University of Calgary

Privacy Policy

University Policy,University Procedure,Operating Standard,Guideline/Form,The electronic version obtained from theofficial version of this document.Page 1of 6,Privacy Policy,ClassificationTable of Contents,Information Management,1Purpose...........................................1,2Scope...............................................1,3Definitions.......................................1,4Policy Statement..............................2,5Responsibilities................................5,6Related Policies................................5,7Related Procedures..........................5,8Related Guidelines/Forms................5,9References.......................................6,10History.............................................6,Approval Authority,General Counsel,Implementation Authority,Coordinator, FOIP,Effective Date,May 1, 2007,Last Revision,March 15, 2011,1PurposeThe University of Calgary is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who work ,and study at the University or who otherwise interact with the University in accordance ,with the standards set out in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.,The purpose of this policy is to tell individuals how the University fulfills that commitment.,2Scope,This policy applies to Personal Information in the custody or under the control of the ,University of Calgary.,3DefinitionsIn this policy:,a)“Collection” means the act of gathering, acquiring, recording, or obtaining Personal ,Information from any source and by any means.,b)“Consent” means a voluntary agreement to a Collection, use, and/or Disclosure of ,Personal Information for defined purposes.,c)“Disclosure” means making Personal Information available to a Third Party.,d)“FOIP” refers to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.,e)“Formal Access Request” refers to a request for access to information which cannot be ,answered through existing or established processes. A Formal Access Request is ,processed under terms and conditions set out in FOIP.,f)“Personal Information” means information about an identifiable individual including ,but not limited to:,,ii.home address,Privacy Policy,The electronic version obtained from theofficial version of this document.Page 2of 6,iii.SIN,iv.gender,v.income, status,vii.student grades,Personal Information does not include work product information, that is, information ,that is prepared or collected by an employee as part of the employee’s work ,responsibilities.,g)“Third Party” means a person, a group of persons, or an organization other than the ,individual the information is about. An employee of the University, acting in his or her ,official capacity, is not considered a third party.,h)“University Official” refers to an individual who has authority to act in an administrative ,capacity at the University.,4Policy Statement,Accountability,4.1Responsibility for ensuring compliance with the provisions of FOIP rests with the ,University’s General Counsel.,4.2The General Counsel may delegate responsibility for managing activities relating to ,the Collection, accuracy, protection, use, Disclosure and retention of Personal ,Information. This delegation will be detailed in the Delegation of Authority which is ,attached as an appendix to this policy.,4.3The General Counsel will appoint a Coordinator, FOIPto:,a)coordinate the development and implementation of policies and procedures to ,manage the University’s compliance with Part 2 of FOIP. and,b)provide support services to University officials on matters pertaining to the ,protection of Personal Information.,Collection of Personal Information,4.4The University will collect Personal Information only for the following purposes:,a)the information relates directly to and is necessary for an operating program or ,activity of the University. ,b)the Collection of information is expressly authorized by an enactment of Alberta ,or Canada. or,c)the information is collected for the purposes of law enforcement.,4.5The University will collect Personal Information directly from the individual the ,information is about unless there is a reasonable requirement to collect from another ,source and the indirect Collection is permitted under FOIP.,4.6Details relating to the purpose for the Collection of Personal Information will be ,provided to the individual when Personal Information is collected directly from the ,individual.,Privacy Policy,The electronic version obtained from theofficial version of this document.Page 3of 6,Use of Personal Information,4.7Personal Information will not be used for a purpose other than the purpose for which ,it was collected or for a use consistent with that purpose except with theConsent of ,the individual or as permitted under FOIP.,Disclosure of Personal Information,4.8Personal Information will only be made public or disclosed to a Third Party under the ,following circumstances:,a)the Disclosure is for the purpose identified at the time of collection or for a ,purpose consistent with the original purpose;,b)the individual the Personal Information is about has consented to the Disclosure;,c)the Disclosure is not considered to be an unreasonable invasion of privacy;or,d)the Disclosure is required, permitted or authorized under FOIP.,4.9It is not considered to be an unreasonable invasion of a student’s privacy to release ,the following information to a Third Party: ,a)dates of registration at the University of Calgary. ,b)faculty/department or program ofregistration at the University of Calgary;,c)degree(s)/diploma(s) awarded from the University of Calgary;,d)convocation dates;,e)attendance at or participation in a public event or activity related to the ,institution (e.g. graduation, sporting or cultural event). or,f)Personal Information already in the public domain.,NOTE: this information may be restricted in specific cases for security reasons. Any ,restrictions on disclosure will be noted as a ‘Negative Service Indicator’.These ,service indicators are displayed and can be accessed from the main components in ,the PeopleSoft student system.,4.10It is not considered to be an unreasonable invasion of an employee’s privacy to ,release the following information to a Third Party:,a)employment status;,b)business address, telephone number, e-mail address;,c)job title. ,d)job profile;,e)rank, job family;,f)salary range;,g)discretionary benefits;,h)relevant educational qualifications;,i)attendance at or participation in a public event or activity related to the ,institution (e.g. sporting or cultural event);,j)Personal Information already in the public domain. or,k)publications listed in an academic staff member’s annual report.,This information is generally available in public or published sources such as the ,telephone directory, the calendar, or the collective agreement. Requests for the ,personal information of an employee that is not readily available will be referred to ,the employee’s supervisor or to Human Resources.,Privacy Policy,The electronic version obtained from theofficial version of this document.Page 4of 6,4.11Teaching material and research information of employees may be disclosed to ,University Officials for administrative purposes.,Accuracy,4.12The University will take reasonable steps to ensure that Personal Information in its ,custody or under its control is as accurate and complete as is necessary for the ,purposes for which it is to be used.,4.13Individuals will normally be able to correct or update certain categories of Personal ,Information, such as contact information, on their own. To request a correction of ,other types of Personal Information, individuals may contact the data custodian.,4.14If the data custodian is unable to make the correction for any reason, the individual ,may file a request, in writing, for correction with the Coordinator, FOIP. ,4.15If the University is satisfied that the individual’s request for correction is reasonable, ,the correction will be made as soon as possible.,4.16The University will also send the corrected Personal Information to any organization ,to which it was disclosed during the year before the correction was made if the ,information could have been used to make a decision about the individual.,Retention,4.17The University will retain Personal Information only as long as necessary for the ,fulfillment of its purposes as defined in its retention rules.,Security,4.18The University will take reasonable steps to protect information from unauthorized ,access, collection, use, disclosure or destruction.,4.19When the University retains an external organization to undertake work on its behalf ,that involves the disclosure of Personal Information, theUniversity will enter into an ,information sharing agreement with that organization. The information sharing ,agreement will set out conditions that ensure that the University’s responsibility for ,the protection of Personal Information will be fulfilled by theexternal organization on ,its behalf. ,Access,4.20Individuals have a right of access to Personal Information about themselves in the ,custody or under the control of the University subject to specific and limited ,exceptions as provided in FOIP.,4.21Employment or academic references will only be disclosed to the subject with the ,consent of the referee.,4.22A request by an individual for access to his/her own Personal Information should ,initially be directed to the data custodian or by following existing procedures for ,access to the information. If there is no process in place and/or the data custodian is ,unable to provide access for any reason, the applicant may file a Formal Access ,Request with the Coordinator, FOIP. A Formal Access Request must be made in ,writing.,Privacy Policy,The electronic version obtained from theofficial version of this document.Page 5of 6,4.23A request by one individual for access to the Personal Information of another ,individual should initially be directed to the data custodian. If the data custodian is ,unable to provide access for any reason, the applicant may file a Formal Access ,Request with the Coordinator, FOIP. A Formal Access Request must be made in ,writing and must be accompanied by a $25 application fee.,4.24A request by a University Official for access to the Personal Information of an ,employee or student should be directed to the data custodian. Access will be ,provided when the University Official needs the information in order to do his/her job ,or when the University Official is operating within his/her mandated authority. ,4.25The Coordinator, FOIPwill establish and maintain the procedure for responding to ,Formal Access Request.,4.26Fees for producing records in response to a Formal Access Request for your own ,personal information may be charged if the total fee is estimated to be greater than ,$10. Fees will be assessed in accordance with the Fees Schedule (Schedule 2) ,attached to the FOIP Regulation (Alberta Regulation 200/95).,4.27Fees for producing records in response to a Formal Access Request for the Personal ,Information of another individual will be assessed in accordance with the Fees ,Schedule(Schedule 2) attached to the FOIP Regulation (Alberta Regulation 200/95).,Questions, Complaints,4.28The Coordinator, FOIPwill respond to questions or concerns about the University’s ,management or treatment of personal information.,Violations,4.29Violators of thispolicy may be subject to penalties under University regulations, ,collective agreements, and under provincial and federal law.,5Responsibilities5.1Approval Authority,a)ensure appropriate rigour and due diligence in the development or revision of ,this policy.,5.2Implementation Authority,a)ensure that University staff are aware of and understand the implications of this ,policy and related procedures;,b)monitor compliance with the policy and related procedures;,c)regularly review the policy and related procedures to ensure consistency in ,practice;,d)sponsor the revision of this policy and related procedures when necessary;,e)appoint a Policy Advisor to administer and manage these activities. ,6Related PoliciesDelegation of Authority Policy,7Related ProceduresFormal Access Request Procedure,8Related See,Guidelines/Forms,standards-guidelines-formsfor the following policy guides and forms:,Privacy Policy,The electronic version obtained from theofficial version of this document.Page 6of 6,Collection NoticesGuide,Dealing with Confidential Records Guide,Disclosing Personal Information of Employees to Third Parties Guide,Disclosing Personal Information of Students to Third Parties Guide,Disclosing Personal Information of Employees to the Subject Guide,Disclosing Personal Information of Students to the Subject Guide,Duty to Assist Guide,Recruitment and Selection Guide,Request to Access Information Form,Request to Correct Personal Information Form,Reference Consent Form,9ReferencesFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, c F-25,10History,April 15, 2007Approved.,May 1, 2007Effective.,February 24, 2010Revised s.4.9(b)to include terms ‘department’ and ‘program’.,March 15, 2011Revised. Added s.4.29.,April 6, 2017Editorial Revision.,January 1, 2020Editorial Revision. Updated format and links.,May 30, 2023Editorial Revision. Updated title.

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