Users are responsible for any risks, damages, or losses they may incur by downloading materials

Service: Bitwarden
Changes: 4
Source: link
Author: (deactivated) (1) Suspended

You assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from your downloading and/or use of files, information, content or other material obtained from the Service.
From Terms of Service, "You assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from your downloading and/or use of files, information, content or other material obtained from the Service."

No comments found

We track editorial changes to analyses and updates to a point's status and display the previous versions here as part of an effort to promote transparency regarding our curation process.

Version 4: 2023-07-11 10:05:55 UTC by Deleted Suspended

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded

Previous Status: No changes recorded

Updated Status: No changes recorded

Version 3: 2019-06-23 03:07:17 UTC by jessew (2993) Suspended

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded

Previous Status: PENDING

Updated Status: APPROVED

Version 2: 2019-05-18 19:16:44 UTC by (1555) Suspended

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: Generated through the annotate view

Updated Analysis: From Terms of Service, "You assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from your downloading and/or use of files, information, content or other material obtained from the Service."

Previous Status: No changes recorded

Updated Status: No changes recorded

Version 1: 2019-05-18 19:16:21 UTC by (1555) Suspended

Previous Title:

Updated Title: Users are responsible for any risks, damages, or losses they may incur by downloading materials

Previous Analysis:

Updated Analysis: Generated through the annotate view

Previous Status:

Updated Status: PENDING