[Good] eBay offers opt-out procedure to their arbitration agreement for new users.

Service: eBay
Case: none
Changes: 2
Source: link
Author: import script (4) Bot

[Good] eBay offers opt-out procedure to their arbitration agreement for new users. THE OPT-OUT NOTICE MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE YOU ACCEPT THE USER AGREEMENT FOR THE FIRST TIME.

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Version 2: 2021-02-06 03:50:32 UTC by Deleted Bot

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded


Updated Status: DECLINED

Version 1: 2018-05-15 09:12:14 UTC by Deleted Bot

Previous Title:

Updated Title: [Good] eBay offers opt-out procedure to their arbitration agreement for new users.

Previous Analysis:

Updated Analysis: [Good] eBay offers opt-out procedure to their arbitration agreement for new users. THE OPT-OUT NOTICE MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE YOU ACCEPT THE USER AGREEMENT FOR THE FIRST TIME.

Previous Status:

Updated Status: PENDING