatred on the grounds of race, ethnicity, cultural identity, religious belief, disability, gender, identity or sexual orientation" |
Peepo Staff |
Inkscape |
"No political agitation or totalitarian symbolism." |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Crunchyroll |
"inciting of unlawful action, defamatory, libelous, vulgar or violent or constitutes hate speech" |
lr19_ |
You are prohibited from posting content which promotes violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
Hantalyte |
Le Figaro |
Autres textes proscrits: les incitations à la discrimination, la haine ou la violence," |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
"<li>Être de nature discriminatoire ou de nature à inciter à la violence ou à la haine" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Manscaped |
"hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable," |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
Webtoon (Naver/Line) |
"<p>We do not allow graphic depictions of gratuitous violence, or content that promote acts of violence.
" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
HP | Hewlett-Packard |
"racially, ethnically, religiously, or otherwise biased or offensive," |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
BitPay |
"incite, threaten, facilitate, promote, or encourage hateful or violent acts against others." |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
Rakuten |
"inflammatory or derogatory comments," |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
Braintrust |
Code of Conduct disallows the words "stupid", "nigger", and "fag", as well as condoning violence |
narvey |
Never Install |
"hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable," |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
Fandom |
"content that contains homophobia, transphobia, ethnic slurs, religious intolerance," |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
AccuWeather |
You are prohibited from posting content which promotes violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
Hantalyte | |
You are prohibited from posting content which promotes violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
Hantalyte |
Flourish |
"inciteful of violence or hatred, blasphemous, discriminatory (on any ground);" |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
You are prohibited from posting content which promotes violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
Hantalyte |
Conjuguemos |
"You will not post content that: is hate speech, discriminating" |
Hantalyte |
tldrlegal |
"Post or transmit any material that is harmful, threatening, offensive, hateful, discriminatory," |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
Wattpad |
"We will not allow stories or individuals that glorify, praise or romanticize current real life violent hate groups, figures, or extremist organizations with violent or hateful intentions.
" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Prisma Media |
<p>En outre, sont interdites toutes les Contributions :</p>
<p>– contraires à l’ordre public, d’incitation à la réalisation de crimes ou de délits, d’actes de terrorisme, de provocation à la discrimination, à la haine ou à la violence en raison de la race, de l’ethnie, de la religion, incitant à l’apologie du nazisme ou à la contestation de crimes contre l’humanité ;</p>" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
YouTube |
"Don’t post content on YouTube if it fits any of the descriptions noted below.</p>
<li>Content produced by violent criminal or terrorist organizations</li>
<li>Content praising or memorializing prominent terrorist or criminal figures in order to encourage others to carry out acts of violence</li>
<li>Content praising or justifying violent acts carried out by violent criminal or terrorist organizations</li>
<li>Content aimed at recruiting new members to violent criminal or terrorist organizations</li>
<li>Content depicting hostages or posted with the intent to solicit, threaten, or intimidate on behalf of a violent criminal or terrorist organization</li>
<li>" |
Therapy Snek Curator |
Opera |
"We expect you to respect the rights of others.
By using the Services, you agree that you will not upload, transfer, or otherwise make available files, images, code, materials, or other information or content (“Content”) that violates the rights of any third party, including their intellectual property rights, however defined." |
ELP_JAPIS Curator |
WordArt |
"victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;" |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
City of Reading |
"bias, or discrimination" |
day Curator |
CouchSurfing |
"(f) incites violence or characterizes violence as acceptable, glamorous or desirable;" |
Dr_Jeff Staff |
Fivestars |
"The posting of inappropriate User Content, including hateful or discriminatory speech, inappropriate language, or abusive activity of any kind, is prohibited," |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Swissinfo |
"Contents that are unrelated to the respective topic;</li>
<li>Generalisations, accusations or assertions that cannot be verified;</li>
<li>Personal attacks of any kind, insults or intentional provocation;</li>
<li>Discrimination of any kind, for example with regard to religion, nationality, skin colour, sexual orientation, political affiliation, age or gender;</li>
<li>Content that glorifies violence or is obscene;</li>
<li>Commercial or political advertising;</li>
<li>Illegal content" |
welda Curator |
Wanderlog |
"Realistic portrayals of people or animals being killed, maimed, tortured, or abused, or content that encourages violence" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
BitChute |
"Violent Extremist List</strong> that is utilised when identifying terrorist and violent extremist material.
As this list will evolve over time, we suggest that all users regularly check it to ensure they are not breaching the guidelines.</p>
<p>We acknowledge that showing and/or referencing acts of terrorist and/or violent extremism may be necessary to hold the perpetrators to account.
" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Pearltrees |
"Users must however
check the content that they choose to make available and must not publish a
Collection that aggregates content:</p>
<p>-  .
can be construed as an apology for crimes against humanity or war crimes;</p>
<p>-  .
violates the respect and dignity of human beings, the protection of children
and teenagers, e.g.
violent, child abuse messages;</p>
<p>-  .
runs counter to the public interest or to public morals;</p>
<p>-  .
is threatening, insulting, constitutes harassment, is defamatory or harmful;</p>" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
Heroku |
Customers may not, and may not allow any third party, including its users, to use services to display, store, process, or transmit, or permit use of services to display, store, process, or transmit:</p>
Material that infringes or misappropriates a third party’s intellectual property or proprietary rights;</li>
Hate-related or violent material, and/or material advocating discrimination against individuals or groups;</li>
<li>" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
El Mundo (Spain) |
"En ningún caso se permitirá la publicación de contenidos que de forma manifiesta fomenten el odio, el desprecio o la discriminación por motivos de nacimiento, raza, sexo, religión, nacionalidad, opinión o cualquier otra circunstancia personal o social.
" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff | |
No posting content promoting violence or terrorism |
BuckyRiverBeaver |
Lemmy World |
"No links to content supporting, featuring, or promoting hate movements, terrorism, mass violence, or calls to violence." |
BuckyRiverBeaver |
Unity |
"promotes unlawful violence, is discriminatory" |
Agnes_De_Lion Staff |
DMG Media |
"blasphemous or racist,<br>" |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
DMG Media |
"(ii) encourage violence or racial or religious hatred;" |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |
Gusto |
Terms prohibit offensive, violent, pornographic, or bigoted content |
narvey |
AllSides |
"Defamatory, discriminatory, or mean-spirited content, including references or commentary about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, national/ethnic origin, or other targeted groups" |
Hantalyte | |
You are prohibited from posting content which promotes violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
Dimalsing |
Whosampled |
You are prohibited from posting content which promotes violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
Dimalsing |
Weird Gloop Limited |
You are prohibited from posting content which promotes violence or politically or religiously extremist values. |
EarldridgeJazzedPineda |