

GENERAL BUSINESS TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PUBLISHERS <p>These terms and conditions (the "<strong>Terms</strong>") along with the specific terms agreed through the Clickio Platform ("the <strong>Customer Specific Terms</strong>") constitute the agreement ("the <strong>Agreement</strong>") between <strong>ALZ Software Limited</strong> (a private limited company registered and operating under the laws of the England, with its registered address at: Unit 2.05, 12-18 Hoxton Street, London, UK, N1 6NG) ("<strong>ALZ</strong>" or "<strong>we</strong>") and the person (or legal entity) who indicates with a check-mark in the checkbox labelled "<strong>I have read and agree with the terms of the Agreement</strong>" (the "<strong>Publisher</strong>" or "<strong>you</strong>"). ALZ and the Publisher are jointly referred to as the "<strong>Parties</strong>" and each individually as a "<strong>Party</strong>".</p> ABOUT <p>ALZ operate and manage a network on the Internet that facilitates the advertising of goods and services("<strong>Network</strong>"). </p> <p>The participants in the Network are Advertisers, Publishers and ALZ itself. The Advertisers market and advertise their goods and services using Advertising Material (as defined below). Publishers incorporate or embed the Advertising Material into their website ("<strong>Advertising Space</strong>"). The Advertising Material is incorporated into the Publishers' Advertising Space by using the Code provided by ALZ.</p> DEFINITIONS <p>The definitions set out below shall apply to these Terms:</p> <p>"<strong>Advertisement</strong>" means the advert placed in the Advertising Space by the Publisher.</p> <p>"<strong>Advertisers</strong>" means clients of ALZ who provide the Publishers with Advertising Material to be incorporated or embedded in the Publishers Advertising Space.</p> <p>"<strong>Advertising Materials</strong>" means, without limitation, textual information, graphical information and text-and-graphic blocks, as well as any other interactive materials, relating to goods or services of the Advertiser and/or the Advertiser's clients, that contain hypertext links to web pages or websites containing information on or offering for sale the relevant goods or services of the Advertiser and/or the Advertiser's client each as designated by the Advertiser.</p> <p>"<strong>Clickio Consent Tool</strong>" means the software tool made available from time to time by Clickio on the Platform to assist Publishers in customising and obtaining consents in relation to Publisher User Data.</p> <p>"<strong>Clickio Platform</strong>" means the proprietary software and technology platform licensed to ALZ and available to be accessed and used by the Publisher on the terms of the Agreement via the URL address and which includes the Clickio Consent Tool. ALZ act as an authorised licensee and operator of the Clickio Platform. All interactions between the Parties are carried out exclusively via the Clickio Platform.</p> <p>"<strong>Commission</strong>" means the income generated by the Publisher in allowing Advertisers to use the Advertising Space. Commission is determined by the Tariff selected by the Advertiser and the number of Events that occur. Commission is payable to the Publisher by ALZ.</p> <p>"<strong>Customer Specific Terms</strong>" means the specific terms that the Publisher and ALZ agree through the Publisher's Personal Account within the Clickio Platform.</p> <p>"<strong>Code</strong>" means ALZ's proprietary software code designed for placement on a Publisher's website for the purposes of advertising the Advertising Material in the Advertising Space.</p> <p>"<strong>Data Protection Legislation</strong>" means all applicable laws and regulations relating to processing of personal data and privacy, including without limitation the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR (as applicable) and including where applicable the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner or any other relevant Regulator.</p> <p>"<strong>Data Subject</strong>" has the same meaning set out in the GDPR.</p> <p>"<strong>Data Controller</strong>" has the same meaning set out in the GDPR.</p> <p>"<strong>Event</strong>" means affirmative action of an internet user relating to a specific Advertisement placed on the Publisher's website which leads to the Publisher generating an income pursuant to section 5 below. The nature of the Event will depend on the applicable Tariff. </p> <p>"<strong>Net 30 Demand Partner</strong>" means a demand partner who pays Commission to ALZ on a 30 day basis. </p> <p>"<strong>Personal Account</strong>" means the Publisher's account that is created on the Clickio Platform website (</p> <p>"<strong>Personal Data</strong>" shall have the same meaning as set out in the GDPR.</p> <p>"<strong>Processing</strong>" has the same meaning set out in the GDPR and the terms ‘Process’, ‘Processed’ and ‘Processes’ will be interpreted accordingly. </p> <p>"<strong>Processor</strong>" has the same meaning set out in the GDPR.</p> <p>"<strong>Publisher Accounts Data</strong>" means all Personal Data that we collect from you in relation to your account registration, set up and operation of your Personal Account but excluding Publisher Personal Data.</p> <p>"<strong>Publisher Personal Data</strong>" means all Personal Data that is used or generated in the operation of this Agreement other than Publisher Account Data that belongs to the Publisher or of which the Publisher is the Controller in respect of including but not limited to Publisher User Data.</p> <p>"<strong>Publisher User Data</strong>" means Personal Data in relation to users and or clients of Publisher.</p> <p>"<strong>Purposes</strong>" means the purposes of registration, participation, use of the Network (including the Clickio Platform), payment of Commission and otherwise in order to perform the services under this Agreement in accordance with this Agreement.</p> <p>"<strong>Regulator</strong>" means any supervisory authority for the purposes of Data Protection Laws (including, but not limited to the ICO) to which ALZ or Publisher is subject from time to time or whose consent, approval or authority is required so that ALZ or Publisher can lawfully Process Personal Data.</p> <p>"<strong>Tariff</strong>" means the different methods available to the Advertisers in allowing their Advertising Material to be Advertised by a Publisher. The Tariff determines the way in which the Publisher can generate an income from the Advertisement. The Publisher does not select the Tariff that applies to the Advertisement. The different Tariffs are identified at section 5 below.</p> <p>"<strong>Third Parties</strong>" means third party service providers appointed by ALZ to provide the services under this Agreement to Publisher including ALZ Group, Leaseweb (Netherlands), Hetzner (Germany), Luxup, Payonner, Prosperworks, and Tipalti.</p> <ol> <li> Subject of the Agreement and accessing the Clickio Platform <ol> <li>To participate in the Network, Publishers must register on and create a Personal Account.</li> <li>Legal entities or private individuals over 18 years of age may register as Publishers.</li> <li>ALZ reserves the right to verify the Publisher's personal data.</li> <li>Registration with the Network is not transferable.</li> <li>By completing the registration form and accepting these Terms, the Publishers submit an offer to conclude an agreement for their participation in the Network and to offer their Advertising Space to potential Advertisers.</li> <li>If ALZ accepts the offer, it will confirm this by e-mail or through the Clickio Platform. ALZ reserves the right to refuse an offer without citing any reasons for its refusal. in such case, the data transmitted with the registration form will be deleted without delay.</li> <li>For the avoidance of any doubt, the Agreement is concluded and becomes binding when ALZ accept your offer.</li> <li>Access to the Network will be gained by clicking the activation link in the confirmation email and logging into your Personal Account.</li> <li>To obtain a Code, the Publisher will need to apply for their website and their Advertising Space to be included in the Clickio Platform. This will include providing details of the Advertising Space and the website address. If approved by ALZ, ALZ will provide the Publisher with a Code which will need to be inserted into the Publisher's website. The Code will allow Advertisers to utilise your Advertising Space.</li> <li>Websites with over 50,000 unique visitors a month are eligible for review.</li> <li>In making the application for a Code, the Publisher is consenting to an Advertisement being displayed in their Advertising Space.</li> <li>The Publisher will need to follow the process above for each website that that it wishes to make available to Advertisers.</li> <li>Using the Clickio Platform, Publishers can review and alter their personal data, add websites and Advertising Spaces and other information and cancel their participation as a whole in the Network.</li> <li>In addition to Publishers, Advertisers and ALZ participating in the Network, Publishers can also be operators of networks with their own Publishers ("<strong>Sub-Publishers</strong>").</li> <li>The registration with and the participation in the Network is free of any charge.</li> <li>ALZ will use their reasonable endeavours to ensure that the available applications are up-to-date, complete and correct. ALZ is not obliged to review the Advertising Material provided by the Advertisers.</li> </ol> </li> <li> Publishers' Participation <ol> <li>Publishers shall apply for a Code(s) using the Clickio Platform in accordance with section 1.</li> <li>In the application process, the Advertising Space and the website will be reviewed.</li> <li>Should the Advertising Space listed in the application process not correspond to the Advertising Space actually available, ALZ is entitled to refuse to provide a Code and block the Publisher's account without delay.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Duties of the Publisher <ol> <li>The Publisher undertakes: <ol> <li>that the data provided at registration is correct and complete. Should the data provided at registration change at any time after registration, the Publisher must change his Personal Account on the Clickio Platform.</li> <li>if they are subject to turnover tax, to provide ALZ, as part of their contact details, their valid tax payer identification number issued by their local tax authority or the VAT identification number.</li> <li>to keep the access data to their Personal Account, selected at registration (e-mail address and password) confidential and not to communicate such data to third parties.</li> <li>to inform ALZ without delay in writing or by e-mail sent to in the event that they have reason to believe that third parties have become aware of their access data.</li> <li>to allow placement of Advertisements in their Advertising Space only by way of using the Code.</li> <li>only to use the Code on the website for which it has been specifically provided.</li> <li>to keep all data and information relating to the Clickio Platform which have or will become known to the Publisher confidential. Such information will include but not be limited to Code.</li> <li>when requested by ALZ, to remove the Code from any website or website of their Sub-Publishers.</li> <li>that it holds the required rights in the Advertising Space.</li> <li>that the Advertising Space and the advertising activities as a whole: <ol> <li> <strong>Do not infringe any rights of third-parties (in particular, without limitation, copyrights, trademark rights, personal rights or similar rights).</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Do not violate any other provisions of the law (in particular competition law), do not endanger the democratic constitution, do not glorify violence, are not racist, pornographic or liable to corrupt youth, or unfit to be made generally accessible.</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Do not violate Google AdSense programme policies, located at</strong> </li> </ol> </li> <li>It will not, in any way, attack the Network. Attacks are, without limitation, defined as attempts made to overcome or circumvent the security mechanisms of the Network or to otherwise incapacitate them, using computer programs enabling automatic data readouts, as well as using and/or circulating viruses, worms, Trojans, brute force attacks, spam or using other links, programs or procedures that are suited to damage the Network or participants in the Network.</li> <li>Where they operate a network with Sub-Publishers they will communicate these Terms to and ensure they are binding on their Sub-Publishers and monitor and enforce their compliance. Publishers will be held liable for the conduct of their Sub-Publishers.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li> Misuse <ol> <li>Any form of misuse, for example, procuring Events by unfair methods or means that violate applicable law, these Terms or the Customer Specific Terms, is expressly prohibited.</li> <li>Publishers are prohibited from attempting to obtain Commission by procuring Events themselves or through a third person using the Advertisement placed in the Publisher's Advertising Space using one or more of the following methods:</li> <ol> <li>Fraudulently pretending or faking Events, for example by entering third party data without authorisation, or by providing false or non-existing data when ordering goods or registering online.</li> <li>Using Advertising Material that enables tracking although it is not displayed at all, not visibly or not in the manner and/or size stipulated by the Advertiser.</li> </ol> <li>If we reasonably suspect that you have misused the Clickio Platform, Code or otherwise breached these Terms we may immediately and without notice block your access to your Personal Account and terminate the Agreement. In the event of termination, the provisions of section 7 of these Terms shall apply and the Publisher shall not be entitled to any remuneration, Commission or other payment under the Agreement.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Commission <ol> <li>Commission is only payable if: <ol> <li>an Event has occurred.</li> <li>the Event is approved by ALZ.</li> <li>you have not breached these Terms.</li> </ol> </li> <li>The amount of Commission payable to the Publisher for placement of the Code and the way that it accrues in each particular case will depend on the Tariff selected by the Advertiser. The following Tariffs are available to Advertisers: <ol> <li>Standard "<strong>Pay-Per-Click</strong>" Tariff, under which the Publisher is paid for "<strong>clicks</strong>" made by internet users on the Advertisement.</li> <li>Standard "<strong>Pay-Per-View</strong>" Tariff, under which the Publisher is paid for displaying the Advertisement in their Advertising Space.</li> </ol> </li> <li>The Publisher hereby agrees that the actual amount of Commission to be received by the Publisher under each Tariff shall depend upon, inter alia, the model for placement selected by the Advertiser. The Publisher agrees that they will be notified in each case about the applicable Tariff and the amount of Commission to be received by the Publisher via the Publisher's Personal Account.</li> <li>Within 5 Business Days of starting its participation in the Network or upon request by ALZ, the Publisher shall notify ALZ of the Publisher’s preferred payment terms of either Net 30 or Net 60, provided that:</li> <ol> <li>should the Publisher select Net 30 payment terms, the Publisher agrees and acknowledges that its participation in the Network shall be limited to the Net 30 Demand Partners. and</li> <li>should the Publisher select Net 60 payment terms, the Publisher’s participation in the Network shall include all available Demand Partners.</li> </ol> <li>The Publisher hereby expressly agrees that ALZ will be paying Commission in the following manner: <ol> <li>Payment of Commission accrued each month is made automatically in accordance with the payment terms selected by the Publisher pursuant to section 5.4. If Net 30 payment terms are selected, payment is made within 30 days after the end of the month. If Net 60 payment terms are selected, payment is made within 60 days after the end of the month. Payment is subject to:</li> <ol> <li>the Event being approved by ALZ and there having been no breach of these Terms. and</li> <li>ALZ having the right to delay payment of Commission, for such period as ALZ decides, to the Publisher where ALZ’s receipt of the Commission from the Demand Partner is delayed for whatever reason. In the event that ALZ has failed to collect any Commission due and payable by a Demand Partner to ALZ (“Uncollected Commission”), ALZ shall be entitled to adjust the Commission due and payable to Publisher by either: (i) withholding from any payment of Commission to Publisher an amount equal to the amount of Uncollected Commission, until such time that ALZ collects such Uncollected Commission from such Demand Partner. or (ii) electing not to exercise its rights under paragraph (i) above to withhold such Uncollected Commission by paying Publisher in full, but reserving the right to set off such Uncollected Commission against any Commission, or other amounts, due and payable by ALZ to Publisher hereunder for any future period.</li> <li>If at any time after payment of Commission, ALZ reasonably concludes that any or all of the Commission is attributable to an Event that occurred in breach of these Terms, ALZ shall be entitled to recalculate the Commission that should have been paid and the Publisher shall, without prejudice to ALZ’s other remedies, repay on demand the difference between the recalculated Commission and the Commission actually paid to the Publisher. ALZ may, at any time, set off any amount of Commission owed to it by the Publisher under this section against any present or future payment of Commission payable by ALZ to the Publisher.</li> <li>Commission payments will be made by the method and in the currency selected by the Publisher in the Publisher’s Personal Account.</li> <li>ALZ may set a minimum amount of commission payable which is dependent on the method of payment selected by the Publisher. The minimum amounts imposed by ALZ are listed in the Publisher’s Personal Account. ALZ will only make payments where the minimum amount is met. When the minimum amount that may be paid to the Publisher is not met, the Commission will remain in the Publisher’s remuneration account on the Clickio Platform.</li> </ol> </ol> </li> <li>ALZ is not responsible for any Commission that may be withheld by banks, payment systems, payment services providers and other third parties.</li> <li>No interest will be paid on the Commission in the Publisher's Personal Account.</li> <li>If there are any bank charges in making the Commission payment, such charge will be deducted from the Commission payable to the Publisher.</li> <li>Self Billing: <ol> <li>In accordance with Notice 700 and Notice 700/62 issued by HM Revenue &amp. Customs under section 29 and paragraph 2B Schedule 11 Value Added Tax Act 1994 and paragraphs 13 (3A) to (3F) of the Value Added Tax Regulations 1995, ALZ shall issue a “self-billed invoice for the period of 12 months from the date of this Agreement or as agreed with Publisher or until the termination of this Agreement whichever is the later. In such circumstances, ALZ shall complete self-billed invoices identifying Publisher’s name, address and VAT registration number, together with all other details constituting a full VAT invoice. ALZ shall inform Publisher if the issue of self-billed invoices will be outsourced to a third party.</li> <li>Publisher shall accept self-billed invoices raised by ALZ on behalf of Publisher for the period of 12 months from the date of this Agreement or as agreed with ALZ or until the termination of this Agreement whichever is the later. In such circumstances, Publisher shall not submit invoices to ALZ in circumstances where ALZ is able to issue self-billed invoices. Publisher shall inform ALZ immediately if Publisher’s VAT registration number changes, if Publisher transfers its business as a going concern or if Publisher ceases to be registered for VAT.</li> <li>The Publisher agrees that it shall have full responsibility for accounting for any VAT (or any equivalent tax chargeable in the UK or elsewhere) that may be payable in any jurisdiction in respect of Commissions or any other payments made pursuant to this Agreement.</li> <li>For the avoidance of doubt, ALZ shall only make the supplies and pay the Commissions pursuant to this Agreement subject to the Publisher accepting self-billed invoices raised by ALZ. ALZ will not accept or acknowledge any invoice issued directly by a Publisher in respect of any supplies.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li>Referral Program <ol> <li>The Publisher can use the Referral Link available in the Platform to invite other users to participate in the Platform.</li> <li>A user must register in the Platform within 14 days of using the link to be considered a Referral.</li> <li>If a user receives more than one Referral Link, ALZ will assign the Referral to the Publisher whose Referral Link is used to complete the registration process.</li> <li>Each Referral will go through a normal approval process and can be rejected by ALZ.</li> <li>ALZ shall pay the Publisher a percentage of Commission generated by Referrals within 12 months from the registration date ("Referral Reward"). The Commission must be approved by ALZ and meet all requirements set out in section 5 of these terms.</li> <li>The percentage based on which the Referral Reward is calculated is available in the Platform and can be changed by ALZ from time to time.</li> <li>The Publisher cannot refer themselves or create multiple, fictitious or fake accounts. The publisher may not use the Referral Program to violate any law, infringe or violate the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene or outside the spirit and intent of the Referral Program.</li> <li>Participation in the Referral Program may require a referred user to submit personal information about themselves. The personal information will be collected, processed and used in accordance with the Privacy Policy which can be found at privacy. In addition, personal information may be used by ALZ on ALZ's behalf, to contact Users with regards to participation in the Referral Program.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Term of Agreement and Termination <ol> <li>The Agreement is for an indefinite term.</li> <li>The Parties may terminate the agreement at any time in writing (by letter, fax, e-mail).</li> <li>Any Event that occurs at the time of termination but before the Personal Account has been closed will be processed pursuant to section 5 following the receipt of the termination notice.</li> <li>Once participation in the Network has been terminated, the data record stored at registration will be deleted when ALZ determines that it is no longer necessary subject always to the requirements of any statutory provisions regarding the protection of your data.</li> <li>If the Agreement has been terminated by ALZ for misuse pursuant to section 4, any liquidated damages pursuant to section 4 will be deducted from the Commission payable on termination.</li> <li>In the event that the Publisher fails to activate the registration via the activation link sent to the Publisher by email, the activation link will be automatically cancelled after 60 days. It is possible to re-register.</li> <li>If no an Event does not occur for a period of two years after registration, ALZ reserves the right to close the account and to cancel the registration. It is possible to re- register.</li> <li>ALZ may in its sole and absolute discretion and with immediate effect terminate the Agreement where there has been a breach of these Terms or the Customer Specific Terms by the Publisher by notifying the Publisher in writing.</li> </ol> </li> <li> Data Processing Agreement in respect of Publisher Personal Data <ol> <li>Protecting Personal Data is very important to ALZ — nevertheless, collecting, processing and using such data is indispensable for operating the Network.</li> <li>Each Party shall comply with its respective obligations under the Data Protection Legislation in relation to all Personal Data that may be Processed in the performance and operation of this Agreement.</li> <li>With respect to the Parties' rights and obligations under this Agreement, if at any time ALZ Processes or receives or otherwise has access to Publisher Personal Data then the Parties agree that the Publisher is the Controller and that ALZ is the Processor.</li> <li>Publisher shall comply at all times with the Data Protection Legislation and shall procure, ensure and provide evidence to ALZ upon individual request thereof, of the fair and lawful basis upon which Publisher has obtained consent in relation to the processing of Publisher Personal Data in the performance of this Agreement. Such consent shall include the transfer and processing of Publisher User Data to Demand Sources on a global basis.</li> <li>ALZ has developed and makes available to Publishers on an “as is” basis the Clickio Consent Tool as part of the services provided under these Terms. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, Publisher acknowledges and confirms for the avoidance of any doubt that it is solely responsible for complying with its obligations under Data Protection Legislation in relation to procuring a fair and lawful basis upon which ALZ (and Demand Sources) may Process the Publisher Personal Data for the purpose of providing the services to Publisher under these Terms.</li> <li>ALZ shall: </li> <ol> <li>only Process Publisher Personal Data for the Purposes;</li> <li>process the Publisher Personal Data only on behalf of the Publisher and only in accordance with the written instructions of the Publisher (which may be specific instructions or instructions of a general nature as set out in this Agreement or as otherwise notified by the Publisher to ALZ in writing during the term of this Agreement);</li> <li>process the Publisher Personal Data only to the extent, and in such manner, as is necessary for the provision of the Services under this Agreement and for no other Purposes unless it has first obtained the written authorisation of Publisher. ALZ may also Process Publisher Personal Data where required by any applicable laws provided ALZ gives prior notification to the Publisher of such requirement save where prohibited from doing so by applicable law;</li> <li>implement and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR to protect Publisher Personal Data against unauthorised or unlawful Processing and against accidental loss, destruction, damage, alteration or disclosure. </li> <li>at all times maintain a back-up copy of Publisher Personal Data ensuring that up-to-date back-ups are held in safe and secure off-site storage, so as to ensure that ALZ is able to restore the availability and access to Publisher Personal Data in a timely manner in the event of any unauthorised or unlawful Processing or accidental loss, destruction, damage, alteration or disclosure of Publisher Personal Data;</li> <li>regularly test, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of its organisational and technical security measures;</li> <li>take reasonable steps to ensure the reliability of any staff who have access to the Personal Data, including ensuring they have undergone appropriate vetting and adequate training in data protection, data Processing and in the responsibilities, care and handling of Personal Data;</li> <li>ensure that none of the staff publish, disclose or divulge any of the Personal Data to any third party unless directed in writing to do so by the Publisher;</li> <li>notify the Publisher as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within 2 days, if it receives:</li> <ol> <li>a request from a Data Subject to have access to their Personal Data. </li> <li>a request from a Data Subject exercising any rights of the data subject under the GDPR. or</li> <li>a complaint or request relating to the Publisher's obligations under the Data Protection Legislation;</li> </ol> <li>provide the Publisher with full co-operation and assistance in relation to any complaint or request made:</li> <li>immediately notify Publisher in the event of any breach by ALZ of any Data Protection Legislation or any unauthorised or unlawful Processing of Publisher Personal Data or in the event of any accidental loss, corruption, destruction or damage to Publisher Personal Data and provide Publisher with an explanation of the cause of the breach and its proposals to remedy the unauthorised event or accidental event (as the case may be). ALZ shall, subject to the Publisher's reasonable instructions, promptly implement and maintain all measures and steps that are necessary to remedy the breach and to minimise the likelihood of a future breach. In the event of an unauthorised event or an accidental event, ALZ shall provide the Publisher with such information and assistance as it requires to satisfy its requirements to notify any applicable Regulator and/or any affected Data Subjects, and promptly restore such Publisher Personal Data using its back up or disaster recovery procedures;</li> <li>permit the Publisher, to inspect and audit ALZ's data Processing activities (and/or those of its agents, subsidiaries, sub-processors and subcontractors) and comply with all reasonable requests or directions by the Publisher to enable the Publisher to verify and/or procure that ALZ is in full compliance with its obligations under this Agreement;</li> <li>co-operate and assist the Publisher or any Regulator where the Publisher is required to deal or comply with any assessment, enquiry, notice or investigation by a relevant Regulator, in particular by the ICO, so as to enable the Publisher to comply with all of its obligations as a Controller which arise as a result of such an assessment, enquiry, notice or investigation;</li> <li>provide a written description of the technical and organisational methods employed by ALZ for Processing Personal Data (within the reasonable timescales required by the Publisher), and such other information or assistance that the Publisher may reasonably require to carry out a data protection impact assessment and any subsequent prior consultation with a Regulator that may be required by Publisher. and</li> <li>not Process Publisher Personal Data outside the European Economic Area without the prior written consent of the Publisher and, where the Publisher consents to a transfer, to comply with:</li> <ol> <li>the obligations under Chapter V of the GDPR by providing an adequate level of protection to any Publisher Personal Data that is transferred. and</li> <li>any reasonable instructions notified to ALZ by the Publisher, including entering into the so called European Commission approved Model Clauses or such other transfer mechanism as may be permitted by applicable Data Protection Legislation.</li> </ol> </ol> <li>Publisher consents to the appointment of the Third Parties by ALZ. ALZ shall obtain prior written consent from the Publisher in order to transfer the Publisher Personal Data to any subcontractors, sub-processors or affiliates other than the Third Parties for the provision of the Services under this Agreement. Where the Publisher consents to any such subcontracting or sub-processing, ALZ shall ensure that:</li> <ol> <li>it notifies the Publisher of the identity of the proposed sub-processor (or any changes to the proposed sub–processor that the Publisher may at its absolute discretion reject) immediately and supply the Publisher with all relevant information including the Processing obligations that are proposed to be subcontracted;</li> <li>it engages any subcontractor or sub-processor by written agreement, the terms of such written agreement must contain equivalent guarantees to those contained in the terms of this section as if the sub-processor or subcontractor was ALZ. ALZ shall ensure that any sub-processor or subcontractor complies with the Data Protection Legislation and has sufficient organisational and technical measures in place to guarantee the protection of Publisher Personal Data against unauthorised or unlawful Processing. and</li> <li>ALZ agrees to actively monitor and enforce the provisions and performance of any subcontractor or sub-processor agreement and shall remain responsible and liable for its obligations hereunder as primary obligor, notwithstanding the sub-contracting or sub-processing of such obligations and for all acts and omissions of its sub-processors or sub-contractors.</li> </ol> <li>The Publisher agrees to participate in the publisher satisfaction surveys held by Google. The publisher’s email and website domain will be automatically enabled for participation. The Publisher may withdraw consent for participation at any time.</li> <li>ALZ shall comply at all times with the Data Protection Legislation and shall not perform its obligations under this Agreement in such a way as to cause the Publisher to breach any of its applicable obligations under the Data Protection Legislation.</li> <li>Upon notification by a Regulator or written request by the Publisher, ALZ agrees that a Regulator or the Publisher (or its appointed representatives) may enter its relevant premises to audit, examine and inspect ALZ’s procedures, premises, equipment, facilities, materials and documentation from or on which Publisher Personal Data has been Processed or is Processed or is to be Processed pursuant to this Agreement by ALZ and/or the Personnel or its sub-processors, as the Publisher may require to enable it to assess and monitor ALZ’s compliance with its obligations under this section ALZ agrees that it will co-operate with and assist the Publisher or a Regulator in the operation of any audit.</li> <li>Upon termination of this Agreement or as may be requested in writing at any time by the Publisher, ALZ shall immediately cease to use Publisher Personal Data and shall at the discretion of the Publisher return or destroy it including all existing copies of it.</li> <li>Publishers can obtain information about their data via the usual contact channels or by sending an e-mail to</li> </ol> </li> <li> Rights of Use <ol> <li>The information and the data obtained in the course of participation in the Network may only be used in connection with the Network. Forwarding such information or data to third parties and using them for any other purposes is prohibited.</li> <li>Publishers must not modify the Advertising Materials or Code, neither visually nor technically nor with regard to their content, nor are they allowed to process the Advertising Materials or Code provided to them in any other way, unless ALZ has previously provided consent in writing.</li> <li>The Network and its applications are protected under copyright law and other statutory provisions.</li> <li>ALZ hereby grants to the Publisher a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Network applications as well as the data contained therein, provided that this use complies with the stipulations of any applicable laws and this Agreement and takes place exclusively within the context of participating in the Network. In case of a termination of the Agreement — regardless the reason — the right of use set forth above will be revoked.</li> <li>Publishers will not be granted any further rights of use. In particular, Publishers are not entitled to transmit the applications or the data contained therein to third parties, nor are they entitled to allow third parties to access such applications or data, nor may they modify or otherwise process such applications or data, incorporate them into another work, or use them in order to create data bases and/or information services of their own.</li> </ol> </li> <li> Indemnification in the event of Breach of the Agreement <ol> <li>Compliance with these provisions is essential for the operation of the Network. In the event of a breach of the Agreement, ALZ reserves the right to take further legal steps in addition to terminating the agreement.</li> <li>If Publishers breach any of these provisions (including but not limited to those relating to Data Protection Legislation) and if third parties hold ALZ liable for such violation, ALZ is entitled to demand that such Publishers indemnify it against all costs and expenses it may incur as a result of the breach. Such costs include, in particular, the compensation or damages payable to third parties and reimbursement of further expenses including but not limited to legal costs.</li> </ol> </li> <li> Liability and Limitation of Liability <ol> <li>ALZ shall not be held liable for the content of websites of third-parties, nor shall it be liable for any damages or other failures resulting from any defects of the Publisher's software or hardware or their incompatibility with the Network. ALZ shall also not be liable for damages resulting from the fact that the Internet was not available or malfunctioning.</li> <li>To the fullest extent permitted under any and all applicable laws, in no event will ALZ, its shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, website and/or internet service providers, content providers, employees, officers, directors, and agents be liable to the Publisher or anyone else under any theory of liability (whether in contract, tort, statutory, or otherwise) for any incidental, direct, indirect, punitive, actual, consequential, special, exemplary, or any other damages, including loss of revenue or income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, damages for loss of goodwill, data or any other intangible losses, resulting from the Publisher's access and/or use of, or inability to access and/or use the Clickio Platform and/or the Network or any part or portion thereof, even if ALZ have been advised of the possibility of such damages. The Publisher assumes full responsibility for any damages, losses, costs, or harm arising from the Publisher's access and/or use of, or inability to access and/or use, the Clickio Platform and/or the Network.</li> <li>Nothing in this section, or the entirety of the Terms, seeks to exclude ALZ's liability for death or personal injury as a result of ALZ's actions or fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.</li> </ol> </li> <li> Modification of the General Business Terms and Conditions for Publishers <ol> <li>ALZ reserve the right to amend the Terms and to do so without citing any reasons.</li> <li>ALZ will communicate the amendments by e-mail and/or by publishing the amended terms on the Clickio Platform at least two weeks prior to the effective date. Publishers who do not object in text form (letter, e-mail, fax) to the modification within two weeks after the receipt of the e-mail will be deemed to have accepted the respective modification.</li> </ol> </li> <li> Jurisdiction <ol> <li>The Agreement shall be governed exclusively by the laws of England.</li> <li>The place of jurisdiction is London, England.</li> </ol> </li> <li> Change of ownership <ol> <li>The rights and duties under the Terms may only be transferred with the prior written consent of ALZ.</li> <li>In accepting these Terms the Publisher will be deemed to have consented to the disclosure to, and use by, a subsequent owner or operator of the Clickio Platform or ALZ, of any information about the Publisher, including the Publisher's registration details and personal data.</li> <li>In the event of a change of ownership or operator as above, the Publisher's continued use of the Clickio Platform signifies the Partner's agreement to be bound by the Agreement with the subsequent owner or operator. This provision shall remain in full force and effect.</li> <li> If the Publisher has any comments or questions concerning their access and/or use of the Clickio Platform, the Publisher may contact ALZ using the following contact details: <br> <br> E-mail address:<br> Postal address: ALZ Software Ltd., Unit 2.05, 12-18 Hoxton Street, London, UK, N1 6NG </li> </ol> </li> <li> Dispute Resolution <ol> <li>To the maximum extent allowed under any applicable laws the Publisher agrees that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to Publisher's use of the Clickio Platform or participation in the Network must be filed within 1 (one) year after any such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. This provision shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any termination of the Publisher's use of the Clickio Platform or participation in the Network.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> Final provisions <ol> <li>Should any individual provision of these Terms be of no effect, as a whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision will be deemed replaced by that provision that is legally effective and comes closest, in the usual understanding, to the economic intent and purpose of the invalid provision. The same applies to any unintentional omission.</li> <li>The utilisation of the Network and its applications requires the use of special technical systems such as end user devices, software programs, transmission networks, telecommunications and other services provided by third parties, all of which may entail further costs. ALZ does not provide such end user devices, software programs, communication channels, telecommunications services or other services and therefore will not assume any liability for such services provided by third parties.</li> <li>The Agreement does not establish a company or a partnership between the parties, it does not authorise either of the parties to make any legally binding declarations on behalf of both parties together, or on behalf of the respective other party, nor does it authorize them to place the respective other party under any obligation or to represent it in any other way.</li> </ol>

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