The service will resist legal requests for your information where reasonably possible

Service: Aura
Changes: 1
Source: link
Author: Zenphia (27620)

To comply with legal process and the law.</strong> We are fiercely protective of the privacy of our users. If you use our VPN products, we protect your privacy by ensuring that we do not log or record online activities that you conduct over a VPN connection in any way that can be tied back to you, meaning that we do not have any data to share with law enforcement and government agencies who make requests for information about what you were doing through a VPN connection. Subject to the foregoing, we may share your information if we are required to do so by applicable law. to comply with our legal obligations. to comply with legal process. and to respond to valid law enforcement requests relating to a criminal investigation, or alleged or suspected illegal activity that may expose Aura, you, or any of our other users to legal liability. If we share your information for these purposes, we limit the information shared to what is legally necessary, and challenge information requests that we believe are unlawful, overbroad, or otherwise invalid.

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Version 1: 2024-06-10 21:31:57 UTC by Zenphia (27620)

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Updated Title: The service will resist legal requests for your information where reasonably possible

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Updated Status: PENDING