Copyright owners who believe that a Nabble user has posted infringing content may provide notice in compliance with the requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to Weizhen Lin, 1568 Grackle Way, Sunnyvale CA 94087, Telephone: 408-464-4439, email DMCA[please remove this part] <b>There will be no response to communications that do not involve copyright infringement.</b> Communications related to privacy, violation of our Terms of Use or other abuse must be submitted by email to abuse[please remove this part] </p> Deletion of Content/Termination of Account <p>Nabble reserves the right to delete or block access to any content that you post if Nabble determines that your content is inappropriate for any reason, including Nabble's determination that the content infringes on another's intellectual property rights. Nabble provides the following examples of inappropriate content as a guideline, but this list is not all inclusive and it is subject to change:</p> <ul> <li>