
Terms of Service

Approved on 28 december, 2019,Director General of Beget LLC,A.E. Kliukov ,PUBLIC OFFER,Limited Liability Company Beget (Beget LLC), hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, represented by its Director ,General Aleksandr Evgenievich Kliukov acting by virtue of the Charter, hereby addresses this Public Offer to any ,individual or legal entity, hereinafter referred to as the Client, and full and unconditional acceptance of terms and ,conditions of such Offer shall be considered as acceptance thereof (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) in ,accordance with article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The text of this Contract is a public offer ,(in accordance with article 435 and part 2 of article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). ,Terms and definitions,Domain name is a symbolic designation for network addressing that uses the domain name system (DNS);,Login is a user’s name in the Contractor’s system, consisting of roman letters and / or numbers, which in ,combination with the password shall be used to identify the Client. The Contractor shall issue a login to the Client or,the Client may form it on its own during registration;,Password is a set of roman letters and / or numbers, which in combination with the login shall be used to identify ,the Client. The Contractor shall issue a password to the Client at registration and the Client may change it ,subsequently;,Control panel is a set of necessary tools (services) provided by the Contractor to the Client in order to manage the ,services. The Client can get information on the services provided to and on the tariffs used by them through the ,control panel, as well as order, change or disable the service, etc.;,Registry is a database containing information on registered second-level domain names, their administrators and ,other necessary information;,Registrar is a legal entity accredited by the Registry owner to register domain names in top-level domains (TLD);,Hosting is a service to provide resources for placing information on a server permanently located on the Internet;,Electronic communication channels means e-mail with the contact addresses specified in this Contract, as well as ,the Contractor’s website: and control panel:;,ICANN is an international non-profit organization established to regulate issues related to domain names, IP ,addresses and other aspects of the Internet functioning (official website -,1. Subject of the Contract,1.1. The Contractor shall provide the Client with the following services: location of web sites (files and other ,information) on the Contractor’s own resources, with access to transportation and information channels of the ,Internet (hereinafter - the hosting services), and registration (re-registration) of domain names. and the Client shall ,accept and pay for the Contractor’s services in accordance with terms and conditions of this Contract and ,Supplements hereto, which are integral parts of the Contract.,1.2. The set and cost of services shall be determined on the basis of the Contractor’s tariffs posted on the ,Contractor’s website and/or in the control panel located at (hereinafter – the control panel), and ,the Client’s orders sent to the Contractor through the Contractor’s website or through the control panel.,1.3. The provision of telematic communication services in accordance with this Contract is made by virtue of ,License for telematic communication services provision No. 171835 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision ,of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media as of 17.04.2019. ,1.4. The Contractor is a registrar of domain names within .RU, .РФ domain zones accredited by the Coordination ,Centre for TLD, a registrar of domain names within .SU domain zone accredited by the Internet Development Fund,,as well as a registrar of domain names ,within .com, .net, .online, .host, .space, .store, .site, .website, .tech, .fun, .press, ,.pw, .shop domain zones accredited by the ICANN.,1.5. Any actions with domain names within .RU and .РФ zones shall be performed in accordance with the current ,version of the document of the Coordination Centre for TLD ‘Rules for registering domain names within .RU ,and .РФ domain zones’ published at ru-rf.pdf, including the Regulations ‘On the ,procedure applicable when transferring the support for domain name information between registrars’ and ‘On the ,procedure applicable when simultaneously transferring the support for information on a significant number of ,domain names’ published at That said, in the event of any contradiction between terms and ,conditions of this Contract and provisions of the Rules, the Rules established by the Coordination Center for TLD ,shall prevail.,1.6. Any actions with domain names in .SU zone shall be made in accordance with the current version of the ,document of the Internet Development Fund ‘Rules for registering domain names within .SU domain’ published at , rules.pdf. That said, in the event of any contradiction between terms and conditions of ,this Contract and provisions of the Rules, the Rules established by the Internet Development Fund shall prevail.,1,1.7. Any actions with domain names within international domain zones shall be made in accordance with the current,operating procedures and policy rules of the ICANN, as well as the rules established by the Registry owners. In the ,event of any discrepancy (misinterpretation) between terms and conditions of this Contract and terms of any ICANN,Policy, the terms of such ICANN Policy shall be applied. If terms of the Registry owner’s Rules differ from any ,ICANN Policy, the terms of such ICANN Policy shall be applied.,1.8. The registration of domain names shall be made in accordance with the established rules of registering domain ,names approved by the Registries of domain names and the Registrar of domain names in a selected registration ,zone, if the Contractor attracts any accredited Registrar for such registration. The Contractor, upon the Client’s ,request may register domain names within international zones through its PublicDomainRegistry partners in ,accordance with the rules published at, Registrar R01 partners, in ,accordance with the rules published at or RU-CENTER partners in ,accordance with the rules published at,1.9. The volume and period of the requested services shall be determined by the amount of the advance payment ,made by the Client.,2. Rights and obligations of the Parties,2.1. The Contractor shall:,2.1.1. Comply with the provisions of this Contract, domain name registration and renewal rules published on the ,Contractor’s website at rules for hosting services operation published on the ,Contractor’s website at .,2.1.2. Provide the Client with an access to hardware and software complex in order to manage the services at https://, (the control panel).,2.1.3. Provide services to the Client in strict accordance with selected and paid tariff plan by the Client to the ,Contractor through formalized requests (including via the control panel) starting upon receipt of such payment under,the Contract. The orders sent to the Contractor in the specified way shall be recognized by the Parties as full-fledged,documents made in simple written form. ,2.1.4. Provide the Client with hosting services around the clock with possible breaks. Such breaks in hosting ,services may be caused by actions or inactions of third parties and / or inactivity of transport and information ,channels outside the Contractor’s own resources, as well as necessary preventive repairs and maintenance of the ,Contractor’s equipment including those performed in emergencies.,2.1.5. Take all actions depending on it for registration of a domain name chosen by the Client according to the ,domain name registration and renewal rules published on the Contractor’s website at , The Contractor does not hereby guarantee to the Client that the chosen domain ,name will be free from any third parties when the Client paying the invoice or when executing technical procedures ,for registration.,2.1.6. Ensure that information in the Registry is updated when domain administrator details are changed.,2.1.7. Provide services aimed at extension of the registration (re-registration) of the domain on the basis of the ,Client’s requests. The domain registration renewal (re-registration) service shall be considered to be rendered at the ,moment of entering the registration renewal information into the Register. That said, the domain registration shall be,extended for a period of time selected by the Client in the application from the previously set expiration date of the ,domain registration.,2.1.8. Timely warn the Client on any changes in the cost and / or terms of the Contract.,2.1.9. If the Contractor enters amendments to the Contract, the Contractor shall publish such amendments on the ,Contractor’s website. The information on amendments shall be brought to the Client’s notice by posting it on the ,Contractor’s website and / or sending a notification to the Client by e-mail to the main contact address of the Client. ,The amendments shall enter into force after 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of their publication at least. If the ,Client agrees to such amendments, the Contract shall remain in force subject to such amendments. If the Client does ,not agree, they undertake to notify the Contractor on such within 10 (ten) calendar days by an official letter with a ,notification of delivery. That said, the Contract shall be deemed terminated at the initiative of the Client from the ,date of entry of such amendments into force.,2.1.10.Provide advice (technical support) to the Client on the provision of services around the clock with possible ,breaks. Such breaks may be caused by actions or inactions of third parties and / or inactivity of transport and ,information channels outside the Contractor’s own resources, as well as necessary preventive repairs and ,maintenance of the Contractor’s equipment. The response time to a Client’s request depends on the complexity of ,the issue and the workload of the Contractor’s technical support at the moment, but the Contractor hereby ,undertakes to do everything possible to reduce the response time to the Client’s request.,2.2. The Contractor shall have the right to:,2.2.1. The Contractor shall reserve the right to recommend the transition to another tariff plan to the Client ,depending on the resources used by the Client of the Contractor’s server.,2.2.2. The Contractor’s obligations to provide services are mutual to the Client’s obligations hereunder, in relation ,with which the Contractor shall have the right to suspend the provision of services in the following cases:,- if, due to a reasonable opinion of the Contractor, the Client’s use of the services may cause damage to the ,Contractor and / or cause a failure of the technical and software tools of the Contractor and third parties;,2,- if the Client violates the terms of the Contract, including the domain name registration and renewal rules ,published on the Contractor’s website at and rules for hosting services ,operation published on the Contractor’s website at;,- in other cases stipulated by the Contract and the current legislation.,2.2.3. The Contractor shall have the right to engage third parties (its partners) for provision of services to the Client ,and fulfillment of its obligations under this Contract, transferring the Client’s personal data to the extent and in the ,manner necessary for provision of services of duly quality to the Client.,2.2.4. The Contractor shall reserve the right to refuse to provide the Client with the service chosen by the latter due ,to a technical impossibility of providing such service by sending the Client a written notice on such (possibly by e-,mail). At the same time, the funds for the non-provided service shall not be written off, and if written off - to be ,returned to the Client’s balance.,2.3. The Client shall:,2.3.1. Comply with the provisions of this Contract and the domain name registration and renewal rules, and rules for,hosting services operation.,2.3.2. Timely pay for the Contractor’s services selected on the basis of formalized requests to the Contractor ,(including from the control panel).,2.3.3. Independently control the deadline for registration of domain names administered under the services of the ,Contractor and apply for the extension (re-registration) of domain names via the control panel, if necessary.,2.3.4. Independently control the types and volume of the services ordered, payment for the services and generate ,invoices for payment via the control panel.,2.3.5. Independently get themselves acquainted with the content of this Public Offer on the Contractor’s website and,comply with its terms and conditions, as well as monitor the relevant amendments entered into it.,2.3.6. Indicate reliable data on themselves in the Contract, the documentation related to the Contract, on the ,Contractor’s website and in the Control Panel. The liability for providing inaccurate data and possible adverse ,consequences of such actions shall lie with the Client. The Contractor shall have the right to request documents ,confirming the accuracy of information on the Client from the latter including by e-mail (the Parties shall recognize ,a request sent in this way as a full-fledged legal document made in a simple written form). If the Client failed to ,provide such documents within the term specified in the request, the Contractor shall have the right to suspend ,servicing the Client.,2.3.7. Promptly notify the Contractor on changes in their name, address, contacts and other registration data.,2.3.8.If the Client uses the Contractor’s services for the purpose of collecting, storing and processing information,containing personal data, as well as other confidential information, the Client shall ensure the security of such data ,at its own expense in accordance with the applicable law.,2.3.9. The Client hereby undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of its credentials (login and password of the Client, ,as well as other information authorizing the Client in the Contractor’s system). The Contractor shall not be liable for,any damage of any kind incurred to the Client due to the disclosure of the latter’s credentials. The Contractor may ,identify any person who has provided the Contractor with credentials and other confidential information required to ,identify the Client, or who uses these data for authorization in the control panel, as a representative of the Client ,acting on behalf of the Client.,2.3.10. The Client hereby acknowledges all registry owner rights set forth in the registry owner rules and ICANN ,Policies and agrees that the registry owner may at any time refuse to register a claimed domain name or cancel the ,registration of an already registered domain name, block the domain name, remove a delegation from the domain ,name, set different statuses for the domain name, reject any transfer of the domain name, cancel or reject any ,transaction or transaction on the domain name, etc. in accordance with the registry owner rules and / or ICANN ,Policies for the purpose of complying with and meeting the terms and conditions of the registry owner rules and/or ,ICANN Policies as well as generally accepted standards and practices. ,2.3.11. The Client hereby agrees to terms and conditions of priority and premium registrations (including, but not ,limited to: domain name registration terms and conditions, claims and pre-trial dispute resolution procedures for ,denial of priority and / or premium registration, etc., pre-trial dispute resolution procedures during priority and ,premium registration periods approved by ICANN, etc.), and also gives their consent that the registry owner shall ,not be liable for any damages and / or liabilities arising from the proceedings and / or processes, in accordance with ,the above documents, and the registry owner shall have the right to cancel, block or transfer the domain name ,registered during the specified periods to another person, the right not to allow (withhold) the registration of the ,requested domain name in order to (1) ensure the integrity, security and stability of the registration system and / or ,the Registry, (2) comply with any applicable laws, government regulations, law enforcement requests, etc., (3) ,comply with the decision of any competent court or ICANN-approved dispute resolution service provider.,2.4. The Client shall have the right to:,2.4.1. Change type and quantity of services on the basis of the Contractor’s formalized requests and their payment in,accordance with the tariffs of the Contractor.,2.4.2. Receive the information on services provided by the Contractor, and procedures for obtaining them.,3,3. Cost of services and settlement procedures,3.1. The cost of services shall be set in US dollars, which shall be converted into Russian rubles according to the rate,of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of payment, and shall be determined by the tariffs for ,services published on the Contractor’s website or in the control panel.,3.2. The Client shall pay for services provided by debiting the cost of services from their credit/debit card in ,accordance with a tariff chosen by the Client and the payment period.,3.3. The payment for all services provided to the Client shall be made to the Contractor’s account in advance.,3.4. In the event of a payment default, the Contractor shall have the right to suspend servicing the Client.,3.5. If the payment have not been received within 10 (ten) calendar days starting from the expiry of the ,demonstration period or starting from the expiration of the previously paid period or starting from the moment of ,account blocking for other reasons, the Contractor shall have the right to delete all Client files stored on the ,Contractor’s equipment. Such period may be extended as agreed by the Parties and the Client’s account and access ,to the control panel in such event shall be saved for a period determined by the Contractor. Subsequently, the ,account and information associated with it may be deleted with no notification sent the Client.,3.6. If the Client has not renewed the domain name registration before the deadline or within the period determined ,by the rules of the domain zone, all http/https requests to the Client’s domain may be redirected to the Contractor’s ,service page in order to inform on temporary failure to provide the services. If the domain name registration service ,has been prolonged, the domain delegation shall be restored within 3 (three) business days upon receipt of the ,payment for such prolongation.,3.7. If the Client has not renewed the hosting Services, all http/https requests to the Client’s domain may be ,redirected to the Contractor’s service page in order to inform on temporary failure to provide the services.,3.8. If the Client chooses to pay for the services via a payment system that establishes an additional commission fee ,to the cost of the Contractor’s services, the latter shall have the right to shift the payment of such commission fee to ,the Client, and the total cost shall be shown to the Client at the stage of its payment and debiting of funds. The ,Client’s transfer of funds under such invoice shall be their unconditional consent to pay for the service in the ,specified amount. Subsequently, the Client shall not be entitled to demand any compensation from the Contractor in ,relation to payment of such invoice.,3.9. When connecting the ‘auto-renewal of the service’ or ‘auto-recharge’, the Client hereby agrees with the auto-,recharge (automatic write-off) of funds with no accept needed via the payment instrument that has been selected by ,the Client when setting up the service.,4. Period of the Contract,4.1. The Contract is concluded for an indefinite period, until the Parties fulfill all their obligations under this ,Contract.,4.2. For the Client, this Contract shall enter into force upon its signing by the Parties (acceptance of the public ,offer), and for the Contractor – upon receipt of the first advance payment to the Contractor’s operating account.,5. Procedure for termination and suspension of the Contract,5.1. Either Party shall have the right to terminate the Contract by sending a written notice of its desire to terminate ,the Contract (possibly by e-mail) to the other Party. If the Parties have no claims against each other, the Contract ,shall be deemed terminated in 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of the said notification.,5.2. In case of a major breach of the terms of the Contract by one of the Parties, the other Party shall have the right ,to unilaterally terminate the Contract and notify the Party that violated the terms of the Contract on such in writing ,(possibly by e-mail).,5.3. The period of the Contract in terms of providing hosting services may be suspended at the initiative of the ,Client in the absence of any direct fault from the Contractor by canceling the prepayment of hosting services for the ,next period or via a notification made in writing (possibly by e-mail). The renewal of the Contract shall be made by ,making an advance payment for the hosting services of the Contractor.,5.4. The Contractor shall reserve the right to terminate the Contract on its own initiative, in particular, due to the ,technical impossibility of providing services to the Client, by sending a written notice on such to the Client (possibly,by e-mail). The Contract then shall be deemed terminated in 10 (ten) calendar days upon receipt of such notification ,by the Client, if the Client failed to notify the Contractor in writing (possibly by e-mail) on their disagreement to ,terminate the Contract within such 10 (ten) calendar days upon receipt of such written notice.,5.5. The Contractor shall have the right to terminate servicing the Client and unilaterally terminate the Contract, if ,the Client has violated at least one clause of the domain name registration and renewal rules published on the ,Contractor’s website at and rules for hosting services operation published on the ,Contractor’s website at . That said, the Contractor shall send a notification on ,such violation of the rules to the Client by e-mail to the Client’s main contact address upon violation and at the same,time shall have the right to suspend servicing the Client.,5.6. Upon termination of the Contract before the paid period expired or when the Contract is suspended at the ,initiative of the Client, the Contractor shall return the cost of unused services to the Client at the latter’s request, and,4,the Client shall repay their possible debt to the Contractor. At the same time, the mutual recalculation subject to the ,Client’s discount for one-time annual payment shall take place. ,6. Miscellaneous,6.1. The Contractor and the Client hereby undertake to ensure the confidentiality of the Client’s credentials (a set of ,passwords for access to technical resources of the Contractor and other information identifying the Client in the ,Contractor’s system). The Contractor shall have an access to the Client’s information solely for the purposes of ,technical support or in the case of third party claims concerning the possible violation of the Contract and the Rules ,by the Client. The Contractor shall bear no liability for any damage incurred to the Client due to disclosure, loss or ,inability to obtain their credentials. The Contractor may identify any person who has provided the Contractor with ,passwords and other confidential information required to identify the Client, or who uses these data for authorization,in the control panel, as a representative of the Client acting on behalf of the Client. If the Client lost their credentials,,the Client shall immediately contact the Contractor with a formalized request to restore the Client’s credentials. In ,this case, the Client must present the original documents identifying it and confirming the competence of such ,Client’s appeal to the Contractor.,6.2. In cases provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Contractor shall be obliged to inform ,the specified competent organizations and persons on the Client’s credentials.,6.3. The Parties hereby acknowledge the legal force of the texts of the documents received via electronic ,communication channels on par with documents made in simple written form. The exchange of claims and ,documents, for which the written printed form of the document is obligatory shall be the sole exception to this rule.,6.4. Electronic communication channels in terms of this Contract are e-mails with the contact addresses specified in ,this Contract, as well as the Contractor’s website: the control panel: .,If there are no Client’s contact addresses herein or in the event of any amendments in contact addresses made at the ,initiative of the Client, the e-mails provided to the Contractor in the appropriate section of the control panel shall be ,considered as e-mails for contacts. In case of any discrepancy between the information transferred by e-mail and one,published on the Contractor’s website, the information published on the Contractor’s website shall be deemed ,appropriate. ,7. Liability of the Parties,7.1. If one of the Parties failed to comply with any of the provisions of the Contract, the related disputes shall be ,settled through negotiations. If the settlement of such disputes and disagreements through negotiations is impossible,,they shall be subject to settlement in the order established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.,7.2. The Client shall bear sole liability for the content of information transmitted by them or another person under ,their network credentials (information authorizing the Client) on the Internet and the Contractor’s own resources: for,its reliability, freedom from claims of third parties and legality of its distribution. The Contractor shall bear no ,liability for the content of information transmitted by the Client on the Internet and the Contractor’s own resources.,7.3. By using the Contractor’s services, the Client shall bear sole liability for any damage caused by their ,action/inaction (personally or by another person acting under their network credentials) to personality or property of ,individuals, legal entities (including the Contractor), state or moral principles of the society. The affected party shall ,have the right to demand for a compensation from the Client for the losses caused to it. ,7.4. The Contractor shall bear no liability to the Client for delays, interruptions in operation and the inability to fully,use the Contractor’s own resources, occurring directly or indirectly due to actions or omissions of third parties ,and/or inactivity of transport and information channels located outside the Contractor’s own resources.,7.5. The Contractor shall bear no liability for the quality of communication lines, if they have been organized by ,other organizations.,7.6. The Contractor shall bear no liability for lost profits and benefits, as well as for any indirect losses incurred by ,the Client during the use or non-use of the Contractor’s services.,7.7. Any services provided to the Client by the Contractor are related to the correct functioning of the Internet, both ,within the Contractor’s technical resources and beyond them. The Contractor shall bear no liability for changes in ,the properties, functions and quality of services provided to the Client, unless otherwise is explicitly described in the,Contract. The Contractor shall bear no liability for the quality, accuracy and absence of malicious components in the,software used on the Contractor’s servers and other Internet servers or offered to the Client, unless such software is ,developed by the Contractor.,7.8. The Client hereby assumes complete liability and all risks associated with the use of the Internet through the ,resources and/or services of the Contractor.,7.9. The information received by the Client from the Contractor’s technical support shall be provided for consulting ,and is not guaranteed to be accurate.,7.10. If the Client provides false information, including, but not limited to, on the domain administrator, the Client ,shall indemnify all losses incurred by the Contractor in relation to provision of such information by the Client. In the,event of a lawsuit filed against the Contractor by third parties regarding the provision of false information on the ,domain administrator by the Client, the Client shall undertake to compensate all expenses of the Contractor ,associated with the consideration of such a claim. The Contractor hereby informs that the Client who provided false ,information shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation as a person who directly ,ordered and paid for such service.,5,7.11. When receiving an order for registration or renewal of a domain name, the Contractor shall bear no liability for,impossibility to provide such service if it is not the Contractor’s fault, including if such registration or renewal of a ,domain name is impossible due to the fault of a domain name registrar agent engaged in supporting the Contractor ,to provide services for registration in a certain domain zone.,7.12. The Contractor shall bear no liability for impossibility to hide data on the domain administrator on WHOIS ,public service by means of the ‘Private Person’ status, if the domain zone registry does not support such a function, ,or a registrar agent engaged in supporting the Contractor to provide services for registration in a certain domain zone,does not provide such a service. In this case, the Client shall have no right to demand any compensation from the ,Contractor due to display of their data on WHOIS public service. ,7.13. The Contractor shall bear no liability for the content of the information located on the domain registered by the,Client.,7.14. The Contractor shall bear no liability for the content of ‘descr’ gap (domain description), which the Client ,chooses at its sole discretion.,7.15. The Contractor shall bear no liability for the impossibility to register a domain name at the Client’s request due,to the fact that there is an application for the same domain name received from another registrar before the ,Contractor in the registry of the chosen zone, and also if the domain name has been reserved by the registry for its ,own use and is not available for registration, including in the case of receipt of invalid response on the domain ,availability for registration from the registry or other situations, where a domain registration is impossible for ,technical reasons. ,7.16. The Contractor shall bear no liability for the inability to provide services for the registration of a domain name,,if such domain name is in the list of reserved domain names or in the stop list. The list of reserved domain names ,and the stop list shall be approved by the domain zone administrator.,7.17. The Contractor shall bear no liability for impossibility to register a domain name if the Contractor’s ,application for such domain registration failed to become the first in the registry list among those submitted by other,registrars for the same domain, or if the term of domain name registration was renewed by the current registrant.,7.18. The Contractor shall bear no liability for impossibility to register a domain if the domain chosen by the Client ,has a different price set by the registry because the domain appeared to have a premium status, therefore its price ,may differ materially.,7.19. The Client shall have the right to apply with a written complaint to the Contractor if they think that the service ,has not been provided to them in full. The Client shall immediately notify the Contractor on the situation, but not ,later than one month from the moment, when the Client found or should have found that the service has not been ,provided in full. The Contractor shall independently evaluate the quality and completeness of the service provided. ,If the Contractor confirms the fact of rendering the service not in full, the cost of the service may be recalculated ,with the difference credited to the Client’s personal account. The amount of compensation after recalculation may ,not exceed the cost of services rendered during the year prior to the Client’s claim.,8. Force majeure,8.1. The parties shall not be liable for nonfulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their obligations hereunder, if such ,nonfulfillment (improper fulfillment) has been caused by a force majeure. The Parties have agreed to consider the ,following circumstances as a force majeure: natural disasters, industrial disasters, military actions, civil unrest, ,strikes, adoption of laws and regulations by state or local authorities that prevent the fulfillment of the Contract, ,terrorist acts, DDoS attacks on information resources of the Client and third parties located at the Contractor’s place,,as well as on information resources of the Contractor. and / or Contractor’s equipment, and / or the Contractor’s ,network, other events of force majeure.,8.2. On the occurrence of a force majeure, the affected Party shall notify the other Party on occurrence of such ,circumstances within two weeks from the date.,8.3. The term of fulfillment of obligations shall be proportionately transferred to the term of a force majeure and ,their consequences, unless otherwise provided by an additional agreement between the Parties.,9. Dispute settlement,9.1. If one of the Parties fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Contract, any related dispute shall be ,settled through negotiations or reclamation. The Client shall send any questions and claims related to the servicing ,to the Contractor in writing to the latter’s postal or registered address with optional duplicate of the claim sent by e-,mail:,The Contractor shall consider a claim during 30 (thirty) days starting from the date of registration of the claim at the ,latest.,All disputes not settled without court shall be subject to transfer for consideration to the commercial court of Saint ,Petersburg and Leningrad region or to the general jurisdiction court at the Contractor’s location in accordance with ,the current legislation of the Russian Federation.,10. Final clauses,6,10.1. In all matters not covered by the Contract, the Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of the Russian ,Federation.,10.2. If any provision of the Contract in any part has been deemed invalid, such shall not affect the validity of the ,remaining provisions of the Contract.,10.3. By accepting the Public Offer, the Client confirms their consent to the following being processed by the ,Contractor: their personal data, namely: given name, patronymic, surname, address (including postal address), ,phone/fax numbers, email, bank details, INN*, passport data, as well as other provided personal data for the ,following purposes: collection, record, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, amending), ,extraction, operation, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, removal, destruction for ,the purposes of conclusion and fulfillment of the Contract, as well as to ensure compliance with laws and other ,regulations. The processing of personal data may be carried out both manually and automatically. The consent to ,processing of personal data shall remain valid for an indefinite period and may be withdrawn by sending a written ,application to the Contractor. The processing of the Client’s personal data is carried out in accordance with the ,personal data processing policy , and complies with the requirements, objectives and ,principles of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).,10.4. The Client hereby agrees that by using the ‘feedback’ service of the Contractor, they make their personal data ,(name) available to an unlimited number of persons, meaning available for public.,10.5. By entering into this Contract (accepting the Public Offer), the Client confirms their consent to receive ,promotional materials on services and promotions of the Contractor and its partners from the Contractor, as well as ,system, information and news reports on the procedure, timing, cost, condition, etc. of the services provided to them.,10.6. The parties hereby acknowledge the equal legal force of the handwritten signature and seal, the facsimile ,reproduction of the handwritten signature and seal and any analogue of the handwritten signature of the Contractor, ,reproduced by means of mechanical or other copying made on documents related to the fulfillment, conclusion or ,termination of the Contract.,10.7. In the event of transfer of a domain name or other services to the Contractor from another Registrar or a ,Contractor’s partner at the initiative of the Client, the administrator of such domain name or user of other services ,shall be deemed to have accepted this Public Offer. The Client’s letter on transfer of the services executed due to a ,form established by the Contractor and published on the Contractor’s website sent to the Contractor, the registration ,of the Client, the administrator of the domain being transferred or the user of other services on the Contractor’s ,website and/or payment for the Contractor’s services shall all be deemed as acceptance of the Public Offer. ,10.8. By signing the Contract (accepting the Public Offer), the Client confirms that they became familiar with the ,rules of use of the Contractor’s services and a list of services and prices the Contractor posted on their website, as ,well as the rules of rendering of telematic communication services, approved by Resolution of the Russian ,Federation Government No. 575 as of 10.09.2007 before signing the Contract, and agrees with terms and conditions ,of the Contract, tariffs, and rules of the Contractor and allow to use their data when rendering reference services ,hereunder.,11. Details of the Contractor,The Contractor: Beget LLC,Registered address: 8 Karla Faberzhe square, liter Б, office 726A, Saint Petersburg 195112,Postal address: p/b 209, Saint Petersburg 195027, Russian Federation,INN*/KPP*: 7801451618/780601001,OGRN*: 1077847645590,OKVED*: 61.10.9,Bank details: ,operating account: 40702810300210000388 in North-Western Branch of PAO Bank ‘FC Otkritie’,correspondent account: 30101810540300000795,BIK*: 044030795,Contact information:,Tel: +7 812 385-41-36, +7 (495) 721-80-88, 8 800 700-06-08 (toll-free in Russia),,_________________,* INN – Taxpayer Identification Number,* KPP – Tax Registration reason Code,* OGRN – Primary State Registration Number,* OKVED – Russian National Classification of Business Types,7

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