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Mandatory cookies<ul> <li> This site uses cookies necessary for its proper functioning which cannot be deactivated. <br> Allow Deny </li> </ul> </li> <li> APIs APIs are used to load scripts: geolocation, search engines, translations, ... <ul> </ul> </li> <li> Advertising network Ad networks can generate revenue by selling advertising space on the site. <ul> </ul> </li> <li> Audience measurement The audience measurement services used to generate useful statistics attendance to improve the site. <ul> <li> Xiti This service does not use cookie.<br> Read more - View the official website Allow Deny </li> </ul> </li> <li> Comments Comments managers facilitate the filing of comments and fight against spam. <ul> </ul> </li> <li> Other Services to display web content. <ul> </ul> </li> <li> Social networks Social networks can improve the usability of the site and help to promote it via the shares. <ul> </ul> </li> <li> Support Support services allow you to get in touch with the site team and help to improve it. <ul> </ul> </li> <li> Videos Video sharing services help to add rich media on the site and increase its visibility. <ul> </ul> </li> <li>This website does not use any cookie requiring your consent.</li> </ul> X This site uses cookies and gives you control over what you want to activate OK, accept all Deny all cookies Personalize Privacy policy ≡ <ul> <li>News</li> <li>Courses</li> <li>Organizations</li> </ul> Search <ul> <li>Sign upLog in</li> <li> Help </li> </ul> Select a language:English<ul> </ul> <ul> <li>You are here:</li> <li> Home </li> </ul> Privacy policy Processing of personal data <p>The protection of your personal data (any information about you that you provide us when using the site, for example when you create a user account, such as your name, your contact information, ...) is a priority of FUN. We therefore take every precaution to ensure that no unauthorized third party has access.</p> In short: <p>We only use your data to operate the platform and have no strategy to reuse or sell your data: thus, we do not sell the data of our learners, and do not give any access to third parties other than our service providers (except to the authorities or institutions producing the MOOCs -which themselves do not have the right to reuse them without your agreement for other purposes-). Without activity on your part, we will delete your identifying data after 5 years.</p> <p>Within the framework of our missions, among which the contribution to the experimentation and the study of the teaching practices, we can also give access to researchers to certain data of use of the platform: in this case, these are entirely pseudonymised.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp. </p> <p> <em>Privacy Icons, de l'association PrivacyTech (CC BY-ND :</em> </p> In detail: <p>By accessing or registering on this site, you consent to and accept that the information collected about you may be processed under the following conditions:</p> <ul> <li>the controller for the processing of personal data is FUN (61 bis rue de la Glacière, 75013 PARIS), represented by its Director, Ms Catherine MONGENET;</li> <li>the data protection officer (DPO) of FUN-MOOC can be contacted at the same address or via the contact form&nbsp;;</li> <li>in the case of an academic cohort, the joint controller for the data processing is the organization for which the course is instantiated, as long as it contributes to determining the purposes and means of the treatment. An arrangement was concluded between FUN and this organization, which specifies the responsibilities of each (FUN being responsible for the operation of the platform and the choice of service providers, the organization of the use of the services);</li> <li>the personal data collected is as follows: <ul> <li>identifying data (at least username, full name, email address);</li> <li>usage data, which relate to your use of the site's services: raw data (IP address, operating system, activity on the site, etc.), corresponding to your use of the site's functionalities (eg learning modes of the learners, order of pages visited, control of the user interface, ...).</li> </ul> </li> <li>data collection is carried out in order to: <ul> <li>to allow access and registration to the courses broadcast on the site, and to send you information on the activity of the platform (updates on the online courses offered by or other events, to communicate about products or services of the site or affiliates, to send you emails about the maintenance of the site);</li> <li>to allow courses to be followed, participation in educational activities and assessments, the issuance of certificates and / or certificates;</li> <li>to carry out research work, statistical studies, after pseudonymisation, particularly in the fields of cognitive science and education;</li> <li>to enroll the course as part of a broader training delivered by the institution of Higher Education and Research.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li>As an accessory, usage data can be used: <ul> <li>to enable institutions to offer, administer and improve their courses;</li> <li>to track the attendance, progress and completion of an online course and to analyze statistics on learner performance and how they learn;</li> <li>to detect breaches of the user's charter, how to use the site as well as fraudulent uses or the potential to maintain and improve the operation and security of the site and our software, systems and networks.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Pseudonymized, they can be used: <ul> <li>to help improve the offer of globally, personalize the experience and evaluate the accessibility and impact of in the international educational community;</li> <li>to publish information, always pseudonymized, collected on access, use, impact and performance of learners.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li>the recipients of the identifying data are the GIP FUN MOOC, as well as, for the only data necessary for their activity, its subcontractors (for hosting and user support in particular) whose activity is governed by contracts, and the institutions producing the courses (authorized members of the teaching teams, in charge of the training, official representatives of the institutions carrying the courses, and actors of the exploitation of the data, to accelerate the digital transformation of the initial trainings). Note, incidentally, that your own activity is likely to transmit data to other learners, for example if you share personal information as part of a course.</li> <li>&nbsp;thus, when you follow a MOOC whose carrier is located in a non-adequate country (eg Morocco, Tunisia and Lebanon), and in the absence of a decision of adequacy, a treatment of your data can to be realized. contractual clauses of the European Commission, of which you can obtain a copy, are signed with these establishments.</li> <li>your data is kept for a maximum of five years after your last activity on the site, then will be anonymized. In case of remote monitoring, the data transmitted to the subcontractor is retained for a period of six weeks (for video, photo and audio recordings) to one year for identification and contact data, prior to destruction.</li> <li>You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data by&nbsp;contacting us. You also have the right to ask us for access to your data, their correction or erasure, as well as a limitation of this data, or their portability. You have the right to set specific instructions for storing, deleting, and communicating your data after your death. You also have the right to submit a complaint to the french supervisory authority.</li> </ul> Use of Cookies&nbsp. <p>Certain data is collected by using cookies (small text files saved by your web browser onto your computer, in which personal information is stored about you and your page activity, which can be consulted by the Site).</p> <p>A cookie does not make it possible for us to identify you. Generally speaking, it records information about your computer’s browsing activity on our Site&nbsp;(the pages that you have visited, the date and time of your visit, etc.), which we can read during subsequent visits. That is, it contains information that you have supplied. As a result, during your next visit, there is no need for you to fill out the form that is presented at the onset.</p> <p>Please note that you may block cookies through your browser settings (in the Tools-&gt;Internet Options' menu item on browsers such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Explorer). Most browsers provide instructions for blocking cookies under the "help" function on the toolbar. You can set your browser to alert you when a cookie or cookies are being sent to your device and allow you, should you so wish, to refuse them. (See the following website address for full details: If you disable or refuse cookies, you may not be able to access some parts of the Site, and some features may not function properly or be available to you.</p> Links to other websites&nbsp. <p>This Privacy Policy applies only to our site&nbsp;at, which may, however, include links to third party websites offering services supplied by other content providers. We do not control such linked services and are not responsible for their content. Nor are we responsible for the collection, use or disclosure of any information those services may collect. We advise you to carefully read the privacy statements and policies of such third-party websites prior to the use of any third-party website.</p> User Names and Postings&nbsp. <p>Comments or other information posted by you to our forums, wikis, or other areas of the&nbsp;Site designed for public communications may be viewed and downloaded by others who visit the Site&nbsp;For this reason, we encourage you to use discretion when deciding whether to post to those forums (or to other public or course-wide areas) any information that can be used to identify you.</p> <p>Learn more</p> <ul> <li>Help and contact</li> <li>About FUN</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Legal</li> <li>Privacy policy</li> </ul> <ul> <li>User's charter</li> <li>General Terms and Conditions of Use</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Sitemap</li> <li>Cookie management</li> </ul> Select a language:English<ul> </ul> FacebookTwitterLinkedin <small>Powered by</small> <strong>Richie</strong>

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