You waive your right to a class action.

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You and the Company mutually agree that by entering into this Arbitration Agreement, both waive their right to have any dispute, claim, or controversy brought, heard or arbitrated as a class, collective, and/or other representative action to the maximum extent permitted by law, and an arbitrator will not have any authority to hear or arbitrate any such class, collective, or other representative action. You also waive your right to receive notice of any class, collective, or other representative action that may be filed. Notwithstanding any other clause contained in this Arbitration Agreement or the AAA Consumer Rules, as defined above and incorporated herein by reference, any claim that all or part of this Class Action Waiver is unenforceable, unconscionable, void or voidable may be determined only by a court of competent jurisdiction and not by an arbitrator. In any case in which (i) the dispute is filed as a class, collective, or other representative action.

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