Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement<p>The Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an addition, not a replacement, of the Terms &amp. Conditions (T&amp;C) of DataCamp Limited listed at</p> <ol> <li> <p> <strong>Overview</strong> <br>The Supplier shall provide the Service availability for CDN77 network of 99.99%.</p> </li> <li> <strong>Definitions</strong> <p>“Service” - For the purpose of this agreement, the Service means the CDN service offered by DataCamp Limited as described in T&amp;C. The SLA agreement applies exclusively to Customers subscribing to Monthly Plans as defined at unless agreed otherwise in any additional Addendum to Term &amp. Conditions of Datacamp Limited.</p> <p>“Service Unavailability” - means that Customer cannot transmit and deliver content over the CDN77 network. The condition in which the entire CDN77 network (All PoP) does not respond to end-user requests.</p> </li> <li> <p>The Service is provided 24 hours a day, excluding the time for planned maintenance reported to Customer at least 24 hours beforehand. Any scheduled or emergency maintenance shall not be counted as Service unavailability and shall not become a subject of SLA credits application.</p> </li> <li> <p>The Service becomes unavailable at the moment of the Suppliers fault behaviour. </p> </li> <li>The monthly SLA is calculated as follows:SLA = T<sub>S</sub> - T<sub>N</sub>T<sub>S</sub> × 100 [%]where:T<sub>S</sub> - duration of service in current month<br>T<sub>N</sub> - duration of service unavailability in the current month.</li> <li> <p>The monthly SLA and rates for the SLA credits are listed in the table below:</p>SLASLA credits99.91 - 99.99%5%99.81 - 99.90%10%98.51 - 99.80%25%97.51 - 98.50%35%96.51 - 97.50%75%95.50% and less100%</li> <li> <p>The sum of the SLA credits is calculated as a percentage rate of the monthly price for Service and will be provided as a discount to the next invoice provided by the Supplier.</p> </li> <li> <p>The amount of SLA credits cannot exceed 100% of the Monthly Plan payment paid by Customer for the given month. The Monthly Plan sum excludes fee for additional services such as CDN Storage, Raw Logs etc.</p> </li> <li> <p>The Customer may apply for the SLA credits if the Supplier does not provide the monthly SLA in the current month. The application for the SLA credits needs to be addressed in writing to the Supplier not later than last day of the month during which the SLA breach has taken place otherwise the claim is no longer legally enforceable.</p> </li> <li> <p>In the case of conflict or ambiguity between any provision contained in the body of this agreement and any provision contained in T&amp;C, the provision in the body of T&amp;C shall take precedence.</p> </li> </ol> <p>For any support issues, please submit a ticket at or contact our 24/7 support team via live chat at</p>

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