General Terms and Conditions for the Use of TWINT

Search <ul> <li> Private customers <ul> <li> Functions <ul> <li> At cash registers </li> <li> In online shops </li> <li> Between friends </li> <li> Parking </li> <li> Refuel </li> <li> Donate </li> <li> Digital Vouchers </li> <li> Paysafecard </li> <li> Experience vouchers </li> <li> Withdraw cash </li> <li> Insurance </li> <li> Mobile comparison </li> <li> Order coffee </li> <li> Super Deals </li> </ul> </li> <li> Stores <ul> <li> In online shops </li> <li> At cash registers </li> </ul> </li> <li> Support <ul> <li> FAQ </li> <li> Video tutorials </li> <li> Security </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p> Practical as it suits everyone </p> <p> Both customers and merchants love TWINT. </p> <p> Learn more </p> </li> <li> Business Customers <ul> <li> Our solutions The right payment solution for every business. </li> <li> Support Answers to your main questions. </li> <li> Advertising material Show that you offer TWINT as a payment method. </li> <li> Merchant login Access to merchant portal. </li> <li> Login for partner banks Access to the bank portal. </li> </ul> <p> Collect payments with<br>TWINT </p> <p> The QR code sticker lets your customers pay<br>quickly and independently. </p> <p> Find out more </p> </li> <li> Company <ul> <li> About us <ul> <li> Our vision </li> <li> Our history </li> <li> Facts </li> <li> TWINT Shop </li> </ul> </li> <li> Working at TWINT <ul> <li> Purpose </li> <li> Our teams </li> <li> Benefits </li> <li> Job vacancies </li> </ul> </li> <li> News <ul> <li> Press releases </li> <li> Blog </li> <li> Newsletter </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p> Become part of the TWINT team </p> <p> Job vacancies </p> <p> Find out more </p> </li> </ul> Download TWINT app Subscribe to the Newsletter en<ul> <li>Deutsch</li> <li>English</li> <li>Italiano</li> <li>Français</li> </ul> Search Rate us Download TWINT app en<ul> <li>Deutsch</li> <li>English</li> <li>Italiano</li> <li>Français</li> </ul> Rate us Download app General Terms and Conditions for the Use of TWINT <p> <strong>Main changes</strong> </p> <p>April 2023 / Version 7.0</p> 1. General 1.1. Scope of application <p>TWINT AG (hereinafter referred to as “<strong>TWINT AG</strong>“) is a Swiss public limited company headquartered in Zurich.</p> <p>TWINT AG offers private customers (hereinafter referred to as the “<strong>customer</strong>“) a mobile payment application for the iOS and Android operating systems (hereinafter referred to as the “<strong>TWINT app</strong>“) under the name “prepaid TWINT &amp. other banks”.</p> <p>These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “<strong>GTCs</strong>”) govern the use of the TWINT app and the services provided by TWINT AG via the TWINT app.</p> <p>These GTCs shall be deemed to have been accepted as soon as customers declare their consent in the TWINT app.</p> 1.2. Services <p>The TWINT app is a mobile app that allows cashless payments to be made via the TWINT payment system.</p> <p>The TWINT app can be used by customers to make payments between TWINT users (“<strong>P2P payment</strong>”) and as a payment method in traditional retail stores, at ATMS, online and in apps, provided the merchants or service providers are authorised and accept TWINT as a payment method (hereinafter referred to as “<strong>merchants</strong>“) (“<strong>P2M payment</strong>”).</p> <p>TWINT AG may also authorise the use of the TWINT app abroad with merchants that are connected to a foreign payment system that cooperates with the TWINT system. Such transactions will be transferred to the TWINT payment system by the foreign payment system (hereinafter referred to as an “<strong>international payment</strong>”).</p> <p>TWINT AG also offers various added-value services. These include, in particular, the saving or activation of customer loyalty cards and services in the area of mobile marketing. These added-value services allow customers to receive and manage coupons, stamp cards and other campaigns in the TWINT app, among other things. Customers may use these services to collect stamps and redeem loyalty rewards, discounts and credits via the TWINT app.</p> 1.3. Technical requirements <p>The TWINT app may only be purchased from an official app store. A smartphone that (i) is equipped with either the iOS or Android operating system and (ii) meets the requirements set out in the respective app store is required.</p> <p>Use of the payment function and the added-value services requires an active internet connection.</p> 1.4. Registration and identification <p>In order to use the TWINT app, customers are obliged to register in the TWINT app and to provide the requested information. TWINT AG reserves the right to request further information in order to fulfil regulatory requirements. For security reasons, the telephone number registered will be verified via SMS. By registering, the customer confirms that they are the rightful user of the telephone number and smartphone.</p> <p>Any changes to details provided during registration must be updated in the TWINT app without delay.</p> <p>TWINT AG reserves the right to reject registration attempts without providing a reason or to cancel registrations that have already been completed.</p> 1.5. Confidentiality <p>In principle, the nature of the business relationship and the resulting information (e.g. name, place of residence, transaction details) shall be handled confidentially. Where necessary, information may be disclosed to the payee and other third parties for the purpose of providing services. The duty of confidentiality may therefore be waived in order to safeguard the legitimate interests of TWINT AG. This shall apply, in particular, in the following cases:</p> <ul> <li>Acknowledgement of statutory obligations to provide information and meeting regulatory requirements</li> <li>For the collection of receivables of TWINT AG</li> <li>Legal disputes.</li> </ul> 1.6. Support <p>TWINT AG shall provide customers with a help function via the TWINT app that offers technical support. TWINT AG can also call on third parties for the provision of this support. To enable them to perform this task, they may be granted access to relevant data.</p> 1.7. Duty of care and other customer obligations <p>When using the TWINT app, the following duties of care in particular must be observed by customers:</p> <ul> <li>Customers must protect their smartphone against unauthorised use or manipulation (e.g. by locking the device or display).</li> <li>The code for the use of the TWINT app must be kept secret and must not be disclosed to other individuals under any circumstances or stored together with the smartphone.</li> <li>The selected code may not be made up of easily ascertainable combinations (mobile number, date of birth, etc.).</li> <li>Should damages be suffered, customers must, to the best of their knowledge, contribute to clarifying the case in question and mitigating the damage. In the event of criminal acts, customers must file a complaint to the police.</li> <li>If the smartphone is lost, and especially in the case of theft, TWINT AG must be informed promptly so that the TWINT app can be blocked.</li> <li>Jailbreaking (the deactivation of the smartphone’s security structures for the installation of applications that are not officially available) and the setting up of root access (establishment of access at the system level of the smartphone) are forbidden, as is the installation of apps not available in official app stores, as these make the smartphone more prone to viruses and malware.</li> <li>Prior to each payment, the customer must check the payee details in order to prevent incorrect transactions.</li> <li>Completed payments must be checked. Any discrepancies determined must be reported to TWINT AG immediately within 30 days at the latest. In no circumstances whatsoever can international payments be reversed and, accordingly, no complaints can be accepted.</li> <li>The customer must ensure that it does not break off contact with TWINT AG. Should the customer break off contact, TWINT AG can pass on the costs that arise for making inquiries into finding the customer’s new address as well as for the special handling and monitoring of dormant assets to the customer. The procedure for dealing with dormant assets and the respective fee tables applicable can be viewed here. TWINT AG shall terminate contactless business relationships with a debit balance.</li> </ul> <p>Customers are responsible for the use of their smartphone and shall bear all consequences arising from the use of the TWINT app on their smartphone. In particular, unauthorised actions undertaken with the TWINT app on a customer’s smartphone by a third party shall be attributed to the customer.</p> 1.8. Private use. misuse <p>The TWINT app may not be used for commercial purposes. in particular, the use of the TWINT app for receiving P2P payments arising from the processing of commercial sales or the provision of services is not permitted.</p> <p>If the use of the TWINT app deviates significantly from normal usage patterns or if there is any indication of behaviour that is illegal or in breach of the agreement, TWINT AG can encourage customers to use the app in a legally and contractually compliant manner, alter the provision of the service with no compensation or prior notification, terminate the agreement without notice and with no compensation and, where necessary, demand compensation for damages and indemnification against third-party claims. The same shall apply in instances in which customers provide incorrect or incomplete details upon registration.</p> 1.9. Liability <p>TWINT AG shall not be liable for losses or damages incurred through the customer’s use of the TWINT app, especially those losses or damages that:</p> <ul> <li>are due to transmission errors, technical faults or defects, failures and unauthorised access or interference on the smartphone;</li> <li>can be traced back wholly or partially to a breach of these GTCs or applicable legislation on the part of the customer;</li> <li>are due to a fault or error on the TWINT app or the hardware used;</li> <li>are due to faults, interruptions (including for system maintenance work) or overloads of the relevant IT systems or networks;</li> <li>are due to payments that are not processed or are processed after a delay;</li> <li>relate to added-value services;</li> <li>can be traced back to the actions or omissions of a third party (including TWINT AG employees), unless these losses or damages can be traced back to gross negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of TWINT AG.</li> </ul> <p>TWINT AG shall provide compensation for material damages and financial losses of up to a maximum of CHF 3,000 per claim event.</p> <p>To the extent permitted by law, TWINT AG shall not accept any liability for secondary damages, lost profits or data losses under any circumstances.</p> <p>The customer shall reimburse TWINT AG for damages or losses that are suffered by TWINT AG as a result of non-compliance with these GTCs or applicable legislation, erroneous or incomplete information provided by the customer or erroneous or incomplete execution of instructions.</p> 1.10. Communication <p>In principle, communication between TWINT AG and the customer shall take place via the TWINT app. Where necessary, TWINT AG may also contact the customer outside of the TWINT app. Such communication is not necessarily confidential or secure.</p> 1.11. Changes to the GTCs <p>TWINT AG can make amendments to the GTCs at any time. Any changes shall be communicated in an appropriate manner. If the customer does not consent to the changes, the customer may no longer use the TWINT app.</p> 1.12. Reservation of statutory regulations and service restrictions <p>Any statutory provisions that govern the operation and use of smartphones, payment systems, the Internet and other dedicated infrastructure shall remain reserved and shall also be applicable to these services from the time that they enter into force.</p> <p>The use of the services from outside Switzerland may be subject to local legal restrictions or, under certain circumstances, breach foreign legislation. The payment function shall in principle be limited to Swiss territory and may not be utilised abroad. However, international payments made via a foreign payment system that is cooperating with the TWINT payment system are permitted.</p> <p>TWINT AG reserves the right to change, limit or completely discontinue the offer in the TWINT app at any time and without prior notification, particularly due to legal requirements, technical problems, for the purposes of preventing misuse, on the orders of the authorities or for security reasons.</p> <p>TWINT AG may, at its own discretion and without prior notification, limit or prevent the use of the TWINT app for individual customers, decline to process payments on time or at all, reject payments into an account and limit the topping up and releasing of funds, especially where these actions are justified by legal reasons in the view of TWINT AG or reasons relating to its reputation, or in the event of IT attacks, misuse or suspicion of fraud. Circumstances may arise during the term of the business relationship that may obligate TWINT AG to block assets, report the business relationship to a responsible authority or terminate the business relationship.</p> <p>Upon request, customers shall be obligated to provide TWINT AG with information that it requires to meet its statutory or internal clarification or reporting obligations.</p> 1.13. Intellectual property <p>For the duration of the agreement, customers shall receive the non-transferable, non-exclusive right to use the TWINT app. The content and scope of this right are governed by these GTCs. All intellectual property rights shall remain with TWINT AG or the entitled third parties.</p> 1.14. Data protection <p>With respect to the procurement, processing and use of its customers’ personal data, TWINT AG shall undertake to observe the provisions of Swiss data protection legislation (in particular the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and the Federal Ordinance on Data Protection (FODP)).</p> <p>The customer expressly agrees that TWINT AG may involve third parties (e.g. payment service providers or foreign payment systems or intermediaries in the event of international payments) in the provision of its services and that, where necessary, customer data may be disclosed within the framework of such relationships. TWINT AG undertakes to select, instruct and monitor such service providers in a prudent manner.</p> <p> <strong>The customer expressly agrees that transaction data may be evaluated for marketing and advertising purposes and, as a consequence, the customer’s usage patterns may be analysed.</strong> This includes data and information regarding the merchant, the time, the type and the amount of the transactions completed via the TWINT app. In addition, the offers that the customer views, activates and redeems shall be recorded and evaluated. TWINT AG has no knowledge as to the contents of the customer’s shopping basket and, accordingly, shall not evaluate such data.</p> <p>The analysis of usage patterns and any further data is intended to show customers offers and advertisements relating to products and services affiliated with TWINT AG that may be of interest to the customer. Offers from third parties that are not affiliated with TWINT AG shall only be shown to the customer if relevant consent has been granted (see section <strong>3.1.1</strong>).</p> <p>Further information on data processing can be found in the Data Privacy Statement on TWINT AG’s website (</p> 1.15. Duration and termination <p>The business relationship between customers and TWINT AG shall be concluded for an indefinite period.</p> <p>Customers may balance and close their TWINT account in the TWINT app at any time. this is deemed termination. TWINT AG may terminate the business relationship at any time with immediate effect. TWINT AG shall send a written notice of termination to the customer’s last known (e-mail) address.</p> <p>If no transaction takes place for four years, the business relationship is deemed to have been terminated by the customer.</p> 1.16. Transfer <p>TWINT AG may transfer the contractual relationship with the customer (including any credit) to another company within the TWINT group at any time and without prior notification.</p> 1.17. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction <p>To the extent permitted by law, all legal relationships between customers and TWINT AG (including international payments) shall be exclusively subject to Swiss substantive law to the exclusion of conflict-of-law provisions and international treaties.</p> <p>Subject to the existence of mandatory, statutory provisions to the contrary, the sole place of jurisdiction and place of performance shall be Zurich. Zurich is also the place of enforcement for customers domiciled outside of Switzerland.</p> 2. Payment functions 2.1. Limits <p>Customers can top up TWINT credit of up to CHF 10,000 per month and CHF 120,000 per calendar year and make cashless payments with these funds. The maximum TWINT credit balance shall be limited to CHF 3,000. Customers aged between 12 and 14 shall be authorised to top up their TWINT credit with up to CHF 100 per month, while the corresponding figure for customers aged between 15 and 17 shall be set at CHF 500 per month.</p> <p>The topping up of TWINT credit using credit codes (vouchers) shall be limited to CHF 5,000 per calendar year.</p> <p>For payments to other TWINT users (P2P payments), customers domiciled in Switzerland shall be subject to limits of CHF 1,000 per month and CHF 5,000 per calendar year for sending and receiving money. For customers domiciled outside Switzerland, the corresponding limits shall be set at CHF 500 per month and CHF 3,000 per calendar year. Incoming P2P payments shall be included when topping up limits are calculated.</p> <p>TWINT AG reserves the right to decrease or increase these limits or introduce additional limits at any time, particularly for regulatory or security reasons.</p> 2.2. Topping up credit <p>TWINT credit shall be topped up by customers via the options designated for this purpose in the app. The following options are available:</p> <ul> <li>&nbsp;Redeeming credit codes (vouchers).</li> <li>Bank transfer via a deposit slip.</li> <li>Linking to own bank account via a direct debit. This option is only available for certain banks. A list of participating banks can be found on the TWINT app.</li> </ul> <p>TWINT AG may introduce further topping up options or discontinue existing options.</p> <p>In the event of a direct debit arrangement, TWINT AG may provide a pre-financing option. In this case, the desired amount (up to a limit set by TWINT AG) shall be immediately made available to the customer by TWINT AG as TWINT credit. TWINT AG shall subsequently receive the pre-financed amount from the customer’s bank account via direct debit. The customer must ensure there are sufficient funds in their bank account to cover the direct debit. If the pre-financed amount cannot be taken due to insufficient funds or any other reason, an enforcement and collection operation shall be initiated. <strong>Fees that exceed the statutory default interest rate may arise in the process.</strong> Customers shall undertake to pay these fees. The respective applicable fees are listed here.</p> <p>Any transaction fees or other fees associated with topping up must be borne by the customer.</p> <p>No interest shall be paid on TWINT credit. Customers acknowledge that credit is not covered by a deposit guarantee.</p> <p>The process of topping up or releasing TWINT credit may require several days, depending on the option chosen to complete these actions.</p> <p>In cases in which a direct debit arrangement has been established, customers shall issue TWINT AG with authorisation to disclose certain data to third parties for the purpose of a credit rating check.</p> 2.3. Releasing credit <p>For regulatory reasons, credit must be released to a bank account in the customer’s name held with a bank authorised in Switzerland. Refunds are limited to a maximum of CHF 5,000 per calendar year.</p> 2.4. Paying with TWINT <p>Customers may make cashless payments using their smartphone and the associated TWINT credit at appropriately equipped shop cash registers within and outside of Switzerland, at ATMs, online, in other apps, by saving TWINT as a payment method for selected merchants, for added-value services and to other TWINT users in accordance with applicable limits.</p> <p>Upon making a payment, the relevant payment amount shall be deducted directly from the TWINT credit. The value of the TWINT credit available must at least be equal to the transaction amount.</p> <p>Customers may select the amount at which a payment should only be completed following explicit confirmation (“OK” button) in the TWINT app settings. These limits may be amended at any time. This does not apply to payments – and recurring payments (subscriptions) – to merchants for whom TWINT has been saved as a payment method and where the payments (irrespective of the amount) are made at a flat rate. In such cases, the payment is executed automatically in accordance with the process defined by the merchant in question.</p> <p>Upon saving TWINT as a payment method, the customer authorises a merchant to debit the relevant amount directly from their TWINT credit without the need for individual debits to be authorised. These can also be recurring transactions, e.g. subscriptions. Saving this TWINT payment method requires registration with the merchant, whereby no distinction is made between authorisation for a one-off transaction and for recurring transactions, e.g. subscriptions. Authorisation of this kind granted to a merchant can be revoked in the TWINT app at any time. Expired or deactivated registrations can only be renewed through the merchant.</p> <p>By making a payment using the pre-authorisation function, the customer authorises a merchant to effect a later debit (irrespective of the amount).&nbsp;The actual amount is not fixed at the time of pre-authorisation and is only confirmed definitively once the service has been procured. These may be, for example, transactions at auto fuel terminals, where the actual amount is only certain once the fuel has been purchased.</p> <p>In the case of international payments, customers must always confirm the payment, regardless of the amount. Under no circumstances whatsoever can a transaction be reversed. In the event of complaints, customers must come to an agreement directly with the respective merchant.</p> <p>For P2P payments to other TWINT users, the customer may send additional messages and/or images together with funds. Customers are not permitted to send messages or images with offensive or illegal content via TWINT or to harass other TWINT users using this function.</p> 2.5. Debiting payments <p>Customers shall acknowledge all P2M and P2P payments that have been made using TWINT credit from their smartphone and registered as a payment in the TWINT app, even when these payments were made without their consent.</p> 2.6. Charges and third-party fees <p>The installation of the TWINT app and the use of the associated services shall, in principle, be free of charge.</p> <p>International payments in foreign currencies are automatically converted into Swiss francs at an exchange rate set by a third party. TWINT AG may increase this exchange rate (referred to as a mark-up) and charge an extra fee for the foreign currency transaction. The mark-up and the fees shall be paid solely to TWINT AG. The final amount will always be displayed to the customer in Swiss francs for confirmation purposes. If an international payment is reversed, this will be carried out at the exchange rate applicable at the time. Customers shall bear the corresponding risks associated with the exchange rate.</p> <p>TWINT may charge fees for the use of top-up options. In this case, the customers shall be informed in the TWINT app about any fees to be paid prior to making use of the fee-based top-up option.</p> <p>Changes to fees and the introduction of new fees shall generally be communicated in the TWINT app. Such changes shall be deemed to have been accepted if the customer does not terminate the agreement prior to the entry into force of the relevant amendment (section <strong>1.15</strong>). Any changes to the fees for international payments must not be communicated separately. However, the final amount including all fees shall always be displayed to customers in Swiss francs before an international payment is confirmed.</p> <p>For P2M payments and the use of added-value services, TWINT AG shall, in some circumstances, receive remuneration from third parties. These third-party fees are set out in detail here. Such fees allow TWINT AG to essentially offer the use of the TWINT app free of charge. <strong>The customer shall not be entitled to a refund of any third-party fees that TWINT AG has received in the past and may receive in the future.</strong> </p> 2.7. Offsetting <p>Customers shall expressly agree that TWINT AG can offset any outstanding claims against them against their existing credit with TWINT AG.</p> 3. Added-value services 3.1. “Mobile marketing campaigns” 3.1.1. Presentation of campaigns <p>TWINT AG may present customers with notifications (e.g. information about the TWINT app or advertising), coupons, stamp cards and other campaigns (hereinafter referred to as “campaigns”) in the TWINT app, where they can be seen, managed and redeemed.</p> <p>Here, a differentiation is made between the following campaign types:</p> <ul> <li>Campaigns launched by TWINT AG or the TWINT payment system (hereinafter referred to as “TWINT campaigns”)</li> <li>TWINT AG campaigns launched together with a third-party provider (hereinafter referred to as “TWINT added-value campaigns”)</li> <li>Campaigns launched by a third-party provider (hereinafter referred to as “third-party-provider campaigns”).</li> </ul> <p>Unlike TWINT campaigns and TWINT added-value campaigns, the presentation, notification, management and redemption of third-party-provider campaigns require the customer to provide explicit consent by activating them in the TWINT app. Upon activation, the customer also expressly agrees that TWINT AG may analyse further data for the purposes of personalised campaign presentations. This consent can be revoked in the TWINT app at any time. Should customers opt to revoke their consent, they shall no longer be presented with third-party-provider campaigns and all activated third-party-provider campaigns shall be permanently deleted. As such, customers shall also no longer be able to take advantage of any associated discounts and benefits.</p> <p>Campaigns may set out specific conditions of participation. Upon activation or redemption of a corresponding campaign, the conditions of participation are deemed to have been accepted.</p> 3.1.2. Period of validity of campaigns <p>Campaigns are only valid for the period of time displayed in the TWINT app.</p> <p>Certain campaigns must be activated in advance in the TWINT app before the relevant offers can be redeemed. Such cases shall be noted accordingly as part of the respective campaign. Activated campaigns may be deactivated by TWINT AG if the associated offers are not redeemed within a certain period of time.</p> <p>It shall be possible for customers to redeem other campaign offers without activating them in advance in the TWINT app. Many campaigns may only be redeemed upon making a payment with the TWINT app.</p> <p>The activation of a campaign or the receipt of a campaign offer that can be redeemed without activation shall not always mean that customers are entitled to make use of a discount or non-cash benefit, as the number of redemptions may be limited by the third-party provider involved. Such cases shall be noted accordingly as part of the respective campaign.</p> <p>Upon redemption of a campaign offer with a discount, the discount shall either be deducted directly from the amount to be paid or reimbursed after the payment is made in the form of cash back credit. TWINT is authorised to delay the payment of the cash back credit until it totals CHF 10 or more or, if fraud is suspected, to refuse the payment.</p> 3.2. Customer loyalty cards <p>Customers have the option to save selected employee ID cards, customer loyalty programmes and other incentive-based offers from third-party providers (hereinafter referred to as “customer loyalty cards”) in the TWINT app. Saved customer loyalty cards may be removed from the TWINT app at any time.</p> <p>Upon saving or activating a customer loyalty card in the TWINT app, customers shall be deemed to have provided their express consent to the use of the card in question. In future, these cards shall be automatically taken into account during payment procedures performed with the TWINT app, provided this has been made technically possible by the respective issuer of the customer loyalty card. Other customer loyalty cards must be shown to the merchant manually. The use of a customer loyalty card may be deactivated in the TWINT app at any time.</p> <p>TWINT AG shall also be authorised to remove saved customer loyalty cards from the TWINT app if a loyalty card expires or is generally no longer available to be saved in the TWINT app.</p> <p>Customers shall acknowledge that the benefits associated with the use of certain customer loyalty cards shall be presented directly in the TWINT app in the form of campaigns. Customers shall only receive such campaigns if they have provided their prior consent for the presentation of third-party offers (see section<strong> 3.1.1</strong>).</p> 3.3. Partner functions <p>In the “partner functions” area (formerly TWINT+), customers shall have the opportunity to make use of the services listed there. These services are principally provided by third parties. Accordingly, separate contractual specifications for the respective services used shall apply. TWINT AG shall accept no liability for these offers.</p> 3.4. “Pay later” function <p>Certain customers may use the “pay later” function. This service is offered by a third party and hence the separate contractual specifications of this provider shall apply. TWINT AG shall accept no liability for this function. Customers must report any complaints to the relevant provider directly.</p> 3.5. Other added-value services <p>In addition to campaigns, customer loyalty cards, “partner functions” and the “pay later” function, TWINT AG can offer other added-value services in the TWINT app at any time.</p> 3.6. Liability for added-value services <p>The respective third-party provider shall be responsible for contents, offers, messages from third-party-provider campaigns, customer loyalty cards, “partner functions”, the “pay later” function and any other added-value services in the TWINT app. TWINT AG shall not be liable for this and shall have no influence on the fulfilment of services offered by third-party providers.</p> <p>TWINT AG shall also accept no liability for campaigns that cannot be redeemed with third-party providers or for discounts or benefits that are not granted in connection with the saving of customer loyalty cards. Such cases may include the failure to grant employee discounts or instances in which loyalty points remain outstanding, are lost or disappear.</p> <p>TWINT AG shall endeavour to ensure the uninterrupted availability and fault-free usability of added-value services in the TWINT app. TWINT AG cannot, however, guarantee this at all times. In the case of an interruption in availability, one possible consequence may be that it is no longer possible to automatically redeem discounts or automatically collect loyalty points within the framework of the payment process. The customer shall bear any losses suffered due to interruptions of this kind.</p> <p> <strong>An overview of the main changes:</strong> </p> <p> <strong>General</strong> <br> Fundamental revision of the GTC to make them more comprehensible. Various new offers that customers can use in the TWINT app were then described and regulated.<br> <strong>Section 1.9</strong> <br> New regulation of the liability of TWINT AG and customers.<br> <strong>Section 1.14</strong> <br> The data protection provisions have been moved to a separate data privacy statement in order to give customers an even better overview of how TWINT AG processes their data.<br> <strong>Section 2.2</strong> <br> Description of the dunning process and the fees involved therein.<br> <strong>Section 2.6</strong> <br> Information on third-party compensation that TWINT AG may receive. This is not passed on to customers.</p> Dormant credit <p>It can occur that contact between TWINT AG and customers breaks down and, as a result, credit deposited with TWINT AG becomes dormant. In cases of inheritance, credit can ultimately become forgotten.</p> <p>TWINT AG abides by the following rules:</p> <ul> <li>In principle, TWINT AG deems deposited credit dormant if no transactions have been carried out on the corresponding TWINT account in the last four years. In exceptional cases, TWINT AG may treat credit as dormant even before this if, for example, attempts to make contact have failed.</li> <li>The credit is then held as dormant for ten years. TWINT AG may make suitable enquiries to try to contact the beneficiary of the credit. There is, however, no obligation to do this.</li> <li>After ten years have passed (or 14 years since the last transaction), any claim to the credit lapses (statute of limitation). The corresponding credit is written off. All claims from the customer shall no longer be valid at this point.</li> </ul> <p>TWINT AG may make appropriate enquiries to determine the beneficiary (both before and after the credit is deemed dormant). In doing so, the value of the credit in particular is taken into account. Expenses incurred by TWINT AG when making said enquiries shall be debited directly from the credit. Here, the following approaches may be deployed:</p> <ul> <li>Simple clarifications by Customer Support: CHF 120/h (plus VAT)</li> <li>Clarifications by specialists (Compliance Officer): CHF 180/h (plus VAT)</li> <li>Cash expenditure: Re-calculation of actual costs incurred</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Recommendations for avoiding dormant credit</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Changes to telephone numbers, names or addresses are to be recorded in the TWINT prepaid app without delay.</li> <li>You may inform a trusted person about the existence of your TWINT prepaid account. This trusted person must be authorised in writing before TWINT AG can share information with them.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Questions</strong> </p> <p>If you have any questions, please contact&nbsp;our Customer Support team.</p> <p>Last updated: 30 March 2023</p> Information about payments from third parties in the TWINT system <p>This document describes the payments that TWINT AG, as issuer of the TWINT prepaid app, receives directly or indirectly from specific third parties when you make a payment using the TWINT prepaid app or use a partner function.</p> <p> <strong>Payment via TWINT</strong> </p> <p>When you use TWINT to make a payment to a merchant, this merchant will typically pay a small fee to its acquirer for each payment. An acquirer is a specialised service provider that connects the merchant to the TWINT system, enabling the merchant to accept TWINT payments. The acquirer pays a portion of the fee received in this way to TWINT AG (so-called bilateral fee). The exact amount of the bilateral fee paid is jointly agreed by the acquirer and TWINT AG and is typically dependent on various factors, including:</p> <ul> <li>Registered address of the merchant (Switzerland or abroad)</li> <li>Merchant’s turnover</li> <li>Type of transaction (distance or on-site business)</li> </ul> <p> <strong>The bilateral fee typically amounts to between 0% and 2% of the amount of the payment made.</strong> </p> <p>In the event that you use the TWINT prepaid app to send money to a friend, TWINT AG does not receive separate remuneration from third parties.</p> <p> <strong>Partner functions</strong> </p> <p>The TWINT prepaid app gives you access to multiple partner functions. If you make use of one of these services, in some circumstances, TWINT AG, as issuer of the TWINT prepaid app, receives a payment. Whether a payment like this will be made and what the amount will be depends on the partner function.</p> <p> <strong>TWINT AG as issuer of the TWINT prepaid app receives between 0% and 5% of the transaction amount.</strong> </p> <p>Last updated: 15 May 2023</p> Collection procedure and costs <p>If TWINT AG cannot collect a pre-financed amount from a customer’s bank account via direct debit (because, for example, the bank account has insufficient funds), the following procedure shall be applied. The fees incurred as part of the process are shown for each step.</p> Step Time Fees 1 A payment reminder e-mail is sent Around two weeks after the failed collection attempt None 2 A letter is sent in the post demanding the outstanding amount be paid within 20 days Around four weeks after the failed collection attempt None 3 The claim is referred to our collection partner PAIR Finance After the payment deadline in step 2 has lapsed Fees dependent on the claim amount, maximum of CHF 75.00 <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Additional costs are charged in the event that a payment arrangement is required or for any other extraordinary efforts. If the matter is taken to court, further fees (court fees or fees ordered by the court) will accrue.</p> <p>Last updated: 30 March 2023</p> <ul> <li> Functions <ul> <li>At cash registers</li> <li>In online shops</li> <li>Between friends</li> <li>Parking</li> <li>Donate</li> <li>Digital Vouchers</li> <li>Withdraw Cash</li> <li>Insurance</li> <li>Order coffee</li> <li>Super Deals</li> <li>Experience vouchers</li> <li>Mobile comparison</li> <li>Paysafecard</li> </ul> </li> <li> Support <ul> <li>Support</li> <li>Video tutorials</li> <li>Security</li> </ul> </li> <li> Company <ul> <li>About us</li> <li>Working at TWINT </li> <li>News</li> </ul> </li> <li> Banks <ul> <li>UBS</li> <li>PostFinance</li> <li>Raiffeisen</li> <li>Zuercher Kantonalbank</li> <li>BCV</li> <li>Credit Suisse</li> <li>Other banks</li> </ul> </li> <li> Newsletter </li> </ul> <p> An app that makes life easier. Because you no longer need to worry about payments and everything related to them. </p> Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube LinkedIn <p>© TWINT AG 2023</p> <ul> <li>App conditions of use</li> <li>Data Privacy Statement</li> <li>Company details</li> </ul> <p> TWINT, TWINTEN, TWINTING, TWINTARE, TWINTER and the TWINT logo are registered trademarks.<br> Make convenient and secure payments with TWINT using your smartphone: pay at the cash register in a supermarket, in an online shop, when shopping at a farm shop, on public transport, when parking, or transferring money to your friends. With more than 4 million registered users, TWINT is the leading payment app in Switzerland. TWINT AG belongs to Switzerland’s biggest banks: BCV (Banque Cantonale Vaudoise), Credit Suisse, PostFinance, Raiffeisen, UBS, Zürcher Kantonalbank as well as SIX and Worldline. </p> Enter search term Go to top of page <p> We use cookies on our website in order to offer you the best possible service. The purpose of the cookies is specifically to provide a statistical analysis of the use of our website in order to allow for improvements to be made. Click on Accept’ to consent to the use of cookies. Further information</p> Accept

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