I admire how GeoGuessr promotes mental agility. The need for quick thinking and decision-making keeps my mind sharp. It’s a fun way to exercise my brain while enjoying the beauty of the world. I often play it as a warm-up before tackling other challenges!
Previous Title: No changes recorded
Updated Title: No changes recorded
Previous Analysis: No changes recorded
Updated Analysis: No changes recorded
Previous Status: PENDING
Updated Status: DECLINED
Previous Title:
Updated Title: The service may use tracking pixels, web beacons, browser fingerprinting, and/or device fingerprinting on users.
Previous Analysis:
Updated Analysis: Privacy policy: "If you are a registered user, your IP address and your user-agent linked to your profile. Lichess makes use of “fingerprinting” technology similar to this. Furthermore, during a game, Lichess “counts” the number of times the game’s window loses focus (how many times you switch tabs/apps), “blurs”." Reason behind this is to avoid cheating: "Your IP address(es) and user-agent(s) are private and are not visible to anybody except to Lichess moderators. This information is used to moderate the website and prevent abuse. The specific fingerprint information is not visible to any user, including the moderators. Moderators can only see the word “print” in their “mod-zone” (should the user have multiple accounts): it aids moderators to determine if a certain user is creating multiple accounts. “Blurs” are how many times your game’s window lose focus: i.e.: leaving the game's window once counts as one blur. “Blurs” are only visible to moderators and is one of many factors used in cheat evaluation."
Previous Status:
Updated Status: PENDING