
Cookies Policy

<p> <strong>Cookies Policy</strong> </p> <p> <br> <em>Last Updated: [ May] 2022</em> <br> <br>This Cookie Policy applies whenever you access and use the Pico Services. “Pico Services” include our websites, applications, content, hardware and services (collectively, the “<strong>Pico Services</strong>”).<br>Like many websites and apps, the Pico Services use cookies and other tracking technologies such as software development kits (<strong>SDKs</strong>), pixels and local storage. These technologies allow us to store information or gain access to information stored on your device to enable certain features and distinguish your device from others. Tracking technologies are used by most apps and website providers to recognise that a device is the same as one used previously, for security, to remember user preferences and to generally improve user experience. This Policy explains what these technologies are and how we use them.<br> <strong>1. What technologies are used?</strong> <br>The Pico Services use the following kinds of technologies:<br> <u>Cookies</u>: Cookies are small text files that enable us and our service providers and partners to uniquely identify your browser or device for various purposes, including those described above. Cookies normally work by assigning a unique number to your device and are stored on your browser by the websites that you visit as well as third party service providers and partners to those websites. <br>Cookies can remain on your computer or mobile device for different periods of time. Some cookies are "session cookies", meaning that they exist only while your browser is open and are deleted automatically once you close your browser. <br>Other cookies are "persistent cookies", meaning that they survive after your browser is closed. Most persistent cookies are set to automatically expire after a defined duration (for example, a few days, weeks or months). When you return to that website (or visit other websites that use the same cookies) the website provider or its service providers can recognise the persistent cookies they have set and recognise your browsing device.<br> <u>Local storage</u>: Local storage files are created by apps and websites to store information locally on your device. They are very similar to cookies, but can have slightly different properties (for example, local storage can be used to store more information and can be stored in a different location on your device to cookies). Local storage is normally used to speed up app and site functionality and remember your preferences.<br> <u>SDKs</u>: SDKs are pieces of code that enable data to be collected about your device, network and interaction with a website. Like cookies, they generally operate by assigning your device a unique number.<br> <strong>2. Categories of tracking technologies</strong> <br>The types of tracking technologies used by us and our partners in connection with the provision of the Pico Services can be classified into the following categories. Some of these categories are “essential” to provide you with the services you have requested, such as to securely log into the Pico Services. The following is a list of of the categories of tracking technologies we use:<br> <u>Identification and security</u>: We recognise you when you return to the Pico Services to make sure that you are the right user and to prevent activity that violates our policies. For example, we check what country you are using the Pico Services from to detect if someone may be trying to fraudulently access your account.<br> <u>Remembering your preferences</u>: We need to remember the settings you have chosen on the Pico Services so that they work how you want them to. For example, we use these technologies in order to remember what languages you want to see content in, and the privacy settings you apply to your account. <br> <u>Functionality</u>: Functionality tracking technologies help to make the Pico Services work more efficiently and to improve and optimize your experience. For example, we determine which device you use, the software version and the screen dimensions so that we can ensure that our app functions correctly. <br> <u>Analytics</u>: We use analytics tracking technologies to analyse how you use the Pico Services, including which pages you view most often, how you interact with the content, measure any errors that occur and test different design ideas. The information is used to report and evaluate your activities and patterns as a user of the Pico Services. For example, we may test new features to help us decide which features users prefer.<br> <strong>3. Do other parties use these technologies on the Pico Services?</strong> <br>Tracking technologies can either be “first-party” or “third-party”. First-party tracking technologies refer to tracking technologies that we set and use directly. Third-party tracking technologies refer to tracking technologies set by third parties (such as analytics service providers).<br>We only use first-party tracking technologies on the Pico Services.<br> <strong>4. How can I control these technologies?</strong> <br>You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject non-essential cookies. You can exercise your cookie preferences through our Cookie Settings which can be found <em> <u>here</u> </em>.<br>You can also set or amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies. As the means by which you can refuse cookies through your web browser controls vary from browser to browser, you should visit your browser's help menu for more information.<br>If you choose to reject cookies, you may still use the Pico Services though your access to some functionality and areas of the Pico Services may be restricted. <br> <strong>5. Where can I find more information about these technologies?</strong> <br>If you would like to find out more about these technologies, you may find the following links useful:<br> <u>All about cookies</u> <br> <u>EU Guide to Cookies</u> <br> <u>Your Online Choices</u> <br> <strong>6. Changes to this Policy</strong> <br>We will occasionally update this Policy to reflect changes in our practices. When we post changes to this Policy, we will revise the "Last Updated" date at the top of this Policy. If we make any material changes in the way we collect, use, and/or share information using these technologies, we will notify you by prominently posting notice of the changes in the Pico Services. We recommend that you check this page from time to time to inform yourself of any changes in this Policy.<br> <strong>7. Contact us</strong> <br>If you have any questions or comments about this Policy, or privacy matters generally, contact us at: <strong>privacy@picoxr.com. </strong> </p>

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