Beem It

Privacy Policy

February 2022Privacy PolicyHow we handle your personal information from your use of the Beem it app1.About us1.1Digital Wallet Pty Ltd ABN 93 624 272 475 under Australian Financial ServicesLicence (AFSL) 515270 ('us, we, or the Company') provides a peer-to-peer paymentsfacility / app called Beem It. This Privacy Policy applies to products and servicesprovided by us.1.2The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of eftpos Payments Australia LimitedABN 37 136 180 366 (eftpos). eftpos has a group privacy policy which should beread in conjunction with this Privacy Policy and applies to recruitment, employee andsupplier personal information for the general business purposes of the group. Theeftpos Group privacy policy is available at privacy is important to us2.1We have adopted an approach to personal information handling that is consistentwith the Privacy Act, the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the APP guidelines.2.2You can find more information in places like our Product Disclosure Statement andterms and conditions.2.3We understand that your privacy is important to you, and we value your trust. That’swhy we protect your information and aim to be clear and open about what we dowith it.3.What information we collect3.1We collect personal information such as your name, address and date of birth, emailaddress, mobile number, username and mobile device ID, plus your identificationdetails including a driver’s licence, Medicare card, Australian Passport or ForeignPassport, ID card issued by a foreign government authority, Personal Tax FileNumber or birth certificate. We also collect information about your use of the Beem itapp, such as transaction information, including details you enter in the Beem It appsuch as the card you have registered for payments to be made and received.3.2When you visit our website or use the Beem It app, we collect your locationinformation, IP address, any third-party sites you access and other details of yourinteraction with us.3.3We do not request sensitive information from you. If we require your sensitiveinformation (for example, information about your health, religion or biometrics, suchas fingerprints), in accordance with protections set out in the Privacy Act, we will askyour permission first, except where otherwise allowed by law. Even though yourfingerprint is used, it is not collected or stored by us.3.4We may also collect public information about you.3.5We try not to collect unsolicited information about you but where that is collected,we will not retain it unless it is necessary for a legitimate business purpose and willuse and disclose it only as specified in this Privacy Policy. 2| Beem It | Privacy Policy February 20224.How we use your information4.1We use your information as follows:(a)To verify your identification using a third-party.(b)To match your identification against an official record holder.(c)To manage our relationship with you,including by providing goods and servicesto you as described in our Product Disclosure Statement.(d)To minimise risks and identify or investigate fraud and other illegal activities.(e)To improve our service to you and your experience with us, including throughmatching and analysing transactions data and creating de-identified andaggregated demographic and behavioural insights.(f)To comply with laws and assist government or law enforcement agencies.(g)To manage our business, including designing, managing and providing ourproducts and services.(h)To contact your card provider to help resolve a chargeback concern.4.2We upload and store contacts from your phone contact list to our server to show amatch with other Beem It customers. You can adjust the contact list permissionswithin the app.4.3We may also collect, use and exchange your information for other reasons where thelaw allows or requires us.5.Our interaction with you5.1We may use your information to contact you, to tell you about products and serviceswe think you might be interested in.5.2We may contact you by:(a)Email(b)Phone(c)SMS(d)Social Media(e)In-app5.3You will have the ability to opt-out of any direct marketing messages by clicking onthe link provided in email or SMS.6.Sharing your information6.1We may also share your information with third parties for the reasons in Section 4 orwhere the law otherwise allows. These third parties can include:(a)Our group entities, such as eftpos Payments Australia Limited, to matchtransactions data, improve the products and services of each entity and providede-identified and aggregated demographic and behavioural insights to thirdparties such as merchants with whom a group entity is associated;(b)Merchants through which you purchase goods and services to complete thepurchase and for sharing of digital receipts or surfacing offers through the Beem 3| Beem It | Privacy Policy February 2022It app that may be of interest to you or for them to provide rewards to you if youhave opted into those features;(c)Our Service providers — for example, direct marketing and communicationagencies, identification verification agencies and entities that help us meet ourregulatory compliance obligations. With your consent, we also share some ofyour information with our service providers that help us to deliver the Beem Itapp features to you, such as transaction tracking to deliver Beem Rewards;(d)Government and law enforcement agencies and regulators;(e)Organisations that help identify illegal activities and prevent fraud. and(f)Other banks and financial institutions – for example if we have to process a claimfor mistaken payment or help resolve a chargeback concern.6.2Sometimes we may send your information overseas, including to:(a)Service providers or third parties who store data or operate outside Australia. and(b)Comply with laws and provide assistance to law enforcement or governmentagencies.6.3Where your information is sent overseas, it is likely to be because our serviceproviders use servers and databases located in the United States of America,Singapore, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Romania and Turkey. Ifwe send your information overseas, we make sure that there are appropriatearrangements in place to protect your information.7.Keeping your information safe7.1We aim to only keep your information for as long as we need it.7.2We store your electronic records in secure buildings and systems or use trusted thirdparties. Here are some of the things we do to protect your information.(a)Staff training- We train our staff in how to keepyour information safe andsecure.(b)Secure handling and storage- When we send informationoverseas or usethird parties that handle or store data, we put arrangements in place to protectyour information.(c)System security- When you log into our websites orapps, we encrypt datasent from your computer to our systems so no one else can access it. We havefirewalls, intrusion detection and virus scanning tools to stop viruses andunauthorised people accessing our systems. When we send your electronic datato other organisations, we use secure networks or encryption. We usepasswords to stop unauthorised people getting access.(d)Building security- We use a mix of secure card access,cameras, and othercontrols in our buildings to prevent unauthorised access.(e)Destroying or de-identifying data when no longer required- We aim to keeppersonal information only for as long as we need it – for example for business orlegal reasons. For example, we retain your personal information used to verifyyour identity and transaction information while you continue to be a user of theBeem It app and for seven years after you have stopped using our services.When we no longer need information, we take reasonable steps to destroy orde-identify it. 4| Beem It | Privacy Policy February 2022(f)Service Providers and other counterparties- where we engage with serviceproviders and others to help us provide the features of the Beem It app to, wecontractually require those service providers to comply with the Privacy Act 1988C’th.8.Accessing, updating and correcting your information8.1You can view your information, including your transaction history in the Beem It app.8.2If your details in the Beem It app are not correct, and you are not able to update ityourself, you can contact us, see section 10.9.Making a privacy complaint9.1We try to get things right the first time — but if we do not, we will do what we can tofix it.9.2If you wish to lodge a complaint please email your complaint will:(a)keep a record of your complaint;(b)give you a reference number and a staff member’s name and contact details soyou can follow up with them if needed;(c)respond to the complaint within 21 days, or tell you if we need more time tocomplete our investigation;(d)give our final response within 45 days. and(e)if we cannot complete our investigation within 45 days, we will let you know why.9.4If you are not happy with how we handled your complaint, you can lodge acomplaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA is a freeand independent dispute resolution service.10. Contact DetailsContact Beem ItAsk us a questionEmail us at us feedbackEmail us at a complaintEmail us at Financial Complaints AuthorityGPO Box 3 Melbourne Vic 3001Phone: 1800 931 678 (a free call) or visit the Privacy CommissionerOffice of the Australian Information CommissionerGPO Box 5218Sydney NSW 2001Phone 1300 363 992 or visit 5| Beem It | Privacy Policy February 2022

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