This service can use your content for all their existing and future services

Classification: neutral

Weight: 50

Service Title Rating Status Author
Airbnb "5.5 By creating, uploading, posting, sending, receiving, storing, or otherwise making available any Member Content on or through the Airbnb Platform, you grant to Airbnb a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual (or for the term of the protection), sub-licensable and transferable license to such Member Content to access, use, store, copy, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publish, transmit, stream, broadcast, and otherwise exploit in any manner such Member Content to provide and/or promote the Airbnb Platform, in any media or platform. " DECLINED Michael Curator
Facebook This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED d066hie
coursera "To the extent that you provide User Content, you grant Coursera a fully-transferable, royalty-free, perpetual, sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to copy, distribute, modify, create derivative works based on, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use the User Content." APPROVED gromain
Speaky This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Wattpad "We may also use your Content to promote the Services." APPROVED LuneSirius Curator
SourceHut This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED ddevault
Google "The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting, and improving our Services, and to develop new ones." DECLINED import script Bot
DEPRECATED #8 This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED ashleighxxx
Bitcasa (discontinued?) This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED AsimKhanJi Suspended
Bitcasa (discontinued?) Pasand ki shadi ki dua DECLINED AsimKhanJi Suspended
Google "Develop new services<p>We use the information we collect in existing services to help us develop new ones. For example, understanding how people organized their photos in Picasa, Google’s first photos app, helped us design and launch Google Photos." DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
LinkedIn "A worldwide, transferable and sublicensable right to use, copy, modify, distribute, publish and process, information and content that you provide through our Services and the services of others, without any further consent, notice and/or compensation to you or others" APPROVED radiorahim Curator
FaceApp "You grant FaceApp a perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, fully-paid, transferable sub-licensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly perform and display your User Content and any name, username or likeness provided in connection with your User Content in all media formats and channels now known or later developed, without compensation to you." DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Codewars "For submitted Content, including authored kata, kata solutions, and comments, you grant Qualified the perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, nocharge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form, with or without modification (“Content License”)." APPROVED mikkkael Curator
Roblox "non-exclusive license to use, online and offline, whatever you create or in the past have created while using the Service." DECLINED mathfreak231 Curator
Cloudflare "Subject to the terms of this Agreement, you hereby grant us a non-exclusive, fully sublicenseable, worldwide, royalty-free right to collect, use, copy, store, transmit, modify and create derivative works of your Your Information, in each case to the extent necessary to provide the Cloud Services to you.</p>" DECLINED Esmooth Curator
yelp "We may use Your Content in a number of different ways, including publicly displaying it, reformatting it, incorporating it into advertisements and other works, creating derivative works from it, promoting it, distributing it, and allowing others to do the same in connection with their own websites and media platforms (<b>"Other Media"</b>). As such, you hereby irrevocably grant us world-wide, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, assignable, sublicensable, transferable rights to use Your Content for any purpose." DECLINED okfifi
NortonLifeLock "<p>For any content that you submit, you grant LifeLock a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable right and nonexclusive license" APPROVED Quited255
New York Times "3.3 You acknowledge that any submissions you make to the Services (i.e., user-generated content including but not limited to: comments, forum messages, reviews, text, video, audio and photographs, as well as computer code and applications) (each, a "<strong>Submission</strong>") may be edited, removed, modified, published, transmitted, and displayed by NYT and you waive any rights you may have in having the material altered or changed in a manner not agreeable to you. " DECLINED jdb-jdb
Blizzard "and Blizzard may freely use any such submission in any manner it deems appropriate." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Stack Overflow "You agree that any and all content, including without limitation any and all text, graphics, logos, tools, photographs, images, illustrations, software or source code, audio and video, animations, and product feedback (collectively, “Content”) that you provide to the public Network (collectively, “Subscriber Content”), is perpetually and irrevocably licensed to Stack Overflow on a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive basis pursuant to Creative Commons licensing terms (CC BY-SA" APPROVED omhqit Curator
ShapeShift "By submitting or posting any User Content, you grant to ShapeShift and its affiliates a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, sublicensable and transferable license to copy, publish, translate, modify, delete, reformat, create derivative works from, distribute, reproduce, sell, display, transmit, publish, broadcast, host, archive, store, cache, use or otherwise exploit all or any portion of the User Content, as well as your name, persona and likeness included in any User Content and your social media account handle, username, real name, profile picture and/or any other information associated with the User Content, in any commercial or noncommercial manner whatsoever, in whole or in part, in any and all distribution channels, forms, media or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, including but not limited to in stores, printed marketing materials, emails, web pages, social media accounts and for any other marketing, advertising, public relations, sales or promotional purposes with or without attribution and without further notice to you." DECLINED barelyaware Curator
NordPass Experts Group Privacy Policy DECLINED Unix88
Grammarly "By uploading or entering any User Content, you give Grammarly (and those it works with) a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free and fully-paid, transferable and sublicensable, perpetual, and irrevocable license to copy, store and use your User Content (and, if you are an Authorized User, your Enterprise Subscriber’s User Content) in connection with the provision of the Software and the Services and to improve the algorithms underlying the Software and the Services." DECLINED GalaxyScatter
Bose "user-generated content, and other information we collect from you. " APPROVED cloudtester
Bose "Where use of your information is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others " APPROVED cloudtester
ActBlue "User-Contributed Content <p> Content you post on is covered by the same Creative Commons license that applies to ActBlue's content, as described above. " DECLINED kfhsfafa
ActBlue "In addition, you grant ActBlue a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, create derivative works from, distribute, and display this content in any media." DECLINED kfhsfafa
Houseparty "By submitting, posting or displaying User Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods (now known or later developed)." APPROVED Sandova
MyPerfectColor This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED Muhamadsyah
Internet Archive "If you provide any content to the Archive, you grant the Archive a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use that content." APPROVED PinkDev1
Virgin "n posting User Content to the site, you are basically granting to  and Virgin Unite an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable licence to publish, display, copy, modify, create derivative works from and distribute the User Content on the site." DECLINED sansmaeda4life
edX "in whole or in part, in any form and in any media formats and through any media channels (now known or hereafter developed).</p>" DECLINED nolawyer
edX "exploit your User Postings, in whole or in part, in any form and in any media formats and through any media channels (now known or hereafter developed)." DECLINED nolawyer
SparkNotes "By submitting User Created Content on the SparkNotes Site, you automatically grant, or represent and warrant that the owner or authorized licensor of such User Created Content has expressly granted to SparkNotes and its affiliates, the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, publish, re-format, translate, sublicense, copy, modify, delete, enhance, display, archive, publish, perform, disclose, transmit, broadcast, post, create derivative works of, sell and distribute the User Created Content, and your name, voice, likeness and other identifying information, in whole or in part worldwide and/or to incorporate such User Created Content in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or hereafter developed for the full term of any copyright that may exist in such User Created Content for any purposes whatsoever including, without limitation, developing, manufacturing and marketing products using such User Created Content." APPROVED cherryblossom
Ubisoft "You hereby grant: (i) us a perpetual, royalty-free, exclusive, irrevocable, transferable, worldwide license" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
New York Times "ii. <strong>User-Generated Content and Public Activities (Including Comments and Reader Reviews): </strong>We offer you opportunities to engage in public activities on and other NYT Services. "Public activities" are any actions you take on NYT Services that are designed to be visible to other users, including comments, recommendations, reader reviews, ratings or any other items that you submit. If you choose to engage in public activities, you should be aware that any personal information you submit can be read, collected and used by other users of these services. We are not responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in the course of your public activities and we have no responsibility to publish, take down, remove or edit any of your public activities or submissions (except as required by applicable laws)" DECLINED sjhfkjsdhfg
Discord "By uploading, distributing, transmitting or otherwise using Your Content with the Service, you grant to us a perpetual, nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and worldwide license to use, host, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display Your Content in connection with operating and providing the Service." DECLINED Ghostly
DEPRECATED #9 Im gonna make sure you are satisfied DECLINED Iaim2plz
Genshin Impact This service can use and resell your content for all their existing and future services APPROVED zormal
Todoist "Limited License Grant to Doist.</strong> By providing User Content to or via the Service, you grant Doist a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid right and license (with the right to sublicense) to host, store, transfer, display, perform, reproduce, modify for the purpose of formatting for display, and distribute your User Content, in whole or in part, in any media formats and through any media channels now known or hereafter developed." DECLINED TyTaYmuQQ8otrm
Netlify This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED Syphre00
The Verge You give VoxMedia and company a license for your submissions DECLINED CyanoTex Curator
PayPal "Subject to the&nbsp;next paragraph, when you provide content to the PayPal companies or post content using PayPal services, you grant PayPal (and parties that we work with) a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable, and worldwide license to use your content and associated intellectual property and publicity rights to help us improve, operate and promote our current services and develop new ones." APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Speedtest by Ookla "Ookla and its affiliates, successors, assigns and licensees" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Vox Media "However, you grant (and confirm and promise to us that you have the right to grant) to us and our affiliates, representatives, sublicensees and assigns an irrevocable, perpetual," APPROVED CyanoTex Curator
Starbase 118 "From time-to-time, the group may choose to utilize player’s works in distributed volumes of media (including, but not limited to, bound books) for the purposes of raising funds which will be only dedicated towards the support of the group’s website or related activities." DECLINED whitechocmocha
Alibaba "irrevocable, perpetual" APPROVED private prawn Curator This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED Emboh lali
ClassDojo "transferable (only to a successor)" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Poki "You grant to the Company the royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, transferable and world-wide right and license to use all content you upload or otherwise transmit to the Site in any manner the Company chooses, including, but not limited, to copying, displaying, performing or publishing it in any format or media whatsoever, modifying it, incorporating it into other material or making a derivative work based on it.</p>" APPROVED JoshAtticus
Instagram This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED Ghasem_grn
American Red Cross "display, publish and distribute any Materials made available via the Service by You" DECLINED serph Curator
Startpage has been acquired by a United States-based advertising company called System1. DECLINED anonymous
Bing "The Privacy Statement also describes how Microsoft uses your content, which is your communications with others. postings submitted by you to Microsoft via the Services. and the files, photos, documents, audio, digital works, livestreams and videos that you upload, store, broadcast or share through the Services ("<strong>Your Content</strong>")." DECLINED sxs7000 "You grant us a worldwide, royalty-free licence to use, store, back-up, copy, transmit, distribute, communicate, modify and otherwise make available, your data, solely for the purposes of enabling you and those you give access to, to use our services and for any other purpose related to provision of the services to you and them." APPROVED bsoyka
Blooket "Any User Contribution that you Post will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, and you grant BLOOKET a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such User Contribution throughout the world in any media." APPROVED rahulwavare
Hypixel This service can use your content for all their existing and future services APPROVED sp3ct3r
BandLab "by Submitting Your Content through the Services, you hereby grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable and transferable licence to access, use, reproduce, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, adapt, synchronise, prepare derivative works of, compile, make available and otherwise communicate Your Content to the public" DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
JustPark "we are permitted to use any user-generated content for any of our other business purposes, even following termination of your registration or membership.</li>" APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Pornhub This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED Dossbread
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation "When you post content (texts, images, sounds, etc.) to CBC/Radio-Canada digital services, you grant to CBC/Radio-Canada a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive (unless otherwise indicated in specific terms), worldwide licence to publish, reproduce and distribute by any means of communication controlled or authorized by CBC/Radio-Canada, including social&nbsp;media.</p>" APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Instagram Vape Monkey Dubai DECLINED vapemonkey85
Flickr Vape King Dubai DECLINED vapeking89
Huawei Vape Dubai DECLINED vapedubai84
Telegram Vape Monkey Abu Dhabi DECLINED vapeabudhabi62
Apple Services Vape UAE DECLINED vapeuae86
Opera This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED ELP_JAPIS Curator
The Filipino Channel "If we provide such tools, you hereby grant ABS-CBN, and its Affiliates, an absolute, irrevocable, royalty-free and non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide right to use any such Posts, in whole or in part, in any and all media worldwide to market, promote and advertise the Service, the Products and its other products and services." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Opera "owever, by submitting User Generated Content on any Service, including any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques described therein, you consent to Opera’s unrestricted use of those items." DECLINED ELP_JAPIS Curator
Activision Publishing "and agree that Activision shall be entitled to unrestricted use of the UGC for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without compensation, notice or attribution." APPROVED shadowwwind Staff
Wallapop "The User freely and exclusively offers wallapop public communication rights, rights of reproduction, distribution and transformation of the the Content, in all the exploitation modalities that exist at the time of accepting the Terms and conditions for the complete duration of this agreement that covers the x x rights. " APPROVED TIS2022-ELP-2 Curator
Twitter Revue Service "<p>By posting Content to the Service, you grant us the royalty-free right and license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such Content on and through the Service." APPROVED jrouquie
Fitbit "By making Your Content available on or through the Fitbit Service you hereby grant to Fitbit a non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, copy, modify, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, translate, create derivative works from, and distribute Your Content, in whole or in part, including your name and likeness, in any media." APPROVED bryzinga
Bumble "Your Content on Bumble, you represent and warrant to us that you have all necessary rights and licences to do so, and automatically grant us a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual, worldwide licence to use Your Content in any way (including, without limitation, editing, copying, modifying, adapting, translating, reformatting, creating derivative works from, incorporating into other works, advertising, distributing and otherwise making available to the general public such Content, whether in whole or in part and in any format or medium currently known or developed in the future)." APPROVED maxer137 Curator
Healthline This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED Fohwany25t
SCP Wiki "Although we might reuse Content from public wikis in various places such as "featured content" or "top wikis", we will not disclose any content from non-public (private) sites to unauthorized users." DECLINED caidenm
Wolt This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DECLINED lr19_
Collins Dictionary This service can use your content for all their existing and future services APPROVED Hantalyte
Manscaped "MANSCAPED shall be deemed to own all known and hereafter existing rights of every kind" DECLINED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence "<li>By displaying, publishing or making User Content publicly available for download or use by others, you give AI2 a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, sublicense, make derivative works of, and distribute User Content which you submit, post or display on or through the Site or in connection with any Service" DECLINED ami4a
ADHD Boss "However, by posting content or comments on ADHD Boss, you grant ADHD Boss&nbsp;and all of its users a royalty-free, transferable, perpetual, and irrevocable license permitting&nbsp;ADHD Boss&nbsp;and all of its users a right to use, reproduce, modify or edit and display in any manner the content you post on ADHD Boss." APPROVED BlueMantis
Dotdash "By providing any User Contribution on the Sites, you grant us and our affiliates and service providers, and each of their and our respective licensees, successors and assigns the perpetual right to use, reproduce, modify, perform, display, distribute and otherwise disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose." APPROVED salyman
Not the Bee "By posting information or content to any public or member's area of the Site, you grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to Not the Bee and its affiliates an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully-paid, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, reproduce, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such information and content, and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such information and content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing.</p>" APPROVED project312
DoorDash "use, copy, display, publish, modify, remove, publicly perform, translate, create derivative works, distribute and/or otherwise use the User Content in connection with DoorDash’s business and in all forms now known or hereafter invented (“Uses”)," APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Turnitin "Turnitin is free to use any ideas, concepts, techniques, know-how or information in Your Communications for any purpose, including, but not limited to, the development and use of products and services based on the Communications. For example, if you were to suggest a feature for us to add to our Service or Site, we would be free to do that without your further permission or the need for compensation to be made to you. This Communication license expressly excludes personally identifiable Registration Data of students, any papers submitted to the Site, and grades and assessment related information.</p>" APPROVED cherryblossom "reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, sublicense, translate, reformat, create derivative work(s) or adaptation(s) from, and distribute such information, content, and/or materials.</p>" APPROVED 281587887a Curator
New York Times "You grant NYT a perpetual, nonexclusive, world-wide, royalty-free, sub-licensable license to the Submissions, which includes without limitation the right for NYT, or any third party it designates, to use, copy, transmit, excerpt, publish, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, communicate to the public, create derivative works of, host, index, cache, tag, encode, modify and adapt (including without limitation the right to adapt to streaming, downloading, broadcast, mobile, digital, thumbnail, scanning or other technologies) in any form or media now known or hereinafter developed, any Submission posted by you on or to the Services or any other website owned by NYT, including any Submission posted on or to the Services through a third party." APPROVED jdb-jdb
Houzz "<b>License and Permission to Use Your Content.</b> You hereby grant to us and our affiliates, licensees and sublicensees, without compensation to you or others, a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide license (including the right to sublicense through multiple tiers) to use, reproduce, process, adapt, publicly perform, publicly display, modify, prepare derivative works, publish, transmit and distribute Your Content, or any portion thereof, throughout the world in any format, media or distribution method (whether now known or hereafter created) for the duration of any copyright or other rights in Your Content. Such permission will be perpetual and may not be revoked for any reason, to the maximum extent permitted by law. Further, to the extent permitted under applicable law, you waive and release and covenant not to assert any moral rights that you may have in Your Content. If you identify yourself by name or provide a picture or audio or video recording of yourself, you further authorize us and our affiliates, licensees and sublicensees, without compensation to you or others, to reproduce, print, publish and disseminate in any format or media (whether now known or hereafter created) your name, voice and likeness throughout the world, and such permission will be perpetual and cannot be revoked for any reason, except as required by applicable law. You further agree that we may use Your Content in any manner that we deem appropriate or necessary.</li>" APPROVED greatlakes
YouTube " in connection with the Service and YouTube’s (and its successors' and Affiliates') business, including for the purpose of promoting and redistributing part or all of the Service.</p>" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
eBay "any and all Intellectual Property Rights you have in that content in connection with our provision, expansion, and promotion of our Services" APPROVED private prawn Curator
ActBlue "In addition, you grant ActBlue a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, create derivative works from, distribute, and display this content in any media." APPROVED kfhsfafa
Recipe Realm "in connection with the operation of the Website and our related services." APPROVED Deveroonie Curator
Polarsteps This service can use your content for all their existing and future services APPROVED PotagerDeNavets
Revision ReviOS Tonton Kepala Live DECLINED Tontonkepalalive
ArtStation This service can use your content for all their existing and future services APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
000webhost This service can use your content for all their existing and future services PENDING DOS...yep
Flickr Hướng Dẫn Chi Tiết Cách Chơi Sicbo Hiệu Quả Tại Xoso66 DECLINED xoso66cc
iDevices This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DRAFT alfatv911
iDevices This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DRAFT alfatv911
iDevices This service can use your content for all their existing and future services DRAFT alfatv911 This service can use your content for all their existing and future services CHANGES REQUESTED ThePainofTOS This service can use your content for all their existing and future services APPROVED Dimalsing
TED "If you submit any Content to TED Sites (translations, questions, comments or otherwise) you understand and agree that it may be used by TED for any reason throughout the world without requirement or consent, and that TED may edit your Content as long as the meaning is preserved. You agree that you provide a license for TED to use your Content worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free and perpetual, non-revocable license for TED to use in whatever way TED deems appropriate throughout the world in whole or in part, in any media platforms available now or developed in the future." PENDING Surprise4123

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