You are prohibited from posting content which promotes violence or politically or religiously extremist values.

Changes: 1
Source: link
Author: EarldridgeJazzedPineda (29030)

We also do not allow certain activities on any of our Sites, including but not limited to: . . . * Attempting to post, publish, or upload content that . . . contains homophobia, discrimination against ethnic or religious groups, or encourages criminal activity

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Version 1: 2024-05-02 01:22:56 UTC by EarldridgeJazzedPineda (29030)

Previous Title:

Updated Title: You are prohibited from posting content which promotes violence or politically or religiously extremist values.

Previous Analysis:

Updated Analysis: We also do not allow certain activities on any of our Sites, including but not limited to: . . . * Attempting to post, publish, or upload content that . . . contains homophobia, discrimination against ethnic or religious groups, or encourages criminal activity

Previous Status:

Updated Status: PENDING