
Document type: Data Protection (French)

Point Title Rating Status Author
This service tracks which web page referred you to it APPROVED welda Curator
Many different types of personal data are collected DECLINED welda Curator
You are tracked via web beacons, tracking pixels, browser fingerprinting, and/or device fingerprinting APPROVED welda Curator
Your data is processed and stored in a country that is less friendly to user privacy protection APPROVED welda Curator
You are being tracked via social media cookies/pixels APPROVED welda Curator
Your IP address is collected, which can be used to view your approximate location APPROVED welda Curator
Your personal information is used for many different purposes APPROVED welda Curator
Your personal data is aggregated into statistics APPROVED welda Curator
Your profile is combined across various products APPROVED welda Curator
You can request access, correction and/or deletion of your data APPROVED welda Curator
The service is not responsible for linked or (clearly) quoted content from third-party content providers APPROVED welda Curator
You can opt out of promotional communications APPROVED welda Curator
Third parties are not allowed to access your personal information without a legal basis APPROVED welda Curator
Your personal data is used for advertising DECLINED welda Curator
Third-party cookies are used for statistics APPROVED welda Curator
The service will only respond to government requests that are reasonable APPROVED welda Curator
Many different types of personal data are collected APPROVED welda Curator
The service informs you that its privacy policy does not apply to third party websites APPROVED welda Curator
Third parties used by the service are bound by confidentiality obligations APPROVED welda Curator

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