Previous Title: No changes recorded
Updated Title: No changes recorded
Previous Analysis: No changes recorded
Updated Analysis: No changes recorded
Previous Status: PENDING
Updated Status: APPROVED
Previous Title: The terms are governed by the laws of the country where the user is located
Updated Title: The court of law governing the terms depends on where the user is located
Previous Analysis: 16.1. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution: 'These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country where the User is located.'
Updated Analysis: 16.1. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution: 'These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country where the User is located.' 16.3.: 'Disputes arising from these Terms of Service shall be resolved by the competent courts of the country where the User is located. A consumer may, however, always institute proceedings in the competent court of its domicile. [...]'
Previous Status: No changes recorded
Updated Status: No changes recorded
Previous Title:
Updated Title: The terms are governed by the laws of the country where the user is located
Previous Analysis:
Updated Analysis: 16.1. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution: 'These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country where the User is located.'
Previous Status:
Updated Status: PENDING