Previous Title: No changes recorded
Updated Title: No changes recorded
Previous Analysis: No changes recorded
Updated Analysis: No changes recorded
Previous Status: PENDING
Updated Status: APPROVED
Previous Title:
Updated Title: A list of all cookies set by the website is provided
Previous Analysis:
Updated Analysis: The Cookies policies lists the 4 cookies used : " site uses only 4 cookies , namely: 1. __Host-ci_session - a session cookie that is automatically deleted when the user closes their browser. 2. __Host-cookiepermission - this cookie would not even exist if your consent for cookies was not necessary. It is a cookie that does one thing: it remembers your option to avoid asking you for cookie consent every time you access the page. 3. __Host-cssldd - is a cookie that increases page loading speed. It practically makes it possible to use push technology (http2) so that your browser can quickly preload the css necessary to display the page. 4. __Host-sess- this cookie establishes a session and is used only for users with a Premium subscription to keep users logged in without having to use their username and password every time they access the website. The session is encrypted and stores only the email address, the user's nickname and the IP address of the connection."
Previous Status:
Updated Status: PENDING