In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable law, Trumba has adopted a policy of terminating, in appropriate circumstances and at Trumba's sole discretion, subscribers or account holders who are deemed to be repeat infringers. Trumba may also at its sole discretion limit access to the Site and/or terminate the accounts of any users who infringe any intellectual property rights of others, whether or not there is any repeat infringement.</p> 14. Copyright Complaints <p>Trumba respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that any material on the Site infringes upon any copyright that you own or control, you may file a notification of such infringement with our Designated Agent as set forth below.</p> <p>Name of Agent Designated to Receive Notification of Claimed Infringement: Jerry Rinaldi <br> Address of Designated Agent to Which Notification Should be sent: 2442 NW Market St., #863, Seattle, WA 98107 <br> Telephone Number of Designated Agent: (206) 696-7200 <br> Facsimile Number of Designated Agent: (206) 696-7201 <br> E-Mail Address of Designated Agent: <br> </p> <p>We may give notice of a claim of copyright infringement to our users by means of a general notice on the Site, electronic mail to a user's email address in our records, or by written communication sent by first-class mail to a user's address in our records.</p> 15.