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Privacy Policy

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This Policy also summarizes when and how your personal information is collected, used, safeguarded and disclosed in connection with your use of the Services. It also describes your rights and available choices regarding your personal information. </p> <p> <b>Data Controller: JiaLiChuang (HongKong) Co., Limited ("we", “us”, or “our”)</b> is the controller (or similar term under applicable laws) of any information processed in connection with this Policy.</p> <p>It is our policy to comply with applicable data protection laws. By using our Services and providing us with information, you consent to the storing, transferring and processing of your information in the manner described in this Policy. If you are under 16 or otherwise regarded as a child in your jurisdiction, do not provide any personal information to us without consent&nbsp;given&nbsp;or&nbsp;authorised&nbsp;by&nbsp;the&nbsp;holder&nbsp;of&nbsp;parental&nbsp;responsibility.</p> I. What personal information we collect <p>We may collect information that you voluntarily provide to us, information that we collect automatically through your use of our Services, and certain information we obtain from third party sources. More information about the categories and sources of information is provided below.</p> <strong>1.Information provided by you </strong> <li>Account Registration information</li> <p>When you register an account with EASYEDA, we need to collect your&nbsp;IP address, username, email address and a password to complete the account registration. EASYEDA&nbsp;maintains your username, email address and password (in an encrypted format) inside our secure environment and only uses your information to welcome you back upon your return and personalize your experience on our Services. </p> <li>Your personal user center</li> <p>When you create your personal user center, you may provide us your nickname, avatar, occupation, school, company name, education, location, personal website, skills, and your profile, if you set your profiles public, they will be displayed at your public homepage, such as OSHWLAB user homepage.</p> <li>Service Use Information.</li> <p>We collect information you provide to the Services for the purpose of providing the Services to you, what you created via our website and editor (for example, the projects (Including schematic, PCB, covers, attachments), libraries, modules, gerbers, BOMs(bill of meterials), forum topics and comments).</p> <li>Payment and Purchase</li> <p> If you make any purchases for EasyEDA premium, we will need to process your payment and purchase information. The exact personal information collected and used will vary depending on the payment method.&nbsp;It will include information such as: user account, billing information, card number, CVV number, expiration date, email address or phone number, and details of your purchase and payment history. </p> <li>Promotions, Competitions, Surveys and Event Information</li> <p> When you take part in any of our promotions, competitions, surveys or questionnaires about EasyEDA’s services, or you engage with us through social media, you may provide information to us, or we may receive information about you, such as name, contact details (including address, phone or email), details of the emails and other digital communications (including any links in them that you access and whether you have opened the communications), your feedback and contributions to customer surveys and questionnaires, and any information specific to the event. </p> <p> We will send you relevant offers and news about our products and services in a number of ways including by email, but only if you have previously agreed to receive these marketing communications. When you register with us we will ask if you would like to receive marketing communications, and you can change your marketing choices at anytime online, by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any marketing email, over the phone or in writing. </p> <li>Other Services</li> <p> You can directly contact us and give feedback by email and other means. We may improve the Services based on your feedback, and publish it online or offline to facilitate our business and services. Meanwhile, we will conduct customer surveys from time to time. We hope that you will offer suggestions for the Services. We may collect such information including your name, user name, email, and answers to questions. </p> <p>You can contact us by sending an email if you have any questions. And when you are sending such an email, you must provide your email address so that we can give you a reply.</p> 2.Information we collect automatically <p>We, or authorized third parties, automatically collect certain information from you when you use our Services. See below for more details:</p> <li>Usage information&nbsp;</li> <p>When you use our Services, we may automatically collect information about your activity on the Services, for instance how you use them (including browser type, language preference, operation system type, editor version, date and time you logged in and logged out, features you’ve been using, usage time, the&nbsp;operational order, order type, execution time, execution status, word count of prompt message, etc.) </p> <li>Device information</li> <p>We will, based on your specific operation during your visit and / or use, receive and record the relevant information of the device you use (including device id, operating system version, IP address, environment, system parameters, device status, and other software and hardware feature information), device identification code likes GAID (GMS service only), network status information, <s>WIFI information</s> and device location information (inferred from your IP address). </p> 3.Information from third party sources <p>We may obtain information about you from other sources, including from third party services and organizations. For example, when you use the Google account to log in EASYEDA, we collect your Google account information, including your registered email address, language preference and profile photo, user name, email verification information, for the sake of user identity verification.</p> 4.No special categories of information <p>We do not request or intend to collect any “special categories of information”, such as any information on health, race, religion, political opinions or philosophical beliefs, sexual preferences or orientation. We also want to kindly remind you to be cautious when sharing this information about yourself (or others) in our Services.</p> <p> <u> <strong>If you choose to use other services not covered by the foregoing terms, for which we need to collect your information, we will seek your prior consent. We will use, store, disclose and protect your information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy and the corresponding Terms &amp. Conditions. Your refusal to provide the aforesaid information may prevent you from using a particular or part of the Services, but it will not affect your use of other services provided by us.</strong> </u> </p> II. Cookies and other similar technologies <p>Cookies are small text files that are stored on your mobile device by us to ensure that the Service’s normal operation and your convenient access to it. Cookies usually contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. Our websites, online services, interactive applications, email and other services may use Cookies and other similar technologies. We generally treat information collected by Cookies and similar technologies as non-personal information as they do not contain any of your personally identifiable information. However, to the extent that Internet Protocol (IP) addresses or similar identifiers are considered personal information by the laws of the countries concerned, we will also follow the laws of the countries concerned.</p> <p>We send you Cookies in order to determine your identity and login status and to simplify repeat logins. we also save your preferences and personal settings, such as language, font size, shopping cart and other browsing preferences on your device.</p> <p>We also use web beacons in the emails we send on your behalf. These web beacons track certain behavior such as whether the email sent through the Services was delivered and opened and whether links within the email were clicked. They also allow us to collect information such as the recipient's IP address, browser, email client type and other similar details. We use this information to measure the performance of your email campaigns, and to provide analytical information and enhance the effectiveness of our Services. </p> <p> In addition, we and our partners use cookies or similar tracking technologies to better understand how and how often you use the Services, to improve the quality of the Services and optimise the user experience, and to deliver more relevant advertisements to you.</p> <p>We will not use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this Policy. For more information about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, visit our&nbsp;Cookie Notice.</p> III.Legal Basis And How We Use Your Personal Information <p>We may only use your information when we have justifications (each called a "legal basis") under data protection law. To process your information as described in this Privacy Policy, we rely on the following legal basis which involve contractual necessity, legitimate interests, consent, compliance with applicable laws and regulations.</p> 1.Contractual necessity <p>(1) To administer your account and provide our services to you;</p> <p>(2) To understand, diagnose, troubleshoot, and fix issues with the Services;</p> <p>(3) To communicate with you in relation to EASYEDA Services and fulfill your requests via different channels (e.g., by phone, email, chat).</p> <p>(4) To detect and prevent fraud, including fraudulent payments and fraudulent use of the Services.</p> 2.Legitimate interests <p>(1) To improve the Services and develop new features;</p> <p>(2) To conduct research, analysis and development activities;</p> <p>(3) To conduct customer surveys;</p> <p>(4) To protect our legal rights and to protect our users and third parties from harm;</p> <p>(5) To comply with a legal obligation to which we might be subject to, for example, we will process your device and usage information to comply with the legal obligation of ensuring the appropriate security;</p> <p>(6) Contacting customers and prospective customers about products, services, developments and events we think may be of interest to you.</p> 3.Consent <p>If you choose to provide us with information that may be considered “special” or “sensitive” in certain jurisdictions, you’re consenting to our processing of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.</p> 4.Compliance with applicable laws and regulations <p>(1) To comply with legal requirements;</p> <p>(2) To assist law enforcement.</p> IV. How We Share Your Personal Information 1.Sharing with your consent: <p>After obtaining your consent, we will share your authorised personal data with third parties designated by you.</p> 2.Sharing under statutory circumstances <p>We may share your personal data in accordance with laws/regulations, litigation resolution requirements, or legal requirements of administrative and judicial authorities</p> 3.Sharing with our affiliates <p>In order to provide you with timely service, your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies. For example, EasyEDA, JLCPCB&nbsp;and LCSC all belong to affiliated companies of a group company.&nbsp;For examples, if you order products like PCBs at EASYEDA.com, we will share the necessary order information with JLCPCB, who may contact you to complete the delivery service of your orders. We will only share your information within our affiliated companies for legitimate and explicit purposes, and only share the information necessary to provide the Services, and are bound by the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. If a purpose concerned is not included in this Privacy Policy, we will state it in the corresponding notice of the specific services.</p> 4.Sharing with business partners <p>We may share the necessary personal information with authorized third-party partners (including technical service providers, data storage service providers, after-sales service providers, marketing promotion service providers, third-party SDK service providers, etc.) for the performance of certain features or to provide you with better service and a better user experience, which may include identifying and serving targeted advertisements, providing mailing services, providing tax and accounting services, contest fulfillment, web hosting, online chat services, or providing analytic services.</p> <p>In order to provide evaluation, analysis or other lawful business services, we may also share your aggregated, de-identified or other anonymous data records with third parties. For example, we may use aggregated data to help partners (e.g., advertising service providers) understand the effectiveness, feedback and usage trends of their services.</p> 5.Data transferring for a merger, acquisition or other related transaction. <p>In the event of a merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, asset transfer and other related transaction, if a personal information transfer is involved, we will require the new entity or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy through an agreement or other appropriate measures, and we will require such subject to take confidentiality and security measures of a degree no less than the requirements of this Privacy Policy to process personal information. We will notify you before transferring the personal information, and you have the option to decide not to be transferred.</p> <p> In order to provide you with our products or services, we may need to process and share your personal information with the above affiliates or partners. For the processing and sharing of EasyEDA with a third party, please see the List of Personal Information Shared by EasyEDA with third parties. </p> V.Cross-Border Data Transfers <p>EASYEDA currently stores your personal information in AWS Japan region and plans to transfer it to the AWS Europe region within two years. We will inform you by reasonable means if we do so.You can also learn about AWS’ privacy policy here&nbsp;https://aws.amazon.com/privacy/.</p> <p>For the purposes described in this Policy, and to the extent permitted by applicable local laws and regulations and with your authorized consent, we may transfer your personal information to the resources or servers for storage or processing, we may also transfer your personal information to third-party service providers and business partners and your data may therefore also be transmitted to other countries or regions. The privacy protection laws of these countries or regions may be different, and the jurisdiction in which these global resources or servers are located may or may not protect personal information to the same standards as in your jurisdiction. However, we will still strive to comply with this Policy to protect your personal information, and we will follow the legal requirements of the country or region where the personal information is located to carry out the corresponding cross-border transfer and other processing of personal information. </p> <p>Where we transfer personal information outside of your jurisdiction, whether it transferred to our affiliates or third-party service providers, we will comply with relevant applicable laws. We will take appropriate security measures and safeguards to make sure that all such transfers meet the requirements of applicable local data protection laws. If you want more information relating to the security measures and safeguards, please contact us.</p> VI. Your Rights <p>Privacy laws applicable in your country may give you the following rights:</p> <b>1) Right to be informed:</b> <p>what personal information an organization is processing and why (we provide this information to you in this Privacy Policy).</p> <b>2) Right of access:</b> <p>you can request a copy of your data.</p> <b>3) Right of rectification:</b> <p>if the data held is inaccurate, you have the right to have it corrected.</p> <b>4) Right to erasure:</b> <p>you have the right to have your data deleted in certain circumstances.</p> <b>5) Right to restrict processing:</b> <p> in limited circumstances, you have the right to request that processing is stopped but the data retained.</p> <b>6) Right to data portability:</b> <p>you can request a copy of certain data in a machine-readable form that can be transferred to another provider.</p> <b>7) Right to object:</b> <p>in certain circumstances (including where data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests or for the purposes of marketing) you may object to that processing.</p> <b>8) Rights related to automated decision-making including profiling:</b> <p>there are several rights in this area where processing carried out on a solely automated basis results in a decision which has legal or significant effects for the individual. In these circumstances your rights include the right to ensure that there is human intervention in the decision-making process.</p> <p>The particular rights which are applicable to you (which might include other rights not listed above) may vary depending on your country. You should make yourself aware of the rights you have under applicable privacy laws in your country.</p> <p>You can access and edit most of your profile information by signing into EASYEDA, and if you want to exercise any of your rights listed above, you can also contact our Data Protection Officer. For your protection and the protection of all of our users, we may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity before we can answer the above requests.</p> <p>If you feel we have not resolved your concern, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local privacy or data protection regulator.</p> VII.Protection of Personal&nbsp;Information 1.Data security and technical measures <p>EASYEDA takes the security of your personal information very seriously.&nbsp;We protect all data generated by and provided to us by our users from being stolen, compromised, or used in violation with this policy. We ensure that users’ information is only used for providing service for users.</p> <p> We promise to take the following responsibilities for protecting users' information: </p> <li>We work to protect the security of your personal information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology.</li> <li>We use third-party payment processors that are fully PCI-DSS compliant to ensure that your payment data is handled securely.</li> <li>We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards designed to guard and prevent misuse of your personal information. Our security measures include industry-standard physical, technical and administrative measures to prevent unauthorized access to or disclosure of your information, to maintain data accuracy, to ensure the appropriate use of information, and otherwise safeguard your personal information. We restrict access to your non-public personal information to those employees and third parties who need such information to provide products or Services.</li> <p>You should be aware, however, that no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure. While security cannot be guaranteed, we strive to protect the security of your information and are constantly reviewing and enhancing our information security measures. You are also advised to exercise caution with respect to the sharing of your personal data and your authentication / security details (such as passwords, credit card details, transaction details) outside of our Platform / Services.</p> 2.Guarantee of cooperation agreement with a third party <p>Before we share your personal information with other third parties, we will strictly require them to assume data protection obligations and responsibilities. To this end, we may require the third party to sign a data processing agreement or include provisions for data protection in the cooperation agreement signed by both parties prior to the cooperation. The agreement strictly stipulates the confidentiality obligations of the third party with respect to user information, including the storage, use and flow of information, which shall meet our control requirements and be subject to our review, supervision and audit, and in case of any breach, we will hold the other party liable for the corresponding legal responsibility.</p> 3.Personal information security incidents <p>In case of an unfortunate personal information security incident, we will initiate emergency plans and remedial measures to prevent the incident from expanding. In addition, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, we will timely inform users of the basic information and the possible impact of security incidents, the measures we have taken or will take to deal with them, the suggestions users can independently prevent and reduce risks, and the remedial measures for users. We will timely inform users of the relevant information of the event by email, letter, phone call, push notification and other means. If it is difficult to inform individual information subjects one by one, we will make announcements in a reasonable and effective way. In addition, we will also report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.</p> VIII. Your Choices &amp. Controls <p>You have the right to access, correct and transfer your data, limit its processing, object to its processing, or withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing that was already performed on the basis of consent prior to its withdrawal (if the processing is consent-based).</p> <p> Moreover, should you decide that our processing breaches the applicable data protection law, you have the right to submit a complaint to a data protection authority. </p> <p> To protect the privacy and the security of your personal data, we may request data from you to enable us to confirm your identity and right to access such information, as well as to search for and provide you with the personal data we maintain. </p> IX.Third Party Tracking and Online Advertising <p>We use Google Analytics, Baidu Tongji and Sensors data to recognize you and link the devices you use when you visit EASYEDA.com, log in to your account on our service, or otherwise engage with us. They allows us to better understand how our users interact with our services and to tailor our advertisements and content to you. For information on how they collects and processes data, as well as how you can control information sent to them, review their help center like “How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps” located at&nbsp;www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/. You can learn about Google Analytics’ currently available opt-outs, including the Google Analytics Browser Add-On here&nbsp;https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/.</p> <p> We use the Facebook pixel from Facebook Inc on our website. This allows user behavior to be tracked after they have been redirected to the provider's website by clicking on a Facebook ad. This enables us to measure the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes. The data collected in this way is anonymous to us, i.e. we do not see the personal data of individual users. However, this data is stored and processed by Facebook, which is why we are informing you, based on our knowledge of the situation. Facebook may link this information to your Facebook account and also use it for its own promotional purposes, in accordance with Facebook's Data Usage Policy </p> <p> https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/. You can allow Facebook and its partners to place ads on and off Facebook. A cookie may also be stored on your computer for these purposes. You can object to the collection of your data by Facebook pixel, or to the use of your data for the purpose of displaying Facebook ads by contacting the following address: https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=ads . </p> X. Child's Privacy <p>Our products, websites and services are primarily aimed at adults.You may only use the Services if you are old enough to consent (by yourself and not by a parent or guardian) to share your data under applicable law. For example, you must be 13 years or older under United States law, or 16 years or older under European Union law. Otherwise, you must get permission from a parent or legal guardian to create an account on EasyEDA and use the Services, and that parent or legal guardian must agree to the terms of this Agreement. If you do not know whether you are eligible, or do not understand this section, please do not create an account until you have asked your parent or legal guardian for help.</p> <p> If you are under 16 or otherwise regarded as a child in your jurisdiction, do not provide any personal information without your parent’s or guardian’s permission. </p> <p>If the guardian needs to access or delete the personal data of the child at any time, please contact us according to Chapter XIII "Contact Us". </p> XI. Retention <p>You may also cancel your EasyEDA account at any time by yourself via: EasyEDA website - User Center - Account - Advanced - Delete Account, or you can send an email to&nbsp;support@easyeda.com. When you submit account deletion, we take reasonable efforts to respond to your request. Once we have verified your user identity, we will delete your personal information from our systems timely. We will also delete personal information that relates to the in-app messaging function. Please note that messages sent to other users of our service are stored on their devices and cannot be deleted by us. </p> <p>We keep your personal information only as long as we are either required or permitted to by law or as relevant for the purposes for which it was collected. That is, we will destroy or anonymize your personal data when we have reasonably determined that (i) the purpose for which that personal data was collected is no longer being served by the retention of such personal data. (ii) retention is no longer necessary for any legal or business purposes. and (iii) no other legitimate interests warrant further retention of such personal data. </p> <p>In each case, there are also occasions where we may need to keep your data for longer in accordance with this Privacy Policy,our legal obligations or where it is necessary for legal claims. Subject to applicable law, we may securely dispose of your personal data without prior notice to you.</p> <p>After you have terminated your use of EASYEDA, we store your information in an aggregated and anonymised format.</p> XII. Changes to this Policy <p>We update this Policy in our discretion at any time by posting the amended version here or by providing such notice about or obtaining consent to changes as may be required by applicable law. When we do, we will revise the updated date at the bottom of this page. We encourage users to frequently check this page (https://easyeda.com/page/privacy) for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. </p> <p>If major changes are made to this Statement, we may notify you through different channels, like posting a notice on our website or sending you direct notification.</p> <p>If you continue to access or use the EasyEDA and its Services, you will be deemed as you having read and agreed to be bound by the updated Agreement. If you do not accept the updated Agreement, please stop using the Services.</p> XIII. Contact Us <p>If you have questions or concerns about this Policy or practices of personal information protection, please contact us via:</p> <p>Our Data Protection Officer Email: privacy@easyeda.com</p> <p>Mailing address: Unit 21 on 28th Floor, Metropole Square, No.2 On Yiu Street, Shatin, New Territories, HONG KONG, China</p> <p>We will review your requests as soon as possible and respond to you after verifying your user identity. If your request involves any complicated or significant issue, we may ask you for more information.</p> Editor Version × <ul> <li> Std Edition <p>1.Easy to use and quick to get started.</p> <p>2.The process supports design scales of 300 devices or 1000 pads.</p> <p>3.Supports simple circuit simulation.</p> <p>4.For students, teachers, creators.</p> </li> <li> Pro Edition <p>1.Brand new interactions and interfaces.</p> <p>2.Smooth support for design sizes of over 5,000 devices or 10,000 pads</p> <p>3.More rigorous design constraints, more standardized processes.</p> <p>4.For enterprises, more professional users.</p> </li> </ul> Workspace × <ul> <li> UserPersonal Workspace </li> </ul> Unleash creativity, start design now. Design online Download <dl> <dt>Product</dt> <dd>Online Editor(Pro Edition)</dd> <dd>Online Editor(Std Edition)</dd> <dd>Client Download</dd> <dd>Education Edition</dd> <dd>On-Premises-Hosting</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Services</dt> <dd>Prototyping - JLCPCB</dd> <dd>Component Purchasing - LCSC</dd> <dd>Open Source Hardware- OSHWLab</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Policy Terms</dt> <dd>Legal</dd> <dd>Privacy Policy</dd> <dd>Contribute</dd> <dd>Thanks</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Help</dt> <dd>Tutorials (Pro Edition)</dd> <dd>Tutorials (Std Edition)</dd> <dd>Edition Update History (Pro Edition)</dd> <dd>Edition Update History (Std Edition)</dd> <dd>Forum</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>About Us</dt> <dd>About Team</dd> <dd>Contact Us</dd> <dd> </dd> </dl> 粤公网安备 44030402002736号 粤ICP备13005967号 <p>© 2024 EasyEDA All rights reserved</p> ISO/IEC 你现在访问的是EasyEDA海外版,建议访问速度更快的国内版 https://lceda.cn(需要重新注册)<br>如果需要转移工程请在个人中心 - 工程 - 工程高级设置 - 下载工程,下载后在https://lceda.cn/editor 打开保存即可。<br>有问题联系QQ 3001956291 不再提醒<i> </i> svg-battery svg-battery-wifi svg-books svg-more svg-paste svg-pencil svg-plant svg-ruler svg-share svg-user easyEDAlogo svg-logo-cn svg-double-arrow -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus-@1x -mockplus- Cookie Notice Our website uses essential cookies to help us ensure that it is working as expected, and uses optional analytics cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. 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On 2024-06-21 04:53:51 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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