Your information is only shared with third parties when given specific consent

Service: CD Baby
Changes: 1
Source: link
Author: GavenJr (37324)

We may share your Information when we have your permission, and we may share your Information under the following circumstances:</p> <p>We provide Information, (i) to the content owners (e.g., artists and record labels) that relates to their fans (e.g., regarding which fans are consuming and sharing what pieces of media at what levels), subject to the ability of such fans to opt-out of promotional communications, and (ii) we may provide aggregate information to our partners about how our consumers or customers, collectively, use our site (e.g., we share this type of statistical data so that our partners also understand how often people use their services and our Website, so that they, too, may provide you with an optimal online experience).

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Version 1: 2024-07-18 14:12:04 UTC by GavenJr (37324)

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Updated Title: Your information is only shared with third parties when given specific consent

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Updated Analysis: Generated through the annotate view

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Updated Status: PENDING