
Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy <p> <strong>JuicyAds®<br> Acceptable Use Policy</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Last Updated: January 3, 2018</strong> </p> <p> <strong>General Acceptable Use Policy</strong> </p> <p>JuicyAds requires that all customers and other users of the JuicyAds’s platform conduct themselves with respect for others. In particular, observe the following rules in your use of the platform:</p> <ol> <li>Abusive Behavior: Do not harass, threaten, or defame any person or entity. Do not contact any person who has requested no further contact. Do not use ethnic or religious slurs against any person or group.</li> <li>Privacy: Do not violate the privacy rights of any person. Do not collect or disclose any personal address, social security number, or other personally identifiable information without each holder’s written permission. Do not cooperate in or facilitate identity theft.</li> <li>Intellectual Property: Do not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property rights of any person or entity. Do not reproduce, publish, or disseminate software, audio recordings, video recordings, photographs, articles, or other works of authorship without the written permission of the copyright holder.</li> <li>Hacking, Viruses, &amp. Network Attacks: Do not access any computer or communications system without authorization, including the computers used to provide the platform. Do not attempt to penetrate or disable any security system. Do not intentionally distribute a computer virus, launch a denial of service attack, or in any other way attempt to interfere with the functioning of any computer, communications system, or website. Do not attempt to access or otherwise interfere with the accounts of other users of the platform.</li> <li>Spam: Do not send bulk unsolicited emails (“Spam”) or sell or market any product or service advertised by or connected with Spam. Do not facilitate or cooperate in the dissemination of Spam in any way. Do not violate the CAN-Spam Act of 2003 or Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation.</li> <li>Fraud: Do not issue fraudulent offers to sell or buy products, services, or investments. Do not mislead anyone about the details or nature of a commercial transaction. Do not commit fraud in any other way.</li> <li>Violations of Law: Do not violate any law.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Publisher Acceptable Use Policy</strong> </p> <p>Publishers participating in the JuicyAds platform are required to adhere to the following policies. JuicyAds suggests you read the policies carefully and reference the guidelines often as JuicyAds may change its policies at any time. In accordance with the JuicyAds terms of service agreement, it is your responsibility to keep up to date with and adhere to the policies posted here. Failure to comply with these policies may warrant JuicyAds limiting ad serving to your website or limiting your JuicyAds account. While in most cases JuicyAds prefers to work with publishers to achieve policy compliance, JuicyAds may disable, suspend, or terminate any account at any time. If your account is disabled, suspended, or terminated, you will not be eligible for further participation in the platform until all issues have been resolved.</p> <p> <strong>Website Content Restrictions</strong> </p> <p>Publishers in the platform must adhere to these restrictions. Adult websites must comply with 18 U.S.C. §§&nbsp;2257–2257A. Websites displaying ads must not include:</p> <ol> <li>Content that infringes on another person’s intellectual property rights, including copyright, patent, and trademark rights.</li> <li>Promotion of child pornography or bestiality, including minors or animals in adult or sexual situations, including images, written content, or animations.</li> <li>Violent or abusive content, content promoting hate or racial intolerance, or content advocating against any individual, group, or organization.</li> <li>Hacking/cracking content.</li> <li>Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia.</li> <li>Excessive profanity.</li> <li>Content regarding programs that compensate users for clicking on ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites, reading emails, or pay to click or incentivized in any way to click or view advertisements.</li> <li>Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of webpages.</li> <li>Sales or promotion of weapons or ammunition (e.g., firearms, fighting knives, stun guns, etc.).</li> <li>Sales or promotion of alcohol, tobacco, or any related paraphernalia.</li> <li>Content containing “revenge porn”: sexually explicit media that is publicly shared online without the consent of the pictured individual.</li> <li>Any other content that is illegal or promotes illegal activity.</li> <li>Any other content that is false, misleading, or deceptive.</li> <li>Any file-sharing, torrent websites, or content lockers.</li> <li>Any pirate websites or websites that promote piracy, specifically those that do not comply with DMCA removal requests.</li> <li>Websites that allow user-submitted content but do not comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or a similar notice and takedown procedure.</li> <li>Little or no original content, including: <ol> <li>Scraped content: Websites with content taken from high-quality sources or “free article” websites. These are often template or cookie cutter websites.</li> <li>Auto-generated content: Websites with programmatically generated content. These websites often have random content that is confusing or nonsensical to a website visitor.</li> <li>Doorway websites: Websites with content designed to increase search engine rank, with little content for an actual website visitor.</li> <li>Made for ad websites: Websites that primarily consist of only advertisements do not constitute content for a landing page.</li> <li>Login to view any content: Websites with landing pages with only a login or registration form.</li> <li>Thin affiliate websites: These websites collect pay-per-click (PPC) revenues by sending visitors to the websites of affiliate programs, while providing little or no value-added content or service to the user. These websites usually have no original content and may be cookie-cutter websites or templates with no unique content.</li> <li>Websites under construction: Websites that are blank, under construction, page with raw coding/incorrect coding, or take too long to respond.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> <p> <strong>Invalid Clicks and Impressions</strong> </p> <p>Page views and clicks on ads must result from genuine human interest. Any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions on ads is prohibited. These prohibited methods include repeated manual clicks or impressions, use of robots, automated click and impression generating tools, third-party services generating clicks or impressions such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, and click-exchange programs, or any deceptive software. JuicyAds will not pay for any inventory that JuicyAds believes, in its sole discretion, incentivizes users to click, uses automated means to generate clicks or traffic, or is otherwise suspicious.</p> <p> <strong>Encouraging Clicks</strong> </p> <p>JuicyAds does not allow any of the following methods to artificially generate clicks or impressions:</p> <ol> <li>Encouraging users to click the ads by using phrases such as “click the ads,” “support us,” “visit these links,” or other similar language. But phrases such as “advertisements,” “sponsors,” or other similar language that identify the links as advertisements are acceptable.</li> <li>Placing misleading images alongside individual ads.</li> <li>Promoting websites displaying ads through unsolicited mass emails or unwanted advertisements on third-party websites.</li> <li>Compensating users for viewing ads or performing searches, or promising compensation to a third party for that behavior.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Copyrighted Material</strong> </p> <p>Website publishers must not display ads on webpages with content protected by copyright law unless they (i.e., website publishers) have the necessary legal rights to display that content. In other words, website publishers must not display ads on webpages with unlicensed content belonging to a third party.</p> <p> <strong>Website and Ad Behavior</strong> </p> <p>Unless JuicyAds’s expressly authorizes you to do so in writing, you must not alter or manipulate any ads or standard ad behavior in any way, including the following:</p> <ol> <li>You must not alter any part of the code or change the behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads.</li> <li>Websites showing ads must not contain pop-ups or pop-unders that interfere with website navigation, change user preferences, or initiate downloads.</li> <li>A website or third party cannot display ads served by JuicyAds as a result of the actions of any software application, including a toolbar.</li> <li>No JuicyAds invocation code will be integrated into a software application.</li> <li>Webpages containing JuicyAds invocation codes must not be loaded by any software that can trigger pop-ups, redirect users to unwanted websites, modify browser settings, or otherwise interfere with website navigation. It is your responsibility to make sure that no ad network or affiliate uses these methods to direct traffic to pages that contain your JuicyAds invocation code.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Ad Placement</strong> </p> <p>Publishers must comply with the following ad placement policies:</p> <ol> <li>Up to six ad zones may be displayed on each page.</li> <li>You must not display the same zone multiple times on one page. You must create a unique ad zone for each ad placement on your website.</li> <li>Elements on a page must not obscure any part of the ad displayed.</li> <li>No ad zones will be placed on any non-content-based pages.</li> <li>No ad zones will be placed on pages published specifically for the purpose of showing ads, whether or not the page content is relevant. The only exception to this is interstitial ad zones that have been approved by JuicyAds.</li> <li>All in-player ad zones must have a “Close” button.</li> <li>You must not place JuicyAds in-player ad zone on videos that do not play.</li> <li>You must not remove JuicyAds banner container for in-player ad zones.</li> <li>In-player ad zones must not remain visible when a video is playing.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Advertiser Acceptable Use Policy</strong> </p> <p>Advertisers participating in the platform are required to adhere to the following policies. JuicyAds asks that you read these policies carefully and refer to this document often. If you fail to comply with these policies, JuicyAds may disable serving of your ads or disable your account. While in most cases JuicyAds prefers to work with advertisers to achieve policy compliance, JuicyAds may disable any account at any time. If your account is disabled, you will not be eligible for further participation in the platform until all issues have been resolved. Please note that JuicyAds may change its policies at any time, and in accordance with its terms of service agreement, it is your responsibility to keep up to date with and adhere to the policies posted here.</p> <p> <strong>Image Ads Editorial Guidelines</strong> </p> <ol> <li>Ad images must be clear and recognizable.</li> <li>Text appearing in the ad images must be legible.</li> <li>Banners must be 18 U.S.C. §§ 2257–2257A compliant.</li> <li>The keywords in ads must relate to the content on your destination URL.</li> <li>Third-party codes (such as iFrame or JavaScript ads) must not contain any malware or malicious code. Doing so is a breach of the terms of service agreement and will result in immediate account closure without the possibility of any refund.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>PopUnder and Interstitial Ad Editorial Guidelines</strong> </p> <ol> <li>No double popunders.</li> <li>No java alerts.</li> <li>No iFrame breaking.</li> <li>No exit prompts.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Destination URLs Guidelines</strong> </p> <ol> <li>The URL must not contain spaces.</li> <li>A website cannot link to a blank page, a page with little content, a page where the majority of the content consists of ads, a page that is under construction, or a page with raw or incorrect coding.</li> <li>The URL cannot link directly to an executable file or any download that is not user initiated.</li> <li>If the landing page promotes and links to an executable file or download it must accurately describe contents of the file or download.</li> <li>The landing page cannot require a login to view any website content.</li> <li>The landing page must not use or promote crypto miners, malware, ransomware, malicious code, or deliver harmful programs.</li> <li>The landing page cannot engage in any illegal online activities, including phishing, spoofing, or spamming.</li> <li>The landing page cannot contain java alerts or chat windows that prevent a user from easily exiting a landing page.</li> <li>The landing page must not use any third party copyrighted content or trademarked branding or imitate any brand without proof of consent.</li> <li>The landing pages must comply with 18 U.S.C. §§ 2257–2257A.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Prohibited Content &amp. Conduct</strong> </p> <ol> <li>Any child pornography or sexual content that depicts individuals who are under 18-years old or who are presented in a way designed to make them appear to be under 18-years old, including computer-generated images, drawings, or sculptures that are, or appear virtually indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.</li> <li>Any content that depicts excessively violent or forced sexual acts, including rape or slapping, hitting, or torture in connection with sexual activity. urination, defecation, or vomiting in conjunction with sexual activity. sexual activity that involves the participation of animals. vaginal fist insertion. real or simulated incest. or real or simulated sex with a dead body.</li> <li>Promotion of hacking and cracking websites.</li> <li>Promotion of anti-virus except for well known, reputable products, with legitimate offers (no fake/misleading anti-virus campaigns).</li> <li>Promotion of “cleaner” software.</li> <li>Fake system notifications or alerts.</li> <li>Any content that infringes copyrights or trademarks, including any copyrighted or trademarked material or imitation of copyrighted or trademarked material without consent of the copyright or trademark owner (i.e., Snapchat, Google Play Store, Android, Apple, etc.).</li> <li>Promotion of “revenge porn”—sexually explicit media that is publicly shared online without the consent of the pictured individual.</li> <li>Any material that offers illegal products or services.</li> <li>Promotion of incentives for online activity to surf websites, click on ads, or any activity that artificially enhances website or advertiser metrics.</li> <li>Promotion of violence, racial intolerance, or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization.</li> <li>Promotion of fake documents, copied or pirated material, or paper mills.</li> <li>Promotion of drugs or any related paraphernalia.</li> <li>Sales or offers of weapons, alcohol, tobacco, or any related paraphernalia.</li> <li>Promotion or any attempt to profit from human tragedy or suffering.</li> <li>Promotion of illegal activities that infringes on the rights of others.</li> <li>Promotion of gambling or online betting that is targeted to the United States.</li> <li>“Free” offers in which the redemption requirements are overly burdensome as to not constitute a free item.</li> <li>Any link to a website that contains unacceptable or obscene content.</li> <li>Use of crypto miners or otherwise engaging in crypto mining.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Truth in Advertising Guidelines</strong> </p> <ol> <li>Advertising placed by advertisers through JuicyAds must not contain false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive claims or content.</li> <li>Any advertiser that places an advertisement through JuicyAds that is determined to contain false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive claims or content or that does not comport with JuicyAds’s terms of services agreement will be subject to an immediate and permanent ban from using the platform. Once an advertiser is banned from using JuicyAds, that advertiser must not create a new account with JuicyAds or otherwise try to use the JuicyAds service in any way.</li> <li>Determination of whether an advertisement contains false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive content or does not comply with JuicyAds’s terms of service agreement will be at JuicyAds’s sole discretion.</li> <li>Advertisers who place advertising through JuicyAds are solely responsible for the content of the advertisements that they place. By placing an advertisement through JuicyAds, the advertiser <ol> <li>confirms to JuicyAds that the content of the advertisement is factually accurate;</li> <li>confirms to JuicyAds that it has the right to use any video, still images, logos, or any other intellectual property contained within the advertisement. and</li> <li>states that the advertisement is appropriate and accurate for the designated website category, niche, or rating.</li> </ol> </li> <li>The destination website reached through any advertisement placed through JuicyAds must not link to any prohibited content or services.</li> <li>Advertisers are responsible for making sure that all advertisements placed through JuicyAds comply with all “Truth in Advertising” laws.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Consequences of AUP Violations</strong> </p> <p>If JuicyAds learns of an alleged violation of this AUP, it will initiate an investigation within 24 to 48 hours. During this investigation, JuicyAds may restrict your access to prevent further possible unauthorized activity. If JuicyAds finds that you violated this AUP, it may restrict, suspend, or terminate your account or pursue other civil remedies. JuicyAds also reserves the right to seek to recover any costs and expenses associated with the investigation of an alleged AUP violation. If the violation is a criminal offense, JuicyAds will notify the appropriate law enforcement agency of the violation.</p> <p>JuicyAds will hold you liable for all costs and expenses it incurs because of your violation. This includes legal fees and costs.</p> <p>The first violation will result in a fine of $250 per incident and JuicyAds will review your account for possible immediate termination. A second violation will result in a fee of $500 per incident and may result in immediate termination of your account.</p> <p>Decisions regarding the termination or suspension of an account are final. JuicyAds will not negotiate regarding suspension or termination of an account for breach of this AUP or the terms of service agreement.</p> <p> <strong>Reporting AUP Violations</strong> </p> <p>JuicyAds requests that anyone with information about a violation of this AUP report it via the “Report Abuse” page on the JuicyAds.com website: https://www.juicyads.com/abuse/. Please provide the date and time (with time zone) of the violation and any identifying information regarding the violator, including email or IP address if available, as well as details of the violation.</p> <p> <strong>Disclaimer</strong> </p> <p>JuicyAds cannot and does not monitor its customers for compliance with this AUP. JuicyAds will not be liable for any action or inaction regarding enforcement of this AUP. JuicyAds will not be liable to anyone for performance or nonperformance of the enforcement activities described in this AUP. JuicyAds may refuse service to any individual, group, or business. JuicyAds may also discontinue service to customers with excessive or multiple repeated violations of this AUP.</p>

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