
Terms of Service

<b>Survey</b>Lama <ul> <li> Welcome </li> <li> How it works </li> </ul> Register Log in Terms of Use 1. Acceptance of the General Conditions<p> Please carefully read the following information which describes the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Site as well as the terms of membership of the Service offered by .</p> <p> The mere fact of browsing the Site, as a Visitor, signifies that you accept and undertake to respect without reserve all of the Terms of Use.</p> <p> If you do not accept these Terms of Use, you must neither use the Site nor register as a beneficiary User of the Service.</p> <p> When you use the Site, you agree to abide by the Terms of Use, which contains stipulations applicable to all Users of the Site, whether you are a Visitor or a User.<br> reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time. The new Terms of Use then apply to any new subscription by the User to the Service.<br> The Terms of Use, if necessary supplemented or updated, are brought to the attention of the User at the time of subscription to the Service and are available at any time on simple request.</p> <p> If you choose to subscribe to the Service offered online by , you become a User of after ticking a box to indicate that you have read the stipulations of the Terms of Use and that you agree to them. respect.</p> <p> If you have any comments or questions regarding the Site or the Service, please email the webmaster of at .</p> 2. Definitions 2.1. User<p> Means the natural or legal persons who register on the Site in order to benefit from the Services offered by</p> 2.2. Member Area / User Account<p> Refers to all the data provided by the User when registering directly on the Site and allowing him to become a User of the Service.</p> 2.3. Terms of use<p> Refers to these general conditions of access to the Site.</p> 2.4. Editor<p> Refers to the holder of the intellectual property rights relating to the website published by .</p> 2.5. Services<p> Refers to all the Services offered by and in particular:</p> 2.5.1. Paid surveys service<p> This service remunerates the User for voluntary participation in surveys intended for Partners of or for itself.</p> 2.6. Site<p> Refers to the website published by allowing the latter to offer the Service for the benefit of Users, and accessible at the URL www. .</p> 2.7. Visitor<p> Means the natural persons who visit the Site, without having the quality of User. By using this Site, the Visitor expressly accepts those of the Conditions of Use that apply to him.</p> 2.8. Advertisers, Partners<p> Means the partner companies distributing their offers of products or services through .</p> 3. Site Editor 3.1.<p> The site is published by Globeemedia SAS , France. (hereinafter “the publisher”), registered in the Trade and Companies Register under number B 814 753 174. Globeemedia Sales Department: 42 Rue de Tauzia, 33800 Bordeaux (France) . You can contact us at the following address: .</p> 3.2.<p> is fully liable to the User for the proper performance of the obligations resulting from the Terms of Use, whether these obligations are to be performed by itself or by other service providers, without prejudice of its right of recourse against them. However, may exonerate itself from all or part of its liability by providing proof that the non-performance or poor performance of the contract is attributable either to the User, or to the fact, unforeseeable and insurmountable, of a third party foreign to the provision of the Services, or to a case of force majeure.</p> 4. Acceptance of Terms of Service 4.1. Formal acceptance of the Terms of Use 4.1.1.<p> You can only benefit from the Service after having formally accepted the Terms of Use in their latest version.</p> 4.1.2.<p> Once you have given your consent, you can:<br> (i) permanently access the content of the terms you have accepted in your User Account;<br> (ii) print the Terms of Use that you have accepted.</p> 4.1.3.<p> In the event that modifies the Terms of Use, a procedure for accepting the new Terms of Use will be offered to you by as indicated in article 4.2 of the Terms of Use.</p> 4.2. Modification of the Terms of Use 4.2.1.<p> reserves the right to modify the Terms of Use at any time and:<br> (i) either to inform each User beforehand of the modifications made to the Conditions of Use, and to obtain the consent of each of them prior to their application;<br> (ii) either when the User first connects to the Site after implementation of the new Terms of Use, to make access to the Service subject to acceptance of the new Terms of Use.</p> 4.2.2.<p> The new Terms of Use to which the User has given his consent will be stored and accessible by the User in accordance with the provisions of article 4.1 of the Terms of Use.</p> 5. Opening a Member Area / User Account 5.1.<p> To register as a User and use the Services, you must first open a User Account / Member Space. This operation is carried out online on the Site, and allows you to benefit from access to the functionalities attached to the opening of an account in the Member Area.<br> is accessible to anyone of legal age (18 years old or over) who can claim to open a User Account and use the Services offered by .<br> The use of a VPN is strictly prohibited.</p> 5.2.<p> The list of functionalities offered after the opening of a User Account / Member Space mentioned in article 7. is indicative, reserving the right to modify the functionalities, without specific information of the User.</p> 6. Opening and operation of the User Account / Member Space 6.1.<p> Data relating to the User Account / Member Space When opening his User Account, the User is solely responsible for the data he provides to . The User guarantees that the information he provides to when opening his User Account or subsequently is accurate, precise and complete.<br> reserves the right to request proof of identity from the User or to suspend a User Account if the information he has provided appears to be inaccurate, imprecise or incomplete.</p> 6.2.<p> Updating data in the User Account / Member Area The User undertakes to systematically update the information concerning him.</p> 6.3.<p> Passwords for accessing the User Account / Member Area When you join the Services, you must choose a password. You assume sole responsibility for all activities carried out from your User Account / Member Area under your password. It is therefore up to the User to ensure strict respect for the confidentiality of his passwords. You must immediately notify of any unauthorized use of any password, or notify if you believe that any of the passwords are no longer confidential. reserves the right to require you to change your passwords if deems that one (or more) of them no longer provides adequate security.</p> 7. Description of Services<p> You create your User Account / Member Space using the registration procedure referred to in Article 5.<br> You can then access the Services, the operation of which is described below:<br> <strong>• Paid surveys:</strong> <br> The User may be invited to respond to paid surveys and questionnaires.<br> Responding to these surveys entitles you to a gain of variable nature and amount, which will be specified for each survey.<br> The User agrees to provide information that is as precise and accurate as possible.</p> 8. Sponsorship 8.1.<p> Each User, called Sponsor, can sponsor new Users (godchildren), by following the procedure described in article 8.2.</p> 8.2.<p> provides the User with various tools allowing him to sponsor members. All these tools can be found in the Sponsorship menu of the User Account. reserves the right to modify the sponsorship tools made available at any time without notifying the User. When registering, a User can simply fill in the email address of a Sponsor in the field of the registration form provided for this purpose. The User will then become his Referral.</p> 8.3.<p> Sponsors will be automatically credited with 100 LamaPoints (LP) for each new User registered through them (godchild), from the moment the amount of their godson's earnings reaches 100 LamaPoints (LP) .<br> Within the framework of the Services offered by , certain validated transactions of the godchild entitle the Referrer to a variable gain. This gain consists of a fixed amount or a percentage of the transaction amount. indicates next to the presentation of each Partner the remuneration conditions.<br> remunerates only the first level affiliation, and does not take into account the gains obtained by the referrals made by the referrals of the User.</p> 8.4.<p> <strong>The User undertakes not to sponsor members of his own household, nor to create false Referred Accounts in order to receive the remuneration provided.</strong> <br> In the event of fraud or abuse, reserves the right to suspend the accounts of the sponsor concerned as well as those of the godchildren concerned, consequently the earnings relating to these godchildren will be definitively lost.</p> 9. Payment of winnings – Payment deadlines – Tax obligations 9.1.<p> Each month, the User will receive a statement of his earnings on . These gains will come from the Paid Surveys Service.</p> 9.2.<p> The User may request payment of his winnings by logging into his Member Space as soon as they reach at least 2000 LamaPoints (LP) . This payment will be made by PayPal transfer or Amazon Gift Certificates depending on the payment method chosen by the User.<br> Payment will be made within 15 days after validation of the request.<br> reserves the right to modify the payment methods offered at any time.<br> reserves the right to refuse payment if a breach of these General Conditions is found. The User will be informed by email of this decision.<br> Any complaint concerning the payment of winnings can be addressed to .</p> 9.3.<p> <strong>The payment of earnings obtained through Services constitutes taxable income.</strong> <br> <strong>The User must carry out the formalities required for the declaration of this income.</strong> <br> The User, by the nature of his activity, and the absence of any relationship of subordination, cannot be assimilated to an employee. He is independent. As such, he must, where applicable and if relevant, carry out the formalities required for his personal registration with the social and tax bodies, be up to date with his declarations and payments, <strong>and justify this at any time to of</strong> so that can never be worried about this fact and is able to comply with the requirements of article D 8222-5 of the labor code.<br> The user is notably informed of the obligation of , in the event that a user manages to earn at least €1,200 in the year, to identify and declare this User in his annual DAS2.</p> 10. Amount of remuneration<p> Remuneration is expressed in euros. Remuneration is applicable, for the duration of their online accessibility, to any remuneration relating to the Services.<br> The fees presented online for the Services may be modified by at any time. The modified remunerations are applicable to any remuneration for the Services made after they have been put online.</p> 11. Termination 11.1.<p> The User may terminate his registration at any time by logging into his Member Space / User Account to close his account online.<br> If the User has not requested the payment of his winnings before the termination of his account, these winnings will be lost.<br> If the User wishes to close his Account after having requested the payment of his winnings, he must wait to receive this payment before closing his User Account. otherwise, winnings will be forfeited. In accordance with article 9 of the Terms of Use, only makes payment if the amount of winnings is greater than 2000 LamaPoints (LP)</p> 11.2.<p> In the event of suspicion of fraud, reserves the right to suspend the User Account while awaiting supporting documents from the User (proof of identity, proof of address, etc.). <br>In the event of proven fraud, the User will be notified by email of the closure of his account. this fraud will result in the loss of earnings accumulated on this User Account. The User is informed that reserves the right to keep the information relating to the account of any User identified as a fraudster for the purposes of (i) depriving the latter of the possibility of having a new User Account, ( ii) to sanction any violation and (iii) to prevent any new violation, in accordance with the CNIL's AU-46 compliance statement. The fraudulent User has a right of access, rectification and opposition (for legitimate reasons) to information concerning him. For additional information relating to the processing of your personal data, refer to Article 18 of these Terms of Use or contact at the email address .</p> 11.3.<p> If the User Account is inactive for at least 6 months, will suspend the account, resulting in the loss of accumulated earnings.</p> 11.4.<p> In the event of the User's death, his heirs have the possibility of taking over his Account by updating the personal data, or of requesting the closure of the User Account and the payment of the associated winnings if the amount of these is greater than 2000 LamaPoints (LP) .</p> 12. Suspension of access to the Services<p> You acknowledge that may at any time, without prior notice:<br> (i) modify all or part of the Services;<br> (ii) interrupt or suspend all or part of the Services in the event of your non-compliance with the Terms of Use. Or<br> (iii) refuse to process all or part of the Services, suspend or close your Member Space / User Account if, according to , you do not comply with any of the stipulations of the Terms of Use or at the request of a judicial authority or administration.</p> 13. Account Suspension / Account Cancellation<p> Your Account may be suspended if: • You have not participated in any Surveys within the first 30 days of registering with Surveylama ;<br> • You have not participated in any Survey in a period of 6 consecutive months.<br> If your account is suspended or closed, you can ask Surveylama to investigate such suspension or closure. In this case, please contact our customer service. If you believe that your account has been suspended or terminated due to an error, you must contact Surveylama by email within sixty (60) days of said error, explaining in detail the cause of the dispute and describing any relevant information. turning out to be abnormal. After receiving your request, we will investigate and notify you of our decision within thirty (30) days. If we need more time to decide on your request, we will let you know and make a decision as soon as possible. Any decisions we make regarding these requests will be final.<br> <br> You can close your account at any time by visiting the section of our website relating to your account and clicking on "Delete my account". The closure of your account will be effective immediately. If you're having trouble closing your account, please contact customer service. Customer service will respond to you as soon as possible. Your account will be closed immediately upon deletion or if you unsubscribe from Surveylama . You understand and agree that in the event of suspension, cancellation or closure of your account, as described above, your right to access the Services will be terminated and all points credited to your account upon such suspension, cancellation or closing will be voided, regardless of how or when they were acquired. Surveylama may terminate your account at any time for any reason.</p> Conditions of participation<p> Your ability to participate in surveys is conditioned on your compliance with this Agreement and all regulations and guidelines applicable to the services Surveylama will make available from time to time.<br> Surveylama reserves the right to cancel or remove your account, registration and points for breach of these agreements, fraud or misconduct (in Surveylama 's sole discretion), refuse to refund points, limit , block, restrict or remove your access to and use of surveys. furthermore, all points, gifts and rewards will be forfeited. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following requirements apply to your use of Surveylama :<br> • Non-Use and Non-Disclosure. The information and content provided to you in surveys may contain trade secrets or other confidential vendor information. You must maintain confidentiality and not disclose to anyone the information and content that you have access to or learn about while participating in a survey, project, questionnaire, or other survey-related market research activity. . You must not use this information or content for any purpose other than to participate in these surveys and to comply with this agreement. You hereby agree to immediately notify Surveylama if you witness or suspect any use, disclosure of, or access to such information or content not authorized by this Agreement.<br> • Registration details. You agree to (1) provide accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as required by the survey registration form. (2) keep your password and login information confidential. (3) maintain and promptly update the information you provide during registration and any other information you entrust to Surveylama , keeping it accurate, current and complete. Your registration requires that you provide the following information, but not limited to: your full legal name, date of birth, primary residential address, phone number, and a valid email address.<br> • Multiple Accounts. You can only have one active account at a time. You can only have one account per household. Duplicate accounts by any individual or household will result in termination and forfeiture of all points, gifts and rewards. <br>• In accordance with the laws. You must at all times comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and must not cause Surveylama to violate any such laws, rules, regulations or statutes.<br> • Honest participation. You agree to use your knowledge and beliefs to the best of your ability to participate in market research that you register as part of the study. You must not provide false or misleading information, including but not limited to survey responses that are inconsistent with previously provided responses or that are statistically improbable.<br> • Appropriate communication. Whenever you communicate with Surveylama employees, you agree to do so in a respectful and appropriate manner. You will not send any employee, affiliate or other user of the Service any crass or abusive communications or obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, offensive, threatening, hateful, illegal or inappropriate information. You agree not to share or distribute.<br> • User Content. You provide Surveylama with information relating to your participation in market research or other surveys conducted, including survey responses, ideas, comments or other information or content ("User Content"). If you entrust User Content to Surveylama , unless otherwise specified by Surveylama, you grant Surveylama and its affiliates a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify , adapt, publish, translate, use to produce a derivative report, distribute, exploit and display this Information throughout the world and using any media, without needing your consent and without having to pay you compensation.<br> <br> By submitting your User Content, you represent and warrant that you are legally authorized to submit it and that it is accurate and complete. You must not submit any User Content that:<br> • Is unlawful, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, suggestive, harassing, threatening, violates privacy or privacy rights, is offensive, inflammatory, false, inaccurate, misleading, fraudulent or pretends to impersonate another person or entity or falsely claims to be with a person or entity;<br> • violates the privacy or rights of any person or entity or would give rise to liability or violate any local, federal, state or international law, including, but not limited to, any securities regulator;<br> • Infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual property rights of any person or entity;<br> • contain private information about a person or entity, including, but not limited to, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, social security numbers, and credit card numbers;<br> • contain viruses, corrupted data or other harmful or destructive files or information;<br> • Would, in Surveylama 's sole judgment, be objectionable and fail to demonstrate your willingness to exercise good faith in answering any survey or market research question, or expose Surveylama or its licensors or suppliers to any liability.</p> 15. Availability of the Site 15.1.<p> strives to ensure the availability of the Site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, it may happen that the operation of the Site is interrupted within the framework of maintenance operations, upgrades hardware or software, emergency repairs to the Site, or as a result of circumstances beyond the control of (such as, for example, failure of telecommunications links and equipment).</p> 15.2.<p> undertakes to take all reasonable measures to limit these disturbances, insofar as they are attributable to it. The User acknowledges and accepts that assumes no responsibility towards him for any modification, unavailability, suspension or interruption of the Site.</p> 16. Responsibility of 16.1.<p> undertakes to provide the Services as a diligent professional, within the framework of an obligation of means.</p> 16.2.<p> can only be held liable for compensation for the pecuniary consequences of both (i) direct and (ii) foreseeable damage resulting from poor performance or partial non-performance of the Service.</p> 16.3.<p> cannot under any circumstances incur liability for indirect or unforeseeable damages within the meaning of articles 1150 and 1151 of the Civil Code, which include in particular, but without this list being exhaustive, any missed gain, loss, inaccuracy or corruption of files or data, commercial damage, loss of turnover or profit, loss of goodwill, loss of an opportunity, cost of obtaining a substitute service or technology.</p> 16.4.<p> In any event, (i) the amount of 's pecuniary liability is limited to the reimbursement of the amount of the User's winnings by and (ii) the User may not bring into play the responsibility of due to any breach whatsoever under the Terms of Use, only for a period of one (1) year from the occurrence of the breach in question, which the User expressly acknowledges and accepts .</p> 17. Force majeure 17.1.<p> cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or any other event beyond its control preventing the performance of its service and the provision of the Service under conditions that comply with the provisions of the Terms of Use.</p> 17.2.<p> Events of an irresistible nature are considered as cases of force majeure, as well as, without this list being exhaustive, the following events: total or partial strikes, internal or external to , bad weather, epidemics, blockages of means of transport or of supply, for any reason whatsoever, earthquake, fire, storm, flood, water damage, governmental or legal restrictions, legal or regulatory changes in forms of marketing, viruses, blockages of telecommunications, including the dial-up network , terrorist attack.</p> 18. Protection of personal data 18.1. Collection of personal data and declaration of processing 18.1.1.<p> undertakes to protect the personal data of each User and each visitor.</p> 18.1.2.<p> All processing of personal data collected by GLOBEE MEDIA when creating a User Account has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, in application of the Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 and Law No. 2004-801 transposing EC Directive No. 95/46 of October 25, 1995 on the protection of personal data and the free movement of such data. data.</p> 18.2. Mandatory information relating to data collection 18.2.1.<p> The controller of data concerning you is GLOBEE MEDIA .</p> 18.2.2.<p> The main purpose of processing your data is to allow you to benefit from the Service.</p> 18.2.3.<p> Only GLOBEE MEDIA and its potential partners enabling it to provide the Services are recipients of the data concerning you, unless you expressly consent to the data concerning you being transferred to a third party or used for prospecting purposes, in particular commercial.</p> 18.2.4.<p> No transfer outside the European Union of data concerning you is operated by .</p> 18.2.5.<p> It is necessary for to have your consent so that can process personal data so that you can benefit from the Services. By validating all the information allowing the creation of your User Account, you give your consent for the use of your data by under the terms of this article.</p> 18.2.6.<p> Any lack of response on your part to one of the fields that asks you to fill in online will not allow you to benefit from the Services offered by . This information is intended solely for (i) (ii) its service providers enabling it to offer you the Online Services.</p> 18.3. Right of access and rectification 18.3.1.<p> Each natural person User has at any time and free of charge a right of access and rectification with insofar as the personal data concerning him would prove to be inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, or outdated. Please contact or modify your personal data yourself online in the "Member Area" section.</p> 18.3.2.<p> If you wish to exercise your right of rectification, and if you ask us in writing, for example by email, will justify having proceeded to the rectification of the data concerning you.</p> 18.3.3.<p> If any data concerning you has been transmitted to a third party, will notify this third party of the modification operations carried out.</p> 18.4. Other use of personal data about you 18.4.1.<p> reserves the right to transmit the personal data that you have provided, either in the context of compliance with a legal obligation, or in application of a judicial or administrative decision, or of an independent administrative authority (such as by example the National Commission for Computing and Liberties).</p> 18.4.2.<p> By sending us the personal data that is necessary for to provide you with the Services you expect, you are also offered to accept that can use the data concerning you for prospecting purposes, in particular commercial , for its own benefit (such as sending an information newsletter) or for the benefit of partners.</p> 18.4.3.<p> You have the right to object free of charge and without reason to your data being used for prospecting purposes, in particular commercial, by or one of its partners.</p> 18.4.4.<p> In the latter case, the partner of may send you an email in which you will be clearly informed that he has obtained your personal data through the purpose of the correspondence which will be sent to you, the list or the category of recipients of the data concerning you, and will remind you that you have a free right and without justification to oppose to receive new emails from this partner, by contacting him directly or by contacting , with express reference to the sending made by the partner. If you choose to contact , will notify the partner of your opposition to any processing of personal data on its part.</p> 18.4.5.<p> Whether it is to oppose any canvassing from our partners in the future or to exercise your right of access or rectification, undertakes to rectify its files within 7 days of receipt of your written request or your email to .</p> 18.5. Safety obligation 18.5.1.<p> As a diligent professional, and in accordance with the state of the art, implements technical means to preserve the confidentiality of the personal data provided to it by the User and which are stored on the server on which are hosted the data. However, is not responsible for any breach of security or for any use that would be made by a third party who would receive the personal data concerning you, in particular due to the use of electronic mail by the Internet network including cannot be held responsible.</p> 18.5.2.<p> The server is not located on its premises but is hosted by one of its partners. Data transmissions between and its partners are secured in such a way as to preserve the security of the data processed by .</p> 19. French intellectual and/or industrial property rights 19.1. Reminder of the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code 19.1.1.<p> Art. L.335-2 CPI: “ <strong>Any infringement is an offence. Any edition of writings, musical composition, drawing, painting or any other printed or engraved production in whole or in part, in defiance of the laws and regulations relating to the property of the authors, is an infringement. and any infringement is a crime. Counterfeiting … is punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of €150,000</strong> ”.</p> 19.1.2.<p> Art. <strong>L.335-3 CPI: “Is … an offense of counterfeiting any reproduction, representation or distribution, by any means whatsoever, of a work of the mind in violation of the rights of the author … Is … a offense of forgery the violation of one of the rights of the author of software ...</strong> ”.</p> 19.1.3.<p> Art. L.343-1 CPI: " <strong>Is punished by two years' imprisonment and a fine of €150,000 for infringing the rights of the producer of a database...</strong> ".</p> 19.2. Intellectual and/or industrial property rights of<p> holds all the intellectual and/or industrial property rights relating to the Site and/or to the elements created and/or provided by it within the framework of the Service as well as to all the documents and media provided, where applicable, to the User as part of the provision of the Services, regardless of their state of completion (hereinafter referred to as the "Creations"). In your capacity as Visitor and/or User, you undertake not to reproduce any of the elements of the Site.<br> Any contrary use of the Site would constitute an infringement liable to lead to civil and/or criminal proceedings. In addition, the User undertakes not to make any use of the Creations, likely to infringe the industrial or intellectual property rights of</p> 20. Distinctive Signs<p> Together refers to the trademarks, corporate names, signs, trade names, domain names or URLs, logos, photographs, images and/or other distinctive signs used on the Site, or to designate the Services. does not grant you any license or right whatsoever on the Distinctive Signs which are the exclusive property of or third parties who have granted it the right to use them.</p> 21. External links 21.1.<p> offers links with tracking (tracking) to third-party sites of Advertisers or Partners. These links with tracking have the sole purpose of ensuring the proper functioning of 's Services and are technically necessary in order to be able to remunerate Users for the actions they perform.</p> 21.2.<p> may also provide simple links to other third-party sites. These links are provided as a courtesy only.</p> 21.3.<p> is not a content editor or responsible for the publication of the sites of Advertisers, Partners or ordinary third-party sites, and is therefore not in a position to carry out a control of their content. Any access to these sites is under your sole responsibility and at your own risk. is not responsible for the content or availability of third-party sites. You acknowledge that assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage that the use of such third-party sites may cause you.</p> 22. Miscellaneous Provisions 22.1. Advertisement<p> is authorized to state the reference to the User in its commercial documents or publications, only after written agreement of the User on the exact text of the reference and its use, if this reference is more than the simple mention of the User's name.</p> 22.2. 22.2.1.<p> The last version accepted by the User of the Conditions of Use expresses the entirety of the obligations between and the User relating to the Services and cancels and replaces any declaration, negotiation, commitment, oral or written communication, acceptance, contract and prior agreement, relating to the provision of the Service by for the benefit of the User.</p> 22.2.2.<p> In accordance with article 1369-1 Civil Code, you can at any time access the latest version of the Terms of Use that you have accepted by accessing your User Account, and print them using the function offered by your browser.</p> 22.2.3.<p> Any commitment made under additional stipulations or general conditions whatsoever, even signed by both parties, will be null and void after the date of acceptance of the latest version of the Conditions of Use by the User.</p> 22.3.<p> Partial invalidity in the event that any provision of the Terms of Use should be deemed null or unenforceable by a court decision having the authority of res judicata and passed into force of res judicata, the parties agree to attempt to limit as much as possible the scope of this nullity or this inapplicability may be so that the other contractual provisions remain in force and that the economic balance of the Conditions of Use is, as far as possible, respected.</p> 22.4.<p> Any notification (formal notice, report, approval or consent) required or necessary pursuant to the stipulations of the Conditions of Use must be made in writing and will be deemed validly given if delivered by hand or sent by registered letter with request for acknowledgment of receipt to the mailing address of the other party.</p> 23. Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction 23.1.<p> The Conditions of Use are subject to French law, both for the rules of form and for the rules of substance.</p> 23.2.<p> In the event that the Terms of Use are translated or presented on the Site in a foreign language, only the French language version of the Terms of Use between you and will prevail.</p> 23.3.<p> IN APPLICATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 48 OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, IN THE ABSENCE OF AN AMIABLE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND SURVEYLAMA.COM FOR ANY DISPUTE RELATING TO THE INTERPRETATION, EXECUTION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT, IT IS EXPRESSLY MADE <strong>ATTRIBUTION OF JURISDICTION TO THE FRENCH COURTS WHICH SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION</strong> , NOTWITHSTANDING PLURALITY OF DEFENDANTS, AND EVEN FOR REFERRAL PROCEEDINGS.</p> <br> <p> Last update of the General Conditions of Use: 10/01/2022</p> <p> <b>Survey</b>Lama</p> <p>Online paid surveys. Participate in surveys to shape the future of products and services in exchange for compensation!</p> <p> <b>About Us</b> </p> How it works Help <p> <b>Site language</b> </p> English <ul> <li> AFRIKAANS </li> <li> ARABIC </li> <li> BULGARIAN </li> <li> CANTONESE </li> <li> CZECH </li> <li> DANISH </li> <li> DUTCH </li> <li> ESTONIAN </li> <li> FINNISH </li> <li> FRENCH </li> <li> GERMAN </li> <li> GREEK </li> <li> HINDI </li> <li> HUNGARIAN </li> <li> INDONESIAN </li> <li> ITALIAN </li> <li> JAPANESE </li> <li> NORWEGIAN </li> <li> POLISH </li> <li> PORTUGUESE </li> <li> ROMANIAN </li> <li> SERBIAN </li> <li> SPANISH </li> <li> SWEDISH </li> <li> THAI </li> <li> TURKISH </li> </ul> Membership terms and conditions | Legal Notice | Privacy Policy | Rewards system | Cookies Policy | Sitemap <small>© SurveyLama 2020 - 2024. All rights reserved, reproduction strictly prohibited.</small>

On 2024-06-15 02:42:43 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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Error Message: The source document has not been updated. No changes made.
Stacktrace: SourceDocument

On 2024-06-15 02:43:43 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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Error Message:
Crawler: us-west-1