Web of Trust

Terms of use

<i> </i>SearchSolutionsBlogSupportCommunitySign inTerms of ServiceWeb of Trust (WOT) Terms of UseLast modified: August, 2020<p>These Terms of Use (“<strong> Terms </strong>”) constitute a legally binding agreement between you and WOT Services LP (“<strong> WOT </strong>”, “<strong> us </strong>”, “<strong> we </strong>” and “<strong> our </strong>”). These Terms of Use together with our Privacy Policy available at: https://www.mywot.com/en/privacy (“<strong> Privacy Policy </strong>”) and WOT Guidelines available at: https://www.mywot.com/en/guidelines (the “<strong> WOT Guidelines </strong>” and collectively the “<strong> Agreement </strong>”) govern your use of our site [https://www.mywot.com/] (“<strong> Website </strong>”), the desktop and mobile browser add-on extensions (each, a “<strong> WOT Extension </strong>”) and apps (each, a “<strong> WOT App </strong>”) and the web service API (the “<strong> WOT API </strong>”<strong> </strong>and together with WOT Extensions and WOT Apps,<strong> </strong>the “<strong> WOT Products </strong>”) as well as our online forums and community platforms (“<strong> Platform </strong>” and together with the WOT Products, the “<strong> WOT Services </strong>”).</p> <p>By downloading, installing, accessing or using the WOT Services you hereby agree to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree, do not install or use any WOT Product or access the Platform or Website. If you are accessing the WOT Services and/or installing and using the WOT API and/or the WOT Extension Premium Package on behalf of your employer, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind your employer to these Terms, which are deemed an agreement between your employer and WOT. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to revise or update this Agreement at any time. Any material change will be effective ten (10) days following posting the revised Terms on the applicable website or by sending a notification through the WOT Services. The last revision date will be reflected in the “Last Modified” heading. Your continued use of the WOT Services thereafter means you consent to such changes and you agree to be bound by them. Please make sure to review our Terms and the Privacy Policy periodically.</p> <p>You represent and warrant that you are at least 13 years of age and of legal competence to enter into this Agreement. If you are under 18, please be sure to read this policy with your parents or legal guardians and ask questions about things you do not understand.</p>SCOPE OF SERVICE<p>The WOT Services enable you to join the “Web of Trust” community and actively participate in making the Internet a more secure and safe environment. The WOT Services will help you make informed decisions while browsing the web. the Product will indicate for you, by way of a green, yellow or red “traffic light” next to your search results, the reputation of each website you visit.</p>GRANT OF LICENSE<p>Subject to the terms herein, we hereby grant you a personal, limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to download, install and use the WOT Services and Services for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided that if you obtain a license to the WOT API in accordance with these Terms, you may download, install and use such WOT API for your internal business purposes. We reserve all right, title and interest not expressly granted herein under this license to the fullest extent possible under applicable laws. You may not sublicense, assign, or transfer the license granted to you herein, and any attempt to sublicense, assign, or transfer any part of your rights under the Agreement is void. You may not attempt to access the WOT Services by any automated means, including scraping, crawling, data-mining, or using any robot, spider, or other automatic device. You agree not to disrupt, disable, overburden, damage, modify or interfere with the WOT Services or otherwise impair or degrade their performance in any way. You agree not to impede or interfere with others’ use of the WOT Services.</p>PROPRIETARY RIGHTS AND RESTRICTIONS<p>The WOT Services are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. WOT and/or its licensors shall retain ownership in and to the WOT Services (excluding the UGC as defined below) and to all related intellectual property rights, including without limitation trademarks, trade names, copyright rights, database rights and patents. You are granted only a limited right to use the WOT Services subject to this Agreement. All trademarks, service marks, product names, and trade names of WOT appearing on or through the WOT Services are exclusively owned by WOT. Unless explicitly stated herein, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as conferring any license to intellectual property rights, whether by estoppel, implication, or otherwise. All content included in the WOT Services is the property of WOT or its licensors or content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. You agree that you or any third party on your behalf shall not: (i) sublicense, redistribute, sell, lease, lend or rent the WOT Services. (ii) disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile, decrypt, or attempt to derive the source code of the WOT Services. (iii) copy, modify, improve, or create derivative works of the Product or any part thereof. (iv) circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the WOT Services or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content or that enforce limitations on use of the WOT Services. (v) remove, alter or obscure any proprietary notice or identification, including copyright, trademark, patent or other notices, contained in or displayed on or via the WOT Services. (vi) use the communications systems provided by any WOT Services to send unauthorized or unsolicited commercial communications. (vii) use our name, logo or trademarks or the name, logo or trademarks of any of our licensors without our prior written consent. or (viii) use the WOT Services to violate any applicable laws, rules or regulations, or for any unlawful, harmful, irresponsible, or inappropriate purpose, or in any manner that breaches this Agreement. ANY USE OF THE WOT SERVICES NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND MAY RESULT, AT WOT’S SOLE DISCRETION, IN THE SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF YOUR ACCESS TO THE WOT SERVICES.</p>USER-GENERATED CONTENT<p>In providing the Services, we do not recommend any single website or web service. The website ratings provided in connection with the Services may not be accurate as they are based on subjective evaluations by the users as detailed herein. We make no representations or warranties about the suitability, reliability, and accuracy of such ratings. The user-generated content (<strong> “UGC” </strong>), refers to a wide variety of media content that is produced, submitted and uploaded by you and/or our other users to the Platform and Website, as opposed to content created by us. The UGC shall include, without limitation, comments, posts, opinions and feedback provided, written and submitted by you and any other users of the WOT community which enable us to process the rating regarding the safety of specific sites. You hereby undertake and agree that the UGC uploaded by you shall not violate any applicable law, including but not limited to, content that contains defamatory material, content that infringes third party intellectual property rights, content that infringes the right to privacy, content with racist or hate speech or content that infringes any other third party's rights. You may not submit any UGC that: is misleading or that is part of a scam. is age-restricted or content that contains nudity or other sexual materials. is shared for sadistic effect or to encourage violence or dangerous activity. encourages the use of drugs, is related to alcohol consumption, dating or other mature content (including advertisements). is disrespectful towards someone, or humiliates, harasses, bullies or hurts someone. includes unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam). includes personal information about you or any third party. contains viruses or other malicious code. or facilitates or encourages any violations of this Agreement. In addition, you may not use the UGC to impact our rating or services and/or to mislead users.</p> <p>By submitting, posting, or displaying UGC through the WOT Services, you give WOT the right to view, use, publicize, display, distribute and share such UGC as a part of the WOT Services. We do not control, monitor, or have any detailed knowledge of the UGC and other information presented and received through the use of the WOT Services. Therefore, you may be exposed to information that is erroneous, indecent or otherwise objectionable. WOT is not and shall not be liable for UGC and other information spread or delivered through or in connection with the WOT Services. You agree that you shall bear all risks associated with the use of such information.</p> <p>If we believe, in our sole discretion, or we discover, that the UGC provided, displayed and published by you violates the foregoing terms, we will have the sole and absolute right to remove, delete and ban such content or information, and we may also remove your account from our Platform. You acknowledge that we have no responsibility or liability to monitor the UGC.</p>PURCHASES<p>The WOT Services, other than the WOT API and the premium version of the WOT Extension (the “WOT Extension Premium Package”), are currently provided free of charge for your personal use. If you choose to purchase a license to the WOT API and/or the WOT Extension Premium Package for your personal or internal business use, you will need to provide payment information in order to complete the transaction. We use the tools and services provided by Stripe to process transactions on our behalf. Stripe’s privacy policy is available at https://stripe.com/privacy. You agree to review and be bound by such terms and privacy policy in the event you make any payment with respect to the Services. WOT will notify you in accordance with the notification terms under these Terms in the event different or additional payment processing providers are used by WOT to process payments for any WOT Services. </p> <p>The license fees for the WOT API and for the WOT Extension Premium Package are charged on a monthly basis, such that you will have access for one (1) month following the date of each payment of such fees. All payments are non-refundable. Once you purchase access to the WOT API and/or the WOT Extension Premium Package, your monthly license will renew automatically and your selected payment method will be charged the applicable fees, unless you cancel your license using the WOT dashboard, in which case you will lose access to the WOT API and/or WOT Extension Premium Package, as applicable, at the end of the applicable month.</p> <p>WOT reserves the right to adjust the fees for the WOT API and the WOT Extension Premium Package at any time and/or to begin charging fees for any other WOT Services. If you have already purchased access to any WOT Services, any such change will be effective upon the later of: (a) ten (10) days following posting a notice regarding the updated fees on the applicable website or sending notice by email or through the WOT Services. and (b) the effective date of such change specified in any such notice. If you choose not to cancel your access to the applicable WOT Services prior to the effective date of the change, you will be charged the updated fee at the billing cycle immediately following such effective date. </p>ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS<p>You hereby acknowledge and agree that any and all information provided by you, either during Registration (if applicable and as defined and specified in our Privacy Policy or within the Services (i.e., the UGC) is accurate and up to date. The Services or the UGC may not be used in any way which is harmful or otherwise offensive which will harm WOT’s reputation or other users of the WOT Services and Services, or any third parties thereof. WOT reserves the right to deny access to anyone to the WOT Services and Services at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, for violation of this Agreement.</p>PRIVACY<p>We are committed to the protection of the privacy of our users, and therefore we collect, use and store user data solely for the purposes, and in accordance with the terms, set forth in our Privacy Policy. </p>DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES<p>TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE WOT SERVICES AND UGC, THEIR QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE WOT SERVICESAND UGC ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" AND YOU ARE ASSUMING THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THEIR QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL WOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE OR TORT DAMAGES, OR FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, OR DIMINUTION OF VALUE ARISING OUT OF, IN CONNECTION WITH, RELATED TO OR ARISING IN ANY MANNER OUT OF THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE, OR ANY DECISION OR ACTION TAKEN IN RELIANCE UPON, THE WOT SERVICES OR UGC, AND WHETHER BASED IN TORT, CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF WE ARE OR HAVE BEEN EXPRESSLY ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IF YOU BECOME DISSATISFIED IN ANY WAY WITH THE WOT SERVICES, YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IS TO STOP YOUR USE OF THE WOT SERVICES AND DISABLE THE WOT PRODUCT(S) AND, IF APPLICABLE, CANCEL YOUR LICENSE TO THE WOT API AND/OR WOT EXTENSION PREMIUM PACKAGE. YOU HEREBY WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST WOT, AND ITS AFFILIATES, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, SERVICE PROVIDERS AND LICENSORS ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF THE WOT SERVICES, THE SERVICES OR UGC.</p>INDEMNIFICATION<p>You agree to indemnify and hold WOT and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, licensors, co-branders or other partners, and employees, harmless from any alleged claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your access to or use of the WOT Services or the UGC, or to any matter governed by this Agreement. You are solely responsible for your actions when using the WOT Services and UGC.</p>SUPPORT, UPDATES AND UPGRADES<p>The availability and functionality of the WOT Services depends on various factors, including software, hardware and communication networks that are provided by third parties. These factors are not fault-free. WOT does not warrant that the WOT Services will operate without disruption, errors or interruptions, or that it will be accessible, or available at all times or be immune from unauthorized access. We reserve the right to add additional features to the WOT Services or to provide updates, upgrades or programming fixes. we have no obligation to make available to you any subsequent versions of the WOT Services. Additionally, we shall have no obligation to provide support or maintenance for the WOT Services under this Agreement. However, we may, at our sole discretion, provide limited technical support, upgrades and updates for all or some WOT Products. In order to enhance and further develop the WOT Services we may automatically download and install updates and upgrades from time to time. These updates and upgrades are designed solely to improve the WOT Services, provide enhanced functionalities or embed new modules and versions. To the extent provided by WOT, you hereby agree to receive such updates and upgrades as part of your use of the WOT Services. In the event we believe that such updates or upgrades shall materially affect your use of the WOT Services or Services, we will use our reasonable efforts to notify you.</p>TERMINATION<p>At any time, you may stop to use the WOT Services by uninstalling or disabling the WOT Product(s) through your browser’s settings or ceasing to access the Platform and, if applicable, canceling your access to the WOT API and/or WOT Extension Premium Package using the WOT dashboard. We reserve the right, at any time, to: (i) discontinue, terminate, suspend or modify any aspect of the WOT Services. or (ii) terminate this Agreement and your use of the WOT Services with or without cause, and shall not be liable to you or any third party for any of the foregoing. WOT does not assume any responsibility with respect to, or in connection with, the termination of the WOT Services or this Agreement. If your access to the WOT API is terminated or suspended with or without cause, you will not incur further license fees unless your access is reactivated. This Agreement will automatically terminate if you fail to comply with this Agreement and the WOT Guidelines. Upon any termination, you agree to stop using the WOT Services and uninstall the all WOT Products. The following Sections will survive termination of these Terms and/or the Agreement and/or your use of the WOT Services: Proprietary Rights and Restrictions. User-Generated Content. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability. Indemnification. Termination. Amendments. Governing Law. and Entire Agreement, Severability, Agency, Assignment and Header.</p>AMENDMENTS<p>WOT reserves the right, with or without notice to you, to amend, modify, update or make changes to this Agreement in its sole discretion. Continued use or access to the WOT Services, or any part thereof, constitutes your acceptance of such changes. The date of the last amendments shall be reflected in the "Last Modified" heading in these Terms.</p>GOVERNING LAW<p>These Terms and the relationship between you and WOT shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, USA, without regard to its principles of conflict of laws. Except for disputes relating to WOT's intellectual property (such as any patents (registered or pending), copyrights, trade secrets, designs or trademarks) (“<strong> Excluded Disputes </strong>”), you agree that all disputes between you and WOT (whether or not such dispute involves a third party) and/or with regard to your relationship with WOT, including without limitation disputes related to this Agreement or rights of privacy or publicity, will be resolved by binding, individual arbitration under the American Arbitration Association’s rules for arbitration of consumer-related disputes and you and WOT hereby expressly waive trial by jury. You may bring claims only on your own behalf. Neither you nor WOT will participate in a class action or class-wide arbitration for any claims covered by this Agreement. You also agree not to participate in claims brought in a private attorney general or representative capacity, or consolidated claims involving another person's claim, if WOT is a party to the proceeding. This dispute resolution provision will be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having competent jurisdiction. Notwithstanding any other provision under applicable law, the arbitrator will not have authority to award damages, remedies or awards that conflict with this Agreement. You may opt out of the agreement to arbitrate, in which case you must include your name and residence address, and a clear statement that you want to opt out of this arbitration agreement. If the prohibition against class actions and other claims brought on behalf of third parties contained above is found to be unenforceable, then all of the preceding language in this Arbitration section will be null and void. This arbitration agreement will survive the termination of your relationship with WOT. For any action at law or in equity relating to the arbitration provision of this Agreement and the Excluded Disputes, or if you opt out of the agreement to arbitrate, you agree to resolve any dispute you have with WOT exclusively in a state or federal court located in New York, New York, and to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located in New York, New York for the purpose of litigating all such disputes. Any cause of action you may have relating to the WOT Services is limited in time to one (1) year from the date the incident giving rise to the claim arises, and will be permanently barred afterwards. Failure of WOT to enforce any rights or to take action against you in the event of any breach hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of such rights or of subsequent actions in the event of future breaches.</p>ENTIRE AGREEMENT, SEVERABILITY, AGENCY, ASSIGNMENT AND HEADERS<p>THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND WOT, AND SUPERSEDES ANY PRIOR AGREEMENT. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, IF ANY PART OF THIS AGREEMENT IS FOUND VOID AND UNENFORCEABLE, IT WILL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE BALANCE OF THE AGREEMENT, WHICH SHALL REMAIN VALID AND ENFORCEABLE ACCORDING TO ITS TERMS. NO AGENCY, PARTNERSHIP, JOINT VENTURE, EMPLOYEE-EMPLOYER OR FRANCHISER-FRANCHISEE RELATIONSHIP IS INTENDED OR CREATED BY THIS AGREEMENT. YOU MAY NOT ASSIGN OR OTHERWISE TRANSFER BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY RIGHT OR OBLIGATION HEREIN. WOT EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS RIGHT TO ASSIGN OR TRANSFER THIS AGREEMENT AND TO DELEGATE ANY OF ITS OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER AT ITS SOLE DISCRETION. HEADINGS ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT LIMIT THE SCOPE OR EXTENT OF THE RELEVANT SECTION. WOT'S FAILURE TO ACT WITH RESPECT TO A BREACH BY YOU OR OTHERS DOES NOT WAIVE OUR RIGHT TO ACT WITH RESPECT TO SUBSEQUENT OR SIMILAR BREACHES.</p>Contacting Us<p>If you have any questions about these Terms, or wish to report violators of this Agreement, contact support@mywot.com</p> <p>English</p> <p>MyWOT</p> <p>About Us</p> <p>What's new</p> <p>Contact</p> <p>Blog</p> <p>Press</p> <p>Community</p> <p>Support</p> <p>Forum</p> <p>Community</p> <p>Wiki</p> <p>Products</p> <p>Download</p> <p>Mobile</p> <p>Developers</p> <p>Claim a Site</p> <p>Safety Check</p> <p>Download</p>ADD TO netscapePrivacy PolicyExtension Privacy PolicyTerms of UseGuidelines© WOT Services LP. 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