
Rating: B

Title Rating Status Author
You can request access and deletion of personal data APPROVED
This service does not guarantee that it or the products obtained through it meet the users' expectations or requirements APPROVED
The service can suspend your account for several reasons APPROVED
The user is informed about security practices APPROVED
The service is provided 'as is' and to be used at the users' sole risk APPROVED
There is a date of the last update of the terms APPROVED
Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user APPROVED
Third parties may be involved in operating the service APPROVED
Conditions may change, but your continued acceptance is not inferred from an earlier acceptance APPROVED
Users agree not to submit libelous, harassing or threatening content APPROVED
The user is informed about security practices APPROVED
The user is informed about security practices APPROVED
You have the right to leave this service at any time APPROVED
This service may use your personal information for marketing purposes APPROVED
The service does not share user information with third parties APPROVED
The service gives 30 days of notice before closing your account APPROVED
The services will notify users if personal data has been affected by data breaches APPROVED
User logs are deleted after a finite period of time APPROVED
The service provides a complaint mechanism for the handling of personal data APPROVED
You must provide your legal name, pseudonyms are not allowed APPROVED
The court of law governing the terms is in a jurisdiction that is friendlier to user privacy protection. APPROVED
You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and for the activities on your account APPROVED
The service may change its terms at any time, but the user will receive notification of the changes. APPROVED
You maintain ownership of your data APPROVED

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update No changes recorded 2021-03-25 03:19:47 UTC System (21311)
update No changes recorded 2021-03-25 03:19:47 UTC Deleted
update Analysis change: This has been an automatic update by an official ToS;DR bot. The service has been marked as comprehensively reviewed due to a threshold of 20 approved points 2021-02-03 15:11:57 UTC System (21311)
update No changes recorded 2021-02-03 15:11:57 UTC Deleted
update No changes recorded 2020-11-29 00:00:41 UTC Deleted
update No changes recorded 2020-04-05 10:26:39 UTC Deleted
create No changes recorded 2019-12-16 08:59:08 UTC (10)