
Terms & Conditions

<p> <strong>ACCESSIBILITY</strong> –&nbsp;IF YOU ARE HAVING ANY TROUBLE ACCESSING THESE TERMS OR THE SITE, PLEASE CONTACT US AT<br> <strong>EFFECTIVE DATE OF CURRENT POLICY: November 19, 2020</strong> For<br> prior version of the Terms, please click here. For prior<br> version of the Purchaser Terms, please click<br> here. # Represent Terms &amp. Conditions &gt. Represent<br> Holdings, LLC. (“Represent” “we” or “us” or “our”) owns and operates the site at (the “Site”), certain<br> mobile applications, website(s), and any other related sites or applications which refer to these terms and<br> conditions (collectively, the "Services”). These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) are a legal agreement between<br> Represent and you. By&nbsp;accessing&nbsp;or using any Services, you agree to these Terms as well as any additional terms<br> applicable to certain programs or services in which you may elect to participate. You also agree to our Privacy<br> Policy. &gt. The Privacy Policy, together with these Terms, and any other terms<br> contained herein or incorporated herein by reference, are collectively referred to as the “Agreement.” 1.<br> <strong>Acceptance of Terms</strong> By registering for and/or using the Services in any manner, including but not limited to<br> visiting or browsing the Site, you agree to this Agreement and all other operating rules, policies and procedures<br> that may be published from time to time on the Site by us, each of which is incorporated by reference and each of<br> which may be updated from time to time without notice to you. &nbsp. &nbsp;1. Certain Services may be subject to<br> additional terms and conditions specified by us from time to time. your use of such Services is subject to those<br> additional terms and conditions, which are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. &nbsp. &nbsp;2. This<br> Agreement applies to all users of the Services, including, without limitation, registered and unregistered users.<br> &nbsp. &nbsp;3. ARBITRATION NOTICE AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER: EXCEPT FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF DISPUTES DESCRIBED IN THE<br> ARBITRATION SECTION BELOW, YOU AGREE THAT DISPUTES BETWEEN YOU AND US WILL BE RESOLVED BY BINDING, INDIVIDUAL<br> ARBITRATION AND YOU WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT OR CLASS-WIDE ARBITRATION. The Site<br> offers users the ability to browse and purchase as “Buyer”, and enables creators to create certain customized<br> merchandise and campaigns for sale of such merchandise as “Sellers”. 2. <strong>Under 18s</strong>. Represent is not directed at<br> or to children, and Represent expects that any and all use of the Site by children will be done only with the<br> guidance, supervision and consent of the child’s parent, guardian and/or authorized school official. Parents,<br> guardians and/or officials must ensure such minors use the Service only if they can understand their rights and<br> responsibilities as stated in this Agreement and our Privacy Policy. All school officials assisting users under the<br> age of 13 to create Represent accounts shall be responsible for complying with the US “Children’s Online Privacy<br> Protection Act” and, to the extent applicable, “The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act”, and accordingly must<br> notify those minors’ parents/guardians of the minor’s personal information provided hereunder and must obtain<br> parent/guardian consent before completing the minor’s registration. When obtaining such consent, the parent/guardian<br> must be provided with a copy of the Privacy Policy and all consents must be retained in writing and provided to<br> Represent on request. For more information on complying with COPPA, see the Federal Trade Commission’s website<br> at&nbsp; 3. <strong>Electronic<br> Communication</strong>. When you visit the Site, access Services (including without limitation by purchases made via the<br> Site), or send us e-mails, you are communicating with us electronically. In so doing, you consent to receive<br> communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on this Site.<br> You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically<br> satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing. 4. <strong>Accounts and Passwords</strong>. You agree: to<br> keep your password secure and confidential and to not allow anyone else to use your email address or password to<br> access the Site. to not do anything which would assist anyone who is not a registered User to gain access to any<br> secured area of the Site. and, to not create additional registration accounts for the purpose of abusing the<br> functionality of the Site, or other users, or to seek to pass yourself off as another User. If you think someone<br> else has obtained your account details, you must let us know immediately via email<br> to&nbsp;;and we will close your account as quickly as possible. You<br> agree that you will be responsible to Represent and to others for all activity that occurs under your registration<br> account. Operating and maintaining multiple accounts is prohibited. If you have a legitimate business need for a<br> second account, you can apply for an exception to this policy by contacting us at<br> 5. <strong>Your Personal Information</strong>. You agree to provide only<br> true, accurate and complete information to us and/or the Site. You agree with and to all provisions of our Privacy<br> Policy, including without limitation the use and treatment of your personal<br> information in accordance with such Privacy Policy. 6. <strong>Site Content</strong>.<br> This Site is intended only for the purposes specified on the Site, and use of the Site and/or all content contained<br> within the Site (“<strong>Content</strong>”) is entirely at your own risk. Please note, Represent endeavors to provide accurate<br> and up-to-date information, the Content may not be wholly accurate or up-to-date and is subject to change, sometimes<br> at short notice. All Content is provided without any representations or warranties of any kind (implied or express)<br> to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. Represent does not represent or warrant that the Site or the<br> Content will be accurate, up-to-date, complete or free of defects, including without limitation viruses or other<br> harmful elements. Certain Content may become temporarily unavailable due to outages or other problems. 7.<br> <strong>Ownership of Content</strong>. Represent and its licensors, unless otherwise stated herein, owns or controls all relevant<br> intellectual property rights in the Site and the Content. You may not publish, distribute, extract, re-utilize, or<br> reproduce any part of the Site or Content in any form (including storing it in any medium) other than as expressly<br> allowed herein or as permitted on the Site or under applicable law. The Site and the Content are for your personal,<br> non-commercial use only, and are not for re-distribution, transfer, assignment or sublicense or for any commercial<br> or partly-commercial re-sale or other use. 8. <strong>Objectionable Material Policy</strong>. If you encounter or become aware of<br> any objectionable or infringing or unlawful content posted anywhere on the Site, please immediately report such<br> material (and the specific page on which it is found) to&nbsp;<br> Additionally, Represent has the sole discretion to reject any order that it considers libelous, defamatory, obscene,<br> profane (according to standards established by the FCC), portraying irresponsible use of alcohol or other<br> substances, advocating persecution based on gender, age, race, religion, disability or national origin, containing<br> explicit sexual content or is otherwise inappropriate for Represent production. You agree to not use the Service to<br> create any material that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar,<br> obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, or<br> that infringes on any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any third party. 9.<br> <strong>Submitting Material</strong>. If you upload any material to the Site (including, without limitation, written material<br> comments or reviews) you hereby grant to us a worldwide, non-exclusive license to use that material in any media<br> and, specifically, to make that material available via the Site and other third-party platforms, media channels<br> and/or distribution or performance methods. You further agree to waive your moral rights for the purposes of this<br> license. We reserve the right to cut, edit, crop or arrange your material as necessary for purposes related to the<br> Site, and to remove the material at any time. 10. <strong>User Disputes</strong>. We are not responsible for any disputes or<br> disagreements between you and any third party you interact with using the Site. You assume all risk associated with<br> dealing with third parties. You agree to resolve disputes directly with the other party. You release Represent of<br> all claims, demands, and damages in disputes among users of the Site. You also agree not to involve us in such<br> disputes. Use caution and common sense when using the Site. 11. <strong>Disclaimer</strong>. We do not represent or guarantee the<br> truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of content, posted by third parties. By using the Site you accept the risk<br> that you might be exposed to content that is objectionable or otherwise inappropriate. We may change, suspend, or<br> discontinue any aspect of the Site at any time, including hours of operation or availability of the Site or any<br> feature, without notice or liability. We make no promises and disclaim all liability of specific results from the<br> use of the Site. <strong>“Released Parties” include Represent and its affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners,<br> and licensors.</strong> YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT: (A) YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK, AND THE<br> SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS AND THE RELEASED PARTIES EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL<br> WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES AS TO PRODUCTS OR<br> SERVICES LISTED ON THE SITE, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND<br> NON-INFRINGEMENT. (B) THE RELEASED PARTIES MAKE NO WARRANTY THAT (i) THE SITE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, (ii) THE<br> SITE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE, OR ERROR-FREE, (iii) THE RESULTS THAT MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF<br> THE SITE WILL BE ACCURATE OR RELIABLE, (iv) THE QUALITY OF ANY GOODS OR SERVICE AVAILABLE ON THE SITE WILL MEET YOUR<br> EXPECTATIONS, OR (v) ANY ERRORS IN THE SITE WILL BE CORRECTED. AND © ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED<br> THROUGH THE USE OF THE SITE IS ACCESSED AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK, AND YOU WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY<br> DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR MOBILE DEVICE THAT RESULTS FROM THE USE OF ANY SUCH MATERIAL. 12. <strong>Limitation of<br> Liability</strong>. YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT THE RELEASED PARTIES WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DIRECT,<br> INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS<br> OF PROFITS, GOODWILL, USE, DATA OR OTHER INTANGIBLE LOSSES (EVEN IF THE RELEASED PARTIES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE<br> POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES), RESULTING FROM: (i) THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SITE. (ii) THE COST OF<br> PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS AND SERVICES RESULTING FROM ANY GOODS, DATA, INFORMATION OR SERVICES OBTAINED OR<br> MESSAGES RECEIVED OR TRANSACTIONS ENTERED INTO THROUGH, FROM, OR AS A RESULT OF THE SITE. (iii) UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS<br> TO OR ALTERATION OF YOUR TRANSMISSIONS OR DATA. (iv) STATEMENTS OR CONDUCT OF ANY USER OR THIRD PARTY ON THE SITE;<br> (v) YOUR RELIANCE ON CONTENT MADE AVAILABLE BY US. OR (vi) ANY OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THE SITE. SOME JURISDICTIONS<br> DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES OR THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR<br> CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ACCORDINGLY, SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS IN THIS PARAGRAPH MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. TO THE<br> FULLEST EXTENT POSSIBLE BY LAW, THE RELEASED PARTIES’ MAXIMUM LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE<br> SITE OR YOUR USE OF ANY CONTENT MADE AVAILABLE BY US, REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE OF ACTION (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT,<br> BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHERWISE), WILL NOT EXCEED $100. 13. <strong>Indemnity</strong>. You agree to indemnify Represent for any<br> loss or damage that may be incurred by Represent, including without limitation legal fees, arising from any breach<br> by you of any warranty or other term herein or your misuse of any material or information obtained through the Site.<br> You further undertake to indemnify Represent for all loss or damage incurred by Represent in relation to any third<br> party claim against Represent for infringement of intellectual property rights arising in relation to your provision<br> of materials to the Site. 14. <strong>Termination of this Agreement</strong>. You may close your registration account at any time<br> in accordance with the account closing procedures set out on the Site. Represent may at any time terminate this<br> legal Agreement if, in our sole discretion, we believe that you may have breached (or acted in a manner indicating<br> that you do not intend to or are unable to comply with) any term herein, or if we are legally required to do so by<br> law, or if continuation is likely to be no longer commercially viable. 15. <strong>Trade Marks</strong>. The brands, products and<br> service names used or appearing within the Site (including, without limitation, “Represent”) are the trademarks or<br> trade names of Represent or its trading partners, including without limitation Talent, unless otherwise stated. You<br> may not distribute products or offer services under or by reference to or otherwise use or reproduce any such trade<br> marks, trade names or taglines without the prior written permission of Represent. 16. <strong>Hacking</strong>. You agree and<br> undertake not to attempt to damage, deny service to, hack, crack, reverse-engineer, or otherwise interfere<br> (collectively, “Interfere”) with the Site in any manner. If you in any way Interfere with the Site, you agree to pay<br> all damages incurred by Represent. Represent will cooperate with the authorities in prosecuting any User who<br> Interferes with the Site or otherwise attempts to defraud Represent or any other parties through User’s use of the<br> Site or services provided via the Site. Represent reserves the right to deny any or all access or service to any<br> User for any reason, at any time, at our sole discretion. User agrees that we may block User’s IP address or<br> addresses at any time, and at our sole discretion to disallow User’s continued use of the Site. We reserve the right<br> to take any action we may deem appropriate in our sole discretion with respect to violations or enforcement of the<br> terms of this Agreement, and we expressly reserve all rights and remedies available to us at law or in equity. 17.<br> <strong>Feedback</strong>. We appreciate hearing from our users and welcome your comments regarding the Site. Please be advised,<br> however, that if you send us creative ideas, suggestions, inventions, or materials (“<strong>Creative Ideas</strong>”), we will<br> (a) own, exclusively, all now known or later discovered rights to the Creative Ideas. (b) not be subject to any<br> obligation of confidentiality and will not be liable for any use or disclosure of any Creative Ideas. and © be<br> entitled to unrestricted use of the Creative Ideas for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without<br> compensation to you or any other person. 18. <strong>Links to Us</strong>. We grant to you a limited, revocable, and nonexclusive<br> right to create a hyperlink to our publicly available website(s), subject to the terms hereof, provided that the<br> link does not portray us or our products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or offensive matter, and<br> provided you do not i-frame them or alter the content therein or in any way imply a relationship therewith. You may<br> not use any logo, trademark, or tradename that may be displayed on this site or other proprietary graphic image in<br> the link without our prior written consent. 19. <strong>Links to Third Parties</strong>. As a convenience to you, we may provide,<br> in or through the Services, one or more links to third party web sites or services and/or provide email contacts<br> respecting third parties. We make no endorsement of such third parties, nor any representation or warranty regarding<br> anything that takes place between you and any such third parties, including, without limitation, visits to third<br> party web sites, services, email correspondence with third parties, and business or other transactions with third<br> parties found through the Services. Please understand that such third parties are independent from and not<br> controlled by us, even if, for example, a Represent link or logo appears on a website linked from this website or<br> our other Services. It is up to you to read those third party sites’ applicable terms of use, privacy, and other<br> applicable policies. For example, without limitation, we may outsource operation of certain aspects of our Services<br> to one or more third parties, and they may have access to certain data by virtue of operating such Services, subject<br> to their own policies.&nbsp. 20. <strong>No Assignment</strong>. You may not assign this Agreement or any obligation without the prior<br> written consent of Represent. 21. <strong>Intellectual Property Infringement</strong>. Represent respects the rights of content<br> owners and expects its Users to do the same. If you believe any Content on the Site infringes your copyrights please<br> follow the process set forth at, and if you are a Seller,<br> please take careful note of the DMCA compliance policy. Your account will be terminated if, in our reasonable<br> opinion, you are determined to be a repeat infringer (or otherwise have been the subject of more than one valid<br> copyright notice or other Take Down request which has not been successfully rebutted). 22. <strong>No Partnership</strong>. Your<br> use of the Site and/or its content creates no partnership, client, fiduciary or other professional relationship. 23.<br> <strong>Entire Agreement</strong>. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties on the subject matter<br> hereof. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding<br> this Agreement. 24. <strong>Severance</strong>. If any part, term, or provision of this Agreement shall be held by a court of<br> competent jurisdiction to be illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with any relevant law, the remaining portions or<br> provisions shall still remain valid and continue in full force and effect. 25. <strong>No Waiver</strong>. No waiver, express or<br> implied, by either party of any term or condition or of any breach by the other of any of the provisions of this<br> Agreement shall operate as a waiver of any breach of the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 26.<br> <strong>Variation</strong>. This Agreement may be varied from time to time by our posting new terms on the Site, and any such<br> amendment will be applicable to all Users from the date and time such revised terms have been posted on the Site.<br> User’s continued use of the Site or services constitutes agreement with and acceptance of any such amendment or<br> other changes. 27. <strong>Law and Jurisdiction</strong>. This Agreement shall be governed by and will be construed in accordance<br> with the laws of the State of Delaware. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be<br> subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of Delaware. 28. <strong>Arbitration and Class Action<br> Waiver</strong>. <strong>THIS SECTION CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION CLAUSE AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER. IT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS ABOUT<br> HOW TO RESOLVE ANY DISPUTE WITH US.</strong> Except if you opt-out as expressly permitted below, or except to the extent<br> contrary to applicable law (“<strong>Excluded Disputes</strong>”), you hereby agree that all disputes between you and us (whether<br> or not such dispute involves a third party) with regard to your relationship with us, including without limitation<br> disputes related to these Terms, your use of the Service, and/or rights of privacy and/or publicity, may, in our<br> discretion, be resolved by binding, individual arbitration under the American Arbitration Association’s rules for<br> arbitration of consumer-related disputes and you hereby expressly waive trial by jury. As an alternative, you may<br> bring your claim in your local “small claims” court, if permitted by that small claims court’s rules. You may bring<br> claims only on your own behalf. You agree that you shall not participate in any class action or class-wide<br> arbitration for any claims covered by this&nbsp;Agreement. You also agree not to participate in claims brought in a<br> private attorney general or representative capacity, or consolidated claims involving another person’s account, if<br> we are a party to the proceeding. This dispute resolution provision will be governed by the US Federal Arbitration<br> Act, to the extent permissible. In the event the American Arbitration Association is unwilling or unable to set a<br> hearing date within one hundred and sixty (160) days of filing the case, then either we or you can elect to have the<br> arbitration administered instead by the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services. Judgment on the award rendered<br> by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having competent jurisdiction. Any provision of applicable law<br> notwithstanding, the arbitrator will not have authority to award damages, remedies or awards that conflict with<br> these Terms of Use.&nbsp;&nbsp;You may opt out of this agreement to arbitrate. If you do so, neither you nor&nbsp;we&nbsp;can require<br> the other to participate in an arbitration proceeding. To opt out, you must notify us in writing within 30 days of<br> the date that you first became subject to this arbitration provision. You must use this address to opt-out:<br> You must include your name and residence address, the email<br> address you use for your account with us, and a clear statement that you want to opt out of this arbitration<br> agreement.&nbsp;&nbsp;If and to the extent the prohibition against class actions and other claims brought on behalf of third<br> parties contained above is found to be unenforceable, then such preceding language in this Arbitration section will<br> be null and void. This arbitration agreement will survive the termination of your relationship with us. 29. <strong>Notice<br> for Users in California</strong>. Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, users of the Service from California are<br> entitled to the following specific consumer rights notice: The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer<br> Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted in writing at 1625 North Market Blvd.,<br> Suite N 112, Sacramento, CA 95834, or by telephone at (916) 445-1254 or (800) 952-5210. You may contact us at<br> Represent Holdings, LLC 1680 North Vine Street, Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90028. 30. <strong>International Users</strong>. The<br> Services are controlled, operated and administered by us from within the United States. We make no representation<br> that this site is available for access or use at other locations outside the U.S. However, any access or use from<br> outside the U.S. is still subject to this Agreement. Access to the Services is expressly prohibited from territories<br> where this site or any portion thereof is illegal. You agree not to access or use any information or materials on<br> the Services in violation of U.S. export laws and regulations, or in violation of any laws or regulations in the<br> country from which you are accessing the Services.&nbsp;&nbsp;Any personal information which we may collect via the Services<br> may be stored and processed in our servers located in the United States or in any other country in which we, or our<br> affiliates, subsidiaries, or agents maintain facilities. You consent to any such transfer of personal information<br> outside your country of residence to any such location. ## Additional Terms</p> &nbsp. Buyer Terms &gt. In addition to the Terms set forth above, as a Buyer on the Site you agree to the following Buyer <p>Terms. 1. <strong>The Represent Store</strong>. Using the Site’s online store, you may purchase some or all of the following<br> (individually and collectively defined as “<strong>Products</strong>”): (A) T shirts and/or other clothing items. (B) hats and/or<br> shoes and/or footwear. and ©. other physical or virtual products that may be available via the Site from time to<br> time. Please note that all orders are subject to availability and we may withdraw Products from the Site at any<br> time, sometimes at short notice. Represent endeavors to print and ship the exact item ordered, however this is not<br> always possible - so if there are any inventory or stock issues that prevent delivering the exact item ordered, we<br> may send you a near alternative for you to consider. Please note that the Products are not reserved for you until<br> you have completed the checkout process. Certain Products may be subject to additional terms. 2. <strong>Prices and<br> Payment</strong>. Product prices (and any delivery costs) are as set out on the relevant pages of the Site (except in cases<br> of obvious error). Such amounts are subject to change at any time. We may change the minimum prices for Products at<br> any time by posting new minimum prices on the Site. You are responsible for payment of sales tax or VAT and any<br> other applicable import duties and taxes that may be levied once the Products reach your country. Represent<br> endeavors to ensure that all prices on the Site are accurate, however errors do sometimes occur. We will normally<br> verify the applicable price in each instance as part of the Order Confirmation. If a pricing error is found in your<br> order, we will contact you as soon as possible and offer you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct<br> price or cancelling your order. If you choose to cancel your order for this reason, we will refund or re-credit you<br> for any sum that has been paid by you or debited from your debit/credit card for the Products. If we are unable to<br> contact you, we will treat the order as cancelled. 3. <strong>Credit Cards</strong>. Payment for all Products may be by credit or<br> debit card. We accept payment with Visa, Visa Debit, Mastercard, Maestro, Discover and American Express. In most<br> circumstances you will not be charged i.e. funds will not be debited from your card or account until the campaign<br> goal is reached. At our discretion we may decide to produce and fulfill some products even when the campaign goal is<br> not met. Purchasers will be notified when this is the case. All credit/debit cardholders are subject to validation<br> checks and authorization by the card issuer. If your card issuer refuses to authorize payment, your order will be<br> cancelled and we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery. We are not obliged to inform you of the reason<br> for the refusal. We are not responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing of<br> your credit/debit card payment in accordance with your order. By using your credit or debit card, you confirm that<br> the card is yours and that there are sufficient funds or credit available to cover the charges. 4. <strong>Acceptance</strong>.<br> By placing an order through the Site, you warrant that you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts<br> and that you agree to be bound by this Agreement. To place an order, you will be required to provide complete and<br> accurate personal details on the order form. This will include some or all of the following: first name, surname,<br> email address, telephone number, invoicing and delivery address. After placing an order, you may receive an e-mail<br> from us acknowledging receipt of your order. Please note that this email is an acknowledgment and does not mean that<br> your order has been accepted. Your order constitutes an offer to buy a Product on these terms and conditions. All<br> orders are subject to acceptance by us and we will confirm such acceptance by sending you a personal order<br> confirmation e-mail (“Order Confirmation”). The sale and purchase contract between us will only be formed when we<br> send you the Order Confirmation. We reserve the right to reject your order for any reason prior to acceptance. 5.<br> <strong>Right of Cancellation</strong>. Failure to comply with the return obligations under this Agreement may result in a<br> deduction by us of the cost of recovering the unreturned Product(s). Any returns of faulty items will be processed<br> at our sole discretion according to the condition of the returned Product(s). We will not be liable to you for<br> failures, defects or delays in delivery caused by: (a) your provision of incorrect information. (b) your mailbox<br> being full or otherwise unable to receive goods. © your failure to comply with instructions for use of the<br> Service. and/or (d) an event which is outside of our reasonable control. This provision does not affect your<br> statutory rights as a consumer. 6. <strong>Delivery</strong>. Deliveries to addresses outside the USA may incur additional<br> delivery charges as itemized during the checkout process. Your order will be delivered during normal business hours,<br> once payment has been made, to the address provided on the checkout page. Deliveries may require a signature on<br> delivery. Orders typically ship within a short time following the conclusion of a campaign. We are not responsible<br> for non-delivery if you have entered your address incorrectly or if you have used foreign alphabet or non-English<br> language characters. Risk passes to you once delivered, but Products shipped to any non-card registered address are<br> sent entirely at your risk. Please note that no title of the relevant goods shall pass to you until payment has been<br> received in full and delivery has been completed. Ownership of the Products will pass to you when we receive full<br> payment of all sums due in respect of the Products, including any applicable delivery charges. Your statutory rights<br> are not affected. 7. <strong>Damaged Products</strong>. Products will be your responsibility from the time of delivery.<br> Therefore, if the packaging is damaged at the time of delivery, please check the package in the presence of the<br> carrier in order to verify the condition of the Products. In the unlikely event a Product is damaged or lost in<br> transit, please make a note on the delivery slip and contact customer services and we shall endeavor to supply a<br> replacement as soon as possible. If we cannot supply an identical Product, we will offer you an alternative similar<br> Product and/or issue a credit note. 8. <strong>Refunds</strong>. In addition to your statutory rights, if you are not completely<br> satisfied with your purchase, you may return it to us (with proof of purchase) within thirty (30) days of receipt<br> and we will arrange for an exchange (subject to availability), or a refund if the product is technically-faulty, if<br> the quality of printing is manifestly poor and/or if the printing does not match the relevant display on the Site at<br> the time of purchase, or if the product is otherwise materially different than as presented in the applicable<br> campaign. In these circumstances you may be responsible for the cost of returning the Product to us in an undamaged<br> condition. Please note that this right to exchange or refund may not apply to some personalized Products. If you are<br> resident within the European Union, you also have a right to return for refund within the 14-day “Cooling-Off”<br> period. If you request a return for any other reason, we may require you to ship the Product to us and may examine<br> the returned Product. We will notify you of any applicable refund right via e-mail within a reasonable period of<br> time. 9. <strong>Samples</strong>. Products displayed on the Site are intended for demonstration or illustrative purposes only.<br> Represent endeavors to display colors accurately, however we cannot guarantee that your device’s display of the<br> colors accurately reflects the color of the Products. In relation to color, size and proportion, actual Products may<br> vary from images on the Site. 10. <strong>Additional Terms for European Users</strong> <strong>Our liability</strong>: Nothing in these Terms<br> of Service shall limit or exclude our liability to you: - for death or personal injury caused by our negligence. -<br> for fraudulent misrepresentation. or - for any other liability that, under consumer protection or other law, may not<br> be limited or excluded. Subject to this, if you are a consumer and not a business customer, in no event shall we be<br> liable to you for any business losses, and if you are a business customer, in no event shall we be liable to you for<br> any indirect or consequential losses, or for any loss of profit, revenue, contracts, data, goodwill or other similar<br> losses, and any liability we do have for losses you suffer arising out of or in relation these Terms or the Service<br> shall not, exceed the amount you have paid Represent or Represent has paid you in the last six (6) months, or, if<br> greater, one hundred Euros (€100) and is strictly limited to losses that were reasonably foreseeable. We will not be<br> liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under these<br> Buyer Terms that is caused by events outside our reasonable control. <strong>Prices. Costs:</strong>&nbsp;Prices include VAT but<br> exclude delivery costs, which will be automatically added (at the cost shown) to the total amount due as set out<br> when you view the items in your shopping basket, once you have selected your chosen different delivery method.<br> <strong>Faulty Merchandise:</strong>&nbsp;If you are a consumer, once we accept your order for merchandise we are under a legal duty<br> to supply products (including digital products) that are in conformity with these Terms. If any merchandise you<br> order is damaged or faulty when delivered to you or has developed a fault, you may have one or more legal remedies<br> available to you, depending on when you make us aware of the problem, in accordance with your legal rights. If you<br> believe any merchandise was delivered damaged or faulty or has developed a fault, you should inform us as soon as<br> possible, preferably in writing, giving your name, address and order reference. Nothing in this section affects your<br> legal rights.</p> &nbsp. Seller Terms &gt. The Service allows sellers to create Product campaigns and sell custom physical and digital <p>merchandise and apparel through those campaigns (each a “<strong>Campaign</strong>”). <em>In addition to the Terms set forth above,<br> as a Seller on the Site you agree to the following Seller Terms.</em> 1. <strong>Groups, Schools, Associations and Clubs</strong>. If<br> you are registering with us as a group, school, association or club, only one member may register as a Seller to<br> upload content and, as that chosen member, you hereby warrant, represent and guarantee that you personally have the<br> authority to represent and legally bind all members of your organization. Please note that if you intend to trade as<br> a business on Represent, you must comply with all applicable laws relating to business trading (including without<br> limitation tax requirements where required). 2. <strong>Content For Sale</strong>. The Content that you provide to us to be made<br> available for sale via the Site (your “Content For Sale” and when printed on raw goods sold as “Products”) shall be<br> subject to this Seller Agreement. Represent reserves the right to make available or withdraw any items at any time<br> in our sole discretion. Please note that Represent may offer individual items or bundles/collections of Content For<br> Sale or Products to Users. 3. <strong>Grant of Rights in Your Content</strong>. When you submit Content to the Site YOU HEREBY<br> APPOINT REPRESENT AS A SELLER of that content AND GRANT TO US A WORLDWIDE LICENSE to use that design material in any<br> media and, specifically, to make that material available for sale via the Site and via mobile phone networks and any<br> other third-party platforms, media channels and/or distribution methods. For the avoidance of doubt, such grant<br> includes (without limitation) a perpetual and irrevocable license for Represent to allow Users to purchase and<br> retain the Products. You further agree to waive your moral rights for the purposes of this license. Where necessary,<br> we reserve the right to cut, edit, crop or arrange your material as necessary for purposes related to the Site, and<br> to remove the material at any time. Unless you have requested otherwise, your name and/or the name of your<br> organization may be published alongside your Content. If you do not want to grant these rights, please do not submit<br> your content to the Site. 4. <strong>Withdrawal of Content</strong>. You may withdraw your Campaign or any individual item of<br> your Content on not less than thirty (30) day’s notice by emailing us at<br>;and specifying the relevant items but please note that any<br> Product orders manufactured using your Content before the expiration of such notice period will be charged to you at<br> cost price. If there is a change of circumstance after delivery of an item to Represent which results in your<br> knowledge or reasonable belief that you no longer have the rights necessary to authorize Represent to use such<br> item(s), then you must notify us immediately – but please note that your liability for your Content will be<br> unaffected. 5. <strong>Printing of Products</strong>. Please note that, in most circumstances, we may proceed with printing of<br> Products when a minimum of fifty (50) orders for a Product have been accepted. 6. <strong>Originality</strong>. You warrant that<br> all materials you submit to the Site are original and do not infringe the rights of any third party and that you<br> have the right to grant the licenses herein. You also warrant that the material complies with our Objectionable<br> Content Policy posted above. Further, we will be entitled at our discretion to remove or withdraw without warning<br> any item(s) of content posted or transmitted to, from or via the Site which, in our opinion, is objectionable or<br> does not comply with these terms and conditions in any way and we disclaim any liability for such removal. 7.<br> <strong>Purchase Prices</strong>. Once posted on the Site, your Products will be available for purchase by Users for not less<br> than the specific price selected by you for each specific item at the time of upload. You may select any price for<br> your Product subject to a minimum purchase price equal to the applicable cost price displayed on the Site at the<br> time you create the Campaign (inclusive of sales tax, where applicable). 8. <strong>Proceeds</strong>. Represent shall pay you<br> all of the Net Revenues received by Represent from purchases of your Products via the Site (“Seller Proceeds”). For<br> calculation of the Seller Proceeds, the “Net Revenues” shall be the amount we receive from purchasers of your<br> Product(s), less: sales tax (where applicable) and the cost price displayed on the site at the time you created the<br> relevant campaign less 2.4% of this amount (for payment processing services). The suggested revenue displayed at the<br> time of creating the campaign is the minimum you will receive from a campaign, but if you sell more than the target<br> number of items, you will be offered a reduced cost price. All Seller Proceeds shall be paid to you exclusive of any<br> applicable tax. All sums payable to Sellers shall be paid only to the Seller’s registered bank account. 9.<br> <strong>Payments</strong>. Payment of Seller Proceeds shall be made to the bank account for which you provided details during or<br> after your campaign in the payouts dashboard and selected as your preferred bank account. Please note that such<br> Seller Proceeds shall expire (and not be payable to you) if not paid out or collected by you within one (1) year<br> after the close of the relevant campaign. You will be able to draw the funds from your Represent account to your<br> PayPal account 24 hours after the end of the campaign. 10. <strong>Accounting</strong>. Copies of relevant accounts of Represent<br> (as they relate to Seller and the terms hereof) shall be supplied on written request of not less than thirty (30)<br> days, provided such right is not exercised more than once per year. Each statement shall be deemed accepted by you<br> if not queried within one year. Represent shall not be required to provide any accounting for any period in which<br> less than one-hundred dollars (US$100) is payable. 11. <strong>Chargebacks</strong>. A chargeback occurs when purchasers of your<br> Products contact their bank or credit card company directly to dispute a charge. A chargeback can happen for a<br> variety of reasons, including unauthorized use of a financial instrument, double billing, or non-receipt of a<br> product. Represent will pass on the cost of chargebacks to you if they happen within 90 days of the original<br> transaction. Beyond 90 days, Represent will be responsible for the chargebacks unless: &nbsp;&nbsp. 1. We determine<br> you accepted that payment after breaching Represent rules or policies. or &nbsp;&nbsp. 2. Your chargeback rate for<br> any one of the prior three months exceeds 5% of your total transaction volume for that month. Chargebacks will be<br> deducted from the net amount you are able to withdraw to your chosen bank account after a successful campaign. 12.<br> <strong>Warranties</strong>. BY UPLOADING CONTENT FOR SALE, YOU WARRANT TO REPRESENT THAT: - ALL CONTENT IS ORIGINAL: All<br> material in your design content is entirely your own original work (or, where you are representing a group, school,<br> association or club, the original work of such group, school, association or club) and that all your members have<br> given you express permission to make that content available for sale via Represent). For the avoidance of doubt, you<br> further warrant that the Content for Sale uses no third-party material or other images or text from any other source<br> (unless you have notified us of such use and provided evidence of the necessary permissions and licenses). - NO<br> INFRINGEMENT: The inclusion and use on the Site of all Content will not infringe the Copyright or any other<br> Intellectual Property Rights or Moral Rights of any third party. - NOT DEFAMATORY: The Content is not defamatory and<br> its use will not infringe any publicity or personality rights of any person. - NO EARLIER CONTRACTS: You are not<br> (and will not be) in breach of any earlier commissioning or other contract with any third party by uploading or<br> making available the Content For Sale or by entering into or granting any rights or performing any obligations under<br> this Seller Agreement. - NO COPYING FROM OTHER REPRESENT CAMPAIGNS: You must not copy any artwork or slogans from<br> earlier campaigns on Represent or other sites. Please note that we will consider any complaint made about or against<br> any other uploaded design and, in our discretion, we may reject and remove any infringing or objectionable content.</p> <ol> <li> <strong>Charities/Fundraising. Payments to Groups, Schools, Associations or Clubs</strong>. You, as the registered Seller,<br> shall be solely responsible for any and all payments to other members of your organization and to any other relevant<br> beneficiaries. You represent and warrant that any Campaign you create that implicitly or explicitly relates to a<br> charity or fundraising effort is authorized by such charity or fundraising effort, and you will ensure that your<br> listing description clearly and accurately states the percentage of proceeds that will be donated and to whom those<br> proceeds will be donated. 14. <strong>Indemnity</strong>. In addition to any indemnity obligation in the Terms, you hereby<br> indemnify Represent (together with its associated, subsidiary and affiliated companies) and shall hold us harmless<br> from and against any and all liability, loss, damages, costs, legal costs and disbursements, professional and other<br> expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by it, arising by reason or in consequence of any breach by<br> you of any of the warranties, representations and/or obligations set out above. You further agree to indemnify<br> Represent (together with its associated, subsidiary and affiliated companies) for any loss or damage that may be<br> incurred by Represent, including without limitation legal fees, arising from any misuse by you of any material or<br> information obtained through the Site and/or arising in relation to any third party claim against Represent for<br> infringement of intellectual property rights in the Content. 15. <strong>Disputes</strong>. If a dispute should arise between<br> Represent and a purchaser involving your Product, Represent will seek to resolve such dispute as fairly and<br> reasonably as possible. If we resolve such a dispute in the purchaser’s favor, however, we reserve the right in our<br> sole discretion to remove funds from the relevant Seller account to reimburse the purchaser for the cost of the<br> item(s) or, where insufficient funds are available, directly refund the purchaser and invoice the Seller for an<br> amount equivalent to the sum we paid to the purchaser. 16. <strong>Termination of Campaign</strong>. You may terminate any<br> Campaign at any time by sending an email (marked “Termination Notice”) to<br>, and Represent will use commercially reasonable efforts to<br> terminate within a reasonable amount of time following such notice. Represent may at any time terminate a Campaign<br> or this Agreement if, in our sole discretion, we believe that you may have breached (or acted in a manner indicating<br> that you do not intend to or are unable to comply with) any term herein, or if we are legally required to do so by<br> law, or if continuation is likely to be no longer commercially viable. Termination of this Seller Agreement will not<br> release either party from any of its obligations hereunder which are intended to have a continuing effect. 17.<br> __Retargeting. Represent offers users the ability (through the Marketing tab on the dashboard) to run campaigns<br> re-targeting consumers based on data that has been collected through the Represent platform. Represent works with a<br> third party vendor called Unite and its partner AppNexus to collect and manage such data and deliver the targeted<br> advertisements on unaffiliated websites around the Internet. By using the marketing and retargeting feature, you<br> agree that in addition to these terms and conditions, your activities shall be governed by<br>–and that Represent, Unite and/or AppNexus have<br> the right to insert an opt-out mechanism on your advertisements.</li> </ol> &nbsp. REPRESENT CONNECT &gt. In addition to the Terms set forth above, the Represent Connect service is subject to the <p>below terms: 1. Through our Site, you may obtain personalized fan videos (each a “<strong>Represent Connection</strong>”) from<br> your favorite actors, athletes, creators and musicians (each “<strong>Talent</strong>”). You may submit a request to Talent for a<br> Represent Connection that is personalized for you or a third party that you identify as a recipient<br> (“<strong>Recipient</strong>”). 2. You acknowledge and agree that the Talent has sole discretion to determine how to fulfill your<br> request and the content of the Represent Connection created, and may not follow your request exactly. We reserve the<br> right to reject any request in our sole discretion. The Talent has up to seven days (at our sole discretion) to<br> fulfill or decline your request. Once your request is placed, your payment method will be charged the amount<br> specified on the Talent’s booking page on our Site at the time you submitted the request. If we or Talent are unable<br> to fulfill your request, your payment will be refunded. 3. Represent Connections are licensed, not sold. You are<br> buying the right (or license) to use it, not the actual Represent Connection itself. Subject to your payment in<br> full, the Talent hereby grants to you the following limited rights to use the Represent Connection <strong>solely for your<br> own personal, non-commercial, and non-promotional purposes</strong>, subject to these Terms: a non-exclusive, royalty-free,<br> fully paid, worldwide, sublicensable, revocable license to use, reproduce, distribute, and publicly display that<br> Represent Connection, in any and all media (for example, on social media platforms), whether now known or hereafter<br> invented or devised. If you make a request for promotional content for your business, if Talent agrees to fulfill,<br> Talent may direct, in its sole discretion, a more specifically limited right and license for such use. Please<br> contact us at if you have any questions. 4. You may not sell,<br> re-sell, or encumber your rights in any Represent Connection. You may sublicense your rights in a Represent<br> Connection only to the extent necessary for you to use the Represent Connection as permitted under these Terms (for<br> example, sharing it (if it is not a Promo Represent Connection) with friends on a social media platform or sending<br> it to a Recipient for personal, non-commercial, and non-promotional purposes as set forth above). 5. You may use a<br> Represent Connection only in accordance with these Terms. We may terminate all or part of the foregoing licenses at<br> any time for any reason. We reserve the right to remove a Represent Connection from our Site at any time for any<br> reason without any notice to you or direct you to remove from any public display (which may include social media<br> platform) and you shall promptly comply… 6. <strong>Acknowledgement</strong>. You acknowledge and agree that: a. Represent will<br> not be liable or responsible for any Represent Connection or other offering requested by you or any Submission<br> (defined below) you make. b. you have no expectation of privacy with respect to any Represent Connection requested<br> by you or any Submission (defined below) you make, and that you will not make any request or Submission that<br> infringes on the privacy or other rights of a third party. c. if you breach any provisions of these Terms, we may<br> terminate your access to our Site, or we remove or ban you (or any Site account you created or control), and your<br> license to use any Represent Connection, or other offering under these Terms terminates and you must: promptly<br> remove all copies of any Represent Connection, or other offering in your possession or control, including from any<br> social media platform. notify any Recipient of the termination and instruct them to do the same, and take any other<br> action we reasonably request, including identifying each Recipient. and d. without limiting any of our rights, any<br> request you submit through our Site may be rejected by us or by Talent. if that happens more than once, we may<br> terminate your access to our Site, remove or ban you (and any Site account you created or control), or take other<br> appropriate action in Represent’s sole discretion, including terminating your license to use any Represent<br> Connection or other offering under these Terms and requiring you to take the actions outlined in Section 6.d. 7.<br> <strong>Ownership</strong> a. You acknowledge and agree that each Represent Connection or other offering from Talent is owned by<br> the Talent who created it. b. You hereby grant to us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid, unlimited,<br> universal, sublicensable (through multiple tiers of sublicenses), perpetual, and irrevocable license, in any and all<br> manner and media, whether now known or hereinafter invented or devised (including social media platforms), to use,<br> reproduce, license, distribute, modify, adapt, reformat, publicly perform, publicly display, create derivative works<br> of, and otherwise use the following for the purposes of operating and providing our Site, developing and improving<br> our products and services, and advertising, marketing, and promoting our Site and our products and services: (i) any<br> request (video, text, or otherwise) that you make or send to any Talent, including information concerning any<br> Recipient. and (ii) any submission that you make to Represent, whether through our Site, a social media platform,<br> third party website, or otherwise, including a reaction video, idea, intellectual property, publicity rights,<br> Feedback (defined below), review, photo, video, email, text, post, or other communication, whether relating to you,<br> or a third party (i) and (ii) each, individually, and collectively, a “Submission”). You represent and warrant that<br> you either: (x) own all rights to any Submission. or (y) have all rights necessary, including with respect to any<br> third party that contributed to, is included in, or is referred to, in any Submission, to grant to us the foregoing<br> rights. You will not make any Submission that is confidential or proprietary or that contains or includes any<br> information that you do not have the right to disclose or that you or any Recipient do not wish to be disclosed.<br> Represent will not be responsible or liable for any use or disclosure of a Submission, including any personal<br> information belonging to you, a Recipient, or a third party. c. We may, for any reason, refuse to accept or transmit<br> a Submission or refuse to remove a Submission from our Site. Further, we reserve the right to decide whether a<br> Submission violates these Terms and may, at any time, without notice to you and in our sole discretion, remove your<br> Submission, terminate your access to our Site, remove or ban you (and any Site account you created or control), or<br> take other appropriate action in our sole discretion for violation of these Terms. d. You hereby waive any and all<br> moral rights or “droit moral” that you may have in any Submission, and you represent and warrant that no third party<br> has any moral, “droit moral,” or other rights in Submission.</p>

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