
Privacy Policy

OneTag Privacy Policy<br> <ul> <li>Scope of this Privacy Policy</li> <li>Information processed</li> <li>Data Controller</li> <li>Disclosure of Personal data</li> <li>Transfer of Personal Information</li> <li>Data subject rights</li> <li>Security Measures</li> <li>Cookies</li> <li>Opt-out</li> <li>How to disable Cookies</li> </ul> 1. Scope of this Privacy Policy <p>This Privacy Policy includes detailed information on the type of data our Platform collects and/or processes, on the statutory rights of the concerned data subjects and on how our platform strictly complies with the applicable privacy regulations.<br> Data subjects are encouraged to carefully read this Privacy Policy.<br> This Privacy Policy may be subject to constant modifications and amendments. The version which is published on the website is the only one which can be considered valid and effective on that time.</p> 2. Information processed <p>Our Platform processes information relating to queries, impressions, clicks and other user behavior on websites and other electronic interfaces for the main purpose of enabling, by one side, our advertising partners to optimize their advertising campaigns and, by the other, our publishing partners to optimize their revenues from the sale of advertising inventory.<br> Unless expressly authorized by the data subject, we do not collect or process Personal data via the Platform.<br> According to the applicable European privacy law, “Personal data” means: “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person”.<br> Our platform performs ad-verification and automated machine learning activities strictly on anonymous or pseudo-anonymised data.<br> Our platform processes multiple information and data, including IP addresses, browser types, user agent, referring URLs and other data relating to geo-localization. We may use such information and data in order to provide our services to our clients, and we may share this information with our clients to help them improving their online advertising campaigns and for analytics, ad delivery, reporting and targeting purposes.<br> We mainly use the information collected to enable our partners to sell and buy advertising space on websites and other interfaces.</p> Our partners can download and use HTML tags that can be either technical or profiling tags, based on a request by the supply partner or the demand partners. Our platform requires supply partners to inform us if the user has actually done opt-in or not through a special javascript code, or at least to receive such information from who gets the opt-in on the web page. If the supply partner does not confirm that the user has given consent to the profiling activities, we do not submit any Personal data to our demand Partners or any other third parties. We encourage our partners to use consent management tools to capture and submit to our platform user consent to the processing of Personal data. <p>All information, including Personal data, will be stored and used according to the applicable laws and within a timeframe considered appropriate for the reasons for which such Personal data was initially collected and processed.<br> We work with third parties that may separately collect Personal data, to enable our customers to deliver targeted advertisements through our technology. Collection and use of that information are not governed by this Privacy Policy. instead, it is governed by the privacy policy of the third party that is collecting and/or processing such Personal data.</p> 3. Data Controller <p>The Data controller is: Onetag Limited, Chester House, 81-83 Fulham High Street, London, England, SW6 3JA, United Kingdom.<br> Any communication concerning this Privacy Policy may be submitted via email to:<br> The processing of any Personal data occurs within the corporate and organisational structure of the Data Controller.<br> The Personal Information collected and used for profiling and direct marketing purposes will be stored and used only when deemed necessary and until the user revokes their consent and, in all cases, within the timeframe stated by the initial regulations and within the limits of any potential legal and administrative provision. At the end of the storage period, the concerned Personal data will be deleted or made anonymous permanently.<br> Personal data collected will be accessed only by those people who have been given specific authorisation to do so by the Data Controller and by any controlled entities involved in the processing of data, specifically designated as data processors by the Data Controller.</p> 4. Disclosure of Personal data <p>The Data Controller may reasonably disclose, where opportune or necessary, Personal data to third parties, strictly in connection with the purposes for which the Personal data is collected and processed.<br> For instance, the Data Controller may share information with parties providing services to the Platform.<br> The Data Controller can also disclose Personal data, if such disclosure is requested by an administrative or judicial authority and, in general, in all cases prescribed by law.</p> 5. Transfer of Personal data <p>We may transfer Personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) only when the concerned data subject has expressly approved such transfer.<br> For instance, it may happen that Personal data are lawfully transferred to third-parties outside the EEA or stored in servers located outside the EEA.</p> 6. Data subject rights <p>Each data subject has the right to receive confirmation of the collection or use of their Personal data from the Data Controller. Data subjects have the right to:</p> <ul> <li>a) Add to, amend or complete their Personal data;</li> <li>b) Cancel, anonymously modify or block their Personal data if processed in breach of the applicable law;</li> <li>c) Ask for the rectification or erasure of Personal data or to restrict the processing of their Personal data;</li> <li>d) Receive their Personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another data controller without any hindrance. </li> </ul> <p>Furthermore, data subjects are entitled to oppose, for legitimate reasons, either entirely or partly, the processing of their Personal data for marketing and promotional purposes, for market research, for commercial communications or for profiling purposes.<br> Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint based on a breach of privacy to the competent national supervisory authority.<br> Children with less than 16 years of age are not entitled to express consent to the processing of their Personal data. in such cases, processing will be lawful only if informed parental or guardian consent is given.<br> For any questions or requests regarding Personal data, the Data Controller can be contacted at the following email address:</p> 7. Security Measures <p>This Platform adopts the minimum statutory safeguards to ensure the protection of Personal data, including, for example, measures for the authentication of the device (where necessary), processes to manage the authentication credentials, authorisation systems, processes to save back-up copies and to retrieve access to data and systems. Furthermore, Personal data d is only processed where necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and for which it was subsequently processed.</p> 8. Cookies <p>Cookies are small strings of text (“Cookies”) that the Platform or third parties not connected to the Platform (“Third Parties”) send to the User’s device, where they are stored for various purposes.<br> Certain types of Cookies function only to allow browse on this Platform or to enable basic features, as in the case of Navigation, Session of Functional Cookies, which allow the User to navigate based on a number of selected criteria, such as, for instance, the preferred language or the Products which have been selected for purchase. These are defined as "Technical Cookies”.<br> Disabling Technical Cookies may limit the ability to use the Platform and to enjoy its features or the services offered.<br> Another type of cookies are the so-called "Profiling Cookies”, used for the purpose of profiling through the processing of the User's Personal data. The concerned User's prior consent is strictly required for the use of Profiling Cookies and is always optional. These Cookies are not strictly necessary to navigate on the Platform.<br> OneTag places the following third party cookie to provide services to our partners: </p>Cookie NamePurposeOTPInternal user/session identifier used for analytics and frequency capping 9. Opt-out Users are provided with the ability to opt-out from cookie-based targeted advertising. To Opt-Out, please use the button below:<br> Opt Out Opt In <br> <br> Please note that we cannot keep users opted out after they have cleared your browser's cookies, or if their browser blocks first or third-party cookies.<br> The Platform uses Cookies which do not allow for any type of control over the User's device and do not install programs on the User's device.<br> The Platform does not have any access or control over Cookies or other tracking technology used by third parties accessible by the Platform and, albeit we undertake the best effort to inform our partners cannot ensure the compliance of third parties with laws on Privacy.<p> </p> 10. How to disable Cookies <p>All major browsers allow to control and to disable Cookies via their settings.<br> Please be aware that disabling technical Cookies may preclude or worsen use of the platform. For more information, please visit: or</p>

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