
Privacy Policy

<p>Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookie information | GDPR | Imprint</p> Privacy policy <i>Last update on 28.09.2021</i> About our data use <p> Note We will never ask you for your password via email or messenger after you have signed up.<br> Hint You can download all your personal data at our GDPR self-service. </p> Data controller <ul> <li>Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Mautner Markhof - Creator &amp. Founder of Trufflepiggy</li> </ul> We use the following data <ul> <li>Data submitted during sign up: email and name(only social logins) and password(only email). <ul> <li>Anonymous profiles use a special-link for login and don't require any personal credentials.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Email addresses will be used for password recovery and to inform you about important company updates.</li> <li>Your extension setup, options and created search-items and search-groups will be stored on our servers to keep a backup and allow extended sync options. For more details continue reading at our Quick Search and Context Search section further below.</li> </ul> Privacy <ul> <li>By default no search data will ever be transmitted nor stored on our servers, nor shared with any 3rd parties.</li> <ul> <li>Some optional features may require to store search-data locally or remotely on our servers. You will be notified in such cases before activating them.</li> </ul> <li>Your normal web-searches will never be tracked or transmitted to our servers.</li> <li>Email addresses will be used for password recovery and to inform you about important company updates.</li> <li>Your extension setup, options and created search-items and search-groups will be stored on our servers to keep a backup and allow extended sync options. For more details continue reading at our Quick Search and Context Search section further below.</li> <li>Stored data may be used as an anonymized aggregated dataset to show e.g. popular or trending public search-items and/or public search-groups.</li> </ul> Security <ul> <li>All passwords are stored and secured in a hash format so they aren't readable by anyone including us.</li> <li>Each password uses it's own salt.</li> <li>All login and sign up pages are only accessible through encrypted connections(https).</li> <li>Our servers are in secured datacenters in Germany.</li> </ul> Data storage duration <ul> <li>We only try to save and keep data that is essential for providing and constantly evaluating our service. Therefore most data will be saved indefinitely.</li> <li>If you delete your profile all personal and private information will be deleted.</li> <li>Some data like your private search-items or your extension options can be deleted/resetted anytime manually on the related pages.</li> <li>Generated data for public use, e.g. public search-items or search-groups, will be kept even if you delete your account, to guarantee a smooth experience for our other users.</li> </ul> Trufflepiggy - Context Search browser extension <ul> <li>The Trufflepiggy - Context Search browser extension is a addon that adds advanced search capabilities to your context menu.</li> <li>Beside the information you may enter on our website during the setup process no data will be transfered or stored about you.</li> <li>Right now no information will be tracked about your web activity while you search with Trufflepiggy - Context Search.</li> </ul> Trufflepiggy - Quick Search browser extension <ul> <li>The Trufflepiggy - Quick Search browser extension is a content script that adds some functionality via the downloaded extension files to any website you visit.</li> <li>During this process no data will be transferred to our server at any time.</li> <li>As soon as you start Trufflepiggy by clicking on the browser extension icon, using the shortcut, or the Trufflepiggy nose, Trufflepiggy will create a local overlay. Per opt-in the overlay can be loaded from our servers via an iframe.</li> <li>At this point we don't save any information about the websites you visit. We only update some general user data like last login time and view count. The same as you would visit our website directly.</li> <li>Per default options no information will be tracked about your web activity while you search Trufflepiggy - Quick Search. </li> <li>If you use incognito or private browsing none of the mentioned search data will be transmitted or saved from us.</li> </ul> Google Analytics Disclaimer <p> To further improve your privacy all Google Analytic scripts have been removed from </p> Google AdSense Disclaimer <p>Currently the website doesn't use any AdSense integration. However we reserve the right to eventually use Google AdSense to display ads. Google's use of the DoubleClick cookie enables it and its partners to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and/or other sites on the Internet.<br> <br> Hint Take a look at our cookie information to change some settings.</p> Last but not least <p> We have the deepest respect for your privacy. So if you still have some questions please feel free to contact us any time. </p> <br> <br>

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