The service will resist legal requests for your information where reasonably possible

The service will attempt to protect user information to a great extent, even so far as stating that they will only follow legal requirements to disclose user information in circumstances where this cannot be reasonably resisted.

Classification: good

Weight: 60

Service Title Rating Status Author
Deleted Service 2317 by user 1764 "Upon governmental order, we will resist requests for user information where reasonably possible." DECLINED Peepo Staff
Web & SEO Designers "<strong>Fair Processing Notice</strong> We protect your information from unauthorised use or loss and will not pass your data to anyone under any circumstances." DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Bits of Freedom "We zullen je persoonsgegevens nooit aan derden verstrekken als dit niet expliciet uit onze privacyverklaring volgt. De enige twee uitzonderingen hierop zijn:</p> <ul> <li>als we voor een verstrekking aan derden vooraf expliciet je toestemming vragen. of</li> <li>als we hiertoe wettelijk zijn verplicht en pas nadat we ons uiterste best hebben gedaan om verstrekking op basis van een wettelijke verplichting te voorkomen.</li>" APPROVED vincentjacobs
MeWe "MeWe will only respond to requests from non-U.S. law enforcement agencies that are issued by a U.S. court either by way of a mutual legal assistance treaty or a letter rogatory. Civil subpoenas require personal service and will not be accepted via fax.</p> b. Valid Legal Process is Required Before Disclosure <p>For all MeWe customers disclosure is governed by U.S. law, including the Federal Stored Communications Act (the “SCA”), 18 U.S.C. Sections 2701-2712, as well as by our own Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. In general, we will turn over “basic subscriber” records (i.e., name, email address, phone number, and so on) in response to a valid subpoena that is issued in connection with an official criminal investigation. However, we require a search warrant issued upon a showing of probable cause under relevant state or federal law before we will turn over user content stored on our servers, such as posts, photos, videos, documents, etc. Requests by law enforcement agencies require a valid search warrant or equivalent from an agency with proper jurisdiction over MeWe.</p> MeWe Rights <p>All right, title, and interest in and to the Services (excluding Content provided by users) are and will remain the exclusive property of MeWe and its licensors." DECLINED Peepo Staff
Startpage "We will never comply with any voluntary surveillance program</strong> </p> <p> <em>Big Brother would like some help?</em> </p> <p>Hell no! Fortunately, we are based in the EU, where we have strong laws that protect your right to privacy. European governments can’t legally force service providers like Startpage to implement a blanket spying program" APPROVED Esmooth Curator
Proton AG "ProtonMail may from time to time, contest requests if there is a public interest in doing so. In such situations, the Company will not comply with the request until all legal or other remedies have been exhausted. Therefore, not all requests described in our Transparency Report will lead to data disclosure." DECLINED omhqit Curator
PsychonautWiki "<li>Your information is legally protected by German laws. In Germany, gag orders do not exist. Should we ever receive a court order, we will do our best not to comply and publish every single one immediately on the Main_Page or a designated, from the Main_Page linked article. We will at any times promptly inform users targeted by law enforcement or any litigation.</li> <li>We " APPROVED Souroozelooz
Ali Reza Hayati's Personal Page The service will resist legal requests for user information where reasonably possible APPROVED tough
Ruqqus The service will resist legal requests for user information where reasonably possible APPROVED shinies "and will resist requests we consider to be invalid." APPROVED arlo Staff
Target "<dt>Legal Requirements</dt> <dd> <p>We may disclose information we collect when we believe disclosure is appropriate to comply with the law. to enforce or apply applicable terms and conditions and other agreements. to facilitate the financing, securitization, insuring, sale, assignment, bankruptcy, or disposal of all or part of our business or assets. or to protect the rights property or safety of our company, our guests or others." DECLINED Ardent_drub
Sync "When providing information in response to a legal inquiry or order, we will verify its validity and disclose only the information that is legally required." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Proton AG "ProtonMail may from time to time, contest court orders if there is a public interest in doing so. In such situations, the Company will not comply with the court order until all legal or other remedies have been exhausted. Therefore, not all court orders described in our Transparency Report will lead to data disclosure" DECLINED zedara "We would rather pull the plug than submit to repressive surveillance by our government, or any government. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Free Steam Keys The service will resist legal requests for user information where reasonably possible DECLINED Anucha7736
SecuriSend (discontinued?) "<p> Upon governmental order, we will resist requests for user information where reasonably possible." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
RationalWiki "And</i> we will go to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Centre <i>en masse</i> as enemy combatants before revealing that information to any Government. Unless we <i>really</i> have to. Like pursuant to a subpoena lawfully issued by a court of competent jurisdiction or if we get sued and are required to turn it over in the discovery process.</li>" APPROVED Eiim
NordVPN " In cases where, following an appropriate legal process, we are able to identify a specific person, we will provide the limited data we process per our Privacy Policy. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
VPN.AC "We do not cooperate with any requests for information unless we are ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction." APPROVED welda Curator
Wikimedia The service will resist legal requests for your information where reasonably possible APPROVED Berrely
Swisscows "Any request or demand by a government (including the US government) for disclosure of data is carefully reviewed by our lawyers. We will not do so until it is proven that a current law that affects us clearly requires to do so." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
VPN Hamster The service will resist legal requests for your information where reasonably possible APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Wickr Me "Non-public information about Wickr users’ accounts will not be released to law enforcement except in response to appropriate legal process such as a subpoena, court order, or other valid legal process.</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Njalla The service will resist legal requests for your information where reasonably possible DECLINED zyansheep
Betternet "and challenge information requests that we believe are unlawful, overbroad, or otherwise invalid" APPROVED levijneuwirth
Cakey Bot "Other Legal Requirements <p>Cakey Bot may disclose your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Comply with a legal obligation</p> </li> <li> <p>Protect and defend the rights or property of Cakey Bot</p> </li> <li> <p>Prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the service</p> </li> <li> <p>Protect the personal safety of users of Cakey Bot or the public</p> </li> <li> <p>Protect against legal liability</p> </li> </ul> <p>and where this cannot be reasonably resisted" APPROVED MrCakeSlayer
Amnesty International Limited (UK) "We may also share your personal information with your permission, or if we are legally required to disclose your information in circumstances where this cannot be reasonably resisted.</p> " APPROVED Michael Curator "We WILL NOT disclose your information even if we believe we are required to do so by law, or to comply with a court order, judicial or other government subpoena, or warrant. We will fight it because nothing we have is relevant to anything but your login. We don't track what you search or when you search.</li> " APPROVED rambos_ride
Signal " <p>This is the first subpoena that we’ve received. It originally included a broad gag order that would have prevented us from publishing this notice, but the ACLU represented us in quickly and successfully securing our ability to publish the transcripts below." APPROVED private prawn Curator
Mailfence "<li>We do not co-operate with the NSA, we do not offer any authority shadow access to our Service.</li> <li>We also do not directly disclose any information about our users to law enforcement agencies from outside Belgium and it would be illegal for us to do so.</li> <li>Check our transparency report along with an up-to-date warrant canary.</li>" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Aura "To comply with legal process and the law.</strong> We are fiercely protective of the privacy of our users. If you use our VPN products, we protect your privacy by ensuring that we do not log or record online activities that you conduct over a VPN connection in any way that can be tied back to you, meaning that we do not have any data to share with law enforcement and government agencies who make requests for information about what you were doing through a VPN connection. Subject to the foregoing, we may share your information if we are required to do so by applicable law. to comply with our legal obligations. to comply with legal process. and to respond to valid law enforcement requests relating to a criminal investigation, or alleged or suspected illegal activity that may expose Aura, you, or any of our other users to legal liability. If we share your information for these purposes, we limit the information shared to what is legally necessary, and challenge information requests that we believe are unlawful, overbroad, or otherwise invalid." PENDING Zenphia
Proton AG "ProtonMail may from time to time, contest requests if there is a public interest in doing so. In such situations, the Company will not comply with the request until all legal or other remedies have been exhausted. Therefore, not all requests described in our Transparency Report will lead to data disclosure.</p>" QUOTE NOT FOUND AgnesDeLion Staff
Wikipedia "However, if we believe that a particular request for disclosure of a user's information is legally invalid or an abuse of the legal system and the affected user does not intend to oppose the disclosure themselves, we will try our best to fight it." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
StartMail "We will NOT comply with such requests unless we are convinced that the request is legally valid and we believe it is undeniably our legal obligation to comply." APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Synology "provided that, if any law enforcement agency requests your data, we will attempt to redirect the law enforcement agency to request that data directly from you, and in such event, we may provide your basic contact information to the law enforcement agency." PENDING Privacy4All

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