Curious Cat

Cookie Policy

CuriousCat Cookie Policy1. General 1. The objective of this cookie policy (hereinafter referred to as “Cookie Policy”) is to inform you about the cookies that we and certain third parties utilise on the CuriousCat website (link: ) (hereinafter referred to as “Service”) and the role they have in assisting us to provide you with a better, faster and safer user experience. 2. This Privacy Policy also applies to the use of our Service via mobile device and/or through mobile-optimized website. 3. The Cookie Policy is available to the public at all times, so you may read the full text of the Cookie Policy on CuriousCat’s website whenever you need or want to do so. Please note that this Cookie Policy forms a part of our Privacy Policy ( ). Capitalised terms used herein without definition shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Privacy Policy. 2. What are cookies? 1. Cookies are small text files placed on your device when you use the Service to help us analyse how you use the Service, to personalise content and ads, and to provide you social media features. 2. Cookies can be “persistent” or “session” cookies. Persistent cookies stay on your device until their expiry or until you choose to delete them. Session cookies are deleted immediately when you close your web browser or log out from your Service account. 3. The term cookie in fact describes a range of technologies with similar functionality as the cookies we use, including pixels and session storage (all together hereinafter referred to as “Cookie”). 1. Pixels are a small block of code that are used to track your browsing and navigation while using our Service. The purpose of using pixels is to learn whether you have interacted with our Service. 2. Session storage is a file created by our Service in your device that allows us to store information locally on your computer or mobile device. Session storage is automatically erased once you delete your browser history or close the browser. 3. Legal basis for processing your personal data via cookies 1. If you use our Service, we may process your Personal Data via essential Cookies. Essential Cookies, as brought out in Section 4 of this Cookie Policy, form a vital part of our Service and are implemented automatically upon you start to use our Service. Our legal basis for processing your Personal Data collected via essential Cookies is our legitimate interest of providing and developing the Service through the use of essential Cookies for the specific purposes brought out in the table in Section 4.3 of the Cookie Policy. It is not possible to opt-out from the essential Cookies as those will be applied without your consent. If you use the right to object to such data processing, we cannot provide you with the Service. 2. In addition to essential Cookies, we may process your Personal Data via functionality, performance/analytics, service targeting and/or third party Cookies as brought out in Sections 5-8 of this Cookie Policy. Our legal basis for processing your Personal Data collected via aforementioned Cookies is your consent for the specific purposes referred to in Sections 5-8 of this Cookie Policy. 3. Data collected via Cookies mentioned in Sections 4-7 will be retained up to 30 days as of collecting such data. 4. You have several rights regarding our processing of your Personal Data and collecting it via Cookies. For further information, please see our Privacy Policy: . 4. Essential cookies 1. Essential Cookies help us to make the Service available to you by providing basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the Service. 2. Without these Cookies, our Service will not perform as smoothly for you as we would like, and we may not be able to provide certain core functions and features of our Service. These Cookies enable our Service to authenticate you and remember choices you make while actively using and navigating through our Service during a single session. 3. The objective of implementing these Cookies is to provide the Service. These Cookies are activated automatically upon your visit to our Service.Type of CookieCookie namePurpose of the CookieExpiryPersistent Cookie_cfduidIdentifying trusted web traffic (CloudFlare)1 yearsessionkeyProviding safe communications for the session1 year4. We use social media features, such as Twitter Web Intents and Facebook SDK, which allow you to share your answers on social media. These features may collect your Technical Data and data about which function you are using of our Service and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are hosted by us but provided by a third party. Your interactions with these are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it. For further information on the technologies used by these social networks, please refer to their specific privacy notices. 5. Functionality Cookies 1. Functionality Cookies allow us to provide you certain functionalities of the Service and are applied only after you have given your consent for the application of such Cookies. Functionality Cookies enable our Service to remember choices you make while using our Service, and to provide you with a customised personal experience by not having you to re-enter your preferences each time you use our Service. We deploy the following functionality Cookies:Type of CookieCookie namePurpose of the CookieExpiryPersistent CookiethemeRemembers your choice of user interface theme1 yearlanguage_v3Remembers your choice of languageCTA_EnablePushNotifications_v1Remembers whether or not you have allowed push-notificationsacceptedPolicies_v3Remembers the closed notificationshiddenPostRemembers the post you have chosen to hide6. Performance / Analytics cookies 1. Performance / analytics Cookies are applied or may be applied on the Service only after you have given your consent for the application of such Cookies. 2. Performance / analytics Cookies help us to understand how you interact with the Service. The data gathered via these Cookies does not directly identify you, however, it may render you to us as indirectly identifiable through technical data your device provides us when using our Service. 3. Performance / analytics Cookies collect information about the use of Service and enable us to improve the way it functions. The main purpose of applying these Cookies is to see the most frequently used functions of our Service, analyze Service traffic and improve the performance of our Service. We use the statistics to look at overall patterns of usage, rather than the usage of any particular user. We deploy the following performance / analytics Cookies:Type of CookieCookie namePurpose of the CookieExpiryPersistent Cookie_gaUnderstanding patterns of your activity while using the Service (Google Analytics)2 years_gid24 hours_gatUsed to throttle request rate (Google Analytics)1 minute4. Please note that in case you have activated IP-anonymization on your device or our Service, yet consented to the application of performance / analytics Cookies provided by Google Analytics, your IP address will be truncated within the area of Member State of European Union or other parties to the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases, the whole IP address will be first transferred to a Google server in US and truncated there. The IP address that your Browser conveys within the scope of Google Analytics, will not be associated with other data held by Google 7. Service targeting cookies 1. Service targeting Cookies are applied or may be applied on the Service only after you have given your consent for the application of such Cookies. 2. Service targeting Cookies help us to display you across the Service ads that are relevant and engaging. The purpose of implementing these Cookies is to provide you with ads of your interest and to limit the number of times you see the same advertisement on our Service. 3. These Cookies are deployed by us and the data collected through these cannot be read by the third-party domain providing these Cookies:Type of CookieCookie namePurpose of the CookieExpiryPersistent Cookied7s_uidIdentifying the user2 years_rtgt_sid30 minutesd7s_spcTracking the number of page visits30 minuteseuconsentConsent designation1 yearpubconsent_fbpUsed by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products8. Third party cookies 1. Third party Cookies are applied or may be applied on the Service only after you have given your consent for the application of such Cookies. 2. We use third-party analytics tools in order to improve the quality of Service through assessment of your behavior using our Service. Within our Service we embed third-party marketing and ad technology in order to improve the efficiency of our marketing efforts and the relevance of the advertising presented to you, as well as for marketing of advertising space within our Service, whereby your profiles may be created. 3. These Cookies are placed on our Service in accordance with our permission by a third party service provider. These Cookies may remember your visit to various websites and share this data based on your preferences or interests, known or inferred from data collected across multiple sites, apps or devices with other advertisers. 4. Providers of these Cookies might use pixels to collect information. Through the use of pixels, simple actions such as the visitor traffic to the Service can be pseudonymously recorded and collected. The pseudonymous information might also be stored in Cookies on your device, including technical information like your Browser or OS, details of how you used our Service and interacted with contents displayed by the Marketing Provider. This information might be combined with such data collected on other sources or used in order to display you tailored advertising content on other websites and within other services. 5. In the following, we will inform you about the third party Cookie providers we work with, their privacy policies with ways to opt-out from their data collection.Third party Cookie ProviderThird party privacy policyOpt-out optionGoogle AdSense. Google DoubleClick. Google Analytics. Youtube (Google LLC) Pixel (Facebook Inc.) (Tenor Inc.) browser settings, please see Section 9.2. of this Cookie Policy.Twitter Analytics (Twitter Inc.) . (YouTube LLC) We do not have access to nor does this Cookie Policy or Privacy Policy govern the use of Cookies and other tracking technologies that may be placed on your device you use to access the Services by non-affiliated third-party ad technology, ad servers, ad networks, ad exchanges, or any other non-affiliated third parties. 9. Modifying your cookie settings 1. Please note that if you choose to withdraw your consent or modify your consent of Cookies you previously consented to, some aspects of the Service may not work properly, and you may not be able to access parts of our Service. 2. Browser settings. You can modify or withdraw your consent via your browser settings. If you no longer wish to receive Cookies you may use your web browser settings to accept, refuse and delete Cookies. You can find more information about cookies, including how to control the use of these through your browser settings, at . 3. Device settings. If you are using our Service on your mobile device, you can modify or withdraw your consent by enabling the “Limit Ad Tracking” setting in your iOS phone’s settings, or the setting to “Opt out of Ads Personalization” in your Android phone’s settings. 4. Google Analytics. To opt out being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit . 5. Third Party Cookies. To opt out from third party platforms for marketing purposes across all websites, visit Network Advertising Initiative: . Digital Advertising Alliance: . or Your Online Choices (Europe): . 10. Amendments to this cookie policy 1. We have the right to amend this Cookie Policy from time to time to reflect the changes in the Service. If you wish you may check back periodically to acquaintance with any modifications. 11. Contact If you have any questions about this Cookie Policy, please contact our data protection officer, by writing an e-mail to: .CuriousCatAnonymous questions, and answers with friends!Create AccountDismiss

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