The services will notify users if personal data has been affected by data breaches

Service: Smartmessages
Changes: 3
Source: link
Author: AgnesDeLion (20760) Staff

Breaches can include:</p> <ul> <li>Unauthorised third-party acccess.</li> <li>Deliberate or accidental action by a controller or processor.</li> <li>Revealing personal data to an incorrect recipient.</li> <li>Alteration of personal data without permission.</li> <li>Loss of availability of personal data.</li> </ul> <p>Should a breach occur relating to subscriber data, we will inform the relevant account holder(s) (the data controller) by email to their account addresses, and it is their responsiblity to communicate with subscribers, if necessary.</p>

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Version 3: 2023-07-11 10:09:53 UTC by Deleted Staff

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Version 2: 2021-02-07 16:39:19 UTC by JustinBack (1764) Staff

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Version 1: 2021-01-04 14:56:26 UTC by AgnesDeLion (20760) Staff

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Updated Title: The services will notify users if personal data has been affected by data breaches

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Updated Analysis: Generated through the annotate view

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Updated Status: PENDING