

<p> <strong>Effective as of</strong> July 1, 2021</p> <p>Tubi, Inc.&nbsp;(“<strong>Tubi</strong>,” “<strong>we</strong>,” “<strong>our</strong>,” or “<strong>us</strong>”) provides an online video streaming service offering a selection of television shows, movies, clips, and other content. This Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference in to the Tubi Term of Use (the “<strong>Terms of Use</strong>”) and explains our practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information that we receive through the Tubi Services. A list of our affiliated companies (“<strong>Affiliates</strong>”) is available at www.foxcorporation.com.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy does not apply to any third party websites, services or applications, even if they are accessible through the Tubi Services. If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please submit your questions at www.tubitv.com/static/support and select “Terms of Use &amp. Privacy Policy” from the list of available topics. Unless we define a term in this Privacy Policy, all capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms of Use.</p>What kinds of information does Tubi collect from or about me and my activities?<p>If you create an Account, we’ll collect certain information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, email address, age, gender, and date of birth (“<strong>PII</strong>”). If you create an Account using your login credentials from one of your SNS Accounts, we’ll be able to access and collect your name and email address and other PII that your privacy settings on the SNS Account permit us to access.</p> <p>Generally speaking, we may collect the following information from or about you and your activities when you use the Tubi Services:</p> <ul> <li>information you give us, including your name, email address, birth date, and gender;</li> <li>information automatically collected when you use the Tubi Services, such as your location, your IP Host address, your mobile device type and other device identifiers, your operating system, your rough geo-location based on your IP address, your activity on the Tubi Services, Log Data, and information collected via cookies, web beacons, or other technologies;</li> <li>information from other commercially available sources, such as data aggregators and public databases, or our business partners, which may include your interests, purchasing behavior and your activities online, such as websites visited and advertisements viewed. and</li> <li>if you connect your social networking account with your Tubi account, information from your social networking account as described below.</li> </ul> <p>We may also combine any or all of the information we collect from or about you. We may generate aggregate, non-identifying information about how the Tubi Services are used. We may also link information we obtain from different sources, for example, we may link your Log Data with your Account information or with information we obtain about you from third parties.</p>How do we use information we collect from or about you?<p> <strong>Customization, Improvement, Enforcement</strong>. We use the other information we collect from or about you in order to establish and enhance our relationship with you and to help deliver a first-class user experience. Tubi’s use of this information includes the following general purposes: contacting you. customizing the content and advertising you view. fulfilling your requests for products or services. identifying content you share when you use the Tubi Services. improving our services. administration of your participation in a survey, contest or sweepstakes. conducting research. compiling aggregate data for internal and external business purposes. preventing potentially illegal activities. protecting our rights. other uses in accordance with our Terms of Use. and for any other purpose disclosed to you at the time we collect your information.</p> <p> <strong>Recommendations and Advertising</strong>. We and service providers acting on behalf of us and our business partners may use the information collected from or about you, including your use of the Tubi Services, to provide recommendations and advertisements on the Tubi Services and elsewhere on the web.</p> <p> <strong>Promotional Communications</strong>. We may periodically send you free newsletters and e-mails that directly promote the Tubi Services — e.g., promotional information about Tubi’s features, services, and other offerings that may be of interest to you, or offers that are related to the Tubi Services on behalf of our Affiliates or our business partners. When you receive such promotional communications from us, you will have the opportunity to “opt-out” (either through your Account or by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the e-mail you receive). We do need to send you certain transactional communications regarding the Tubi Services and you will not be able to opt out of those communications — e.g., communications regarding updates to our Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy — but they will be primarily informational. Information about your choices regarding promotional communications you receive from Tubi are described in the “Your Choices” section of this Privacy Policy.</p>What technologies are used to understand how people use the Tubi Services?<p>Like many website owners and operators, we use automated data collection tools such as Cookies and Web Beacons to collect certain information.</p> <p> <strong>Cookies</strong>. Cookies are small bits of information that are stored in separate files within your computer’s Internet browser. Cookies store information about your activities on a website or other platform. For example, cookies can store your session information for easy sign-in to a website or other platform you have previously visited. They enable us to make your use of the Tubi Services more enjoyable.</p> <ul> <li>We, along with advertising technology companies and service providers that provide services to us and our business partners, may display targeted advertisements based on your activities and other information collected from or about you, such as your interests and your activities online. Cookies are one way that this kind of information is stored.</li> <li>We, along with advertising technology companies and service providers that provide services to us and our business partners, may also use cookies and similar technologies to compile aggregate data about you and to relate your use of the Tubi Services to information obtained from you or from reputable third parties. For example, if you have asked us to send you information about our upcoming services or promotions, data about your activities on the Tubi Services, collected using cookies, may allow us to limit the materials we send you to items that we believe will be of interest to you.</li> <li>You can configure your Internet browser to warn you each time a cookie is being sent or to refuse cookies completely. However, if you reject certain cookies, you will not have access to certain features of the Tubi Services.</li> <li>Some advertisements displayed in connection with the Tubi Services may also access or place cookies on your Internet browser or use other technologies provided by third party Internet advertisers, advertising technology companies, and service providers that perform advertising-related services. For more information on this topic, please see our discussion of Third Party Advertising on Tubi.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Other local storage</strong>. We, along with advertising technology companies and service providers that provide services to us and our business partners, use other kinds of local storage, such as Local Shared Objects (also referred to as “<strong>Flash cookies</strong>”) and HTML5 local storage, in connection with the Tubi Services, including the video player. Sometimes called “browser cookies,” these technologies are similar to the cookies discussed above in that they are stored on your computers and can be used to store certain information about your activities and preferences, such as your volume/mute settings. However, these objects are stored in different parts of your computer from ordinary browser cookies. Many Internet browsers allow you to disable HTML5 local storage or delete information contained in HTML5 local storage using browser controls. See your browser settings or preferences for details on how to manage HTML5 local storage. For information about disabling or deleting information contained in Local Shared Objects, please visit https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/disable-local-shared-objects-flash.html. Please note that disabling these technologies may interfere with the performance and features of the video player.</p> <p> <strong>Web Beacons</strong> (also known as web bugs, pixel tags or clear GIFs) are tiny graphics with a unique identifier that may be included on our Services for several purposes, including to deliver or communicate with Cookies, to track and measure the performance of our Services, to monitor how many visitors view our Services, and to monitor the effectiveness of our advertising. Unlike Cookies, which are stored on the device, Web Beacons are typically embedded invisibly on web pages (or in an e-mail).</p> <p> <strong>Log Data</strong> means certain information about how a person uses our Services, including both Account holders and non-Account holders (either, a “<strong>User</strong>”). Log Data may include information such as a User’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, operating system, the web page that a User was visiting before accessing our Services, the pages or features of the Tubi Services to which a User browsed and the time spent on those pages or features, search terms, the links and ads on the Tubi Services that a User clicked on, progress of a User’s video play, progress of a User’s ad play, interactions as a video player (e.g.&nbsp;play/pause/seek, close captions), amount of time spent watching videos, mobile to TV screencasting behavior and other statistics. We use Log Data to administer the Tubi Services and we analyze (and may engage third parties to analyze) Log Data to improve, customize and enhance the Tubi Services by expanding their features and functionality and tailoring them to our Users’ needs and preferences. We may use a person’s IP address to generate aggregate, non-identifying information about how the Tubi Services are used.</p>With whom does Tubi share the information it collects from or about me?<p> <strong>With our Affiliates</strong>. Tubi may share your information with our Affiliates for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. A link to a website that lists our Affiliates can be found at www.foxcorporation.com. Users who visit our Affiliates’ services should still refer to their separate privacy policies, which may differ in some respects from this Privacy Policy.</p> <p> <strong>Our Service Providers and Business Partners</strong>. We may engage third party services providers and business partners to work with us to administer and provide the Tubi Services. For example, we may share your information with other people or entities in order to provide goods or services that you have requested or to complete a transaction at your request. We may also enter into agreements with outside companies that possess the technology that allows us to customize the advertising and marketing messages you receive while using the Tubi Services. Your information, including clickstream data about your use of the Tubi Services and other online activities, may be shared with these companies so this customization can be accomplished. These third party services providers have access to your PII only for the purpose of performing services on our behalf.</p> <p>We may also share your PII with our marketing service providers to help us better market our products and services to you. For more information about sharing in the context of third party advertising, please see our discussion of Third Party Advertising on Tubi.</p> <p> <strong>Advertisers, Advertising Technology Companies, and Advertising-Related Service Providers</strong>. Tubi places advertisements both on and off the Tubi Services and also carries advertisements from other companies, often with the ability to click through to websites or properties run by these other companies. Advertisers, advertising technology companies, and service providers that perform advertising-related services for us and our business partners may use cookies, web beacons, and other technologies to collect information from or about you in order to tailor advertisements, measure advertising effectiveness, and enable other enhancements.</p> <p> <strong>Other Third Parties</strong>. We may share anonymized or aggregated data we collect from the use of the Tubi Services, such as de-identified demographic information, de-identified location information, information about the computer or device from which you access the Tubi Services, market trends and other analysis that we create based on the information we receive from you and other users. We may share information in these forms with various affiliated and unaffiliated entities, including our business partners. For example, we may share aggregate information with advertisers about the volume of use on the Tubi Services, the specific Tubi videos in which users are most interested, and the effectiveness of advertisements viewed on the Tubi Services (including the number of users who clicked on a particular advertisement). Also, we and our business partners use independent third parties to help measure viewing of content on Tubi, and these third parties may report statistics about viewing in aggregated or other non-personally identifiable forms.</p>Web Analytics Service Providers<p> <strong>Google</strong>. We use Google Analytics, a service provided by Google, Inc.&nbsp;(“<strong>Google</strong>”), to gather information about how users engage with the Tubi Site and the Tubi Services. For more information about Google Analytics, please visit https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites. You can opt out of Google’s collection and processing of data generated by your use of the Services by going to https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.</p> <p> <strong>Facebook</strong>. We may use certain tools offered by Facebook, Inc.&nbsp;(“<strong>Facebook</strong>”) that enable it to collect or receive information about actions users take on: (a) the Tubi Site and elsewhere on the internet through use of Cookies, Web Beacons and other storage technologies. or (b) our App and other mobile applications, in order to provide measurement services, targeted ads and other services. For more information regarding the collection and use of such information by Facebook, please see the Facebook Data Policy available at https://www.facebook.com/policy.php.</p> <p> <strong>For Our Protection and the Protection of Others</strong>. We cooperate with government and law enforcement officials or private parties to enforce and comply with the law. We may disclose any information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate: (i) to respond to claims, legal process (including subpoenas) or request for cooperation by a government entity, whether or not legally required. (ii) to protect the property, rights and safety and the property of Tubi or its affiliates, and each of their respective investors, directors, officers, employees, agents, and suppliers, rights and safety of a third party, including our users, or the public in general. and (iii) to stop any activity that we consider illegal, unethical or legally actionable activity. If you notify us that you believe your legal rights have been violated by Tubi or another user of the Tubi Services, we may provide the information that you provide to us to others to the extent that we believe it is necessary to evaluate and respond to your complaint.</p> <p> <strong>In Connection with Business Transactions</strong>. Information that we collect from our users, including PII, is considered to be a business asset. Thus, in the event of any direct or indirect reorganization, e.g., if we are acquired by a third party as a result of a transaction such as a merger, acquisition or asset sale or if our assets are acquired by a third party in the event we go out of business or enter bankruptcy, some or all of our assets, including your PII, may be disclosed or transferred to a third party acquirer in connection with the transaction.</p> <p> <strong>Other Parties With Your Consent</strong>. In addition to the sharing described in this Privacy Policy, we may share your PII, for example, your name, address, telephone number, or email address, with any party when we have your consent or when you otherwise choose to share such information. Also, certain functions within the Tubi Services may give you the option to share information about your activities on the Tubi Services, for example, by email, text message, social networking, or other sharing function.</p>Your Choices: Do I have choices about the use and sharing of the information collected from or about me?<p>You have certain choices about the use and sharing of certain information collected from or about you.</p> <p> <strong>Affiliates</strong>. You may request that we not share your personal information on a going-forward basis with Affiliates for their direct marketing purposes by submitting your requests to www.tubitv.com/static/support and select “Terms of Use &amp. Privacy Policy” from the list of available topics. We will try to comply with your request(s) as soon as reasonably practicable and consistent with applicable law.</p> <p> <strong>Business Partners</strong>. Except as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, we will obtain your consent before we share your contact information with business partners, including advertisers and other companies not affiliated with Tubi, so that they may send you promotional information about their products and services directly. We also may offer co-branded promotions with these business partners. If you request information about or otherwise interact with one of these promotions (such as by entering a contest), we may share your contact information with the business partners identified in the promotion.</p> <p> <strong>Social Networking Services</strong>. When you choose to connect your Tubi account with a social networking account such as Facebook, you may choose to share your information and activities with other users of that particular social network. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the policies and privacy controls of these social networking services.</p> <p> <strong>Tubi’s Use of Your Information to Send You Promotional Materials</strong>. When you receive promotional communications from us, you will have the opportunity to “opt-out” by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the e-mail you receive. You may opt out of receiving alerts or email updates from Tubi promoting our site or the products or services of our business partners, or notices about your queues or subscribed content via the functionality on the Tubi Services. Regardless of your choices with respect to promotional communications and updates regarding content, we may send you certain transactional communications regarding the Tubi Services, e.g., communications regarding updates to our Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy, and you will not be able to opt out of those communications.</p> <p> <strong>Tubi’s Use of Information Collected From or About You from Other Websites</strong>. Tubi may store information about websites you visit in browser cookies on your computer.</p> <p> <strong>Do Not Track</strong>. The Tubi Site does not have the capability to respond to “Do Not Track” signals received from various web browsers.</p> <p> <strong>Opting Out of Third Party Behavioral Advertising</strong>. If you would like information about your choices with respect to third party behavioral advertising, please see the section titled “Your Choices: Opting Out of Third Party Behahavioral Advertising” below.</p> <p> <strong>Terminating Your Tubi Account</strong>. You may terminate your Tubi account, in accordance with our Terms of Use, by submitting your requests at www.tubitv.com/static/support and select “Account” from the list of available topics. Please note that, if you terminate your account, we may retain some information about you as required or permitted by applicable law.</p>How does Tubi work with partners?<p> <strong>Tubi and Social Networking</strong>. We may collect PII to enable Individuals to use online social media resources offered either by us or a third party. We may also enable you to use these social media resources to post or share PII with others. When using social media resources, you should take into careful consideration what PII you share with others. If you use third party social networking services (“<strong>Third Party SNS</strong>”) through the Tubi Services, you acknowledge that we may be able to access any information you make public through such Third Party SNS (such as your username, comments, posts, and contacts) and other information your privacy settings on such Third Party SNS permit us to access. If you choose to link your Tubi account with a Third Party SNS, Tubi and that Third Party SNS may share certain information about you and your activities. You may choose to share information about your activities, including what you watch on Tubi, with that Third Party SNS’s users.</p> <p> <strong>Sharing via Third Party SNS</strong>. If you connect your Tubi Account and your SNS Account, you may choose to share information about your activities on the Tubi Services with Third Party SNS and their users, including by publishing your watch activity to the Third Party SNS. When you choose to share information about your activities on the Tubi Services with the Third Party SNS, Tubi may send information about you to the Third Party SNS, including information about your use of the Tubi Services. The Third Party SNS may make that information visible to its users in accordance with applicable law, its data use policies, and your privacy settings on the Third Party SNS. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with data use policies and privacy controls of any such Third Party SNS.</p> <p>Facebook is an advertising partner and may collect and use data to display advertisements on the Tubi Services. If you wish to opt out of receiving advertisements from Facebook, please visit https://www.facebook.com/ds/preferences/?entry_product=ad_settings_screen to modify your Facebook ad preferences.</p> <p> <strong>Other Websites and Platforms</strong>. The Tubi Services is provided through Internet websites or distribution platforms operated by other companies. For example, you can access the Tubi Services through our website and using Apps we make available for Internet-connected consumer electronics devices, a list which is available at https://tubitv.com/static/devices. Websites and platforms like these may list or promote our name or logo, but they are not operated or maintained by us, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of the websites or platforms operated by third parties. If you are using the Tubi Services on another website or platform, you should check the privacy policy of the other website or platform to determine how it handles any information it collects from or about you.</p>How does third party advertising on Tubi impact me?<p>Tubi carries advertisements from other companies, often with the ability to click through to websites or properties run by these other companies.</p> <p> <strong>Clicking on or Viewing Ads</strong>. When you click on or view an advertisement, the advertiser, advertising technology companies, and service providers that perform advertising-related services for us and our business partners may collect some information from or about you. The information practices of these advertisers, advertising technology companies, and service providers that perform advertising-related services are governed by their own privacy policies and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Please be aware that Tubi does not warn you when you have chosen to click through to another website or property when using the Tubi Services. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the privacy policies of such websites or properties to determine how they handle any information they separately collect from you.</p> <p> <strong>Use of Cookies and Other Technology in Third Party Advertising</strong>. Advertisers, advertising technology companies, and service providers that perform advertising-related services for us and our business partners may use cookies, web beacons, and other technologies to collect information from or about you in order to tailor advertisements, measure advertising effectiveness, and enable other enhancements. This information includes your use of the Tubi Services, websites you visited, advertisements you viewed, and your other activities online. The information practices of these advertisers, advertising technology companies, and service providers that perform advertising-related services are governed by their own privacy policies and are not covered by this Privacy Policy.</p> <p> <strong>Information Shared with Advertisers and Advertising-Related Service Providers</strong>. Tubi may share the information collected from or about you in aggregated or non-personally identifiable forms with advertisers and service providers that perform advertising-related services for us and our business partners in order to tailor advertisements, measure advertising effectiveness, and enable other enhancements. This information includes your use of the Tubi Services, websites you visited, advertisements you viewed, and your other activities online. However, our agreements with these advertisers and service providers that perform advertising-related services limit the types of information shared with these companies and how they may use it.</p> <p> <strong>Your Choices: Opting Out of Third Party Behavioral Advertising</strong>. Some of these advertisers, advertising technology companies, and service providers that perform advertising-related services for us and our business partners may be members of the Network Advertising Initiative (“<strong>NAI</strong>”), a cooperative of online marketing companies that offers a centralized tool for opting out of behavioral advertising delivered by each of its member companies. If you would like to obtain more information about the NAI and make choices about their members’ use of your information, please visit https://optout.networkadvertising.org/. Some of the third parties that collect information on the Tubi Services in order to provide more relevant advertising to you participate in the Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising. This program offers a single location where users can make choices about the use of their information for ad targeting. To opt-out of third party cookies, please go to https://www.aboutads.info/choices. To opt-out of the use of your mobile device ID for targeted advertising, please see https://www.aboutads.info/appchoices. Even if you opt out through AdChoices, we may still collect and use information that is not considered PII regarding your activities on our Services and/or information from the advertisements on third party websites for non-interest based advertising purposes, such as to determine the effectiveness of the advertisements.</p>Your Privacy RightsAdditional Choices for California Residents<p>As of January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“<strong>CCPA</strong>”) allows California residents, with verification, to request that a business who collects California consumers’ personal information (“<strong>PI</strong>”) to give consumers access to the specific pieces and categories of personal information that the business has collected about the consumer, the sources for that information, the purposes for collecting the information, and the third parties with which the information was shared. California residents also have the right to submit a request for deletion of information under certain circumstances, and to opt out of the sale of their personal information.</p> <p>This notice describes those rights, including the method through which you may submit a request to exercise those rights, and provides the disclosures regarding personal information required by the CCPA.</p> <p> <strong>What are my rights?</strong> </p> <p>Under the CCPA you are granted certain rights with respect to your personal information. These rights are not absolute, are subject to exceptions, and we may be required or permitted by law to decline your request. Only you as a resident of the State of California, a person that you authorize to act on your behalf, or an entity registered with the California Secretary of State that you authorize to act on your behalf, may exercise these rights. We are permitted to reject your request if we reasonably do not believe you are a resident of the State of California.</p> <p> <strong>1. Access categories of information.</strong> </p> <p>The following table describes the categories of personal information we have collected for all users over the past 12 months, the source of collection, our purpose for using it, and the categories of third parties with whom we disclose for a business purpose or sell. Depending on the California resident’s interactions with us, we may not have disclosed PI collected about that resident for each of these purposes.</p>Categories of PI collectedSources of PIPurposes of use of PICategories of third parties to whom we disclose the PI for a business purposeCategories of third parties to whom we sell the PIAlphanumeric Identifiers, such as device ID and IP addressYou, your browser, computer, or deviceProvide and improve the Tubi Services. prevent fraud and ensure the security of the Tubi Services. provide advertisementsAffiliates, Analytics providers, fraud prevention companies, and customer service providersAdvertising technology companies and advertisersPersonal information, as defined in the California Customer Records law, such as your nameYouPersonalization of your experienceAffiliatesNone — used internally onlyCharacteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law, such as your date of birth, and genderYou (if you provide it at registration)Provide the Tubi Services. prevent fraud and ensure the security the Tubi Services. provide advertisementsAffiliates, Analytics providers, and fraud prevention companiesNone — used internally onlyCommercial information, such as device manufacturer, network carrier, platform, and other usage tendenciesYour browser, computer, or deviceProvide and improve the Tubi Services. provide advertisementsAffiliates, Analytics providers, fraud prevention companies, and customer service providersAdvertising technology companies, and advertisersInternet or network activity informationYour browser, computer, or devicePersonalization of your experience. provide and improve the Tubi Services. provide advertisementsAffiliates, Analytics providers (to monitor video streaming performance) and limited content providers (in order for them to meet their contractual obligations)None — used internally onlyGeolocation data, which is derived from your IP address informationYour browser, computer, or deviceProvide and improve the Tubi Services. prevent fraud and ensure the security the Tubi Services. provide and advertisementsAffiliates, Analytics providers, fraud prevention companies, and customer service providersAdvertising technology companies and advertisersInferences drawn from any of the foregoing categoriesYou, your browser, computer, or devicePersonalization of your experience, Provide and improve the Tubi Services. provide advertisementsAffiliates, Analytics providersAdvertising technology companies and advertisers<p> <strong>2. Access specific pieces of information.</strong> </p> <p>You may request specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you by submitting a request through the form at https://tubitv.com/privacy/mydata. The specific pieces of information will cover the 12-month period preceding the date of your request.</p> <p> <strong>3. Delete.</strong> </p> <p>You may send us a request to delete your personal information we have collected from you via the form at https://tubitv.com/privacy/delete.</p> <p> <strong>4. Opt-out of the sale of personal information</strong> </p> <p>The CCPA defines “sale” in a very broad way. Because of this, it is unclear under the law as to whether certain disclosures of personal information constitute a sale. The Tubi Service uses advertising to provide you with a free service. The use of targeted behavioral advertising, which is one type of advertising Tubi uses, may constitute a sale under the definition. If you wish to cease receiving targeted behavioral advertising on your devices, please see the section titled “Opting Out of Third Party Behavioral Advertising” in this privacy policy.</p> <p>You have the right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information. To do so, please make a request through the form at https://tubitv.com/privacy/opt-out.</p> <p> <strong>Nondiscrimination.</strong> </p> <p>Under the CCPA, we cannot discriminate against you because you elect to exercise one of your rights respecting your personal information, such as your right to delete. If you do elect to delete your personal information you will be treated as a new viewer and will no longer have access to your existing queue, watch list, or personalized recommendations.</p> <p> <strong>Verifying requests. California residency requirement.</strong> </p> <p>The rights described in this privacy notice, including the right to opt-out of the sale of personal information, are limited to residents of the State of California. We may require additional information from you to verify that you are a California resident, or may reject your request if you cannot provide it. We reserve the right to require additional proof of your identity and California residency, including government identification and/or a utility bill. We further reserve the right to reject requests that we reasonably believe are from non-California residents, or are fraudulent, excessive, or burdensome.</p> <p>You may designate, in writing, through a power of attorney, or through registration with the California Secretary of Statement, an authorized agent to make requests to exercise your rights on your behalf. We will require the agent to provide proof that they are authorized to act on your behalf.</p> <p> <strong>CCPA Recordkeeping</strong> </p> <p>Tubi’s CCPA metrics for the 2020 reporting period are as follows:</p> <p> <strong>Requests to Know</strong>: Tubi received 6 requests by individuals to access personal information during the 2020 reporting period, through its designated methods of submission. Of those requests, Tubi complied, in whole or in part, with 2 requests. Tubi denied 4 requests due to failure to verify identity, requests were duplicative, or the individual requesting access of personal information identified as a resident of a state other than California. The median number of days within which Tubi substantively responded to requests to know was 54.5.</p> <p> <strong>Requests for Deletion</strong>: Tubi received 32 requests by individuals to delete their personal information during the 2020 reporting period, through its designated methods of submission. Of those requests, Tubi complied, in whole or in part, with 3 requests. Tubi denied 29 requests due to failure to verify identity, or the individual requesting deletion of personal information identified as a resident of a state other than California. The median number of days within which Tubi substantively responded to requests to delete was within 1 day.</p> <p> <strong>Requests to Opt Out of “Sales”</strong>: Tubi shares some categories of personal information in connection with certain types of advertisements, which could be considered a “sale” under the CCPA. Tubi provides a Do Not Sell My Personal Information link on its websites and a Do Not Sell My Personal Information section in the Account/Settings sections of its digital apps. Tubi received 275 requests to opt out of “sales” of personal information during the 2020 reporting period, through those mechanisms. Of those requests, Tubi complied, in whole or in part, with 35 requests. Tubi denied 240 requests due to individuals failing to provide the information necessary to fulfill the request, or the individual requesting the opt out identified as a resident of a state other than California. The median number of days within which Tubi substantively responded to requests to opt-out was 14 days.</p> <p> <strong>Shine the Light</strong> </p> <p>If you are a California resident under the age of 18 and a registered user of Tubi you may request and obtain removal of content or information you have publicly posted on the Tubi Services. To make this request, please submit your request at www.tubitv.com/static/support and include a detailed description of the specific content or information you would like to remove.</p>How does Tubi protect the information it collects from or about me?<p>We use reasonable physical, technical, and administrative measures to safeguard information in our possession against loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure, or modification. For example, passwords and other sensitive information are encrypted in transit. We also take steps to ensure that only those Tubi employees, agents, and contractors who have a legitimate business reason to obtain access to your information are granted access.</p> <p>Despite these efforts, please note that no data transmission or storage can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. We want you to feel confident using the Tubi Services but we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us. Please refer to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s website for information on how to protect yourself from identity theft.</p>Tubi and Children. Kids Mode<p>The Tubi Services are not directed to nor intended for children under the age of 13. Tubi does not permit the registration of, nor does Tubi knowingly collect, use, or disclose PII from anyone under 13 years of age. If we determine upon collection that a user is under this age, we will not use or maintain that PII without parental or guardian consent. If we are notified that we have collected PII from a child under the age of 13, we will make reasonable efforts to delete such information from our records.</p> <p>The Tubi Services offers features that enable parents and families to have more control over the display of family-friendly content based on the MPAA and television content ratings systems (“Kids Mode”). During a Kids Mode session, the Tubi Services collects and uses a device identifier, IP address, and viewing history so that we may maintain and analyze the functioning of the Tubi Services, personalize the content displayed, serve and frequency cap contextual advertising, and to comply with our content licenses. If a user of the Tubi Services desires to delete data collected during a Kids Mode session, please contact our Support team for assistance.</p>Do any special considerations apply to visitors from outside the United States?<p>Tubi is an online video service based in the U.S., and our offices are headquartered in the United States. Your PII may be transferred to, and maintained on, computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction. If you’re located outside the United States and choose to provide your PII to us, you acknowledge and agree that we may transfer your PII to the United States and process it there.</p>What happens when Tubi changes its Privacy Policy?<p>Any information that is collected via our Services is covered by the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is collected. We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we’ll notify you of those changes by posting them on the Services or by sending you an email or other notification, and we’ll update the “<strong>Effective as of</strong>” date above to indicate when those changes will become effective. If the material revisions concern practices where we have represented that we will obtain your consent to use or disclose your PII, we will obtain your consent before taking any action inconsistent with those representations.</p>Questions?<p>If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please submit your questions at www.tubitv.com/static/support and select “Terms of Use &amp. Privacy Policy” from the list of available topics. You may also contact us by mail at:</p> <p>Attention: Legal Department<br> Tubi, Inc.<br> 315 Montgomery Street, 11th Floor<br> San Francisco, CA 94104</p>

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