The service is open-source

The code of the software is open-source and the users can have access to the source code.

Classification: good

Weight: 30

Service Title Rating Status Author
Open Collective "Since our entire code base is open source, anyone can easily audit it." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
FlorisBoard "FlorisBoard (the “Project”) is a privacy-respecting open-source keyboard" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Threema The service is open-source APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Aegis Authenticator The service is open-source APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Mozilla Thunderbird The software is open-source APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
IVPN The apps are open-source APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Barinsta "This app is open source and these statements can be easily audited.</p>" APPROVED welda Curator
e-foundation "The source code of the website can be found in&nbsp;" APPROVED welda Curator
SchildiChat "rivacy notice Code" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ShareX The service is open-source APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Metager "MetaGer is transparent <p>MetaGer is transparent. Our source code is Quellcodefreely licensed and publicly available for all to see. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
CryptPad "Our code is open source, so you always have the option of hosting your own instance of CryptPad.</p> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Signal Stickers The service is open-source APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Minds "Free and open source software enables user to “trust and verify” that Minds software operates as documented and advertised." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
DAVx⁵ "DAVx⁵ is designed to be an open-source project (GPLv3) from the very first beginning. " APPROVED welda Curator "WordPress open source project.</p>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Codeberg "Our service is open for all projects working under a license compatible with either the Open-Source-License definition of the Free Software foundation (FSF) or the Open Source Initiative (OSI)." APPROVED donno Curator
K-9 Mail " <p>K-9 Mail is an open source email client for Android with many advanced features." APPROVED welda Curator
Briar The service is open-source APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Meower "It will remain FOSS (Free and Open-Source)" APPROVED JoshAtticus "Source code" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
FreeTube The service is open-source APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Disroot "One of the main aims of <strong>Disroot</strong> is to promote Free Libre and Open Source software" DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff
Weblate "Weblate source code</li>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Wickr Me The service is open-source DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff
Open Camera "The source code is available from​projects/opencamera/files/" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Fritter The service is open-source APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Lichess "Lichess itself is also free/libre open-source software licensed under the GNU AGPL." DECLINED donno Curator
Waterfox "You are also welcome to modify the source code of Waterfox as you want to meet your needs." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
KeePassXC The service is open-source APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Free Code Camp " Open Source" DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff
Monkeytype The service is open-source APPROVED semi
QuranIPFS The service is open-source DECLINED adelpro
Max Kohler Visual Communication "The source code for this website is available on Github." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ConnorCode "u can view the source code for it here. " APPROVED Basicprogrammer10
Wurst Client The service is open-source APPROVED Alexander01998
Archive of Our Own "Our software is open-source" APPROVED eliotwl Curator
Polyfill "If you require an SLA or guaranteed levels of resilience for, then you are free to obtain your own copy of the Polyfill Service code from our GitHub repository. " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator "Revolt</strong> is an open-source project (source code is available on our GitLab)" APPROVED Frolleks
Wikimedia "The open-source software that powers the Wikimedia Sites depends on the contributions of volunteer software developers" APPROVED Berrely
LVFS The service is open-source APPROVED hughsient
AnonAddy "Our website is open-source and available for anyone (who understands PHP) to view and audit. " APPROVED hasg The service is open-source APPROVED blackmine57
Privacy Guides ".</p> <p>Privacy Guides is an open source project " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Moodle "Because the Moodle™ software is open source, anyone can install it on their own equipment or device" APPROVED albelo14 Curator
Return YouTube Dislike "The extension's code is public and you can see it for yourself. " APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
RethinkDNS "our code which is open-source on GitHub." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
LibreWolf "Edit this page on GitLab" APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Discourse "CDCK is the company home and primary developer of Discourse, open source software for hosting Internet discussion forums." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff The service is open-source APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Fedora The service is open-source APPROVED shiftydino
Blender "lender Institute is committed to comply to the goals of the public benefit free/open source project and community at" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
CounterMail "Some parts of our services contains code distributed under the following licenses:<br> GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE -<br> GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 -" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Jami "The source code can be found here.</p>" DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff
Tuta "Is Tutanota open source?<p>Yes" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Iket's website " <li>Source Code" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff "Source code" APPROVED pederdm000 Staff
Lichess "<br>Lichess is free/libre open source software, with the express charitable purpose of promoting and encouraging the play and study of chess. This means that in addition to using our website and its features, technologies or software for free (collectively, the “services”), you can also inspect, copy, and (within certain licensing requirements) use our source code" DECLINED Mandi
AliExpress Head-to-Head Showdown: Sennheiser Momentum 4 vs Sony WH-1000XM5 DECLINED adshenoy101 Suspended
Zotero "Zotero is an open-source project" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Telegram "Telegram is an open source project. " QUOTE NOT FOUND AgnesDeLion Staff

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