If you believe any material available via the Sites infringes a copyright, you should notify us using the notice procedure for claimed infringement under the DMCA (17 U.S.C. Sect. 512(c)(2)). We will respond expeditiously to remove or disable access to the material claimed to be infringing and will follow the procedures specified in the DMCA to resolve the claim between the notifying party and the alleged infringer who provided the content. Our designated agent (i.e., proper party for notice) to whom you should address infringement notices under the DMCA is:<br> <br>Sierra Club<br> Attn. General Counsel<br> 2101 Webster Street<br> Suite 1300<br> Oakland, CA 94612<br> Phone: 415-977-5500<br> Fax: 510-208-3140<br> Email: copyright@sierraclub.org</p> <p> <br> Please provide us with the following information:</p>