Senior Discounts Club


Terms of Use TERMS OF USE <p>Dear valued customer please read these Terms of Use (hereinafter – “Terms”) carefully prior visiting or using any feature of – “Website”).</p> <p>These terms governs your use of the Website or any of its features and, together with all other terms and policies specified below, forms a legally binding agreement between You (hereinafter – “User” or “You”) and the operator of the Website and/or any other online services trading under a trading name “Senior Discounts Club”.</p> <p>If you are not acquainted with, do not agree, do not understand or are not in par with the provisions of these Terms, please stop using the Website immediately, as continuous use of the Website might be considered as your consent to be bound by these Terms.</p> <p> <strong>1. GENERAL TERMS</strong> </p> <p>1.1. Senior Discounts Club (“<strong>the Provider</strong>”, “<strong>We</strong>”, “<strong>Us</strong>”, “<strong>Our</strong>” or “<strong>SDC</strong>”) is a brand name used and operated by a business entity which is a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Lithuania.</p> <p>1.2. &nbsp;You are allowed to use our Website and any of its features only if:</p> <p>(a) You have read these Terms and agree to be bound by them;</p> <p>(b) You are at least 13 years of age or older, if you are a resident of US, or, if you reside in the European Union or European Economic Area, 16 years of age or older;</p> <p>(c) You are using the Website for your own personal interest and do not seek to use the Website for the interest of any other business entity or subject regardless of it being natural or a legal person.</p> <p>1.3. If You have read these Terms but have not fully understood the provisions set herein please contact our customer support team and do not use the Website until you have fully understood all provisions of the Terms.</p> <p>1.4. We shall have the right to ban You from accessing and using the Website or any of its features if we have a reason to believe that you do not qualify the requirements specified in Section&nbsp;1.2. above or if we think that You violate any other provisions of these Terms.</p> <p> <strong>2. SERVICES</strong> </p> <p>2.1. You will find third party coupons, deals, advertisements, discounts, bonuses, freebies and other offers on the Website (“<strong>Offers</strong>”). Offers are for products and services provided by third parties (each, a “<strong>Seller</strong>”), and if you choose to accept an Offer, the transaction will be between you and the Seller. Senior Discounts Club is not a seller, nor an agent or sales platform of the Sellers – we are only sharing with You the information that we find or receive about various Offers and provide You with access to Sellers websites where you could use such Offers.</p> <p>2.2. Senior Discounts Club is not responsible for fulfilment of any Offers. Senior Discounts Club is not a party to, or in any way responsible for, your transaction with a Seller, including when We have an affiliate relationship with Seller.</p> <p>2.3. Senior Discounts Club Website has a “Tips” column where we share with You tips, articles, advices and other content (“<strong>Tips</strong>”) on various topics. Such Tips may be created and owned by either Senior Discounts Club or third parties. However, in no case any Tips should not be treated as legal, financial, tax planning, medical or other advice – all contents of Tips section of the Website are created and provided to You only for entertainment purposes and reflects Our opinion which we do not claim to be accurate or true. Senior Discounts Club is not and will not be liable for any decisions or actions that you take based on information you receive while using the Website.</p> <p>2.4. If you wish to use any Offer that you find on the Website you will be redirected to the Seller’s website and in all cases anything you will be acquiring, downloading or purchasing you will be doing that directly from the Seller, but never from Senior Discounts Club. Before You accept any Offer, please read the entire description of the Offer, including the fine print and any additional terms and conditions set forth on the Seller’s website. You are responsible for understanding what you are acquiring and for following the Seller’s instructions.</p> <p>2.5. Senior Discounts Club is not responsible for the availability of, or the content located on or through, any external website of any third party. By agreeing with these Terms You acknowledge that use of third party (incl. Sellers) websites may be subject to a third party’s terms and conditions and/or privacy policy. The terms and conditions of Offers, including refund and cancellation policies, are governed by the Seller’s policies, not ours. Any third-party content or a link to a third-party site is not an endorsement of that content or third-party site. You should contact the site administrator or webmaster for those third party external sites if you have any concerns regarding such links or the content located on such sites.</p> <p>2.6. Senior Discounts Club does not provide any warranties regarding the quality or complexity of the products or services of any third party. We will not accept nor investigate any claims regarding any products or services about which the You find out on the Website.</p> <p>2.7. Senior Discounts Club does not provide any warranties that the all Offers displayed on the Website will be available at all times and for all Users, as some Offers might be available only for a certain time frame or usage of such Offer could require the User to have some specific qualities or perform some specific tasks, such as provide information, answer questions etc. Senior Discounts Club does not set any terms of use of any specific Offer – such terms are set by the Sellers which provide the Offer. Thus, Senior Discounts Club shall bear no responsibility if You will not be able to use a specific Offer due to reasons that are beyond Our control. Senior Discounts Club may allow you to accept Offers or make other purchases directly from Sellers on our Website, using our checkout tools. While our Website platform helps facilitate your purchase, the transaction will be solely between you and the Seller. You will need to contact the Seller directly for customer service issues, including questions about the products or services for sale, order status inquiries and refund requests.</p> <p>2.8. Senior Discounts Club may receive a commission, fee and/or other compensation on some clicks or purchases made on, through or linked from the Website. This means that Senior Discounts Club may receive some form of compensation through an arrangement it has with a third party if You (i) click on certain ads or links. (ii) visit third party sites and fill any forms on such site. (iii) purchase a product or service after clicking a link on the Website.</p> <p> <strong>3. REGISTRATION ON THE WEBSITE</strong> </p> <p>3.1. Some of the Website’s contents are only available to registered users only. Unregistered Users are also welcome to use the Website, however they will not be able to use the same scope of functions and benefits of the Website as registered Users, i.e.:</p> <p> </p> <p>3.2. In order to make a registration on the Website You will have to provide certain identifying information, such as Your first and last names, email address and/or other information. You will also be requested to create a password. Once you have provided the requested information and confirmed your email address we will create you a personal account on the Website.</p> <p>3.3. If you want to receive Offers based on Your preferences you will have to provide us with information regarding Your interests and favourite stores. This information regarding your preferences are not mandatory to provide in order to register on the Website, however we recommend doing this in order to get the greatest deals and best user experience of your account.</p> <p>3.4. We may refuse to register Your account on the Website or delete Your account at any time without prior notice if we have a reason to believe that:</p> <p>(a) Your personal information provided during the registration is not true or accurate;</p> <p>(b) You have provided any contact information (email address, phone number) which belong to someone other than you;</p> <p>(c) You do not meet age requirements or other conditions set out in Section 1.2. of these Terms;</p> <p>(d) You have not used your account for more than 12 months;</p> <p>(e) When it is necessary to ensure sustainable operation of the Website or reduce any possible harm for the Website or other Users of the Website.</p> <p>3.5. By agreeing to these Terms you confirm that your provided information is true, accurate and complete. You must update your personal or contact information within 15 calendar days if it is changed after you registration on the Website.</p> <p>3.6. You are solely responsible for maintaining confidentiality and security of your password and other information provided to Us. For Your protection and the protection of other Users as well as the Website, you are not allowed to share your log in names or passwords with anyone else. If You do share you log in information with anyone we shall consider that activities of any third party acting with your account are authorised by You. Thus You are fully responsible for all and any damages that would be caused to Us, the Sellers or other Users due to the reason that you have ensured the confidentiality of you account’s log in information. If you have a reason to believe that your account is not secure, you must notify Us immediately.</p> <p>3.7. For more information about how We handle Your personal information and what measures we take in order to prevent it from unlawful use please see our Privacy Policy.</p> <p> <strong>4. RULES OF CONDUCT</strong> </p> <p>4.1. Senior Discounts Club has the right, but not the obligation, to investigate any illegal and/or unauthorized use of the Website and take appropriate legal action, including without limitation, civil, and injunctive relief. While using the Website, you must:</p> <p>(a) Not use the Website if you are younger than 16 years old, or 13 years old if you are a resident of European Union;</p> <p>(b) Not use the Website or any of it’s contents for any illegal purpose, or in violation of any local, state, national, or international law;</p> <p>(c) Not violate or encourage others to violate the rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights;</p> <p>(d) Comply with all policies posted on the Website;</p> <p>(e) Not transfer, legally or factually, your registered account to another person without Our written consent;</p> <p>(f) Provide honest and accurate information to Us;</p> <p>(g) Not use the Website or any of it’s contents for any commercial purpose, to distribute any advertising or solicitation of funds or goods and services, or to solicit users to join competitive&nbsp;online services;</p> <p>(h) Not reformat, format or mirror any portion of any web page of the Website;</p> <p>(i) Not create any links or redirections to the Website through other websites or emails, without prior written consent given by Us;</p> <p>(j) Not make any attempts to interfere with the proper functioning of the Website or the use and enjoyment of the Website by other Users;</p> <p>(k) Use the Website and /or the Offers for personal use only. It is forbidden to resell, redistribute or transfer any Offers to any other person for remuneration;</p> <p>(l) Not interfere in any way with security-related features of the Website;</p> <p>(m) Not access, monitor or copy any content or information of the Site using any robot, spider, scraper, or other automated means or any manual process for any purpose without Senior&nbsp;Discounts Club express written permission;</p> <p>(n) Not perform any fraudulent activity, including impersonating any person or entity, claiming false affiliations, accessing the accounts of other users without permission, or falsifying your&nbsp;identity or any information about you, including age or date of birth;</p> <p>(o) Not perform any other activity or action which would be incompliant with these Terms or applicable laws.</p> <p>4.2. You acknowledge that the Website does not have to be accessible at all times, especially during the necessary hardware and software maintenance periods.</p> <p>4.3. You have the right to terminate your registered account at any time. In order to do so please write to our support team by using the following link</p> <p> <strong>5. DISCLAIMERS</strong> </p> <p>5.1. The Website may provide links to other websites maintained by third parties. Any information, products, software, or services provided on or through third-party sites are controlled by the operators of such sites and not by Us or Our subsidiary companies. When you access these third-party sites, you do so at your own risk.</p> <p>5.2. THE INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR THROUGH THE SITE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW, WE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.</p> <p>5.3. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE SITE OR ANY OF ITS FUNCTIONS WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT ANY PART OF THIS SITE, INCLUDING TIPS COLLUMB, OR THE SERVERS THAT MAKE THE SITE AVAILABLE, ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS.&nbsp. WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES OR INJURY CAUSED BY ANY FAILURE OF PERFORMANCE, ERROR, OMISSION, INTERRUPTION, DELETION, DEFECT, DELAY IN OPERATION OR TRANSMISSION, COMPUTER VIRUS, COMMUNICATION LINE FAILURE, THEFT OR DESTRUCTION OR UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO, ALTERATION OF, OR USE OF RECORD, WHETHER FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORTIOUS BEHAVIOR, NEGLIGENCE, OR UNDER ANY OTHER CAUSE OF ACTION. EACH USER SPECIFICALLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR THE DEFAMATORY, OFFENSIVE OR ILLEGAL CONDUCT OF OTHER THIRD PARTIES, SUBSCRIBERS, MEMBERS OR OTHER USERS OF THE WEBSITE AND THAT THE RISK OF INJURY FROM THE FOREGOING RESTS ENTIRELY WITH EACH USER.</p> <p>5.4. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, OR RELIABILITY OF THIS WEBSITE OR THIRD-PARTY SITES. USE OF ANY INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE OR THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES IS AT THE USER’S OWN RISK. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL WE BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY RELIANCE ON INFORMATION OBTAINED THROUGH THE SITE.</p> <p>5.5. Any financial, healthcare or other information provided on the Website is for informational and recreational purposes only, and is not intended for trading, investing or decision making purposes, or for commercial use. The Website should not be used in any high-risk activities where damage or injury to persons, property, environment, finances, or business may result if an error occurs. You assume any and all risk for your use of information provided on the Website.</p> <p>5.6. We are not responsible for the quality, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, or any other aspect of any product or service offered or provided by a third party. If you make a purchase from a Seller on a site linked to by the Website, the information obtained during your visit to that Seller’s online store or site, and the information that you give as part of the transaction, such as your credit card number and contact information, may be collected by the Seller. A Seller that offers or sells products or services through the Website may have privacy and data collection practices that are different from ours. We have no responsibility or liability for these independent policies. For more information about a Seller, its online store, its privacy policies, and/or any additional terms and conditions that may apply, visit that Seller’s Web site and click on its information links or contact the Seller directly. You agree that neither we nor our affiliates are responsible for any damages that you incur, and you will not assert any claims against us or them, arising from your purchase or use of any products or services made available by third parties through the Site.</p> <p>5.7. Senior Discounts Club made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colours and images of all materials that appear at the Website. However We cannot guarantee that your computer monitor’s display of any colour will be accurate as well as that any displayment of any product or service on the Website will accurately reflect the actual properties of the product or service that You can find on the Website.</p> <p>5.8. Senior Discounts Club does not warrant that the Website will be uninterrupted or error free. We will not be responsible for any service interruptions, including, but not limited to, system failures or other interruptions that may affect the receipt, performing, completion or settlement of transactions or the Offers.</p> <p> <strong>6. INDEMNIFICATION</strong> </p> <p>6.1. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Senior Discounts Club and its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers and licensors harmless form and against any and all claims, liability, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by any Senior Discounts Club in connection with:</p> <p>(a) Your use of, or connection to, Our Website;</p> <p>(b) Any use or alleged use of Your accounts or Your passwords by any person, whether or not authorized by You;</p> <p>(c) The content of information submitted by You to Us;</p> <p>(d) Your violation of the rights of any other person or entity;</p> <p>(e) Your violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations.</p> <p>6.2. Senior Discounts Club reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, and in such case, you agree to cooperate with Senior Discounts Club defense of such claim.</p> <p> <strong>7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY</strong> </p> <p>7.1. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE, SHALL WE, OUR SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES, OR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE, THE SITE, INCLUDING ITS MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICES, OR THIRD-PARTY MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICES MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE, EVEN IF WE ARE ADVISED BEFOREHAND OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. AS SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF CERTAIN CATEGORIES OF DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY APPLY TO YOU IN LESSEN EXTENT. IN SUCH STATES, OUR LIABILITY AND THE LIABILITY OF OUR SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES OR AFFILIATES IS LIMITED TO THE GREATEST EXTENT THAT IT CAN BE LIMITED UNDER SUCH STATE LAW.</p> <p>7.2. The User confirms that he understand that all contents of the Website are provided for recreational purposes only. We will not be responsible for any damages or loss which would be in relation to the use of the Website for other purposes than specified in these Terms.</p> <p>7.3. If You are dissatisfied with the Website, any materials, products, or services displayed on the Website, or with any of the Website’s terms and conditions, Your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Website.</p> <p>7.4. Any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of Our Website must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. If applicable Laws would set a shorter term for filing claims on a particular case, then the shorter term shall be applied.</p> <p> <strong>8. PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION</strong> </p> <p>8.1. We take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to protect Your personal information from being inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed.</p> <p>8.2. The Provider ensures that all personal data shall be collected and processed in accordance to all applicable laws. To find out more about how we use and process personal data please read our Privacy Policy.</p> <p>8.3. By accepting these terms of service you agree that the Provider would use your personal data for the purposes of carrying out his obligations regarding provisions of these Terms as well as other purposes set out in Privacy Policy.</p> <p> <strong>9. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY</strong> </p> <p>9.1. With regards to these Terms intellectual property rights mean such rights as: trademarks, copyright, domain names, data base rights, design rights, patents and all other intellectual property rights of any kind whether or not they are registered (“Intellectual Property”).</p> <p>9.2. All Intellectual Property displayed on the Website or provided to You in any other form are protected by law. You may not copy, repurpose or distribute any Intellectual Property or any other content received from Us or found on the Website, including Offers, for any purpose, without our express written permission. For example, you may not copy Offers onto any other website or app. Without limiting the foregoing, the use of our content for commercial purposes is forbidden unless you have our express written permission.</p> <p>9.3. All Intellectual Property displayed on the Website or provided to You in any other form belong to Senior Discounts Club, except third party trademarks, service marks or other materials, which are used by Us in order to display third party Offers to Users. None of such Intellectual Property may be used without prior written consent of Us or the third party (Seller) to whom such Intellectual Property belong.</p> <p>9.4. We respect intellectual property rights, and expect our Users to do the same. If you believe that your Intellectual Property rights have been violated, please inform Us by filling the contact form here:</p> <p> <strong>10. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTES</strong> </p> <p>10.1. If the User has any complaints regarding the Website or anything related to the Website, he or she may contact Senior Discounts Club support team at any time by filling a contact form here:</p> <p>10.2. All complaints or claims provided by the shall be processed within 30 days from receiving. We always put our best efforts for the positive settlement of the complaint or claim. We will only process those claims which were in written form by e-mail, post mail or by filling a contact form</p> <p>10.3. Unless otherwise is set by applicable law, these terms of services shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania. All disputes shall be subject to the courts of Republic of Lithuania or other institutions considering consumer disputes in the out-of-court procedure.</p> <p>10.4. Any claim must be brought in the initiating party’s individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any class action or other similar proceeding.</p> <p> <strong>11. CONTACT INFORMATION</strong> </p> <p>11.1. Senior Discounts Club may contact you using the contact information you provide us, including by email, phone or your mailing address.&nbsp;We may need to contact you about your use of the Website or your account, or to provide announcements about the Website.</p> <p>11.2. By agreeing to these Terms you also express your agreement to be contacted by Us or Our affiliates in order to provide you with the latest Offers on our Website and other promotional offers or marketing information. If you wish to opt out of the marketing emails, please send Us an opt out request to or click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of such emails.</p> <p>11.3. You can contact Us by filling a contact form (, sending an email:</p> <p> <strong>12. MISCELLANEOUS</strong> </p> <p>12.1. If any provision of these terms of service is determined to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, such provision shall nonetheless be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and the unenforceable portion shall be deemed to be severed from these terms of service, such determination shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other remaining provisions.</p> <p>12.2. Senior Discounts Club reserves the right to transfer or assign these terms of services or any right or obligation under these terms of services at any time without prior written notice to the User.</p> <p>12.3. The User can review the most current version of the terms of service at any time at this page. The Provider reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update, change or replace any part of these terms of service by posting updates and changes to our website. The Provider shall inform the User about any changes in the Terms within reasonable timeframe.</p> <p>12.4. These Terms and the Privacy Policy (as each may be revised and amended from time to time according to their respective terms) collectively constitute the entire agreement with respect to Your access to and use of the Website and any other relations between You and Senior Discounts Club.</p> <p>12.5. If you have entered into a separate written agreement with Senior Discounts Club with respect to your use of the Website or any other relation to Senior Discounts Club that agreement will supersede these Terms to the extent they are in conflict.</p>

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