Trade Me

Privacy policy

Privacy lives here <p>We want Trade Me to be a safe and trusted place. We do this via the products and services we build, and our commitment to your privacy. It’s important to us that you trust Trade Me and the things we do with your personal information.</p> <p>This policy is straight up about how we collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information. We bring diverse people together in our Trade Me community, and we take our responsibility to protect your personal information very seriously. We collect and use your personal information to deliver our vision of making life better for Kiwis through online experiences you’ll love. We’re committed to following four principles in relation to your information: </p> <ul> <li>We will respect your privacy—our brand is built on trust and integrity.</li> <li>We’re committed to being transparent and honest, so you know what we do with your personal information (including if something goes wrong).</li> <li>We use personal information to add value to your life.</li> <li>We avoid getting involved in anything creepy that could breach your trust.</li> </ul> <p>If you have any questions about your privacy or this policy, please contact us. You can also learn more about your privacy rights by talking to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.</p> <ul> <li> 1. What does this policy do? </li> <li> 1.1 This policy covers our “Services”, meaning services or products by: <ul> <li> <strong>Trade Me Limited</strong> such as Trade Me Marketplace, Trade Me Jobs, Trade Me Property, Trade Me Motors, Trade Me Insurance, Holiday Houses, FindSomeone, MotorWeb (NZ), Tenancy Tracker, Tradevine, Viewing Tracker, OneHub, Property Insights by Trade Me, DealerBase, and Ping.</li> <li> <strong>Paystation Limited</strong> such as Paystation. </li> <li> <strong>Trade Me Affiliated Services,</strong> meaning any product or service (other than the above) provided by an entity that Trade Me Group Limited ultimately partly or fully owns, unless a particular Trade Me Affiliated Service has its own privacy policy. See our FAQs for more information. </li> </ul> </li> <li> 1.2 We are committed to your privacy and will comply with applicable privacy laws, <ul> <li>including the Privacy Act 2020, any applicable Privacy Codes and other laws when dealing with your information.</li> <li>We will also comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation to the extent that this applies to information we collect under a particular Service (e.g., if we target a particular Service at individuals living in the European Union). If you are an individual based in the European Union, you can email us to clarify how we treat your information.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 2. What information do we collect? <p> We collect information so that we can provide you with our Services, and so that we can build new Services that make life better for Kiwis through online experiences they love. We may collect the following information, some of which is personal information:</p> </li> <li> 2.1 Information you give us, such as: <ul> <li> <strong>Account information</strong>. When you sign up for a Service, we may require your name, username, password, email address, date of birth, demographic information or other personal information.</li> <li> <strong>Profile information</strong>. Certain Services may require you to complete a profile, which may include personal information such as your postal and delivery addresses, phone number, and gender. Parts of your profile (like your member number, user name, and feedback history) may be part of your public profile page, and will be publicly visible to others. For other Services we may also collect photos connected to your profile if you upload or publish these.</li> <li> <strong>Application forms</strong>. We collect information when you complete an application for any of our Services or for services that we connect to. Some information on application forms is particularly sensitive (e.g. information in a tenancy application form) and our use of this is subject to the Service specific terms (see clause 8.2 below).</li> <li> <strong>Listing content</strong>. We collect the listing content when you create a listing, which may include your description of the listing, photos, your user name and in certain cases your contact details. Listing content may include embedded information or other metadata (e.g. EXIF data in photos, such as when and where each photo was taken, and details of the device used to take it). </li> <li> <strong>Authentication information</strong>. To help create and maintain a trusted environment, we may collect identification (like a photo of your government-issued ID, such as a firearms licence) or other authentication information. You will be told at the time of collection when this applies.</li> <li> <strong>Payment information</strong>. We collect your financial information (like your bank account or credit card information) when you make payments to us or third parties using our Services (see below for how we use and hold this).</li> <li> <strong>Communications and phone calls</strong>. When you communicate with us or other Users in relation to a Service, we may collect information about your communication and any other information you provide. This includes when you call us, in which case we may retain your call for fraud prevention, internal training and quality assurance purposes.</li> <li> <strong>Other information</strong>. You may otherwise provide us information directly (by email or in other formats), such as when you provide feedback, fill in a form, conduct a search, update or add information to our Services, respond to surveys or other research activities, post to message boards, participate in promotions, upload into our Services or use other features of our Services.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 2.2 Information we automatically collect, such as: <ul> <li> <strong>Usage information</strong>. We collect information about your interactions with our Services, such as the pages or other content you view, your searches for listings, trades and bookings you have made, and emails and messages generated through your use of the Services. </li> <li> <strong>Location information</strong>. When you use certain features of our Services, we may collect different types of information about your general location (e.g. your physical or postal address or your device’s IP address) or more specific location information (e.g. precise location from your mobile GPS). Most mobile devices allow you to control or disable the use of location services for applications in the device’s settings menu.</li> <li> <strong>Analytics</strong>. We automatically collect analytics information when you use our Services, even if you have not created an account or logged in. We may use third party providers to help us with this. Information collected includes, among other things: details about how you’ve used our Services (including links to third party applications), your IP address, access times, hardware and software information, device information, device event information (e.g. crashes, browser type), and the pages, applications or services you’ve viewed or engaged with before or after using our Services.</li> <li> <strong>Transaction and financial Information</strong>. We may collect information related to your transactions on our Services, including the date and time, amounts charged, and other related transaction details. Depending on your settings and the Services you use, we may collect financial information relating to your use of our Services and your financial history.</li> <li> <strong>Via cookies and similar technologies</strong>. We use cookies, pixels, beacons and other similar technologies to collect and store information when you use our Services (e.g. through Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager) and this collection may occur across devices. Cookies may be “session” cookies (which temporarily store information and expire when you close your browser) or “persistent” cookies (e.g. when you select “remember me” when logging in). We may also allow our business partners to use these technologies on our Services (e.g. for advertising and remarketing), or engage others to track your behaviour on our behalf. You may disable the usage of cookies through your browser settings. Some Services also use social media features (e.g. the Facebook Like button or widgets, such as a share button or mini programmes running onsite) which may collect your IP address and the pages you visit, and which are generally governed by the terms of the social media business providing the features.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 2.3 Information from third parties or external sources, such as: <ul> <li> <strong>Information from third party services you use</strong>. If you link, connect, or log in to your account with a third party service (e.g. Facebook), the third party service may send us information such as your registration and profile information from that service. This information varies and is controlled by that service or as authorised by you via your privacy settings at that service.</li> <li> <strong>Background Information about you</strong>. For some Services, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, we may request that you provide or are subject to background or credit checks, and we may obtain reports from public records (e.g. the firearms register in relation to enquiries regarding firearms). If you refuse to provide or undergo a background or credit check in these circumstances, we may refuse you access to the Service. If we collect the information described in this paragraph, you will be notified before we do so. </li> <li> <strong>Analytics information</strong>. We may collect analytics information from third parties (e.g. we may use Google Analytics, Google Analytics Demographics and Interest, Google AdWords, Flurry, and Nielsen//Online counting system). Analytics information is generally anonymised, but may include the device you’re using, the applications you use, your operating system, your IP address, and your geo-demographic information. </li> <li> <strong>Advertising information</strong>. Unless you have opted out, we may receive information about you and your activities on and off our Services through our partnerships, or about your experiences and interactions from our partner ad networks. </li> <li> <strong>Information from public sources</strong>. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may receive additional information about you that is publicly available (e.g. we may collect your property information held by local councils for our Property Insights Service).</li> </ul> </li> <li> 3. How do we use your information? <p>We use your personal information to provide you with Services and to maintain your trust in Trade Me and the people who use it. We also use your personal information with information from others so that we can analyse patterns across our data and improve our Services. For example, we can look across our Services to see online shopping habits to make sure we invest in product improvements that deliver benefits. We may use your personal information in the following ways:</p> </li> <li> 3.1 To contact you about your account or use. <ul> <li>We may contact you by phone, email, text message, instant message or otherwise (e.g. by “push notifications” on your mobile device, subject to your application settings) in relation to your account or use. With our emails you can:</li> <li> <ul> <li>Unsubscribe from emailed newsletters and advertising materials. </li> <li>For most Services, change your email preferences for Service related emails, such as alerts and Watchlist reminders. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> 3.2 To help provide our Services, for example: <ul> <li> <strong>To enable your use of our Services</strong>. We may enable you to communicate with other Users or make payments on our Services, provide you with shipping services or verify your address (and we may use third parties to help enable your use of our Services – see clause 4.3 below). For example, if you are a Holiday Houses user and you make an enquiry about a house, we will send that information to the house owner, and will keep a record of the enquiry for administration of the site. </li> <li> <strong>To personalise or enrich our Services</strong>. We may personalise, improve or enrich your experience by, among other things: <ul> <li>not asking you to log in unnecessarily (i.e. we may save your credentials for you). </li> <li>ranking search results;</li> <li>delivering information you might be interested in, such as recommendations and content specific to your interests;</li> <li>for some Services, allowing you to store a delivery address against your profile (but we will never give a seller your address without permission, subject to clause 4.2 below);</li> <li>allowing you to save and send standard payment instructions to a successful buyer (e.g., when you use Trade Me Marketplace or Trade Me Motors);</li> <li>unless you opt out, showing third-party ads based on your use of our Services and your preferences;</li> <li>allowing you to create a profile, or creating a profile for you, for relevant Services. If we ever create a profile for you, you will be notified before your profile is activated and you will be able to update or deactivate your profile (e.g. see more about Job Profiles at clauses 6.1 and 8.1 below). </li> <li>assisting with annual insurance reviews and keeping your client record if you use Trade Me Insurance;</li> <li>using certain listing content to enrich our other Services (e.g., we may use vehicle images from Trade Me Motors to enhance our MotorWeb VIR) or to promote listings to other Users. </li> </ul> </li> <li> <strong>To manage our Services</strong>. We may provide, operate, protect, improve, optimise and otherwise manage our Services, including by using analytics, accounting and customer relationship management tools.</li> <li> <strong>To conduct research</strong>. We may conduct internal research in relation to Users’ demographics, interests, and behaviour to better understand and serve our community.</li> <li> <strong>For training purposes</strong>. We may use your personal information to help train and improve our staff who help provide or support the Services (e.g. customer support staff may have access to calls for training purposes).</li> </ul> </li> <li> 3.3 For trust, safety and assurance, for example to: <ul> <li> <strong>Protect the rights, property or safety of Users, third parties or us.</strong> We may use your information to keep our Services safe, and to protect the rights and property of Users, third parties or us.</li> <li> <strong>Prevent harm to us or others</strong>. We may use your information to detect and prevent fraud, spam, abuse, security incidents, and other harmful activity (e.g. if we believe you have used another person’s payment card or payment details without their permission or knowledge, we may disclose your personal information relating to the transaction to that person or their bank).</li> <li> <strong>Ensure we comply with our obligations</strong>. We will use information to ensure we comply with the law, including disclosures authorised under the Privacy Act 2020.</li> <li> <strong>Resolve disputes</strong>. We may use your information to resolve disputes with or between any of our Users (including claims under our Buyer Protection Policy). We will seek your permission before disclosing your contact details to a third party involved in a dispute, unless this is permitted under the Privacy Act 2020 (e.g. we may disclose your information where the other party has sworn a statutory declaration regarding the dispute).</li> <li> <strong>Enforce agreements</strong>. We may use your information to enforce our agreements with Users or third parties.</li> <li> <strong>Conduct investigations</strong>. We may use your information to conduct investigations relating to our Services and make risk assessments.</li> <li> <strong>Allow our business to be audited</strong>. We may use your information to allow for auditing of our Services and businesses.</li> <li> <strong>Verify the identity of users or third parties</strong>. We may verify your identity or authenticate information provided by you, including information relating to others.</li> <li> <strong>To obtain reference or credit checks</strong>. With your consent, we may conduct reference checks. We may also check against databases and other information sources, such as checks against the motor vehicle register in respect of car ownership. Also, if you give us your firearms licence details, you authorise us to provide this information to Police to verify that the Licence is current and valid. Where applicable for the Service, we may also obtain credit checks in accordance with the Credit Reporting Privacy Code (or engage a credit reporter to assist us with this).</li> </ul> </li> <li> 3.4 For advertising and marketing, for example to: <ul> <li> <strong>Send you promotional messages, marketing or advertising about our Services, including customised promotions, marketing or advertising.</strong> We may send or show you promotional messages, marketing, advertising, and other information about our Services including information that we think may be of interest to you, for example through recommendations and suggestions on our websites or through email. You can set and edit your email preferences in our preference centre. You authorise us to use your listing content for such purposes, including through display advertising on other websites or applications, electronic direct mail or on social media.</li> <li> <strong>Send you customised third-party advertising (unless you opt out)</strong>. We may send or show you third-party promotional messages, marketing, advertising (including on-site display advertising), and other information that may be of interest to you (including information about our business partners). For clarity, products and services advertised on our websites (e.g. on-site display ads showing messages from third parties) are not endorsed by Trade Me. We may make advertising space available on our websites through certain advertising platforms or exchanges, such as DoubleClick Ad Exchange, and you can manage what you see on our sites due to DoubleClick cookies through Google’s Ad Settings. If you opt out of customised third-party advertising, the advertising you see on our websites may be less relevant to you.</li> <li> <strong>Tailor our advertising and marketing to you once you’ve left our websites.</strong> We may send or show you promotional messages, marketing, advertising, and other information that may be of interest to you once you’ve left our websites. We may advertise to you in this way through certain advertising platforms such as Google Marketing Platform or Facebook. If you opt out of tailored remarketing, we won’t use your personal information for remarketing, but you may still see similar ads based on your browsing history, non-personal cookie data or other anonymous information. You can further control what ads of ours you see off-site in various ways, for example through Google’s Ad Settings, through your Facebook Adverts settings, by visiting the websites of the Network Advertising Initiative or Digital Advertising Alliance or through your browser settings. Visit our Remarketing help page to learn more.</li> <li> <strong>Run promotions</strong>. We may use your information to administer referral programmes, rewards, surveys, sweepstakes, contests, or other promotional activities or events sponsored or managed by us or our business partners. </li> <li> <strong>Measure and improve our advertising</strong>. We may use your information to measure the effectiveness of our advertising and make improvements.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 3.5 To help you publish things on our website, such as: <ul> <li> <strong>Your public profile</strong>. Parts of your public profile page, such as your user name and your region may be publicly visible to others.</li> <li> <strong>Your listing content</strong>. We may make listing content publicly available on the applicable Service when you publish it (and in such cases, you are solely responsible for such publication). Listing content will also be available to people who use our API (e.g. developers) and may appear on other websites or applications (see clause 4 below). </li> <li> <strong>Your feedback</strong>. A number of our Services allow Users to provide feedback and rate each other. These may be publicly available on our Services. </li> <li> <strong>Comments on message boards</strong>. If you submit content on a message board, social media post or other similar feature on our Services, that content will be publicly visible.</li> <li> </li> </ul> </li> <li> 3.6 For other things, with your express consent. <ul> <li>We may disclose your information at your direction, or otherwise as you agree with us. Please note that we:</li> <li> <ul> <li>Do not have access to your passwords.</li> <li>Only use your credit card details for purposes related to your transactions and for fraud prevention or law enforcement purposes.</li> <li>Have included some Service-specific terms below, which cover how we use your information for particular Services.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> 3.7 To measure traffic on our sites and Services. <ul> <li>We may use your information to measure traffic across our sites, apps and Services, to analyse trends and to help us understand how our Services are performing and whether they are meeting the needs of our customers. We use Nielsen digital measurement software to measure this for us. Nielsen collects anonymous information, like the number of people who visit our sites &amp. apps, how many pages are viewed, and how long people stay on our site. Nielsen may also randomly ask you to complete anonymous short site surveys - these are totally optional. Nielsen then aggregates this information and combines it with other information from third parties to provide measurement of user engagement across our sites and apps.</li> <li>You can opt-out of some Nielsen measurement. Because the Nielsen measurement is anonymous, if you use both our site and our apps, or if you use our site across multiple browsers, you’ll need to opt-out for each device and browser. That’s because Nielsen doesn’t know who you are and therefore can’t opt you out across the board (sorry!). To learn more about Nielsen and how to opt-out, go here.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 4. Who do we disclose your information to? <p>We may need to disclose your personal information to others to provide you with our Services, to improve our Services or uphold the law or our terms. To help build your trust, we produce an Annual Transparency Report which details disclosures we have made for law enforcement purposes. As described above, we may disclose your information to our Trade Me Affiliated Services (unless you have opted out of these disclosures). We may also disclose your personal information in the following ways:</p> </li> <li> 4.1 To others with your consent, for example when you: <ul> <li> <strong>Ask us or authorise us</strong>. We’ll share your information when you authorise us to send this to a third party (e.g. Afterpay or a job advertiser). For example, if you use Trade Me and are a buyer or seller in respect of a listing, you authorise us to release your name, email address and other contact details to the other party to facilitate the trade after the listing closes. Likewise, if you use Holiday Houses, Viewing Tracker or Tenancy Tracker, we may disclose your personal information between Users to facilitate the Service. </li> <li> <strong>Authorise third party access</strong>. We may share your information when you authorise a third party application to access your information. This is most common for Top Sellers (e.g. who use Tradevine), and other professional listers (e.g. motor vehicle dealers, property agents and recruiters).</li> </ul> </li> <li> 4.2 To other users in certain cases, for example: <ul> <li> <strong>Your trading history</strong>. Your membership trading history is published in your feedback if someone places feedback about you. Although we allow this functionality, the person posting feedback is solely responsible for the content of their feedback.</li> <li> <strong>Dispute information (subject to a statutory declaration)</strong>. In rare circumstances we may disclose contact details of one User to another User (e.g. see cause 4.5 below). </li> </ul> </li> <li> 4.3 To our service providers, to provide and manage our Services. <ul> <li>In order to provide and manage our Services, we may need to disclose some of your personal information to our third party service providers. These providers have limited access to your personal information to perform tasks on our behalf, (such as cloud-storage providers. marketing partners. data analytics or research partners. third parties that help us to enhance the safety and security of the Service. where required, to international regulators (for example, for tax purposes). and our consultants, lawyers, accountants, insurers, and professional advisors) and are contractually obliged to use your personal information consistently with this Privacy Policy. These disclosures will be consistent with the Service-specific terms and the rest of this privacy policy.</li> <li>Some of these service providers are located outside of New Zealand and may not be subject to New Zealand privacy laws. However, we will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to confirm that those organisations are required to protect the information in a way that, overall, provides comparable safeguards to those under the Privacy Act 2020. By using the Service and otherwise providing us with your information, you authorise such disclosure.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 4.4 To other third parties, such as: <ul> <li> <strong>Developers who use our API to build applications</strong>. If you use Trade Me, we provide application programming interfaces (APIs) that allow developers to build new applications that include our data. Users of our API must agree to our API terms and conditions. Some applications may deliver services to you that ask you to log in to connect to Trade Me (via the application). These applications will not be able to retrieve your Trade Me password, but will be able to access your current listing content and other personal information to the extent you have authorised access. For example, some applications, with your authorisation, may be able to access information within your My Trade Me such as your watchlist, sold items or personal contact details. You should only allow applications to access your information if you trust them. </li> <li> <strong>Afterpay, if you buy or sell with them</strong>. If you use the “Afterpay Service” to conduct a transaction (either as a buyer or a seller), we may disclose your personal information to Afterpay NZ Limited (“Afterpay”) or a related company of Afterpay where necessary to: (i) facilitate payments under the Afterpay Service. (ii) help with resolution of a dispute (including where our Buyer Protection Policy applies). (iii) help process a refund, chargeback and/or reversal. (iv) report suspicious or potentially fraudulent activity on the website in connection with the Afterpay Service. (v) allow suspension of the Afterpay Service where a seller’s sales through the Afterpay Service disproportionately lead to a buyer’s default on payment obligations to Afterpay. or (vi) ensure Afterpay can enforce any contractual rights given for Afterpay’s benefit under our Afterpay terms for Trade Me sellers. </li> <li> <strong>Job advertisers and recruiters, via Trade Me Jobs.</strong> If you apply for a job on Trade Me Jobs, we may send the advertiser your job application (including CV and other documents such as cover letters) and other personal information. The advertiser may also be able to access your job application, and other personal information submitted for the job, via our applicant tracking system. </li> <li> <strong>Advertisers providing customised ads, unless you opt out</strong>. We may give advertisers your personal information to facilitate them sending you promotional messages, marketing, advertising, and other information that may be of interest to you (unless you opt out or unsubscribe). This may be provided on our Services or on services provided by those advertisers. The advertiser’s own privacy policy will apply to the personal information we send them. Depending on the privacy policy of the advertiser, the advertiser may combine the personal information we give them with personal information they hold about you, to assist with their advertising to you. This is particularly relevant for Google’s Customer Match and Facebook Custom Audience. Visit our Remarketing help page to learn more. If any personal information is shared, we require that it is done so securely. </li> <li> <strong>Insurers and advisers (with your permission) if you use Trade Me Insurance</strong>. If you use Trade Me Insurance, we may give your insurance application form and other personal information to our underwriter (Tower) so that they can facilitate your insurance. </li> <li> <strong>Users of Tailored Products</strong>. Some of our Services provide tailored personal information to the users of those Services. Those Services will have their own customisable settings, so you can choose whether you want to share your information. For example, if you have an active Trade Me Job Profile, subject to your profile settings (e.g., whether you make your information public or not), we may share your Trade Me Job Profile with recruiters and job advertisers that use our Trade Me Jobs candidate database . We call our products that provide tailored personal information “Tailored Products”. When we are developing any Tailored Products, Trade Me will ensure that your personal information is processed fairly and that the recipients of the personal information are contractually restricted in respect of their use of your personal information (e.g. for users of our Trade Me Jobs candidate database, to contacting you about a particular role). If we develop a Tailored Product that doesn’t have its own customisable settings, then if you’re opted out we will not disclose your information to users of the Tailored Product. You can find out information about each Trade Me Service which provides tailored personal information. </li> </ul> </li> <li> 4.5 To authorities or other entities to uphold the law or our terms, for example: <ul> <li> <strong>For legal compliance or law enforcement purposes</strong>. We may disclose your personal information to courts, law enforcement or government agencies, or third parties, to the extent we believe that disclosure is appropriate or permitted by the Privacy Act. </li> <li> <strong>To facilitate legal processes</strong>. If you wish to take Disputes Tribunal (or other) proceedings against another User, you can contact us for a statutory declaration form which must be completed before we will consider releasing anyone else's information to you. You may only request contact details for the sole purpose of making a claim.</li> <li> <strong>To enforce or apply our terms and conditions or policies</strong>. Despite anything else in this clause 4.5, if you are involved in a dispute to which our Buyer Protection Policy applies, you authorise us to (at our discretion) provide the other party with any correspondence or evidence relevant to the dispute which you’ve provided to us. In limited circumstances, we may also provide your contact details to the other party to help resolve the dispute (but will always seek your permission first). </li> <li> <strong>To protect the rights, property or safety of us, our Users or others</strong>. This includes collecting money you owe us and making such disclosures as are necessary for the purpose of trust, safety and assurance in accordance with clause 3.3 above (e.g. we have authorisation to access name and address details registered in respect of a vehicle on the motor vehicle register for fraud prevention purposes).</li> </ul> </li> <li> 4.6 To our other Services. <ul> <li>We may disclose your personal information to entities partly or fully owned by Trade Me Group Limited which are governed by this privacy policy, subject to your privacy options and the service-specific terms in clause 8. In relation to Trade Me Affiliated Services, unless you opt out, we may disclose your personal information to businesses that provide a Trade Me Affiliated Service. We won’t allow your information to be disclosed for a Trade Me Affiliated Service unless we trust the business providing it and we’ll ensure that all Trade Me Affiliated Services have robust privacy arrangements in place. You can find out information about each Trade Me Affiliated Service and opt out of disclosures to Trade Me Affiliated Services. </li> </ul> </li> <li> 4.7 To others where necessary to reorganise or sell our business. <ul> <li>If we undertake or are involved in any merger, acquisition, reorganisation, sale of assets, bankruptcy, or insolvency event, then we may sell, transfer or share some or all of our assets. In this event, we will notify you before your personal information is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 4.8 To other third parties, where your identity is anonymised. <ul> <li>We may share non-personally identifiable information (e.g., aggregated information about our Users that we combine together so that it no longer identifies or references an individual User), for industry and market analysis, demographic profiling, marketing and advertising, and other business purposes. For example, we may disclose aggregated anonymised information to Users of DealerBase for the purpose of understanding trends in the motor industry.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 4.9 Also, some interactions with our sites and Services may be subject to additional third party terms. For example <ul> <li> <strong>External links</strong>. Our Services may contain links to third party websites or services. We don’t own or control those websites or services or endorse them in any way and, if you interact with them, you may be providing information directly to the third party concerned. The third parties will have their own rules about the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information. We encourage you to review their privacy policies accordingly.</li> <li> <strong>Certain embedded third party services</strong>. Some of our Services use embedded third party services, e.g. Google Maps/Earth. Use of those services may be subject to third party terms, e.g. Google Maps/Earth Additional Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy.</li> <li> <strong>Information indexed by search engines</strong>. Information you share publicly on our Services may be indexed through third party search engines. We do not control the practices of third party search engines, and they may use caches containing your outdated information.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 5. How do we hold and protect your information? <p>We’re big on security. We publish lots of tips on how to keep your personal information secure. We also work hard to ensure we keep your personal information safe and to avoid any harm to you or your personal information. We would notify you and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner if a potentially harmful data breach of your personal information did occur. We delete personal information after it is no longer reasonably necessary for us to use it. In particular:</p> </li> <li> 5.1 We use industry recognised security practices and measures. <ul> <li>We are committed to keeping your personal information as safe and secure as possible and follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. </li> <li>We continuously implement and update our administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help protect your personal information against unauthorised access, loss, destruction, or alteration. However, despite all of our measures we can’t 100% guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of your personal information. </li> </ul> </li> <li> 5.2 We store your information in New Zealand or overseas subject to standards that will comply with our privacy obligations <ul> <li>You authorise us to transfer, store, and process your personal information in New Zealand and possibly other countries. Where we store information overseas, or a third party we use to provide our Services stores information overseas (e.g. Amazon Web Services), we will ensure that the storage complies with New Zealand privacy obligations.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 5.3 We retain your information as long as reasonably required, unless we are legally required to hold it longer. <ul> <li>We will keep your personal information for as long as is reasonably required for us to use it in accordance with this policy, unless we are required by law to hold it longer. In particular, we may retain:</li> <ul> <li>Recordings of your phone calls for a period of up to two years (and sometimes longer, where necessary for business purposes, to help prevent fraud or facilitate legal processes).</li> <li>All listing content after listings have expired. We do this for various reasons, including in case of disputes, to help prevent fraud and facilitate legal processes, to comply with financial record-keeping and to help personalise or recommend products in future. Listing content may also persist elsewhere when third parties access and cache listings while they are live. For example, Google do this when they index the web for searching and so old listings may show in Google searches for a period of time.</li> <li>Trade Me Jobs information. However, if you delete a CV or other document from Trade Me Jobs, the item will be immediately removed from your list of stored documents and deleted from our systems within seven days. Otherwise, documents you upload will expire and be deleted after five years.</li> <li>Motorweb (New Zealand) vehicle information reports (VIRs), including for audit purposes.</li> </ul> <li>Other personal information that is deleted by you may persist for a limited time in our backup systems.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 5.4 Credit card Information is held subject to stringent payments industry standards. <ul> <li>Credit and debit card information is sensitive and we protect it to stringent security standards, which at a minimum comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI standards”). We use a number of procedures and different technologies to help protect your credit and debit card information from unauthorised access, use and disclosure. Our compliance with PCI is audited every year. </li> <li>For some Services we may allow you to save your card information for subsequent use (and, to make life easier for you, we may use your saved card information for other Services we offer where you’re able to make card payments). For example, if you use a credit or debit card for our Ping or Pay Now Services, you may have the option to “save this card for next time” (or an option to similar effect) and if you choose this option, your credit or debit card details will be encrypted and securely stored.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 6. How can I manage my information? <p>We know your circumstances, details and preferences will change. So, we’ve built a number of tools for you to manage your personal information. You can: </p> </li> <li> 6.1 Update your information by: <ul> <li> <strong>Managing your profiles, where this is available</strong>. Some of our Services (such as Trade Me Job Profile and FindSomeone) allow you to build more customised profiles and offer different privacy settings.</li> <li> <strong>Updating your account information</strong>. In most cases, you may review and update the account information we hold about you (such as your email address, password and phone numbers) by logging into the relevant Service and updating the information in your account. If this isn’t available and you want to update your information, please get in touch with us.</li> <li> <strong>Managing your listings, where allowed</strong>. Some listings enable you to change the details that can be seen on our Services.</li> <li> <strong>Updating your jobs information in My Trade Me</strong>. You can store, re-use and delete your CVs, cover letters and related documents in Trade Me Jobs.</li> <li> <strong>Managing your privacy options</strong>. You can manage your information options on the ‘Privacy options’ page (e.g. opt out of certain uses of personal information) or by unsubscribing from an advertising email. Otherwise, please use the contact details for the applicable Service.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 6.2 Ask us to update, provide or delete your information <ul> <li>If you wish to access or correct any of your personal information, you can contact us directly. We will respond to your request promptly, and always within 20 working days. If you want us to delete any personal information you have submitted to us, please contact Trade Me Privacy. We will consider each request for deletion on a case by case basis taking into account the terms and conditions of the particular Service(s) and our legal obligations to retain certain information. Note that information that you have shared with others may continue to be publicly visible on our Services in association with your first name, even after your account is cancelled.</li> <li>If you want to cancel your account for any of our Services, please contact us.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 7. How do we amend this policy? We may make updates from time to time by a Trade Me site announcement or other notice, usually with two weeks’ notice or more. <p>Occasionally urgent changes will be required, but we will generally give you at least two weeks’ notice by Trade Me site announcement to review any changes, unless the Service-specific terms do not require notice of changes to them. From time to time, we may seek your feedback on proposed changes on the Trade Me message board or via other forms of consultation. For significant changes we may notify you directly via email. As we update this policy from time to time, we encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.</p> </li> <li> 8. Do we have any other Service-specific terms that apply? <p>Yes. We’ve outlined in this section how certain Services use and disclose specific personal information. In addition, our contracts with you may include extra restrictions on our use of personal information and customer data. </p> </li> <li> 8.1 For Trade Me Jobs Users: <ul> <li> <strong>The CVs and documents section of My Trade Me allows you to store and re-use CVs, cover letters, or other documents</strong>. We securely store documents that you save in your CVs and documents sections, and in your Trade Me Job Profile. They are available to you, and organisations who have access to the documents via our candidates database Service (based on your settings) or because you have sent them the documents.</li> <li> <strong>We limit how we use your CVs and documents in My Trade Me</strong>. We’ll only use your information from the CV and documents section of My Trade Me (or your Account on mobile applications) for purposes related to Trade Me Jobs. In particular, your CV is only available to you and organisations where you have allowed to access your CV. We will only use information in your CV to automatically create or populate a personalised Trade Me Job Profile for you if your Trade Me Job Profile settings allows this (and we will not do this if you have opted out of information sharing via your Job Profile settings or the ‘Privacy options’ page). However, we may still use and share this information where it is in anonymised form (e.g., aggregated information that no longer identifies or references an individual User), as described in clause 4.8.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 8.2 For Trade Me Insurance Users: <ul> <li> <strong>We limit how we use your sensitive information from application forms</strong>. We understand that personal information in your insurance application forms or which you disclose on phone calls may be particularly sensitive. We will only use or disclose this information for purposes related to the relevant Service (e.g. contacting you about annual insurance reviews). We won’t use this information for purposes unrelated to Trade Me Insurance, or your insurance needs, without your permission unless this is required for fraud prevention, law enforcement purposes or by law. However, we may still use and share this information where it is in anonymised form (e.g., aggregated information that no longer identifies or references an individual User), as described in clause 4.8.</li> <li> <strong>Trade Me Insurance is provided by Trade Me Limited and TOWER Insurance Limited</strong>. When you navigate around and use the Trade Me Insurance website (, or send us your contact details, Trade Me Limited collects and holds your information. However, TOWER Insurance Limited as underwriter will receive and hold any personal information that you submit in an application for insurance). TOWER Insurance Limited may supply this information to Trade Me Limited or Trade Me Comparisons Limited for analytics and marketing purposes, pursuant to any authorisation you have given it.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 8.3 For Tenancy Tracker Users: <ul> <li> <strong>We may use your personal information in certain ways to facilitate the Tenancy Tracker Service</strong>, including the following: <ul> <li>If you agree to the Consent Terms and electronically submit a Tenancy Application to a Rental Provider through Tenancy Tracker’s functionality: <ul> <li>The Rental Provider may download a PDF copy of your Tenancy Application (including any uploaded attachments) from Tenancy Tracker and may disclose your personal information to third parties in order to obtain a credit report, conduct background checks, and otherwise to assess your suitability as a tenant;</li> <li>If you consent, we or your Rental Provider may disclose your contact or moving details in your Tenancy Application to businesses that may help connect you to utilities services (“<strong>Utilities Connectors</strong>”), and to insurance providers for the purpose of assisting you with a potential insurance policy. We will also disclose your details to a Utilities Connector if you subsequently tell us you want us to. If you are a Rental Provider, you agree you will not disclose a User’s details to a Utilities Connector without his or her consent.</li> </ul> </li> <li>A Rental Provider may transfer and store a copy of a Tenancy Application and/or a tenancy agreement formed with a User to a software solution accessible via Tenancy Tracker (such as Realbase Limited’s Palace) which assists the Rental Provider to manage the relevant tenancy or property.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> 8.4 For FindSomeone Users: <ul> <li> <strong>We limit how we use your dating information</strong>. We understand that personal information in your dating profile may be particularly sensitive. We will only use or disclose this personal information for purposes connected with the FindSomeone Service. We won’t use or disclose this information for purposes unrelated to FindSomeone without your permission, unless this is required for fraud prevention, law enforcement purposes or by law. However, we may still use and share this information where it is in anonymised form (e.g., aggregated information that no longer identifies or references an individual User), as described in clause 4.8. </li> <li> <strong>We may use your personal information in certain ways to facilitate the FindSomeone Service</strong>, including the following: <ul> <li>We allow you to send private messages to other members. These messages are private and only visible to the chosen recipient. However, we reserve the right to read any of your messages where we receive complaints from the recipients of a message or have to reason to believe that you are in breach of our terms and conditions or code of ethics. </li> <li>We help make your personal information available to you and others in accordance with your profile settings, which you can adjust with the controls in your account. By adjusting your profile settings, you can control things like: the extent others can see your profile or your photos. how you appear in search results and if others know if you’ve viewed or favourited them. how your online status appears. the extent to which offensive messages are filtered. whether members can send you things like emojis. and you are able to block certain members. See more information on this help page.</li> <li>We may collect data on your current geographical location to support the Who's Near Me feature (as described in clause 2.2.). This data is only collected upon your authorisation and if your mobile device supports location-based services. Your authorisation can be revoked and your location data deleted at any time via the authorisation page on FindSomeone.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> 8.5 For MotorWeb (New Zealand) Users: <ul> <li> <strong>We give access to and facilitate transactions on the NZTA Motor Vehicle Register, which may include some of your information</strong>. For example, if you buy a car from a motor vehicle dealer that uses MotorWeb to complete the change of ownership transactions, your personal information (name, address, vehicle registration) will form part of that transaction. Or, a vehicle you own (or owned in the past) is for sale, a prospective buyer may purchase a Vehicle Information Report from us which may contain your name and address as the registered owner or a previous owner. Generally only Vehicle Information Reports issued to motor vehicle dealers contain personal information.</li> <li> <strong>We provide a service on behalf of the NZTA to motor vehicle dealers which allows them to check the status of a driver’s licence</strong>. This includes when it expires and whether it is subject to any disqualification or suspension. In doing so, your personal information may be disclosed. When motor vehicle dealers use this service, they must provide the licence details and certify that they have the consent of the licence-holder. </li> <li> <strong>We provide a service which allows motor vehicle dealers to check the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR). In doing so, your personal information may be disclosed</strong>. The PPSR is a public register that holds information about securities held over personal property. For example, if you buy a motor vehicle with a loan the person who has loaned you the money can register a financing statement on the PPSR which means that if you default on the loan they can (usually) claim against the vehicle. It is an offence to misuse access to the PPSR. </li> </ul> </li> <li> 8.6 For Tradevine Users: <ul> <li> <strong>We limit the use of your operational information</strong>. If you use Tradevine, we will collect financial information (like product pricing and cost), shipping information for orders, and customer data (sales, order and delivery information) that you input into Tradevine (“operational information”). We won’t use or disclose operational information without your permission, unless this is required for fraud prevention, law enforcement purposes or by law. Except in the above cases, we will never access the details of any individual financial transaction entered and stored in Tradevine or access system usage history for a specific identifiable user. However, we may still use and share operational information where it is in anonymised form (e.g., aggregated information that no longer identifies or references an individual User), as described in clause 4.8.</li> <li> <strong>We may share certain information with third parties like Shopify and Xero if you allow this</strong>. If you choose to link to Shopify, Xero or any other third party using Tradevine we will disclose to those parties the information required to facilitate that linkage.</li> <li> <strong>You are responsible for access to your account</strong>. Your account is only accessible to Users your administrator approves. It is the administrator’s responsibility to ensure any Users invited to use your account have permission to view information stored there.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 8.7 For OneHub Users: <ul> <li> <strong>If you use OneHub, you can control certain things like whether your trading history is public</strong>. If you use OneHub, information to do with your trading history (including your Trade Me username or feedback) will not appear on your Agent Profile page unless you choose to publish it there yourself. If you choose to appear in the Agent Directory, the information you have entered into your Agent Profile will be publically available to and used by members to review your profile and contact you.</li> <li> <strong>Sold Properties information can be used by us to improve our Services</strong>. Without limiting any licence granted to us in respect of images uploaded to Sold Properties, you allow us to store and use the information you upload to: display information about sold properties on our websites. assist real estate agents to create and curate profiles on our websites which include details of sold properties. and compile and provide aggregated insights about trends in New Zealand property markets.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 8.8 For Paystation Users: <ul> <li> <strong>We collect certain payments-related information</strong>. When customers use our payment gateway, we will typically acquire information such as the customer’s name, the cardholder's name, credit card number (together with the expiry date and card security code) and billing address. We may also obtain personal information from your bank in connection with your use of our payment gateway.</li> <li> <strong>We limit our use of payments-related information and take steps to keep your card information safe</strong>. We understand that payments-related information, including card information, is sensitive. This means we’ll only use or disclose this type of information for purposes related to the Paystation Service or the facilitation of payments. In particular, our use of card information is subject to stringent security standards, which at a minimum comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI standards). We won’t use or disclose payments-related information collected through Paystation for purposes unrelated to facilitating payments, unless we have authorisation to do this, or this is required for fraud prevention, law enforcement purposes or by law. Subject to these cases, if you are a merchant who uses Paystation, we won’t disclose payments-related information (used to facilitate payments to your customers) for the purpose of unrelated Services offered by the Trade Me family. However, we may still use and share this information where it is in anonymised form (e.g., aggregated information that no longer identifies or references an individual User), as described in clause 4.8.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 9. What do the terms in this policy mean? </li> <li> 9.1 “User” <ul> <li>User means anyone using our Services, including any Trade Me member.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 9.2 “personal information” <ul> <li>Personal information means information about an identifiable individual, as defined by the Privacy Act 2020.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 9.3 “Services” <ul> <li>Services means our Services, as defined in clause 1.1.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 9.4 “Tailored Product” <ul> <li>Tailored Product means a product that provides tailored personal information (as further described in clause 4.4).</li> </ul> </li> <li> 9.5 “Trade Me Affiliated Services” <ul> <li>Trade Me Affiliated Services means any product or service (other than those described in clause 1.1 as being provided by Trade Me Limited or Paystation Limited) that is provided by an entity that Trade Me Group Limited ultimately partly or fully owns, unless a particular Trade Me Affiliated Service has its own privacy policy.</li> </ul> </li> <li> 9.6 “we”, “us” or “our” <ul> <li>We, us, or our means: (a) Trade Me Limited and Paystation Limited, and (b) any entity that Trade Me Group Limited ultimately partly or fully owns that provides a Trade Me Affiliated Service to which this privacy policy applies. </li> </ul> </li> <li> 9.7 “you” or “your” <ul> <li>You or your, in relation to any personal information, means any individual who is identifiable from the personal information.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> Back to the top

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