Date <br> <br></em>Name:_______________________________<br><br>Signature:___________________________<br><br>Date:___________________________<br> <br> <br><em>Step 2: Mail, e-mail or fax the written Copyright Notice document to us.<br> <br></em>Please note that the document must be dated and signed with your physical or electronic signature.<br> <br><strong>By Mail:<br> <br></strong>Cronometer Software Inc.<br>Attn: President<br><br>C/O LAWSON LUNDELL LLP<br> <br>1600 – 925 West Georgia Street<br>Vancouver, BC Canada<br> <br>V6C 3L2<br> <br><strong>By E-Mail:<br> <br> </strong> <strong></strong><br> <br>Cronometer will comply with Canadian copyright law by forwarding the notice to the user(s) and then inform the copyright owner once this has been done, and in addition Cronometer may, acting in its sole discretion, notify a user that it has removed or disabled access to allegedly infringing material by means of: (a) a general notice on the Site.